Author Topic: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform  (Read 19764 times)


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Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« on: 12 December 2011, 17:47:26 »
Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform

Some units show up and never seem to wander back off the publishing schedule.  There's so many Unseen variants running around they're a book by themselves (literally - the core Reseen got their own TRO and not one but two Record Sheet volumes) and other old units like the Atlas and Highlander have been published plenty of times themselves.  This article isn't about one of those.  Instead, we're looking at a vehicle some of you may not have heard of and Marik light tank formations have been operating (or watching explode and burn merrily, as the case may be) for decades: the Harasser.  Introduced when the FWLM went looking for a companion to the Galleons they “inherited” from the SLDF, the Harasser is built by Brooks Incorporated with factories on Suzano, Irian, and Andurien as of the War of 3039.  Instead of doing anything conventional, the designers went for something different: a fast-moving, hard-hitting hovercraft that lives up to its name.  (It also lives up to the nicknames “skeet”, “deathtrap”, and “Oh god where did the Infernos come from?!”)  Originally deployed very widely with planetary militias, the Harasser finally got to work with its intended partner in the Third Succession War.  The first tactic, using the Harasser to draw attention and fire while Galleons attempted encirclement, fell by the wayside when someone looked at the casualty totals and realized that maybe the slower, tougher units should play bait while the fast-moving hovercraft should be used as flankers and ambushers, an idea that worked a lot better.  Although the basic model is very widespread, in use by just about all the Spheroid factions including mercs, the primary operator has always been House Marik.

At 25 tons, the Harasser is larger than a heavy APC but not by a lot, and has two crew members who are probably recruited by showing them ludicrously good retirement bonuses and getting them to sign on the dotted line before they read the fine print that you have to survive to collect your pension.  (Rumors report that Lyran recruiters have borrowed their techniques for staffing Fenrir formations.)  While hovercraft need to keep at least 20% of their tonnage for the engines, Brooks' engineers went ahead and paid out another three tons, leaving the Harasser with a 120-rated GM Classic II combustion engine that gives it a 162 kph flank speed.  The armament is pretty impressive for a vehicle this size, too.  Two SureShot Mk. VI SRM 6s are mounted in the turret, giving you a lot of crit-seeking power for use when the speed gets you into range.  Okay, it all sounds good and not terribly suicidal, so why the deathtrap cracks?  The catch is that there's only 1.5 tons of armor wrapped around all of this speed and firepower, a measly 24 points arranged 5/5/4/5.  I'm reminded of a Ralph Nader book title.  Fortunately, because of the small size and low cost, replacing Harasssers doesn't take that much out of the LCCC's budget.  One nasty trick you may want to consider is switching a ton of ammunition out for a ton of Infernos to deal with infantry, vehicles, and 'Mechs you think aren't generating enough heat on their own.  It leaves you short on standard explosive rounds but, honestly, are you really going to get to fire off 15 rounds of standard SRMs in something this thin-skinned?

Several variations of the Harasser have shown up over the years.  The simplest to deal with just replace the weapons.  One of them, added to increase the combat endurance of the platform and ostentatiously called the Harasser Laser Platform, swaps the missiles for a pair of medium lasers and the heat sinks to fire them, frequently weapons salvaged from damaged or destroyed Galleons.  The fact that you had more ammo than tons of armor to begin with suggests to me that ammo endurance wasn't really the problem but I wasn't asked.  The flamer model trades down to SRM 4s for a vehicle flamer and, mercifully, another ton of armor arranged 8/8/8/8.  An LRM-armed variant only packs on another half-ton of armor distributed 7/6/7/6, but an LRM 10 with three tons of ammo gives you all sorts of options for annoying someone with alternate munitions.  You know the stuff, that Capellan “imported” ammo the Quartermaster doesn't know about.

The last two variants are a little more out there.  The “Mini-Peggy” is more normal, opting for a remote sensor dispenser with 30 sensors to spread around, offering you a reconnaissance option that's fast and doesn't have to stick around to get eyes on the target.  It also has two SRM 4s, still offering a respectable punch, and the same armor as the flamer variant.  The other one takes the prize for the Harasser Most Likely To Go Up In Flames And Take Its Crew With it because it's already done exactly that.  Inspired by a run-in with a few Kangas, an enterprising group decided to try making their own by fitting jump jets to create the Leaping Lisa.  A reduction to SRM 4s fed by a single ton of ammunition provided the tonnage to fit seven jump jets.  The first attempt at using them botched horribly, landing the Lisa on its rear for (in game terms) a critical hit to the ammunition, killing the crew and inspiring the League to ban any more experiments like that.  If it had worked, it might have been an interesting unit, with a lot of mobility in terrain you don't normally expect to see hovers, but the automatic mobility hit roll on every landing means any Leaping Lisa would sooner or later immobilize itself.

The name “Harasser” isn't just a catchy marketing moniker, it's a suggestion on how you should use the vehicle.  Even for a 25 ton vehicle, Harassers are poorly armored deathtraps under any sort of heavy fire, with IS large lasers easily punching a crew's tickets for a ride on the Good Ship Dead.  Despite that, they have plenty of utility and can really ruin someone's day when you use them with the combination of aggression, discretion, and feral cunning that marks successful light lance commanders everywhere.  Screen yourself on approach or just keep your distance and keep moving at speeds that make the combination of targeting modifiers unattractive, then suddenly turn and sprint in to pepper someone with fire after your other units (such as the League's plethora of LGR-armed snipers) have managed to wear down the enemy.  Or keep them in reserve, encircle an opponent, and make them deal with either letting a lance of Harassers play around in their rear arc or quit handling whatever heavy 'Mech lance is front and center.

The usual round of accurate weapons - pulse lasers, cluster rounds out of LB-Xs, targeting computers, or precision ammo - are all going to do quite well at killing a Harasser.  There's simply not that much armor on here, even on the models that are relatively tough.  Snubbies, with their terrifyingly expansive short range bracket, are also going to be a special terror for the various short-ranged variants.  A large laser of any type can also at least keep them honest.  If you can stick to terrain hovers don't like (hilly, forested, etc.), the Harassers will either steer clear or be forced to slow down enough that they're going to be easy to kill.  The more important problem isn't bringing the tools in a lot of cases, it's paying enough attention to the battlefield that you don't end up with Harassers swarming you while you're busy with something else, possibly getting behind you.  A lot of people latch onto a single target and fixate on it, losing situational awareness.  To some degree, focusing on a single target is good for bringing it down, but you still need to be paying attention to what else is going on and moving around.

References: The Master Unit List should be your first stop, especially now that they also have BattleForce stats on display, but you'll need to look here for the Harasser Laser Platform.  The BattleTech Wiki has some additional artwork while CamoSpecs has two miniatures.  Oddly, neither one is from the FWLM but they're still worth looking at.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #1 on: 12 December 2011, 18:23:57 »
A very good article about a fun tank. Every time i use one i cackle maniacly with a crazed look in my eyes. I figure thats how the crew looks going into battle lol.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #2 on: 12 December 2011, 18:56:57 »
The Harasser shines in campaign play, where you can use their maneuverability to threaten supply lines and rear operating areas.  They are not designed for straight up BV against BV games which feature small maps with lots of terrain problems.  If you're a FWL player, they help provide some extra reach and mobility to your armor formations, supplementing the Exeter and Scarborough line of hover tanks.   I'd take a Pegasus over a Harasser any day though.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #3 on: 12 December 2011, 22:38:14 »
I always looked at the Harasser as the vehicular equivalent of the Commando. Tremendous firepower for the weight, but don't even sneeze near it or you're rolling for crits.

Carry a ton of inferno ammo. Sometimes the last thing your opponent expects is your hovertank to go zooming in at six zillion KPH and cough up enough napalm to make life miserable for an opponent. This is especially cruel to do to other vehicles, who just don't appreciate the multiple chances for crits you give them in this fashion.  Alternatively, zoom around and set everything on fire. This works better than most people expect, as the smoke often cuts ranges to exactly what the Harasser considers an even match. That is, none whatsoever.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #4 on: 12 December 2011, 23:03:34 »
I'll also add in that the Harasser, along with the Hetzer and Schrek have the amusing distinction of being first showcased not in TRO 3026 as one might expect, but in Dragon magazine, the October 1986 issue (#114). The stats were slightly different- the tank had 7 points of front and back armor, six on the sides and turret- just enough to theoretically survive a frontal large laser hit!

And yes, it was written by FASA folk at the time. The article was written by the primary writer of TRO 3026...and a rather odd lady you may have heard of, Margaret Weis. She -almost- ended up doing The Sword and the Dagger, then went on to write some silly series about dragonlances instead. ^^


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #5 on: 12 December 2011, 23:08:14 »
I love the Harasser. Win or lose, you know the crew has a one-word vocabulary in battle:

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #6 on: 12 December 2011, 23:12:05 »
And yes, it was written by FASA folk at the time. The article was written by the primary writer of TRO 3026...and a rather odd lady you may have heard of, Margaret Weis. She -almost- ended up doing The Sword and the Dagger, then went on to write some silly series about dragonlances instead. ^^

Now that's a piece of FASAtrivia I never knew! Thanks for sharing!

And the Harasser should be played the same way you'd use Mig-21s over the Golan Heights - in double handfuls, and with lots of "Dear _______ I regret to inform you" letters to hand.

* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #7 on: 12 December 2011, 23:27:30 »
I love the Harasser. Win or lose, you know the crew has a one-word vocabulary in battle:


Well, they are often (gone in) a Flash....


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #8 on: 12 December 2011, 23:32:21 »
It's so late at night that I can't see the screen clearly. Did you  actually mess with the font size at the appropriate spots, or is it an optical illusion of ultimate awesome coincidencity?
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #9 on: 13 December 2011, 01:17:21 »
It's great, for what it is intended to do... Harass.

Launching an attack on that enemy battalion coming at you? Use these babies with J. Edgars and other fast hovers like you would the light Calvary of old... Your scouting light mechs will flank with them and engage any like enemy hovers, whilst these will race into the main enemy lines and wreak havok.

Their goal is to do damage, not to fight battles. Run in shooting everything up as you go, dumping inferno on important mechs if your tanker has the goats to do it, and run out the other end. They slow down and disrupt the enemy main battle force, hitting them ideally just as your Marauders, Archers and other minions are coming into battle range.

If you have a large enough hover-force, and they can wreck enough havok on their own... your sweeping IFV's can try to surround the enemy, dumping PBI's in his rear for more fun if your main battle force can push his unit back.

They aren't survivable in their own or in small engagements, but a dozen or so used properly in a Battalion+ engagement can make a rather nice difference in disrupting the enemy's mojo
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #10 on: 13 December 2011, 01:37:11 »
I'm surprised there isn't a variant loaded with RLs for one pass haul ass action. Of course, that would increase crew survival rates and that would screw with someone's actuary tables too much for comfort.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #11 on: 13 December 2011, 01:45:29 »
I'm surprised there isn't a variant loaded with RLs for one pass haul ass action. Of course, that would increase crew survival rates and that would screw with someone's actuary tables too much for comfort.

This would mess up the logistical planning of the Harasser units which order "reloads" of Harassers and personnel, not missile reloads
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #12 on: 13 December 2011, 01:59:00 »
Great article Moonsword, but you forgot to mention one thing when talking about how to deal with Harassers.
And that is when you hide out in forested terrain from them, pray they didn't bring a ton of infernos with them 8)


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #13 on: 13 December 2011, 03:03:35 »
Very well-written article on a unit I hadn't encountered in quite some time. It inspired me to work up a couple of modern variants here.

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #14 on: 13 December 2011, 03:28:57 »
This one just begs for a RL variant. HMI should really make one for the Legions.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #15 on: 13 December 2011, 05:34:53 »
Me, I'd look at the M-missiles. 2xMML5 or MRM-20 in the turret.

Both would mess up the paper mill industry though, by reducing slightly the need for "We regret to inform you..." -letters, but on the other hand, it'd be a nasty kind of shell game to guess what range the Harassers will like.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #16 on: 13 December 2011, 07:10:23 »
Over the years I've done my best to explain away a lot of bad design decisions on these boards so I want start off by saying that I know where you're coming from. That said, I've actually played multiple games with these things so I'm also aware that they simply aren't a good investment. Armour economy isn't always false economy but it is here.

Luckily, Galleons, Scimitars, Plainsmans and loads of other league and general use vees have all got upgrades so, save for the flamer version (with was a '60s baby that I hand wave away as a militia refit), the un-upgraded Harasser is probably relegated to third line units by now.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #17 on: 13 December 2011, 07:53:22 »
I'll also add in that the Harasser, along with the Hetzer and Schrek have the amusing distinction of being first showcased not in TRO 3026 as one might expect, but in Dragon magazine, the October 1986 issue (#114). The stats were slightly different- the tank had 7 points of front and back armor, six on the sides and turret- just enough to theoretically survive a frontal large laser hit!

Yes, fractional accounting really hurts small machines like this.  Getting a half ton of armor back from fractional accounting (.25 from controls, .4 from the turret) makes something of a difference.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #18 on: 13 December 2011, 08:56:47 »
Harassers exist to be mooks for more campaign-friendly games.  Look! Here's comes another lance of vehicles.  10 seconds later.  OK, let's move up to the next objective.  And then when you're done,  Mechcommander can make you look all impressive by making a deep boom everytime it pops up a destroyed vehicle on your kill list.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #19 on: 13 December 2011, 11:20:15 »
Do Harassers appear in MC2? I only remember them from MW4. ****** of them are encountered in the campaigns.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #20 on: 13 December 2011, 11:21:02 »
I'm surprised there isn't a variant loaded with RLs for one pass haul ass action. Of course, that would increase crew survival rates and that would screw with someone's actuary tables too much for comfort.

Well, that and when the Harasser was designed for TRO 3026, they didn't exist as a weapon system for Battletech. Otherwise, you probably could strap like six of the things on there for one of the SRM 6-racks and really ruin somebody's day.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #21 on: 13 December 2011, 11:46:51 »
Yes, fractional accounting really hurts small machines like this.  Getting a half ton of armor back from fractional accounting (.25 from controls, .4 from the turret) makes something of a difference.

*nods* Yeah, it even would have made a difference in fighting the Clans- 7 armor being the classic "stop one ERML hit" requirement, meaning you'd actually have to dedicate a big gun to swat the thing or multiple smaller ones.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #22 on: 13 December 2011, 13:05:19 »
Well, that and when the Harasser was designed for TRO 3026, they didn't exist as a weapon system for Battletech. Otherwise, you probably could strap like six of the things on there for one of the SRM 6-racks and really ruin somebody's day.

From the MUL and my own knowledge of the various RS volumes, there hasn't been one designed since 3026 (in game years, not publishing years) other than the Mini-Peggy and I'm pretty sure I left some snarky remarks on that particular Harasser's fate in the version that got posted.  We simply haven't seen one (canonically) with post-Helm Core technologies available to my knowledge.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #23 on: 13 December 2011, 14:06:34 »
Does it really deserve advanced equipment though? Short of tossing FFA on it for powers where FF is commonplace... I certainly couldn't justify using a SFE in this thing.

OTOH, the V-Flamer version could be a fun hail-mary pass at dousing a mech that runs hot with enough inferno fuel to keep it crippled in action for a turn or ten.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #24 on: 13 December 2011, 14:18:16 »
Pulling out HMV . . . dropping the speed to 9/14, you get a lot more armor options and make it more survivable with FF.  And since I was there I swapped the SRM6s for MML5s- a straight swap with reloads.  I wonder if fuel cells would be better than ICE, and if you made it HFF you get even more armor.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #25 on: 13 December 2011, 19:38:05 »
Pulling out HMV . . . dropping the speed to 9/14, you get a lot more armor options and make it more survivable with FF.  And since I was there I swapped the SRM6s for MML5s- a straight swap with reloads.  I wonder if fuel cells would be better than ICE, and if you made it HFF you get even more armor.
  Well, a 120FCE would save you three tons (while remaining above/at the 'magic' 20% mark required of hover-engines).  Use two tons for more armour, then load a pair of MML5s on the thing in place of the SRM6s, supply them with your choice of specialised munitions for the tactical situation, and you might be onto something.  At least enough to live up to the thing's name, anyway....  }:)


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #26 on: 13 December 2011, 21:54:34 »
The fan design section, I just went with a fuel cell engine (readily done even with Periphery tech) and swapped the SRM-6 racks for quad MML-3's.

Voila. Even with standard armor it's a massive improvement, or you can go cheaper still and have just enough room to strap on 2 MML-3's...with six RL-10's and an extra ton of armor on top of that. Those things look kinda fast and rude...


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #27 on: 14 December 2011, 00:09:55 »
Am I the only person who wanted an AC 2 Harasser (LB-X for the modern era) for it's long range, high speed plinking potential? (it could even trade a ton of ammo for another ton of armour)

not so good on a small map, but on a larger one it should have potential  :)
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #28 on: 14 December 2011, 02:20:04 »
On the Fuel cell/RL front(s), switching of a Fuel cell you can mount 10 RL15's and 3.5 tons, this doesn't include a turret, so you can run in, fire off 150 rockets and then get the hell out of dodge


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Harasser Missile Platform
« Reply #29 on: 14 December 2011, 03:10:04 »
On the Fuel cell/RL front(s), switching of a Fuel cell you can mount 10 RL15's and 3.5 tons, this doesn't include a turret, so you can run in, fire off 150 rockets and then get the hell out of dodge

Won't work. A Harasser only has 7 Item slots ( 25t/10+5  rounded down) .