Author Topic: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)  (Read 33178 times)


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Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« on: 16 September 2011, 19:04:36 »
'Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)

(Author's Note: The Line Developer has recently confirmed that the original artwork of the Bane is back on the Unseen list.)

Originally a rarely seen, enigmatic 'Mech, the Bane has become more well understood in the decades since it was first seen on a few Jade Falcon worlds.  Given their association with the design, it's possible the Falcons are actually the original designers of the Bane, known as the Kraken in the Inner Sphere, an appropriately ominous name for a 'Mech I've come to respect deeply as a combatant despite a charmingly quirky design.  The Bane is an old 'Mech from the 29th century derived from a Star League design program that didn't make it to the point of building a prototype.  The older models have spread among the Clans to become a common sight in second-line defensive formations.  Today, the Bane is built by Olivetti Weapons on Sudeten; while the Jade Falcons had it in production on Tokasha, whether the line survived the recent Wars of Reaving is a complete unknown; presumably, if it did, the output is going to Clan Stone Lion.  The Jade Falcons also used the design as a technological testbed for a variety of experimental systems.  Believed at the moment to be nothing more than testbeds, it's unknown what the future looks like for the Kraken-XR.  (Presumably, these are called Banes in Clan service, but they're not actually referred to that way at any point in the book.)  In general, though, the Bane looks to be an increasingly important part of the Falcon touman alongside 'Mechs like the Jupiter as we go into the Dark Age.  Considering the firepower and utility of the normal variants, that's not a bad thing at all for a touman that's still rebuilding and supported by a scientist caste that has a bit of a staffing problem for reasons I won't go into here.

The initial Bane sets a lot of the basic pattern of the design but is a bit quirky in the game.  It's also associated with one of the great tales of BattleTech lore, which will hopefully be related by JadeHellbringer.  Likely introduced in the time between the introduction of full Clan technology and the development and proliferation of the OmniMech, the Bane is a 100 ton standard BattleMech powered by a 300-rated extralight fusion engine for the same 52 kph top speed used by most top-end assault 'Mechs.  The 19 tons of Forging C745 standard armor is laid out almost identically to the Atlas's, trading a point off the front and rear center torso to bring the legs to their maximal 42 points.  (Ironically, this means that the Atlas's 14 point rear CT is better prepared in a Clan environment.)  The arms are the same 34 points, the side torsos split 32 and 10, and the head has the usual 9.  Only ten double heat sinks were provided but they generally do a very satisfactory job.  Where things get really weird is the armament.  Each arm has an incredible five class 2 Ultra autocannons for a total of 10, fed by four tons of ammunition that actually runs a bit short in heavy combat despite being a total of 180 rounds, the sort of thing you normally see for machine guns.  Speaking of which, another unusual feature is the four machine guns in the right torso, fed by a half-ton of ammunition.  The armament lends itself to a very different image of the Clans than we normally think of, a time period when zellbrigen was still in its infancy and the Elemental wouldn't be introduced for decades.  Overall, I cannot recommend the Bane for dueling.  It's doable, sort of, but you're relying on blind luck for TACs and head hits more than anything else.  On the other hand, you've certainly got the range and armament to go looking for them.  As a fire support unit for 'Mechs that have more hole-punching than ability to exploit it, the original Bane is a dangerous part of the mix, and the range gives it a considerable ability to provide anti-air cover across a wide front.  Ultra-mode fire should be reserved for low numbers and either weak or priority targets but with that same range, you're going to get there faster than other people, so plan your ammo expenditures carefully.  Against Spheroids after the Falcons quit playing nice, the original Bane is going to do pretty well for itself as a member of a Star with a big bruiser or two to cut someone's armor open.

The autocannon love fest continues with the Bane 2.  Intended to address complaints about the original's lack of firepower, the autocannons were removed but instead of something more conventional or balanced, the engineers stuck to their guns.  Each arm now had a pair of class 10 Ultra autocannons.  To feed these hungry weapons, the amount of ammunition was increased from four tons to fourteen, a total of 140 rounds.  Ammo here tends to last considerably longer because of the larger number of rounds per gun (35 vs. 18) and the fact that Bane 2s neither open fire from as long a range nor have as long a range of favorable conditions for Ultra mode fire.  When they do go to Ultra mode on all four guns, a Bane 2 is capable of throwing a lot of lead around, up to 8 10 point clusters.  Keep in mind that you only have 10 double heat sinks, though.  The machine guns are still there.

The Bane 3 was the first to remove the autocannons, opting for something different and, in its own way, even more of a departure from the conventional.  LRM boats are nothing new.  The original Archer was introduced within two decades of the Mackie, after all, and the Quik Products LRM carrier we all know and love is of a similar vintage.  What is different is the sheer scale of things.  8 LRM 15s - a total of 120 tubes - were mounted four to an arm, enough to match two LRM carriers in a single frame.  It's also enough to blow 4 of them away in a single turn if all eight launchers hit their intended targets and you'll empty a ton of ammunition doing it, an absolutely staggering rate of ammunition consumption.  Fortunately, the designers anticipated the problem and crammed in no less than 16 tons of LRM ammo for a total of 128 LRM 15 shots or 1,920 LRMs.  Ammunition explosions are a concern but wind up mitigated simply because you're burning through the ammo supply so fast.  Heat dissipation from 19 double heat sinks is just shy of the 40 necessary to handle a full spread of LRMs, so occasionally holding a shot back is necessary to cool off.  Finally, they mounted a one-shot Streak SRM 4 in the head.  I'm sure there's going to be some complaints about this anemic backup weapon, but with only one crit open and an apparent intention to use the same armor layout on all the Banes, there's literally nothing else that fits.  This is one of the highlights of the Bane series and is the one most suitable to general combat situations.  You don't have the sheer hole-punching many heavy and assault 'Mechs do but a Bane 3 can absolutely bury someone in LRMs.  Chanman commented that the Bane seems to be intended as a defensive unit to fend off lighter 'Mechs, and what's merely very, very painful to an assault 'Mech (ask the Steiner assaults we tested the 3 against) is a dire if not immediately lethal threat to lighter designs.

The Bane 4 stands out in this family of oddballs for being the most conventional.  Most of the Banes are focused on a single weapon system to a degree few other 'Mechs approach and the XR is an experimental testbed.  That's not to say it's conservative.  Oh no.  You don't get called conservative with two Ultra/20s on an assault 'Mech.  While their range is longer, it's not really normal for a Clan assault, being too short to be readily useful unless someone is crazy enough to close on you.  (Hint: Don't.)  Eight tons of ammunition provide enough ammo by Clan standards but it'll run short in extended engagements unless someone guns for the 4, so don't waste it wantonly.  To help provide fire support for the arm-mounted cannons until it manages to bring someone to close action (which will not end well for them), the right torso has an ERLL and two 6-tube ATM racks, with another rack in the left torso, all fed by three tons of ATM ammunition.  17 double heat sinks provides satisfactory cooling under a lot of circumstances but in close, with guns blazing, you need to pay attention carefully to avoid ammo explosions.  Unless it's worth the risk, of course.  Trust me, one of these things going in at full power on good numbers is worth the careful husbanding and need to close.  You can tear mediums apart that way.

One thing that struck me immediately on looking at the Kraken-XR was that it reminded me of a Jupiter with a mix of autocannons, energy weapons, and missiles.  It doesn't come off as well overall, though, and a test duel between them against Chanman saw a very different result from the Steiner assault party vs. Bane Star we ran.  It's not ineffective so much as... strange.  The endo-composite structure saves crits it can't really spare for anything else, with a coat of reflective armor that's very effective against energy weapons (like, say, Hellstar armaments) but is going to cost you dearly with physical attacks, falls, and area-effect weapons.  (The most common AE weapons are probably artillery, artillery cannons, and bombs.)  16 laser heat sinks provide 32 dissipation with a slight gain against ammo explosions and a light show that gives your enemy a free "Kick me" sign in poor lighting.  Further increasing the durability is the use of CASE II, making the Kraken-XR a fantastically tough opponent.  The armament is a showcase of new toys aside from the RT-mounted ERLL.  Each arm has a pair of RAC/2s, fed by a shared two tons total.  More practical in my experience is the Streak LRM 10 in each side torso, each with its own ton of ammunition.  Overall, this one is an interesting experiment but not really that practical as a combatant; a Jupiter or one of the older Banes can generally accomplish whatever it is you're doing and for pure plinking, the original's deeper ammo bins and additional chances to hit are more effective.

Using Banes is simple.  Pick someone, fire at them until they drop, and then repeat the process.  The only tricky bit is managing heat on the Bane 4 once you get close and juggling the risks of rapid fire mode(s) against the targeting numbers to avoid jams you really can't afford.  On the original, I heartily recommend holding the range open as best you can to exploit the sheer range of the autocannons, plinking someone to death; getting onto high ground to get a clear line of sight to the target will help quite a bit.  Over time, the accumulation of minor hits will wear on someone.  The others usually want to close to medium or close range, tearing someone down with sheer weight of fire.

Conceptually, opposing a Bane is equally simple but as has been remarked upon, in battle, frequently the simplest things are the most difficult.  Banes have a lot of armor but underneath it, all of them but the XR can go up like a light if you can start generating enough criticals to find ammo bins that haven't already been emptied.  (Keep in mind that the Bane 3 can potentially empty a bin in a single turn, so that's not as simple as it sounds sometimes.)  Against the original, charge in or find cover to keep your opponent from playing their superior range as effectively; against the 4, you need to to do the exact opposite.  ER ATMs are annoying.  Ultra/20s are very, very dangerous.  The others are mid-range brawlers overall as Clan 'Mechs go, so treat them according to your own strengths.

References: The Master Unit List has information on the older four variants.  CamoSpecs has a newer miniature along with an out of production version.  The heavily modified Bane 3 miniature from the Ghost Bears' Alpha Galaxy is particularly striking.
« Last Edit: 16 September 2011, 20:31:12 by Moonsword »


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #1 on: 16 September 2011, 19:23:58 »
(Author's Note: The Line Developer has recently confirmed that the original artwork of the Bane is back on the Unseen list.)

Seriously, no big loss.  ::)

The AC storm is just plain scary.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #2 on: 16 September 2011, 19:43:11 »
On the Bane 3, for my money that is the deadliest and all around best general combatant of the series.

The Math is simple.  8 LRM-15s times 9.5 missiles (average of the 15 column of the cluster table)= 76 points of damage per salvo if they all are on target.  That beats out a Warhawk Prime, and while beaten by the legendary 'Widowmaker' DireWolf load out that is both shorter ranged and requires considerable overheat to do more than barely edge it out.

And for those that sputter 'no backup weapons!', I will point out Clan LRMs don't have a minimum range, so that SS SSRM-4 is more like a cherry on the top of the weapon load out.  While I do shudder at the idea of keeping one of these beasts fed on a  campaign, it is surprisingly well furnished with on board ammo stocks.  The ammo per launcher is considered decent by IS standards, which are positively lavish compared to most Clan designs.

Nearly five tons of armor a salvo, or a staggering 7.5 tons if the dice gods smile (and/or a Starmate Narcs a target for you) is something not even an assault can take for long, and with the 'one man Itano Circus' load out even multiple AMS are thin protection.

The concept of the Banes tend to be 'sandblasters'.  A Bane 3 is like a train full of rocksalt being driven by a Cat 5 hurricane, rail cars optional.  }:)

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« Last Edit: 16 September 2011, 19:46:57 by Nikas_Zekeval »


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #3 on: 16 September 2011, 20:33:08 »
Seriously, no big loss.  ::)

In this case, I'm certainly inclined to agree.  The larger question of the Unseen is something I think better reserved for General Discussion, but on an aesthetic level, the artwork for the newer Banes is a lot less goofy-looking.  That said, the Bane 3 miniature based on that artwork that someone kitbashed together is pretty impressive.

The AC storm is just plain scary.

The original isn't quite scary to me but the range is certainly... impressive.  It's a nasty plinker.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #4 on: 16 September 2011, 20:52:47 »
Plog did some drawings of the Kraken that are currently sitting in the Lords of the Battlefield gallery. I wasn't wild about the original art, but he makes it look good. I think the main problem with the design is the goofy legs; how does it keep from falling backwards? Still, the upper-half of the Kraken is one of my favorite assault 'Mechs.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #5 on: 16 September 2011, 21:01:50 »
The Ban 3 is actually one of the mechs I'm most looking forward to using when I introduce my new players to advanced tech (likely within the next couple weeks).

I mean, if the one guy was staggered by the damage I did to him with a CRD landing all it's missiles in a turn, imagine the look on his face when this beast connects. }:)
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #6 on: 16 September 2011, 23:19:45 »
Ah, yes, the Bane 3... One of the few 'Mechs where you can ask, "Boss, which ammo bin do you wish me to unload?"  }:)

Do have one question: where is the -XR from?

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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #7 on: 16 September 2011, 23:38:20 »
...Wait a minute, my most frightening memory of a Bane was the one where a couple of players fielded a company and attacked a custom Dire Wolf and a SRM(ST) Bane.  We were on that crappy-graphic black/tan mountain map, and we were gutted before we did armor damage to the Dire Wolf (the Bane was scratched once or twice).  I went looking for it on HMPro and carry a copy with me to every game.

Are you telling me it isn't even a canon design?!
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #8 on: 17 September 2011, 00:22:23 »
Plog did some drawings of the Kraken that are currently sitting in the Lords of the Battlefield gallery. I wasn't wild about the original art, but he makes it look good. I think the main problem with the design is the goofy legs; how does it keep from falling backwards? Still, the upper-half of the Kraken is one of my favorite assault 'Mechs.
you know, i can just see this mech with the little red scanning eye thing of the cylons..

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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #9 on: 17 September 2011, 05:09:32 »
...Wait a minute, my most frightening memory of a Bane was the one where a couple of players fielded a company and attacked a custom Dire Wolf and a SRM(ST) Bane.  We were on that crappy-graphic black/tan mountain map, and we were gutted before we did armor damage to the Dire Wolf (the Bane was scratched once or twice).  I went looking for it on HMPro and carry a copy with me to every game.

Are you telling me it isn't even a canon design?!

There's a Bane "SRM-UK" included with MegaMek as an unofficial unit that sounds like that. If that's the one, then the in-game designation (and the directory the file is in inside would lead me to believe that it's a Mechforce UK design.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #10 on: 17 September 2011, 05:17:12 »
Purely stylistically - encompassing both quirky design and looks - the Bane is one of my all-time favourite 'Mechs. I love its looks, I love its weird performance, I love its faction, ahem. I even love its freaking IS codename!! :-[

The Bane was originally conceived for a Solaris VII-type dueling environment, as stated by its original writer, Paint it Pink. While IMO LB-X cannons were the superior dueling weapons, the fact that the LBX's crits didn't work out and that they have a rather hefty minimum range means the UAC/2s make sense. And it certainly puts the secondary weaponry, that MG-box, into perspective.

The write-up of the original 3055 suggested no change in secondary weaponry, but as crits were nowhere to be found, the Bane 3 needed to drop 1 DHS and 4 MGs (essentially 7 crits) for that SSRM4 (1 crit). The beautiful by-effect was that visually, that strange MG array-type mount with the 4 weapon ports still works for the SSRM4.

Speaking of visuals, which I do think is appropriate for a MotW, unless it devolves into a bash fest about miniatures: the original write-up talks about "a complex baffle and pressure counterflow system" in the "ingenious arm-linkage design." Well, not only are the arms (which combine 5 UAC/2s in a large barrel-like shell) ingenious - the legs are, too. When extended, the feet essentially run along the calf of the design. The forward movement is derived from sliding hips and the leg is bent and lifted to traverse ground - not to generate movement itself.

I dunno - this always made huge sense to me. And since it did, I loved the design even more for coming up with a way of combining human movement with that of a pure machine.

The Bane 4 does away with it all. And with any aesthetic sense altogether. Looking at it, the often spoken wisdom of the Bane 4 coming out from left field as a true "King Crab IIC" rings oh so true.

The Bane-XR closes the circle and suggest that indeed, the Bane 4 may have a different heritage. The Bane-XR is, IMO, the best "Reseen" treatment I have yet to witness. Essentially, it is the beefed-up version we've seen on some of those great kitbashes (essentially it follows Plog's path). This includes the conventional legs, much to my sadness.

Still, that sadness doesn't last in light of the Bane-XR's general gorgeousness!

Oh, I forgot to mention the Bane 2. That is because I have an irrational dislike of the 10-class UAC and because I dislike duplicates in canon (unless there is a story to it, like the one of the Thug/Hatamoto). The Annihilator C may have come later and may have detail differences, but the two machines still feel like clones.

Hrm, I was gonna write a one-line remark. Yeah, I think my passion shows. :D
« Last Edit: 17 September 2011, 10:34:18 by jymset »
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #11 on: 17 September 2011, 10:16:26 »
Ah, yes, the Bane 3... One of the few 'Mechs where you can ask, "Boss, which ammo bin do you wish me to unload?"  }:)

Do have one question: where is the -XR from?

Ugly thought.  You know how frag LRMs do double damage for reducing forests?  A full salvo can reduce two heavy and one light woods hexes to kindling.  Remember, only YOU can prevent forests.  }:)


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #12 on: 17 September 2011, 18:33:35 »
I love this thing, with the exception of the -3, which has always felt kinda boring. Powerful, but uninteresting, and you rarely make decisions more complex than "8 again, or just 7?" The -XR seems pretty interesting, and reflective armor is probably a good choice for something intended to stay out of the fight, although the other choices are somewhat questionable (90 shots for 4 RACs?). On the one hand, I'd have liked to have seen a HAG variant because it would make sense thematically, but I can already think of three things with dual HAG-40s off the top of my head; the Bane has always had quirkier weapon selections (excepting the -2, as jymset mentioned). One VERY interesting tidbit from the -XR's writeup was the inclusion of the extended torso twist quirk, which makes it even more of a turret o' doom and implies that the others share that ability (except the -4, which looks very different).


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #13 on: 17 September 2011, 19:00:44 »
The base Kraken is one of those designs that is genuinely crack-headed fun. Does it make sense? No. Is it effective? Passibly, though it relies a lot on freak criticals and lucky hits. Is it a bucket of demented fun? Oh hells yeah. Regardless of its actual worth, opening up with this baby turns into a pure gigglefest of demented laughs as buckets of dice are sent flying across the table.

Kraken 3 is probably the most overall effective of the family. Hitting those eight LRM-15s is a great way to put the fear of god into someone; I allways imagined a K3 with the primary trigger labelled "SMITE".

My least favourite of them is probably the Kraken 4, not for any real faults, but the fact that it just seems, well, boring compared to its siblings.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #14 on: 18 September 2011, 00:11:19 »
I love the Bane, but then I've always had a special fondness for the AC/2 & UAC/2.  I kinda like the Bane 2 as well, but I've never been terribly fond of the Bane 3.

As to the artwork, I definitely prefer the original artwork, although the newer Re-Seen look isn't bad.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #15 on: 18 September 2011, 00:43:28 »
The Bane is sheer excess.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #16 on: 18 September 2011, 01:23:24 »
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #17 on: 18 September 2011, 09:58:54 »
Ah, the Bane 3.  For when you like to let your enemies fight in the shade.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #18 on: 18 September 2011, 11:35:03 »
Ah, the Bane 3.  For when you like to let your enemies fight in the shade.

Because all the missiles will block out the sunlight.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #19 on: 18 September 2011, 12:29:59 »
Ah, the Bane 3.  For when you like to let your enemies fight in the shade.



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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #20 on: 18 September 2011, 15:35:52 »
I once took a star of mechs designed to maximize the amount of dice-rolling I had to duplicate chassis.

So, the Kraken I ran starting dishing out more damage than the Daishi Hohiro I put into the fight....ran all the ammo bins except MG dry without jamming a single Ultra-2... (while the Daishi can't hit with the Gauss and LPLs...annoying).

Damn near shredded a mech every two turns by itself.  If the first volley didn't get some crits or headshots, the second one did.  The Kraken didn't stop any mech single-handedly, but did so much damage that the survivors were easy to finish off. (floating crit rules, so the enemy lost HS, mobility issues, 1 or 2 head-shots, weapons taken out, etc.)

Then I ran the Arctic Wolf in....

I actually started giggling with the amount of damage I was throwing out.  Death of a thousand paper cuts, to be sure.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #21 on: 18 September 2011, 15:55:11 »
I once took a star of mechs designed to maximize the amount of dice-rolling I had to duplicate chassis.

So, the Kraken I ran starting dishing out more damage than the Daishi Hohiro I put into the fight....ran all the ammo bins except MG dry without jamming a single Ultra-2... (while the Daishi can't hit with the Gauss and LPLs...annoying).

Damn near shredded a mech every two turns by itself.  If the first volley didn't get some crits or headshots, the second one did.  The Kraken didn't stop any mech single-handedly, but did so much damage that the survivors were easy to finish off. (floating crit rules, so the enemy lost HS, mobility issues, 1 or 2 head-shots, weapons taken out, etc.)

Then I ran the Arctic Wolf in....

I actually started giggling with the amount of damage I was throwing out.  Death of a thousand paper cuts, to be sure.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #22 on: 18 September 2011, 18:54:46 »
The Bane-1 is on my short 'do not use' list, even as a Jade Falcon player, and if it were up to me I would personally melt each one down part by part- or at least convert them to 2s and 3s.

I have my reasons.  ;)
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #23 on: 18 September 2011, 19:36:59 »
The Bane-1 is on my short 'do not use' list, even as a Jade Falcon player, and if it were up to me I would personally melt each one down part by part- or at least convert them to 2s and 3s.

I have my reasons.  ;)

Woulda been better if they'd been LBs. Nothing like immobilizing Alacorns and other Gauss tanks at 30 hexes out.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #24 on: 18 September 2011, 21:23:09 »
I think he means the (or one of the) original story of the Hellbie dice.

He fired all 10 of the UAC2s on the first turn of firing.  Seven of them jammed.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #25 on: 18 September 2011, 22:25:19 »
   I have always been sad that it was never made into a omni, i think it would beat out a DireWolf if it were  [drool] love the new art!  and yea, there needs to be a HAG version! and a all energy version wouldent be bad ether.  8)


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #26 on: 18 September 2011, 23:57:48 »
Someday I will get to try out the Bane 3 (with an Arctic Wolf companion). I just have not gotten around to playing with one yet, despite the fact that it actually carries enough LRMs to make me content (I love LRMs, to the point that I think Heavy LRM carriers still need more).

...and a all energy version wouldn't be bad either.  8)
they call it the Supernova.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #27 on: 19 September 2011, 01:36:25 »
Woulda been better if they'd been LBs. Nothing like immobilizing Alacorns and other Gauss tanks at 30 hexes out.

Doable, but you'd have to fit some of your autocannons into the torso (the arms can only hold up to six LB 2-Xs between them) and do a bit of creative crit juggling if you still wanted to fit in the MGs. I think that's why we haven't seen a variant along those lines -- at least until the 4 popped up, it would have kind of gone against the Bane's established "the arms are where it's at" design aesthetic.

That's probably why the 4 falls a bit flat for me, too. Unlike every other Bane before it, it's highly likely to open the fight with its the long-range weapons in its torso and only bring the arm-mounted autocannons into play up close (if ever)...pretty much the reverse of how things "should" be. Okay as a generic Clan 100-tonner, but doesn't feel so much like a Kraken anymore. :)


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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #28 on: 19 September 2011, 16:36:08 »
Someday I will get to try out the Bane 3 (with an Arctic Wolf companion). I just have not gotten around to playing with one yet, despite the fact that it actually carries enough LRMs to make me content (I love LRMs, to the point that I think Heavy LRM carriers still need more).

Ah the Bane 3.  We really needed a 'Mech that dual wields LRM carriers.

they call it the Supernova.

I just threw the numbers into SSW and found that the result can toss 5.5 ERLLs downrange every turn for an average of 55 damage.  It is not bad, but given the existence of the faster Hellstar or my custom Thunder Hawk IIC with 5 headcappers it is not particularly impressive.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Bane (Kraken)
« Reply #29 on: 19 September 2011, 16:43:26 »
Ah the Bane 3.  We really needed a 'Mech that dual wields LRM carriers.

And now someone needs to make a mini of a Bane with a LRM carrier mounted on each arm.  :D

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