Experimental Technical Readout: Republic III
The year is 3146. The Inner Sphere is embroiled in some of the most devastating warfare since the Word of Blake Jihad. Within its Fortress walls, the core of the Republic lies safe for now, yet poised in a state of uneasy readiness. Desperate to maintain its battlefield […]

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On July 24, 2015 By

Coming Releases

The following BattleTech books and game aids are on the upcoming schedule. If it is an e-book only release, it is noted in brackets. As covers become available, they’re added to this page.

When details concerning street dates and reviews are available, those will be posted to the front page. In no particular […]

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The Master Unit List now has faction data available for the Clan Invasion and Civil War eras. Thanks go out to our whole MUL team for all their hard work! If you spot any issues, please report them here. Have fun building your forces!

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Experimental Technical Readout: Republic II

The year is 3136. Just when it seemed certain that the Republic of the Sphere had led the Inner Sphere to a true era of peace, all hopes lie in ruins. Communications have broken down, separatist factions run amok on defenseless worlds, the Great Houses are saber-rattling like in […]

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So, this happened.

Handbook: House Kurita has been a long time coming. No one disputes that, and the fact that it is here now is a big deal. It’s so big, in fact, that BattleCorps has brought together a series of stories to celebrate it.

Honor Code: Stories of the Draconis […]

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Handbook: House Kurita
For almost a millennium, the symbol of the Dragon has struck fear into the rest of the Inner Sphere. The fearless dedication of its warriors, the devotion of its people, and the awesome ambitions of its Coordinator: House Kurita has been more reviled than any other power. […]

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One of the primary things that has struck me about the Draconis Combine is the stark divide between the two societal classes – noble and worker. While each has several subdivisions within them, the main divide is exceptionally noticeable within the Kuritan realm.
Of all the Great Houses, the Combine’s society and economy […]

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Experimental Technical Readout: Republic I

The year is 3120. Under the aegis of the Republic of the Sphere, the Inner Sphere has experienced its greatest time of peace since the days of the original Star League. Raised from the ashes of the Jihad, the Republic stands for the ideals of unity and justice, but […]

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Historical Turning Points: Tortuga
While the Jihad raged, pirates had their way with the newborn Filtvelt Coalition. Finally, the Filtvelters had suffered too much. They launched an invasion of Tortuga Prime, to punish the pirates in their den. But the force sent to exact retribution found itself mired in a close-packed city […]

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One of the biggest challenges to this particular book is trying to convey the arrogance of the Kuritas (as it’s from the perspective of a Combine historian) without sounding overdone and silly but still convey important information. The trick is to use the proper turns of phrase and word choice, which makes the entire process […]

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