Author Topic: OPT-1H Optio (6T IS)  (Read 4801 times)


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OPT-1H Optio (6T IS)
« on: 10 November 2011, 00:19:47 »
Code: [Select]
Name: OPT-1H Optio
Tech Base: IS Biped ProtoMech
Tonnage: 6

Equipment Mass (kg)

Internals: Standard   600    
Engine: 30 Fuel Cell   900
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0    
Gyro:   Mini   250    
Control Sys:    IS   750    
Armor Factor:    30 1,800 

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head    2   4
Torso    6 11  
R/L Arm   2/2 4/4
Legs    4   7

Equipment Location Mass (kg)
Machine Gun        RA   500
@MG (40)   200
Machine Gun    LA   500
RL-10    T1   500

   In the past decade, we have seen a warming of relations between the Regulan Fiefs and the Marian Hegemony. This unusual development has produced a few joint ventures in technology trading and vehicle design, as evidenced by increasingly common sightings of RetroTech Ostwars and Icaruses among the Marian Legions.

   A rather unexpected outgrowth of all this was the development of a ProtoMech, which the Marians named the Optio, after the military rank. Republic Intelligence is still working to figure out whether one of the two realms got hold of ProtoMech blueprints from us or the Capellans, or whether the Optio is a purely indigenous development.

   It is apparent that the Marian Hegemony is more strapped for resources than we had previously thought; the rich deposits of germanium that once fueled their economy are either played out, or sitting idle for the moment, for lack of reliable customers or transport. Either way, it is little surprise that they are loath to assign valuable (and rare) fusion engines to ProtoMech production. The Optio is instead driven by a fuel-cell engine, capable of propelling it up to 54 kilometers per hour, which is enough to keep up with the RetroTech 'Mechs the Marian Legions still rely on these days.

   Weapon-wise, the Optio is somewhat underwhelming, with only a pair of machine guns and a rocket launcher. However, this can be forgiven, since its intended role is that of an anti-insurgency vehicle and city fighter. Optio pilots are advised to seek cover and wait for support when facing heavier opposition.

   As the Optio was jointly designed by the Regulans and Marians, both states have put the ProtoMech into production to support their existing forces. The Marians seem to be concentrating the new machines in the Fourth and Sixth Legions, which are still recovering from the bloodying they took in their failed invasion of several former League worlds. For their part, the Regulans seem to be distributing their Optios in typically haphazard fashion, reinforcing Hussar companies as needed rather than bother organizing their forces properly.

   The Regulans build the standard OPT-1H, as well as their own variants of the Optio, the OPT-1R and 1R2, depending on what parts are available to them. The 1R switches out the machine guns for a pair of small chemical lasers, and enough ammunition for a short firefight. The rocket launcher is downgraded.

   The 1R2, on the other hand, is a complete overhaul, mounting a class-50 Fusion Engine that pushes the speed up to 86 kilometers per hour while shaving off a quarter-ton of weight. It mounts the chemical lasers of the 1R and the full size-10 rocket launcher of the 1H, giving it impressive firepower in a short skirmish. Unfortunately the Regulan realm's perennial supply problems have kept the number of 1R2s produced relatively low.

Code: [Select]
Name: OPT-1R Optio
Tech Base: IS Biped ProtoMech
Tonnage: 6

Equipment Mass (kg)

Internals: Standard   600    
Engine: 30 Fuel Cell   900
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0    
Gyro:   Mini   250    
Control Sys:    IS   750    
Armor Factor:    30 1,800 

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head    2   4
Torso    6 11  
R/L Arm   2/2 4/4
Legs    4   7

Equipment Location Mass (kg)
Sml.ChemLaser      RA   500
@SCL (16)   400
Sml.ChemLaser      LA   500
RL-6    T1   300

Code: [Select]
Name: OPT-1R2 Optio
Tech Base: IS Biped ProtoMech
Tonnage: 6

Equipment Mass (kg)

Internals: Standard   600    
Engine: 50 Standard 1,000
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0    
Gyro:   Mini   250    
Control Sys:    IS   750    
Armor Factor:    25 1,500 

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head    2   4
Torso    6   9  
R/L Arm   2/2 3/3
Legs    4   6

Equipment Location Mass (kg)
Sml.ChemLaser      RA   500
@SCL (16)   400
Sml.ChemLaser      LA   500
RL-10    T1   500

Edit: Lack of rounding on the fuel cell engine means 50 extra kilos to play with on the first two variants.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1077
Re: OPT-1H Optio (6T IS)
« Reply #1 on: 17 November 2011, 18:16:02 »
So, anyone have any thoughts on this? Fluff plausible? Did I mess up on calculations somewhere? (Fuel cell engine weight notwithstanding, that was deliberately recalculated since we're using fractional rules on Protos.)

Edit: Re-specced internals as Composite rather than Standard. I didn't feel like redoing much. With the reversal of my internal-weights decision, this change has been reversed.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: OPT-1H Optio (6T IS)
« Reply #2 on: 10 May 2012, 21:47:27 »
Personally I like the idea of IS Protomechs, so would love to see more.
Quote from: Nanaki
Realism is not going to cut it, Battletech is not a realistic universe by any stretch of the imagination, so please stop using it in an argument.

Quote from: HABeas2
That's debatable, but let's face it; some folks gave them a pass because they were big and claimed to be Scottish.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1077
Re: OPT-1H Optio (6T IS)
« Reply #4 on: 08 July 2012, 01:36:34 »
I've been informed that I made an error in the engine weight for the first two variants. Both have 300kg more to play with than I thought. I've added several points of armor to each.

The muse also knocked and I came up with two new variants.

Code: [Select]
Name: OPT-1R3 Optio
Tech Base: IS Biped ProtoMech
Tonnage: 6

Equipment Mass (kg)

Internals: Standard   600    
Engine: 50 Standard 1,000
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0    
Gyro:   Mini   250    
Control Sys:    IS   750    
Armor Factor:    25 1,500 

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head    2   4
Torso    6   9  
R/L Arm   2/2 3/3
Legs    4   6

Equipment Location Mass (kg)
Small Laser        RA   500
  1 HS    300
Small Laser        LA   500
  1 HS    300
RL-6    T1   300

Code: [Select]
Name: OPT-1R4 Optio
Tech Base: IS Biped ProtoMech
Tonnage: 6

Equipment Mass (kg)

Internals: Standard   600    
Engine: 30 Fuel Cell   900
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0    
Gyro:   Mini   250    
Control Sys:    IS   750    
Armor Factor:    30 1,800 

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head    2   4
Torso    6 11  
R/L Arm   2/2 4/4
Legs    4   7

Equipment Location Mass (kg)
Magshot            RA   500
@Magshot (30)   600
Magshot            LA   500
RL-2    T1   100