Author Topic: Kenshi's Komments: Battledroids (1984)  (Read 4289 times)


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Kenshi's Komments: Battledroids (1984)
« on: 17 March 2011, 10:13:47 »
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DISCLAIMER: These are my reviews of the entire BattleTech line of products and novels in (approximate) publishing order.
They include praise, criticism, and a bit of humor. Pleas note that while I do poke fun at BattleTech, I do love this setting.
If you feel the need to disagree, dispute, or flame me or this review please feel free to do so. Just know that I will not take you seriously.

CLASSIFICATION: Rulebook (Box Set)

(note: I'll only be reviewing the rulebook portion of this boxset)

OVERVIEW: The Battledroids boardgame was one of FASA's first attempts at an original game design, having previously produced Traveller supplements and a licensed Star Trek game. Ironically, years later, there would be a bit of controversy over how "un-original" some of the artwork was (but that is a completely different discussion). Thanks to George Lucas' ownership of virtually everything in the world, including the word Droid, Battledroids would become BattleTech, a game cherished by fans for the better part of three decades (unlike some of Lucas' creations. I'm looking at you, Star Wars Prequels...).

MY IMPRESSION: The rules (crunch) section of the booklet is an interesting beast. My first impression is amazement over how little the rules have actually changed over 25+ years and five editions. Yes, there are small differences in the construction rules and the 'Mechs (or is it Droids?) have slightly different stats, but its basically the same 4-hour-plus game of arguing over modifiers that we still love today.

The background (fluff) section is more impressive still. It's strange to see just how bleak the original game setting was supposed to be. Even though only a few pages were devoted to the background, it leaves a pretty remarkable impression. I began to wonder what the stories would be like if they had stuck with the "neo-feudalism warrior-based no-new-technology society... thingy".

On top of that, I found it amazing just how much fore-thought went into the background. Just from the few short paragraphs, a wealth fore-shadowing is offered: Kerensky's Exodus, The Steiner-Davion marriage, The 4th Succession War... even the Clan Invasion. It's all right there in 6 meager pages in the first book ever published for the setting. I kinda' makes me feel bad about myself. I don't even know what I'm having for dinner tonight and Weisman and Company just plotted the next 25 years.

THE GOOD: It's cool to see where this great game began.

THE BAD: Check out the construction rules, jump jets in particular...

THE UGLY: The original Record Sheets (from a graphic design standpoint... shutter)

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Re: Kenshi's Komments: Battledroids (1984)
« Reply #1 on: 21 March 2011, 12:16:09 »
Hey its a good game! Quality endures!

And welcome to the boards Kenshi!
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Re: Kenshi's Komments: Battledroids (1984)
« Reply #2 on: 28 April 2011, 18:16:02 »
I really like the bleakness that there used to be, I wish it was still the same. But then again its nice to see the actual storyline progress and grow unlike a certain game set in the 41st millenia
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Re: Kenshi's Komments: Battledroids (1984)
« Reply #3 on: 03 August 2011, 17:50:45 »
I really like the bleakness that there used to be, I wish it was still the same. But then again its nice to see the actual storyline progress and grow unlike a certain game set in the 41st millenia

I also miss the original milieu flavor of a bleak universe where even Battlemech construction is Lostech. Ironically, there's a rich flavor to that type of atmosphere that is lost in a universe in which all the major and minor powers are pumping out new Battlemech designs with more and more advanced tech.
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