Author Topic: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars  (Read 2979 times)


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A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« on: 02 September 2015, 05:15:36 »
The Dilemma

So a funny thing happened between the Civil War and Dark Age years; actually a number of things;

1.   The 2nd, 4th and 5th Fusiliers of Oriente were destroyed during the Jihad
2.   The FWL went belly up
3.   The FWL sort of got back together again
4.   The Fusiliers were disbanded (I have always ignored the Ducal Guard)
5.   The Wolves went walkabout after turning chicken when they realised they couldn’t mix with three other clans on their border.

Where did this leave Fletch? 

1.   Chosen FWL unit has been disbanded
2.   Chosen IS Clan had lost their favourite clan to pick on (Thankfully now it is Falcon bashing time)
3.   There was some new weird faction building some cool units that could be worth getting hold of
4.   A purveyor of clan tech had set themselves up in the FWL

Time to pick a new FWL unit; decisions, decisions…and after much discussion and deliberation the new chosen unit was announced:

The Silver Hair Irregulars!  ???

Following a ‘wot the?’ from foxbat, the autocorrect error was rectified and the Silver Hawk Irregulars became the IS unit of choice for the Dark Age.  O0

With the 3145 coalition worlds reduced following Wolf/Lyran and Republic incursions and the Irregulars based on New Hope and Alkes a Black and Gold paint scheme was the traditional parade scheme.

Early painting to date:

Hey Mr Troll; what do you see?  ^-^

How to:
•   Prime mini in matt black
•   Very gentle grey drybrush
•   Apply metallic gold paint
•   Seal unit
•   Wash gold areas with brown ink mixed with PVA wood glue
•   Drybrush unit with grey*
•   Drybrush unit with light grey*
•   Jewel cockpits*
•   Seal*
•   Wash with brown ink*
•   Seal*
*yet to be performed on minis in picture

Creating a unit

Thanks to Øystein we know the Irregulars have three mech battalions in 3145 and FM: 3145 notes they are at 80% strength.

Unable to put a video call through to Khan Gottfried Amirault, the Sea Foxes offered Colonel Lucas Cameron-Witherspoon a copy their watch reports on Khan James Cobb since Amirault is seen as a bit of tool fool, lacking the leadership and vision of Cobb.

It was clear rapid response forces such as Cavalry, Pursuit and Recon would be required to intercept raiding forces supported by assault and heavy elements such as Fast Assault, Assault, and Heavy Battle for defence of strategic targets and support units for any incursion into Wolf or Republic systems. Thus 1st Battalion was born:

1st Battalion

Stalker II
Zeus 4X
TDR-10SE Thunderbolt
Tempest TMP-3M2

1st Battle Company1st Cavalry Company1st Pursuit Company
Assault LanceFast AssaultPursuit (Probe)
Albatross-4UMarauder II MAD-4SAnvil-5M
Black Night BLK-NT-4DLament LMT-2RLynx-9C
TDR-10M ThunderboltWarwolf BHermes II -5S
CarronadeTundra Wolf 4Shadow Hawk -5M
Heavy BattleHeavy CavPursuit (Sweep)
Doloire DLR-O PrimeMaelstrom-5KCrab-27b
Dragon Fire-4FFlashman-9MHammer-3M
War Dog WR-DG-02FCExcalibur EXC-B2bRaven-3L
Medium BattleLight CavalryLight Recon
Roster to be filledShockwave-2FSpider-5V
Roster to be filledHermes -4SOstscout-9S
Roster to be filledLobo 2Hermes-3S2
Roster to be filledRoster to be filledWulfen Prime

For the Call to War exercise I will focus on the Pursuit Company and some friends.  More to follow.
« Last Edit: 02 September 2015, 22:34:04 by Fletch »


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #1 on: 02 September 2015, 05:36:31 »
So which is the pursuit company? The Heavy Battle, Heavy Cav, and Sweep lances?


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #2 on: 02 September 2015, 05:56:57 »
Pursuit Probe and Sweep lances and Light Recon lance


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #3 on: 02 September 2015, 06:15:42 »
So which is the pursuit company? The Heavy Battle, Heavy Cav, and Sweep lances?
It looks like the companies are organized by column. Assault Company is Assault Lance, Heavy Battle Lance, and Medium Battle Lance. Cavalry Company is Fast Assault, Heavy Cav, and Light Cav lances. And Pursuit Company is the Probe, Sweep, and Light Recon lances.


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #4 on: 02 September 2015, 07:23:17 »
One of these days I'll remember to post after the caffeine.

Louie N

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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #5 on: 02 September 2015, 21:44:49 »


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #6 on: 02 September 2015, 22:30:56 »
One of these days I'll remember to post after the caffeine.

1st Pursuit Company - The Caffeinated Chargers 8)

Pursuit Lance (Probe) - 128PV

Requirements: Size 3 or less, 75% with minimum move of 10", All 2+ damage at medium range. 
Ideal Role: Skirmisher. 
Bonus Ability: 75 percent of the units in this formation receive the Blood Stalker SPA - The Blood Stalker unit must designate a “chosen enemy” at the start of each game. All attacks against the chosen enemy receive a –1 to-hit,  all attacks against any other enemies suffer a +2 to-hit modifier until the chosen enemy is destroyed. Once it is destroyed, the Blood Stalker must choose a new enemy to stalk.
Fletch's Notes:  These have always been favourite units of mine with the Anvil, Hermes II and Shadow Hawk screaming FWL and the Lynx 'borrowed' from the Republic.



Pursuit Lance (Sweep) - 111PV

Requirements: Size 2 or less, 75% with minimum move of 10", All 2+ damage at short range. 
Ideal Role: Skirmisher. 
Bonus Ability: 75 percent of the units in this formation receive the Blood Stalker SPA
Fletch's Notes: Who doesn't love a bit of Royalty in their command even if it came from a WoB cache.  The Starslayer and Raven are gifts from the Orient following the disbanding of the Fusiliers.  The Hammer is included because you never know when it will be; stop that time. 



Recon Lance (Light) - 72PV

Requirements: All size 1, minimum move of 12", all Scout role. 
Ideal Role: Scout. 
Bonus Ability: Must choose either the Eagle Eyes or Manoeuvring Ace SPAs and apply to all units.  All units receive the Forward Observer SPA.
Fletch's Notes: Old variants never die, they just have a change in role like the Spider 5V.  The Ostscout is a 'gift' from the Regulans and a number of cans of air freshener where used on the Hermes to remove the WoB smell as it is just too good a unit to give up in an semi-guided LRM world.  The remaining air freshener was used to remove the doggy smell from the Wulfen, although the pilot is still complaining about dog hair in the cockpit.


But that is only 311PV I hear you say ...  what to do ... pad it out ... with what ... Combined Arms Detachments O0

Battle Armour Squads - 15PV


Infantry Platoons - 32PV



Light Tank Lance (Transport) - 52PV

Heavy Hover Standards are for the BA and Jump inf. The SRM tracked APCs are for the Foot Inf to provide some cover fire when needed.




Total PV = 410 (I was never good with limits)
« Last Edit: 02 September 2015, 23:31:57 by Fletch »


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #7 on: 02 September 2015, 23:23:47 »
I see'em - opfor? :)
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


  • Spelunca Custos
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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #8 on: 03 September 2015, 20:25:22 »
1st Pursuit Company - The Caffeinated Chargers 8)

I deserve that and like it.  O0 O0


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Re: A Call to War: Silver Hawk Irregulars
« Reply #9 on: 04 September 2015, 11:59:24 »
That's a pretty zippy unit there. I approve; don't ever let you opponent get a chance to catch his breath.
BattleTech is a huge house, it's not any one fan's or "type" of fans.  If you need to relieve yourself, use the bathroom not another BattleTech fan. - nckestrel
1st and 2nd Succession Wars are not happy times. - klarg1

