Author Topic: ’Mech of the Week: SA-MN/MTS-** Mantis  (Read 3524 times)


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’Mech of the Week: SA-MN/MTS-** Mantis
« on: 30 December 2011, 16:02:34 »
’Mech of the Week: SA-MN/MTS-** Mantis

 The Mantis is one of the most intimidating looking light ’Mechs ever produced. It is also one of the fastest. Capable of (literally) ripping apart designs in its own weight class, this machine is an unholy terror in the confines of the Solaris arenas.

Seriously, would you want to turn a corner and find yourself face-to-face with something with two claws? Especially if your head is already wounded?

Having seen one of these things tear a pilot from his cockpit, and instantly quarter him, it is not a fun visual.

The SA-MN Mantis is the fastest of the original 12 from the Solaris Box Set, and first entered the arenas in the early 3050’s. The 270-rated extralight engine pushes it to speeds barely equaled by designs like the Hussar or Dart, and surpassed in the Inner Sphere by only the Fireball, at least at the time of its introduction. The addition of MASC leaves all but the Clan Fire Moth in the dust. Armor was provided by ferro-fibrous to 84% of maximum. All front locations can withstand a large laser hit, while the center torso and legs can take a Class-10 autocannon. Rear armor only protects against a single small laser blast in each location. Each arm ends with a claw, which does the same amount of damage as a medium laser. For a modicum of more range, two small lasers, and one medium were installed. Twelve double heat sinks give it more than adequate heat dissipation. All of this was mounted on an endo-steel skeleton.

While there is a note in TRO: 3055 Upgrade that starting in 3056, extended models replaced the standard lasers, there isn’t an official variant of this. The next official variant appears to have entered the arenas in 3061. The MTS-S model got a facelift on its looks, which still are quite vicious. The only changes from the first variant are the dropping of two heat sinks, to allow for two more extended model medium lasers to be added.

The next set of variants are the “T” series. All three of these variants use an extralight gyroscope to increase the armor to 93%. Now all front locations can take a PPC blast, and the center torso can withstand two Clantech medium lasers. The rear center can withstand a Inner Sphere medium. From there, each variant uses a different piece of equipment. The MTS-T adds a targeting computer. The MTS-T2 instead replaces the armor with laser reflective, and the MTS-T3 uses reactive, both of which do add one point of armor to the rear side torsos and two to each leg.

The final variant is the MTS-L reworks the design a bit. Using the MTS-T as a basis, all of the weapons were removed. The left arm loses its arm actuator, while the right gains a more standard hand, which now grips a lance. Four medium pulse lasers were installed, two to each side torso. Instead of MASC, triple-strength myomer was used, with the addition a supercharger. The record sheet is one-half ton short on weight, which is also the amount of armor missing from maximum.

Using one starts simple. Remember that thing about meeting one in a back alley? That’s where you want to be. Cut off lightweight stragglers and kill them quick. Always keep your speed up, though use the MASC or supercharger sparingly. But if you need that extra boost (usually because his bigger guys are getting mighty close), hit the turbo. While the -T2 is less affected by laser fire, and the -T3 is better against certain ballistics, keeping your head down is always a good idea. The former has a bad habit of breaking in melee (and when you trip) and the latter has this problem with suddenly vaporizing in an uncontrollable reaction. Still, the most prominent weapons are meant to be used in melee combat. Just remember to pick your spots.

Fighting one is a matter of inches. Bringing bigger stuff is good, just there are few designs that can keep up. You will almost always have range, though. Hit them if they leave themselves open (double if your assault can move next to him). Keep knocking them down until they stop getting up. While melee combat is their forte, there are designs in their weight class they won’t want to play with. Starting with the Scarabus, which wields an axe, and possibly hot TSM. While trying to outspeed him could be fun, outside of the Fire Moth or certain Locust variants, this may not be at all wise. Though a fight between a Mantis and a Fire Moth H would at least be amusing.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: SA-MN/MTS-** Mantis
« Reply #1 on: 30 December 2011, 17:40:59 »
Taking a closer look at TRO3055U, I think that mention of ER lasers refers to the introduction date of the MTS-S.  Unlike the Mjolnir, it has the speed to really be a pest with its melee weapons.  I'd note that the claws, although they hit relatively hard, suffer a +1 modifier to their attacks.  Overall, I'd probably look at a Scarabus if I really wanted to go this route but it's interesting.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: SA-MN/MTS-** Mantis
« Reply #2 on: 23 January 2012, 13:55:20 »
I tried one of these out one time.

I was fighting a Spatha and came pretty close to bringing him down on account of how much damage my claws did to his Laser Reflective Armor.  I lost, but it's not often that you see a big mech sweat like that against something half its size.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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