Author Topic: Alpha Strike does hexes  (Read 18068 times)

Savage Coyote

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Alpha Strike does hexes
« on: 25 August 2013, 21:17:17 »
So my group (DFW Mechwarriors Guild of Arlington TX) just wrapped up an Alpha Strike game.  I took pictures with my phone so they aren't all that great, though I was able to bring my Alpha Strike company I painted for the book and had cards on hand thanks to Charlie Tango's amazing ninja job at GenCon.  so... the forces:

Roughly 160 point limit.  Two Teams

Team One:  Inner Sphere
Alpha Strike Marik company
Alpha Strike Lyran company
Davion force with a Devestator, Pillager, some BattleMaster variant, and a 5J Grasshopper along with two ziblers, two sorteks, two grenadier points, two gun trailers, and two artillery pieces of some sort.

Team Two:  The Clans
Clan Hells Horses (maybe) from the 3070's:  Dire Wolf D, Mad Dog D, Warhawk unknown, Gargoyle E, royal Thug, four points of elementals
Clan WiE: Dire Wolf Widowmaker, Hellstar, Pack Hunter, Wolfhound IIc, 2x Timber Wolf A's, elemental point.
Ghost Bear Klondike company: (most are royal or star league variants) Atlas II, Orion, Guillotine, Marauder, Vulcan, Wolverine II, Shadow Hawk, Assassin, Hunchback, Black Knight, Rifleman II, Panther

Anyway, we played several turns (probably two or three) before I remembered to start with the pictures.  In a nut shell, the WiE and Bears deployed in each other's midsts while the Lyrans (me) deployed closest, the Davions in our corner, and Mariks on the opposite map edge.  I quickly decieded to put my Pursuit and Cavalry lances (minus the Hollander who went up stairs to the Tower of Doom) in the woods to form a road block until we could get organized.  My assault lance and hollander discouraged any backstabing adventurisim on the Bear/WiE's part.

You can see on the far left the Mariks making it to the edge of the mountain range and start engaging the horses, while the Davions slowly catch up to my position.  The Horses take up position in the trees, engaging in My Little Pony tree hugging antics while sending out long and medium range fire into the Mariks, which starts to take it's toll.  His elementals were also surprisingly effective.  In this turn, I introduce the Bear Guillotine to five or six of my faster medium and light 'mechs, and it dies.

So after the Guillotine goes down, the WiE assaults move up.  The Hellstar catches some love from my assault lance and from some of my line holders and I believe I managed to get a weapons hit on him.  The Mariks and Horses trade more shots with the Mariks coming up on the short end of the stick IIRC.  Other than that, we pretty much wiffed with most of the TH numbers needing 8+ across the board.  The WiE Pack Hunter and Wolfhound IIc start to pile up the damage on my Stalker though as only the Zeus landed a hit right before the files started to strip all of the armor off of the pack hunter.

Okay, in my area, the Bears Orion moves up, as does the Hellstar.  The Davion player and I decide to try and humiliate the Hellstar for the final kill (it needed two damage to internals to kill it.)  His Zibler's get to fire first, both connect, and each does a point.  My Vulcan wasn't needed after all!  The rest of the forward unit fires on the Orion, taking it to one internal with the Zeus or Banshee finishing it off with extreme overkill.  Other that, our flank was quiet as most of the shots from the Bears/Wie missed (my Falconer took the final fury of the Hellstar, stripping it's six armor off.)  Mariks and Horses keep playing tag... Davions are starting to creep up to reinforce my line.  I believe i lost my Bushwacker this turn, though he'd passed out at least six damage throughout the game.

My Stalker has drifted back to partial cover as the two clan lights have gotten it to two internals.  The rest of my force minus the Falconer are doing well enough.  The Atlas II moves up to the spot that the Guillotine died and the Hellstar received most of it's punishment, misses it's shot, and all but the Hollander fire on the Atlas, killing it.  From pristine to the Zeus overkilling for the finish.  The return fire wasn't too bad for me, though the Mariks are starting to enact our on-the-fly plan and start to move over towards us while the Horses let the elementals "rush" forward while they hug the trees and engage at medium and long range.

Now, I missed a turn... fuzzy, but the Bear Vulcan jumps behind the Falconer, who pivots to avoid backstrikes, but takes a crit hit from the Vulcan who rolls a 12, killing him anyway.  The Falconer finishes off the Rifleman Iic, while the Banshee curb stomps the Bear Vulcan.  The Stalker takes a medium range hit from the Wolfhound Iic and dies, while the Mariks keep littering their advance with a military hardware... but... it's almost time for them and the Davions to charge over the hill.  Notice as a good Steiner I'm letting someone else do my dirty work for me? 

So the Marik/Davions charge (why does that sound like a bad Isis joke?) into the teeth of the WiE and Bear units, with horse elementals getting into the mix on the far right flank.  My Assault lance + Hollander fire on the Horse Gargoyle taking it to two internals, while my line of fast picket 'mechs is missed a lot and dumps a lot of fire into the Bear Shadow Hawk, doing several crits to it but not killing it.  The Bear/WiE attention is suddenly not on me for the first time of the day, so it's time to show them what true Steiner's are made out of.

I unlesh my little guys, with the Commando, Vulcan with a rear shot, and Battle Hawk knocking all of the armor off of the Dire Wolf Widowmaker.  My Nightsky attempted a 7 damage DFA but missed while the Dire Wolf ignored everyone, wasting the Marik Orion.  My Salamander or Hollander finished off the Gargoyle at long range and I lost my Vulcan to a Timber Wolf A (an unholy terror of terrifying damage, speed, and heat proportions!)  I'm starting to forget exactly what happened, but the best line of the day for me anyway was Atlas3060 telling me he'd told the WiE player to get ready, because "he's going to do all the sneaky, jumpy, bastard stuff and jump all over the map."  They were surprised I didn't, but then it's Alpha Strike!  A lot of other stuff just disappeared this turn as you can see in the next photo... stuff just started to drop.


My Battle Hawk and Commando stick with the Widowmaker and finish it off, but the Widowmaker nukes the 'Hawk and the Bear Hunchback puts down the Commando (or maybe it was a TWolf A? I can't remember...) and my Nightsky is dropped by the Wolverine II.  So in one turn my highly dangerous mobile unit is gone.  My assault launce did uh, well, i don't remember, but we were quickly running out of Mariks, though the ones left were tough and hard to hit.  The Davions were mixing it up and the Devestator was just getting to the party in time.  The Horses Dire Wolf is plain mean and was going on a killing spree as well.

Last photo, sorry it's blurry.  This turn, my assault lance focused on the Twolf A that was out in the open, taking it down to three internals while the Devestator killed it with a 7 damage shot.  My Zeus was taken down to one internal, while the remaining Mariks killed the Mad Dog and Warhawk for the Horses.  Davion lost his Grasshopper down at the bottom and thats about all I remember.  We called it after that.

Thoughts:  I held the line with my picket forces backed up by my Assault lance.  It created a no go zone of death that killed everything that came in front of it save for the Bears picket units.  We just couldn't hit each other.  This allowed my team to mass, strike, and then pour into the enemy.  We won by at least 40 points (we added up our remaining point values to determine a winner) though I feel it was still anyones game, as the TWolf A is a killer at all ranges and that Dire Wolf D still had some life in it.  My Banshee, Salamander, and Hollander were still fine, but who knows.  I was very lucky as the WiE player and Bear player missed a lot of 7's and 8's that I managed to hit to drop their units while mine were a pain to uproot.  It was also awesome to field my company with the AS cards compared some of the more "tailored" forces that were brought.

The Davion artilliary didn't do much but miss all game so I can't say much about that.  We all had 3 pilots to speed it up a little... I think it was pretty successful and numbers do win out in the end, though the Clanners can at times really scare you when they dump 7 or 8 damage into something and make it disappear (like my Pursuit and Cavalry lances!)
« Last Edit: 25 August 2013, 21:21:09 by Savage Coyote »


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #1 on: 25 August 2013, 21:48:07 »
medium range is where the main damage is for most clan mech's

Charlie Tango

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #2 on: 25 August 2013, 21:51:51 »

So how did you feel it played?  What were the impressions of the other players?
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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #3 on: 25 August 2013, 21:58:37 »
it was not that bad numbers do seam to count more (aka units) but if you are playing clan the dmg out put aka look at a target and make it go away is scary but you get what you pay for.  Also medium range for allot of the clan mechs is the sweat spot for damage.


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #4 on: 26 August 2013, 00:04:18 »
So how did you feel it played?  What were the impressions of the other players?
The game is fun, no doubts about that.
Our group originally was hesitant but curious about it way back in the Quick Strike days.
Eventually it won over even one of the most hardened opposition (whistler, he pops in every now and then on these forums).

I think the key is since we were in a really big and nice store, people kept dropping by to ask what we were playing.
I'm hoping that once Alpha Strike's book releases in stores we can convince the owners to stock some blasted minis.
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.

Von Ether

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #5 on: 26 August 2013, 00:07:04 »
It seems that a developing rule of thumb is that Clanners need to be a skill point or two better than the IS team to even things out, especially if they are bound by honor dueling.

So how did you guys handle the hex movement compared to inches, any challenges to that? It seems that RAW, AS puts more movement modifiers on terrain that CBT does. But then again,  hex turns are free.
"New players, regardless of age, need to know two things about a wargame. How to blow stuff up and what faction is painted in his favorite color. All the rest can come later when they are hooked." -- A.G.
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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #6 on: 26 August 2013, 00:13:35 »
especially if they are bound by honor dueling.
HA! One reason I love Omega Galaxy for the Bears.  >:D

So how did you guys handle the hex movement compared to inches, any challenges to that? It seems that RAW, AS puts more movement modifiers on terrain that CBT does. But then again,  hex turns are free.
Hex movement wasn't too difficult, 2 inches translates to 1 hex according to the Alpha Strike book.
Woods work just like TW version (+1 mod for Light woods +2 for heavy)
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Von Ether

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #7 on: 26 August 2013, 00:46:05 »
That's what I thought, but this rules thread has me confused since it claims that 4 AS MP equals 2 TW MP for terrain.,31733.0.html
"New players, regardless of age, need to know two things about a wargame. How to blow stuff up and what faction is painted in his favorite color. All the rest can come later when they are hooked." -- A.G.
"But the problem is that it seems to have been made by someone who equates complication with complexity, and that just ain't so." -- iamfanboy


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #8 on: 26 August 2013, 01:04:21 »
In Alpha Strike, or at least the basic rules, there's no distinction for heavy or light woods.
They are all the same.
So I wonder if that was the mindset in that answer.
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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #9 on: 26 August 2013, 08:46:02 »
So how did you feel it played?  What were the impressions of the other players?

Loads of fun. Only downside to me is that we're given that chance to play with much larger units, but the tables we play one haven't gotten any bigger, so we've been cramming pretty large fights onto maps that we're used to seeing only a few lances on. A lot more crowded than I'm used to.

Also, I'd been concerned for a while that the low durability of battlesuits compared to their TW stats would see a reduction of their utility in AS. Needless to say, that concern has been thoroughly laid to rest. #P

It seems that a developing rule of thumb is that Clanners need to be a skill point or two better than the IS team to even things out, especially if they are bound by honor dueling.

Your thumbs, perhaps. Mine didn't see any problems. The rate at which Clan 'mechs were able to tear the guts out of IS 'mechs on their own more than balanced out the numbers of 'mechs the IS players could focus on a single target. I will definitely be arguing against giving a force free skill upgrades just for playing Clan. If they want to pay for those skill upgrades properly, I'm all for it.

That's what I thought, but this rules thread has me confused since it claims that 4 AS MP equals 2 TW MP for terrain.,31733.0.html

Not seeing the confusion. Units get twice as many MP when using inch movement, but hexes are considered 2" across. It converts perfectly.
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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #10 on: 26 August 2013, 17:29:53 »
I was the Clan HH player(i guess, yaaaayyy omni mechs) Over all, i found it pretty balanced, despite the inner sphere powers having a numbers advantage(minor) and skill parity. Now to be fair, it ended up not being a straight 1v1 against Zug, and if i had not been grabbing every single advantage i could with the heavy woods my damage would have been much worse even if it had been truly 1v1, even tho i am still confident i could win.

The Elementals were really impressive when you can get them into the fight without being picked off, they finished off or killed a rather large amount of units, That one point of damage at medium range is not that huge, but when 3-4 POINTS of Elementals are shootings? now we are talking. The last couple of turns saw the Elementals claiming the forest as their own, getting to do 3 point hits on mechs and 4 point rear hits turned out to be brutal.

Gehad has it right, after going over the rules and looking up stats, it seemed to me that medium range fighting was the way to go. It felt like i needed to play smart and take advantage of my speed/firepower to really get the most bang for my points, for example: The numbers to-hit are not in that great of a favor even to a fast clan mech at short range, yes you might only need a 4 or 5 to hit that inner sphere mech, but even if they need a 7 or 8 to-hit, you die, they do not.(light vs almost anything obviously, i feel this may or may not get WORSE as you increase the size of the clan mech.)

Just as in standard Battletech, if you get in to a piece trade with a numerically superior foe, you have already lost. Something else that really helped was that i min-maxed my force, taking some of the hardest hitting clan heavy/assault mechs that i could from QS:3050. While a larger and faster clan force might have some problems, they might also have a greater chance of winning a piece trading contest with a same size or less inner sphere force.

My next idea i have, is testing a force in alpha strike that will be the aforementioned fast clan force. I can theory-tech as hard as i want, but that is something that i would like to test myself.
« Last Edit: 26 August 2013, 18:51:47 by Psofan89 »


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #11 on: 26 August 2013, 20:19:05 »
i was the WIE player. and he forgot that i brought a MHQ witch canceled out the IS sides MHQ bonus they had even tho they complain that i like to bring it with allot of my forces (cant beat the bonus for the points). well a few lights can take down an assault mech (Stalker )with time if the lights have 6+ before range mods and gunnery skill to be hit helps
« Last Edit: 26 August 2013, 20:40:08 by Gehad99 »

Savage Coyote

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #12 on: 26 August 2013, 20:45:31 »
Sure, the vaunted Widowmaker took two turns from my lights, though I did loose them in the process. target priority is also key.  My Hollander was shot at twice I think because his mods were high with partial and it's a Hollander.  Yet had he hit more, I'm sure he would have been noticed and drawn more attention.  2 damage at all range brackets is kind of scary when you think about it


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #13 on: 27 August 2013, 10:30:40 »
As the Klondike Bear player, who was using some Royal tech, I have to agree that medium range will be where you play 70% of the time.
The Star League stuff really balances well in this game format. That Rifleman II was just devilish fun before he went down.  >:D
Also yes target priority is key, my Atlas II was killed that turn because a whole company focused on it. Though he did die that probably saved two of my other guys from taking anything. Had he lived I was going to come up short ranged and murder anyone within those three hexes (because 4 damage is fun!) until he dropped. Because of that priority those Lyrans saved possibly two of their own as well, maybe three if I went after the Commando.

Where Total Warfare praises the individual warrior and his/her luck, Alpha Strike is perfect for the beginning Company commander or rookie Battalion leader to cut his teeth on before moving "up" in scale to Battleforce and its Company to Regiment fights.

Individuals still have some power, but if you can't group fire well or even conceptualize the idea of battle lines and holding them you are in trouble as the scale goes up.

Addendum: It was the Bear Hunchback that took down the Commando. I remember because of my goof up calling the Wolfhound a Commando in turn 1 or 2. When I killed the Commando, I cheered "Honor restored!" or something to that.
« Last Edit: 27 August 2013, 10:36:49 by Atlas3060 »
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #14 on: 27 August 2013, 10:35:56 »
...we had an MHQ? Where? ???
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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #15 on: 27 August 2013, 10:37:28 »
The Davions had one near your FWL blob of steel and the Wolves had one in the flat terrain near the trees.
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #16 on: 27 August 2013, 10:40:01 »
I knew about the WoB one, didn't know about the Davion one. All I remember on that end was a platoon of hovers and the arty pieces.
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Sixteen tons means sixteen suits. CT must be repaired.

"Damn you, Weirdo... Damn you for being right!" - Paul

Savage Coyote

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #17 on: 27 August 2013, 11:30:02 »
I think the arty each had enough comm gear to equal the MHQ... I think?  I just roll the dice...

Savage Coyote

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #18 on: 27 August 2013, 19:50:53 »
As the Klondike Bear player, who was using some Royal tech, I have to agree that medium range will be where you play 70% of the time.
The Star League stuff really balances well in this game format. That Rifleman II was just devilish fun before he went down.  >:D
Also yes target priority is key, my Atlas II was killed that turn because a whole company focused on it. Though he did die that probably saved two of my other guys from taking anything. Had he lived I was going to come up short ranged and murder anyone within those three hexes (because 4 damage is fun!) until he dropped. Because of that priority those Lyrans saved possibly two of their own as well, maybe three if I went after the Commando.

Where Total Warfare praises the individual warrior and his/her luck, Alpha Strike is perfect for the beginning Company commander or rookie Battalion leader to cut his teeth on before moving "up" in scale to Battleforce and its Company to Regiment fights.

Individuals still have some power, but if you can't group fire well or even conceptualize the idea of battle lines and holding them you are in trouble as the scale goes up.

Addendum: It was the Bear Hunchback that took down the Commando. I remember because of my goof up calling the Wolfhound a Commando in turn 1 or 2. When I killed the Commando, I cheered "Honor restored!" or something to that.

I HAD to take down that Atlas II as once it wandered into short range or wasn't going to be pleasent.  I mean, my Banshee dishes out four damage at all brackets with a one over heat, but the Atlas has more armor and internals.  I think you have to look at Alpha Strike in the team sense.  Sure there are some big bad monsters, but as long as it's a 'mech with twenty armor + internals or so, you can kill it.  PSOfan's last Dire Wolf was much more scary because my team was also running out of stuff to take care of it.  I had a pristine Banshee, pristine Salamander and pristine Hollander, and a Zeus with one internal left, while the Davion's Devestator was out of armor, and Weirdo's three leaguers could die at any time (ask my little guys!)  The Dire Wolf had some armor damage, but there was also a mauled Wolfhound Iic, a few Star League 'mechs running around that hadn't been touched, so it was probably anyone's game.  No matter what, it was pretty fun and intense even if I didn't jump around like a lunatic!
« Last Edit: 27 August 2013, 19:54:37 by Savage Coyote »

Itinerant Hobbyist

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #19 on: 27 August 2013, 21:58:18 »
Thank you for the AAR and what a great discussion.

1. Stores and minis - if I were a store owner I would stock, if I could affor it, the minis in the book. That way, there's no thinking about it, just point out a couple Lances/stars to buy. I suppose some of us need to start demoing and getting books sold.  I guess I better start building some minis an quit relying on these intro box minis.

2. Scale of games - I don't think this is a lance on lance game. Seems like it's company on company and bigger. And I like wht was said about teaching Company or battalion commander level issues.

3. This is the kind of discussion that I hope to see more of.

Von Ether

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #20 on: 27 August 2013, 22:13:29 »
Thank you for the AAR and what a great discussion.

1. Stores and minis - if I were a store owner I would stock, if I could affor it, the minis in the book. That way, there's no thinking about it, just point out a couple Lances/stars to buy. I suppose some of us need to start demoing and getting books sold.  I guess I better start building some minis an quit relying on these intro box minis.

2. Scale of games - I don't think this is a lance on lance game. Seems like it's company on company and bigger. And I like wht was said about teaching Company or battalion commander level issues.

3. This is the kind of discussion that I hope to see more of.

For me, I'm planning on the MUL to update and then see what variants of those minis make a good fit. Then for large demos use 2 lances per player (so 2/3 of a company), using highlighter on the relevant special abilities and OV. If I'm teaching just one player, we'll do company on company. 
"New players, regardless of age, need to know two things about a wargame. How to blow stuff up and what faction is painted in his favorite color. All the rest can come later when they are hooked." -- A.G.
"But the problem is that it seems to have been made by someone who equates complication with complexity, and that just ain't so." -- iamfanboy


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #21 on: 27 August 2013, 22:33:08 »
2. Scale of games - I don't think this is a lance on lance game. Seems like it's company on company and bigger. And I like wht was said about teaching Company or battalion commander level issues.
Don't cut the lance on lance too short in terms of helpfulness.
You can teach the Alpha Strike rules rather quickly via Solaris "grinder" if you shuffle up some cards and pass one to everybody then give them a new one when their Mech dies.

With the proper map and combinations of cards, the games could breeze by quickly like a Quick Start rule game from the boxed set.  O0
Then when the basics are under them, move them up like you said to company and bigger.  >:D
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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #22 on: 27 August 2013, 23:58:42 »
For me, I'm planning on the MUL to update and then see what variants of those minis make a good fit. Then for large demos use 2 lances per player (so 2/3 of a company), using highlighter on the relevant special abilities and OV. If I'm teaching just one player, we'll do company on company.

Oh, there are some *interesting* variants.  Including the personal rides of several pilots.

Sadly, Yoriniga Kurita has a stock WHM-6K.  :'(


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #23 on: 28 August 2013, 00:21:02 »
That just only shows how more awesome he was.
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.

Itinerant Hobbyist

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #24 on: 28 August 2013, 07:48:49 »
I couldn't agree more Atlas. For learning, lance in lance is good.  I especially like the grinder concept. Random drawing of forces etc.  at the beginning it's about learning the rules and just playing anything is a great way to do it.

Savage Coyote

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #25 on: 28 August 2013, 08:03:31 »
Thank you for the AAR and what a great discussion.

1. Stores and minis - if I were a store owner I would stock, if I could affor it, the minis in the book. That way, there's no thinking about it, just point out a couple Lances/stars to buy. I suppose some of us need to start demoing and getting books sold.  I guess I better start building some minis an quit relying on these intro box minis.

2. Scale of games - I don't think this is a lance on lance game. Seems like it's company on company and bigger. And I like wht was said about teaching Company or battalion commander level issues.

3. This is the kind of discussion that I hope to see more of.

The only issue with some of the miniatures is that they are archived with IWM.  I know in my Lyran force, the Salamander and Nightsky are both archive units that only come out every so often when fans vote for them.  Both of them are great 'Mechs in Alpha Strike (the Salamander is 4/5/4 with IF 4 and the Nightsky is 3/3/0 with good maneuverability) but due to low sales you can't get them.

Now if lance packs for AS sold well maybe IWM could bring them out of archive?  Who knows.

Von Ether

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #26 on: 28 August 2013, 08:43:48 »
The only issue with some of the miniatures is that they are archived with IWM.

Bad CGL. I find it odd that the company would pick these minis for prefab forces in the book. Wouldn't you pick readily available stuff? The first thing to come to my head on this oversight is the classic "favored playtester bubble" syndrome.

Whereas the company uses the same playtest team who may have access to resources/design philosophy that the guys on the street don't have. So when the game hits the streets, you find that the average player is going to do stuff that wasn't accounted for.

I think the biggest example of this was for Warmachine. The playtesters where using a certain unit as a front line unit because they were told that's what PP designed it be used for. The average player uses the unit as a rear unit leader, thus extending its life so long in the gameplay that  it was really undercosted until the next rules revamp.
"New players, regardless of age, need to know two things about a wargame. How to blow stuff up and what faction is painted in his favorite color. All the rest can come later when they are hooked." -- A.G.
"But the problem is that it seems to have been made by someone who equates complication with complexity, and that just ain't so." -- iamfanboy


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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #27 on: 28 August 2013, 08:51:40 »
Well at least it could encourage people to ask for those minis to come out of archive.
Don't get me wrong I think there should be starter packs in clamshells for these forces much like the Starter packs from a few years back.
Sadly that part of my wish is on IWM.
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.

Savage Coyote

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #28 on: 28 August 2013, 10:10:52 »
Bad CGL. I find it odd that the company would pick these minis for prefab forces in the book. Wouldn't you pick readily available stuff? The first thing to come to my head on this oversight is the classic "favored playtester bubble" syndrome.

Whereas the company uses the same playtest team who may have access to resources/design philosophy that the guys on the street don't have. So when the game hits the streets, you find that the average player is going to do stuff that wasn't accounted for.

I think the biggest example of this was for Warmachine. The playtesters where using a certain unit as a front line unit because they were told that's what PP designed it be used for. The average player uses the unit as a rear unit leader, thus extending its life so long in the gameplay that  it was really undercosted until the next rules revamp.

Eh, sorta/kinda.  I believe the MUL guys that did the lists were going for fluff flavor over "does IWM offer the miniature."  I saw the full force that was done up for each faction (I want to say a full regiment + support) but the decisions was made to trim it down to something that was paintable in the timeframe given (roughly two months) and to also make sure the book wasn't just page after page of unit lists, which while some people love, doesn't sell.  I got my Lyran company painted up in the last week (well, the last two 'mechs I needed to finish) so I slid in just in time. 

The other part of the equation is that the playtesters weren't involved IIRC for the miniatures selected, just the reinforced regiments.  CSO guys sometimes look at it from fluff perspective too and I never really thought about having miniature packs from said miniatures.  Oops!

Alexander Knight

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Re: Alpha Strike does hexes
« Reply #29 on: 28 August 2013, 13:49:46 »
Eh, sorta/kinda.  I believe the MUL guys that did the lists were going for fluff flavor over "does IWM offer the miniature."  I saw the full force that was done up for each faction (I want to say a full regiment + support) but the decisions was made to trim it down to something that was paintable in the timeframe given (roughly two months) and to also make sure the book wasn't just page after page of unit lists, which while some people love, doesn't sell.  I got my Lyran company painted up in the last week (well, the last two 'mechs I needed to finish) so I slid in just in time. 

Actually, it was close to a battalion...for each time frame for each faction.  This includes Age of War on up. :D