Author Topic: A Call to War Companion: 5th Syrtis Fusiliers  (Read 1488 times)


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A Call to War Companion: 5th Syrtis Fusiliers
« on: 02 September 2015, 15:53:08 »
So as I said in my 4th Mac thread, this event actually kills two birds with one stone. I get to participate, *and* I get my figures for the upcoming FlintCon painted. Win/ win, right?
Well, I am also in need of the OpFor for the event, so - the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers. Once again, the list is *mostly* from the same source. The only difference here is the third lance. The original scenario calls for two lances on the 5th Syrtis side, with a full company on the 4th Mac side. To quoth the Ackbar, "It's a Trap!"

Well, I wanted to be able to still handle six players, so rather than breaking the lances up into smaller sub-lances, I added a third lance. Not the easiest thing to do as I wanted to preserve the original scenario TO&E, so it left me with 89 points to squeeze in a Fed Suns flavored lance with just the IBX and Alpha Strike Lance Packs. I think I did it. So here we go:

Code: [Select]
Support Lance*:
STK-3F Stalker - 42 pv
AS7-D Atlas - 52 pv
AWS-8Q Awesome - 39 pv
JM6-S Jagermech - 26 pv

Fire Lance[]:
CPLT-C1 Catapult - 33 pv
JM6-S Jagermech - 26 pv
TBT-5N Trebuchet - 27 pv
DV-6M Dervish - 30 pv

Medium Battle Lance:
CLNT-2-4T Clint - 15 pv
ENF-4R Enforcer - 27 pv
RVN-2X Raven - 20 pv
BJ-1DC Blackjack - 27 pv

* The original scenario called this an Assault Lance. Which it mostly fit, except for the 5 armor requirement for every unit in the lance. (Stupid Jagermech and his paper armor of 3...)
[] As a Fire Lance goes, this can actually be the Fire Support variant. I decided to keep it as a standard FS lance, as the Sniper ability can benefit the Jagermech as well.

The Medium Battle Lance originally was slated to be a FS9-H, JR7-D, WLF-1, and CN9-A. However, that didn't really make for any particular formation. On top of that, I felt the JR7-D, while available to Federated Suns, didn't make as much sense in the Capellan Marches. The RVN-2X, however, was a perfect swap. That still left me with a formation that would be yet another Support lance. This would not do. So after some number cludging, I came up with the lance you see here. This ended up being a total of 364 points, matching the 4th Mac force.
An alternate thought would be to swap out the CN9-A for the ENF-4R, and have a Cavalry Lance of an FS9-H, WLF-1, RVN-2X, and ENF-4R - which leaves us at 363 points.

Louie N

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Re: A Call to War Companion: 5th Syrtis Fusiliers
« Reply #1 on: 02 September 2015, 21:36:38 »
Go for the Enforcer. :)

Well I am not complaining about the unit choice.