Author Topic: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm  (Read 11677 times)


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Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« on: 02 March 2012, 18:12:59 »
'Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm

TRO3060's Garm was introduced by Johnston Industries on New Syrtis in 3058 as a competitor to the Valkyrie, long the AFFS's staple light fire support 'Mech.  Named for the Norse equivalent of Cerberus, the Garm hasn't seen that 'Mech's popularity in or out of character, with initial sales going mostly to mercenaries and a few Periphery realms, most notably the Taurian Concordat.  After the Taurians invested in several production runs, the AFFC apparently felt that it was worth some attention and bought a few hundred for militias and second-line units.  Beyond that, the Garm has generally kept a fairly low profile, with appearances in Record Sheets: Upgrades and of course Record Sheets 3060 Unabridged.  Given the damage that Johnston is still recovering from in the 3080s, it seems Garm production has been, at a minimum, heavily disrupted and it seems possible it might be left to lapse entirely.

That might be because of how unimpressive the original GRM-01A is overall.  Leaving aside the artwork, which is very typical of TRO3060 (albeit a cut above some of the ludicrous vehicle imagery), the design's capabilities are passable enough for fire support but not great.  An endo-steel frame saves tonnage.  The 175-rated Omni standard fusion engine is a mere seven tons and matches the typical Valkyrie speed of 86 kph, and it also has the same 150 meter jump capability.  Where the original GRM-01A comes up short is the armor.  The Valkyrie is usually fairly tough for its size and the first Garm is anything but.  Ferro-fibrous helps but with only 3.5 tons, there's only so much you can do.  62 points of armor offer a level of protection certain Succession Wars Stingers and Locusts actually exceed slightly.  The 6 points on the head are vulnerable to punch through by Clan medium or IS large lasers (an LPL will actually take it off), the CT and sides have only 9 points, and the limbs are armored similarly to the head.  A Gauss rifle will take any given limb off with a point to spare on the legs and three on the arms; an AC/20 dead center will kill it outright while an IHGR will punch through and clean out the rear armor for good measure.  A mere point is on the rear sides, not enough to protect against an SRM or MG hit, let alone a fall.  Only ten single heat sinks looks bad - and considering how close New Syrtis is to the Confederation, home to people who regard the Inferno as roughly equivalent to a greeting card in social terms, it is to some extent - but there's literally no room for DHS on here.  All of this scrimping and tonnage must have gone to the weapons, right?  Well, it did.  The Federated LRM 10 with a single ton of ammunition matches the classic VLK-QA Valkyrie's LRM load, while the other weapon can potentially match its medium laser at much longer ranges: A Mydron Excel 5SG LB 5-X autocannon, a fairly new weapon at the time.  The lack of two tons of ammunition hobbles the flexibility of the autocannon, however.  Personally, given the sheer utility of cluster rounds, I recommend sticking to those in most situations.  Oddly, despite the fact that this is a thinly armored, poorly armed machine, it's also still pretty useful given the distinct encouragement MechWarriors receive to not get stupid thanks to their armor, the cluster ammo, and the way the low damage doesn't really encourage opponents to make it a priority most of the time.

The GRM-01B, the only variant mentioned in TRO3060, is a little better... sort of.  While the original doesn't usually have overheating problems in standard conditions absent external thermal input or engine damage, the GRM-01B reminds me of the ENF-5D with its combination of an ERLL in place of the autocannon and the use of 12 single heat sinks.  The other two tons were split, with one ton going to very necessary armor upgrades and the other to Artemis IV for the LRM launcher.  Although thickening the armor out to the point that you can actually take an LL on the limbs, 12 points on the side torsos, or a whopping 14 on the CT was a huge improvement, I'm not so sure the Artemis was.  Better endurance, certainly, although the heat load requires you to pick your shots with the ERLL.

In Record Sheets: Upgrades, the Garm got a visit from the RAC fairy in the form of the GRM-01C.  The armor was once again bumped, this time to a total of five tons, although the decision to armor the legs better than anything else at 12 points, with 11 on the CT, 9 on the arms and the side torsos that actually contain ammo, and the 8 point head, is a little wacky.  The rear armor is finally vaguely approaching up to snuff at a 3/4/3 spread.  The addition of CASE marks this as probably being a factory model, although it's possible it's merely a very intensive refit.  The primary armament is without question the class 5 rotary autocannon in the right torso, fed by two tons of ammunition in the left torso right next to the ERML.  Only ten SHS mean you can get more than a little toasty if you're jumping and firing on full auto but with this little ammo, you really shouldn't be doing that all that often.  Stick to single shots unless you've got a wonderful opportunity, then sledgehammer someone.  Overall, I'm really not that impressed.  The original's reach and low damage output at least kept it at a safe distance and comfortably low on the threat meter while offering some options in the realms of vehicle harassment.

Designed by our very own ItsTehPope, the GRM-01A2 attempts to rectify some of the mess.  Its success is... debatable, although it's admirable attempt in a lot of ways.  His Urbieness started by departing from the established formula, using a 210-rated light fusion engine to push the speed up to 97 kph, while the armor is fractionally better than the original GRM-01A with 4 tons of light ferro-fibrous.  A whole point better on the rear.  The XL gyro  was used to cram everything in - given the armor, that's a little alarming, but given that this is a light, you're not long for this world with an LFE once the armor is breached anyway.  Okay, moving on!  We've actually achieved double heat sinkdom, with 10 of them providing just enough cooling for everything.  The weapons choices are a bit eccentric but suit the spirit of the times and I believe there was a requirement to use TW weaponry out but you'd have to ask Pope or one of the others for more commentary there.  The LRMs are still in place, with CASE to minimize any “Whoopsies!” with the LRM ammunition, but the autocannon is now a plasma rifle, providing a great deal more menace to a wide array of unit types, albeit at the cost of encouraging you to get closer than perhaps is wise.  I might have opted for another ton of armor instead of a second ton of ammo, too, and there's definite hints of Shiny Toy Syndrome here.  Overall, it's not too bad despite the quirkiness and the limited ammo discourages MechWarriors from hanging around longer than the armor allows.  It's also quite suitable as an urban harassment and skirmisher unit, peppering someone with indirect fire or laying minefields while using the plasma rifle to stab at vehicles or infantry formations from unexpected directions.

The original and the GRM-01B are without question snipers.  I'm not going to mince words.  If you bring one into close range willingly, you're doing it wrong.  Quit screwing around and get back to medium range.  Pepper someone with fire and use your speed to stay the hell out of arm's reach of heavies or slow mediums and hope nothing like a modern Wolverine or Uziel (or heaven help you, a Falconer) takes exception to your harassment.  On the 01C and 01A2, carefully pick your moment to close, doing your best to find a vulnerable flank.  The 01A2, with its LRMs, can pick from some alternative munitions (T-Augs can be especially annoying in a city), and both will benefit from intelligent use of terrain and spotting information.

With most Garms, a decent amount of fire will put the nuisance out of its misery, and at 5/8/5, the pre-Jihad models are on the low end of light 'Mech speed these days.  For that matter, the GRM-01A2 isn't exactly fast at 6/9/6.  My advice is against the first two, ram something decently armed down their throat if they're being annoying, tear them down, and move on.  Other lights (especially something like one of the tougher Jenners or even an Owens) with a bit of firepower to their name and a lot of speed will have a field day, as will fast mediums.  With the 1C and the 1A2, watch for backstabbing attempts, and the 1C's armor is thicker than the others, too, so dissuading it permanently takes a little more effort.

References: The MUL is a good place to start looking over, offering BV2 and BattleForce statistics as well as availability data.  CamoSpecs has a mixture of Federated Suns and mercenary Garms on display.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #1 on: 02 March 2012, 22:06:32 »
When you said early March I had no idea you meant the 2nd of March :P

Good article Moonsword. The Garm seems to be a 'mech that is disliked by most people.
I don't really hate them, they aren't one of the best designed 'mechs yeah. But the original standard engined models are cheap to field in C-bills or BV. And with an LB-X 5, I find them decent little bodyguards for discouraging VTOLs to attack what they are guarding. And as mentioned the LRM with mines can make movement difficult for people.
But the LB-X 5 really is the weapon I think that the mech should work around. There aren't many light mechs capable of pulling anti-aircraft duty after all. And I would much rather have my Rifleman supporting closer to the line than pulling bodyguard duty.

Ian Sharpe

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #2 on: 02 March 2012, 23:12:16 »
One of 3060's 'what were they thinking?' units.  Still, its not all bad.  Its useful for supporting Watchmen or Sentries, and great for Bug mechs which are only a little faster but lack range.  One of the few Mechs where I'd like splitting the LRM-10 into 2 five racks for the extra ton.  I'd probably stick with the LB-5 over the ERLL; I know I can fire the LB-5 all day long and its probably a better weapon in the anti-armour role.  The RAC/5 model isn't awful, if its being supported.  I'd probably like it over an Urbie in a city or in built up terrain.  Surprised the TW one doesn't have MMLs over the LRMs, but the plasma rifle is a great weapon for a Mech like this, being useful against all targets. 


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #3 on: 02 March 2012, 23:35:48 »
The only problem is the plasma rifle version pushes it into the 'your interesting to me' area and it still is a bit light on armor.
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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #4 on: 03 March 2012, 00:59:01 »
Always felt there should be a 2 or 3 x LAC-5 model of some sorts.
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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #5 on: 03 March 2012, 01:27:23 »
i tend to really dislike the idea of using any mech that can become completely mission incapable through ammo depletion. for heavies and assualts you can at least fall back on punches and kicks for defense, but lights and mediums just don't have the oomph for that.

so needless to say i'd prefer the GRM-01B, even if it does require some heat management. (and really.. the heat isn't that bad compared to some of the 3025 mechs..)


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #6 on: 03 March 2012, 06:53:56 »
I actually like the little thing because I view it as a pure auxiliary/support unit rather than a real combat design and it is cheap enough that you can tack it on without worry.  The way I would use this is to team it up with larger heavy/assault formations where it can use the 5-X to provide long range crit seeking, anti-aircraft cover, and vehicle locking without requiring you to divert the full attention of one of your real 'Mechs.  I would also load the LRM rack with Thunders to deploy minefields to cover your flanks and keep it back at medium or even long range because it does not have the armor to take a hit and the -1 modifier from cluster rounds will make it easier to hit from long range.  Sure it will not turn the battle on its own or win any glory doing this, but it will annoy the enemy and should be worth the minimal investment to field.

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #7 on: 03 March 2012, 10:04:55 »
Like others have said, I'd use the original for anti-air and anti-tank work. In AA, the LB-X gets the hits and forces the Lawn-Dart rolls, while the LRM can force threshold crits on many lighter planes, or even do appreciable raw damage to many conventionals, such as the Taurians' new Seabuster.
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Sami Jumppanen

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #8 on: 08 March 2012, 16:07:51 »
Like others have said, I'd use the original for anti-air and anti-tank work. In AA, the LB-X gets the hits and forces the Lawn-Dart rolls, while the LRM can force threshold crits on many lighter planes, or even do appreciable raw damage to many conventionals, such as the Taurians' new Seabuster.

I'm starting to see a pattern here. If mech doesn't realy have any use then it is relegated to AA work. Garm is bit like a fast Urbanmech, nobody realy want's to use one but if forced to then knows what to use it for.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #9 on: 08 March 2012, 16:23:33 »
Not necessarily. For AA work, it needs long-ranged guns, and flak bonuses are gravy. The Garm has both, which automatically makes it a major threat to any and all things airborne. Urbanmechs make okay AA platforms due to their autocannons(especially the LB-X variant), though the lack of real range really hampers them, and they are definitely inferior to Garms in that regard(except maybe the Arrow IV version). The SN-PPC, MRM, and RAC Urbies are actually really bad at AA, having neither long range or flak bonuses, and the Ultra version barely ranks over them with its 18-hex-range gun.
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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #10 on: 08 March 2012, 16:30:42 »
Garms are great. I get a bunch of RACs out of them in the campaign I play in.
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Sami Jumppanen

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #11 on: 08 March 2012, 17:23:35 »
Not necessarily. For AA work, it needs long-ranged guns, and flak bonuses are gravy. The Garm has both, which automatically makes it a major threat to any and all things airborne. Urbanmechs make okay AA platforms due to their autocannons(especially the LB-X variant), though the lack of real range really hampers them, and they are definitely inferior to Garms in that regard(except maybe the Arrow IV version). The SN-PPC, MRM, and RAC Urbies are actually really bad at AA, having neither long range or flak bonuses, and the Ultra version barely ranks over them with its 18-hex-range gun.

I propably should have specified that the urbie in the LBX variant. But even so, i didn't say that the urbie is better in AA work. I'm just saying that in AA duty is something where both mechs can be usefull without being near automatic suicide to the pilot.


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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #12 on: 08 March 2012, 17:29:17 »
This is true. On the other hand, if AA duty is the only thing you can think of, think harder. ;)
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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #13 on: 08 March 2012, 17:48:07 »
This is true. On the other hand, if AA duty is the only thing you can think of, think harder. ;)

It's not.  It's a passable sniper and harasser, without the firepower to compel an immediate response but a weapons load that's still useful, and vehicles are not going to like the way the weapons cluster.  AA isn't an act of despair on the GRM-01A's part, either.  Keeping VTOLs honest is something it's actually armed to do fairly decently.

Sami Jumppanen

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #14 on: 08 March 2012, 19:15:25 »
This is true. On the other hand, if AA duty is the only thing you can think of, think harder. ;)

I can think a few things but things tend to fall into the urbie's speed (or lack of it). It just can't escape if enemy comes after it. In AA duty speed isn't realy an issue.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #15 on: 08 March 2012, 19:31:07 »
5/8/5 isn't fast? ???

I'd use it as a valet, dancing around outside the range of assault tanks, and parking them. Also good for weakening BA. You put a few shots into a BA squad, and the secondary guns carried by your heavier 'mechs are now much more likely to OSK those damaged suits if they try to get close.
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Ian Sharpe

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #16 on: 08 March 2012, 21:28:43 »
I'd use the Garm more if it were sexier.  Looks like someone put an Axman on a Centurion body and added tiny, stick arms.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #17 on: 08 March 2012, 22:01:22 »
The Garm's problem can be summed up in one word.


5/8/5 vs 6/9/0 can be argued about.  The prices are nearly the same, a bit over a quarter million c-bills difference, and you can go through that much in ammo and armor patches in a few engagements.

But if given a choice, I'd go the Wolfhound, first time, every time, barring some very extreme terrain.  In a head to head match up the Wolfhound can penetrate the limbs and head on the first hit with it's main gun on the first hit, and leave the front torso sections nearly bare.  The horror a of a Wolfhound that manages to get in a Garm's face, particular the WLF-2, is best left undetailed.

And with twice the armor on the Wolfhound, and the Garm barely hitting back any harder than the large laser of the WLF (by 1 to 3 points, depending on if you go with slug or cluster rounds) the Wolfhound is likely to kill a Garm far quicker than it can be killed by one.

The Garm is the Sgt York DIVAD, without even the pretense of having an unfilled slot for it.

And I'm not sold on the 'armor of mediocrity' either.  The opening salvos are at long range, and most of them miss.  If I'm slinging hot photons and particles down range, I look at what I can get for the few hits I'm likely to score.  That burly assault mech?  A PPC hit or two will scuff the armor, maybe force a PSR if I'm lucky.  That light plinker?  That a single PPC hit can go internal on the first hit?  Yeah, slap him around early, and even if you don't put hit down the battle damage will force him to maneuver more for his protection than offense punch.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #18 on: 09 March 2012, 00:51:57 »
I don't look at how the Garm or Wolfhound would fare in a 1 on 1 fight to determine which I would take to a fight. I look at what I am missing in my force and would assign either 'Mech accordingly.
Like if I am needing a reasonably fast light that can go toe to toe with mediums and come out on top. In order to keep the enemy light mechs honest for example. Well then I will take the Wolfound. But if I am lacking in AA capable weapons, cluster dealing weapons or need a bit more LRM tubes, I will take the Garm. (For the latter if I do not have anymore Valkyries left).

Heck a Garm would go well in a lance with a Wolfhound to help keep VTOL's and other aircraft honest. As well as seek out those holes that the Wolfhound punches with it's heavy energy weapon. Or perhaps put down minefields to keep enemies off of it's flank.

Thinking of other 'Mechs with good AA performance. I have a hard time remembering any other 'Mech that uses an LB-5X, and can only think of one Jagermech variant that uses the LB-2X off of the top of my head.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #19 on: 09 March 2012, 11:47:40 »
The Assassin has a variant that uses the LB-5X, and would be my fast go-to 'mech for AA. Calls it a 'failed variant', but I like it... in a limited fashion.

The Uziel sports an LB-2x, and has a decent side armament to go along with its higher speed.

The Men Shen B mounts two 2x's.

So no not that much in the way of canon 5x's or 2x's; however, the 2x is really light. You could strip out, say, the Jackal's ERPPC and replace it with a 2x very readily.

My problem with the Garm (other than its fugly design, something which all the 3060 lights suffer from) is the fact that it tries to do too much for its weight. It's too slow to be a good light, too lightly armed and armored to be a pocket heavy, and generally comes off worse than its supposed predecessor (the Valkyrie). Considering that the Valk's Phoenix version mounts an Artemis'd LRM-15, matches the Garm's speed, and carries almost twice the armor (while still having an ERML and a TC!) I'd still rather invest in the VLK.

Still, if it weren't so terrible as a mini, I'd invest in one because it makes sense as a cheap militia 'Mech and in a light fire lance could be a valuable teammate. But damn, it be ugly!

Ian Sharpe

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #20 on: 09 March 2012, 12:14:05 »
The Firestarter Omni has a config with an LB-5 as well, the G IIRC. 

(other than its fugly design, something which all the 3060 lights suffer from)

Still, if it weren't so terrible as a mini, I'd invest in one because it makes sense as a cheap militia 'Mech and in a light fire lance could be a valuable teammate. But damn, it be ugly!

Could not agree more.  They're all so hideous, and unusually poorly statted to boot!  Then they waste Cossack and Eagle, two evocative names, on those monstrosities.  Only the Arctic Fox, which is odd looking, but a quite good Mech, gets around it for me.  The Duan Gung used to be acceptable to me, before the Sling art and stats. 


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #21 on: 09 March 2012, 12:25:35 »
I don't look at how the Garm or Wolfhound would fare in a 1 on 1 fight to determine which I would take to a fight. I look at what I am missing in my force and would assign either 'Mech accordingly.
Like if I am needing a reasonably fast light that can go toe to toe with mediums and come out on top. In order to keep the enemy light mechs honest for example. Well then I will take the Wolfound. But if I am lacking in AA capable weapons, cluster dealing weapons or need a bit more LRM tubes, I will take the Garm. (For the latter if I do not have anymore Valkyries left).

Heck a Garm would go well in a lance with a Wolfhound to help keep VTOL's and other aircraft honest. As well as seek out those holes that the Wolfhound punches with it's heavy energy weapon. Or perhaps put down minefields to keep enemies off of it's flank.

Thinking of other 'Mechs with good AA performance. I have a hard time remembering any other 'Mech that uses an LB-5X, and can only think of one Jagermech variant that uses the LB-2X off of the top of my head.

I'm looking at this from a Merc perspective.  Which means I have to buy, and replace, these mechs.

The Wolfhound gets pride of place due to it's flexibility.  It can be a light mech hunter/killer, a long range skimisher/harraser, or a close range fighter.  In short in any fight that does require alot of jumping I can get the Wolfhound to serve some role, and have the armor to make it hard to be bitch slapped out of the fight in one salvo if it annoys something bigger than it.

The Garm, is at best a specialist, and for the most part if I want it's capacities there are other, existing, platforms to turn too.  If I want light LRM support, go for a Valkerie.  AA?  I generally like the LB-10X, and the Hollander has a version that carries that, a couple MLs, and more armor.  Or just assign the role to a heavier unit and pick up one of the many mechs that uses a LB-10X and make sure it has a bin of cluster rounds.

The Garm is aslo a crippled specialist, sure if can be made use of, if you are able to preplan and load it up right based on the terrain and opposition, but you rarely have such full knowledge.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #22 on: 10 March 2012, 14:52:59 »
I'm looking at this from a Merc perspective.  Which means I have to buy, and replace, these mechs.

The Wolfhound gets pride of place due to it's flexibility.  It can be a light mech hunter/killer, a long range skimisher/harraser, or a close range fighter.  In short in any fight that does require alot of jumping I can get the Wolfhound to serve some role, and have the armor to make it hard to be bitch slapped out of the fight in one salvo if it annoys something bigger than it.

The Garm, is at best a specialist, and for the most part if I want it's capacities there are other, existing, platforms to turn too.  If I want light LRM support, go for a Valkerie.  AA?  I generally like the LB-10X, and the Hollander has a version that carries that, a couple MLs, and more armor.  Or just assign the role to a heavier unit and pick up one of the many mechs that uses a LB-10X and make sure it has a bin of cluster rounds.

The Garm is aslo a crippled specialist, sure if can be made use of, if you are able to preplan and load it up right based on the terrain and opposition, but you rarely have such full knowledge.

I would honestly go the other way given the choice.  While the Wolfhound is a nice flexible machine, it is too light to really take much of a punch and too dangerous to ignore so it is going to take serious damage in a fight.  As such, I would much rather replace it with a good medium which can do the same job while being better able to take the heat.

The Garm on the other hand is optimized for lower risk secondary rolls and has ample reach to keep itself out of harm's way so even with its thin armor it is likely that it will come out with little to no serious damage.  It is also armed with the single best (tournament legal) anti-aircraft weapon in the Inner Sphere because the 2-X does not produce enough clusters to quickly paste VTOLs, the 10-X does not have enough range to provide a good umbrella, and the IS does not have access to HAGs.

As for pre-planning, the Garm is incredibly easy to work with because you are always going to load clusters in the gun, and the LRM will either be carrying mines if the terrain is going to limit the avenues of attack for backstabbers or standard/NARC if you don't need mines or intend to make heavy use other LRM platforms for indirect fire.

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #23 on: 11 March 2012, 02:06:15 »
What would you do with the 3.5 tons an XL gives you?

Up to a LB-10X?

Stuff a second LB-5X in place of the LRMs?

Upgrade to an LRM-15(Art-IV)?
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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #24 on: 11 March 2012, 02:36:22 »
More armour, C3, Artemis IV, more ammo. All useful things to add. I think a C3 would work wonders in making that LB-5X shine at providing cover, but I doubt it really be worth it.

But the big problem is the 'Mech is already at about max for internal space. So you actually can't fit in a lighter engine without drastically reworking it. I personally would scrap the LRM to free up space rather than the autocannon.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #25 on: 11 March 2012, 03:18:06 »
Honestly, I'd be tempted to just drop the LRM rack to a 5 and use those precious three tons where they'd do some good- a ton of armor, a ton of LBX ammo, and an ER medium laser to give it something to fire up close. Or split the 10-rack and give it that precious extra ton of armor that way too.

It's a Battlemech armed for killing anything but another 'Mech.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #26 on: 11 March 2012, 12:53:47 »
What would you do with the 3.5 tons an XL gives you?

Up to a LB-10X?

Stuff a second LB-5X in place of the LRMs?

Upgrade to an LRM-15(Art-IV)?

I would not make that swap.  The Garm does not really get much benefit from the lighter engine, and to me the big draws of this design is the low cost flexibility which would suffer from the more expensive engine.

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #27 on: 11 March 2012, 15:31:53 »
Yeah - quite literally, the ONLY thing the Garm has going for it is the price factor.

I think what I'd rather do to the Garm to fix 'er up is admit that it's primarily an AA platform/support 'Mech and replace the LB-5x with a 2x - being able to force lawndarts at extreme range for such a cheap 'Mech would be invaluable.

After that... the LRM just seems superfluous. I think I'd rather yank it and use the tonnage to up the speed (probably just to 6/9), give it a touch more armor, and some decent secondary weapons - maybe even give it a dual anti-infantry role with some flamers, or perhaps some ECM to disguise an advance (though admittedly I use the double-blind rules in my siggy where 'Mechs under an ECM cloud are replaced by 'blip' tokens until visual LOS is made, so cheap ECM carriers are invaluable!)

That way a lot of folks who think 'traditional' BV games (with mostly assaults) would have a cheap option they could just toss into their list to help them deal with non-traditional gamers who favor infantry and fighters.

Hey... why am I trying to fix the Garm? It's SOOO ugly!

Thinking back, I actually and seriously can tell you that it was the 'Mech designs in TRO 3060 which convinced me FASA had lost the plot, Battletech was dead, and that I should switch full-time to Warhammer 40k.


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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #28 on: 11 March 2012, 16:11:42 »
I would be more inclined to play with the LRM rack than the AC because the 5-X is much better than the 2-X against VTOLs (and other units) due to the critseeking it allows without running out of range like the 10-X, although switching to twin 2-X's would solve that problem and still leave some extra weight for thicker armor.  I would probably downgrade the LRM to a 5 to free up mass for an ECM bubble and some more armor to keep the options special LRM ammo (mostly mines) gives while making the unit more durable and allowing you to protect allies from hostile Artemis IV or NARC.

View my design musings or request your own custom ride here.

Kit deSummersville

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Re: Mech of the Week: GRM-* Garm
« Reply #29 on: 11 March 2012, 22:46:11 »
I think what I'd rather do to the Garm to fix 'er up is admit that it's primarily an AA platform/support 'Mech and replace the LB-5x with a 2x - being able to force lawndarts at extreme range for such a cheap 'Mech would be invaluable.

After that... the LRM just seems superfluous. I think I'd rather yank it and use the tonnage to up the speed (probably just to 6/9), give it a touch more armor, and some decent secondary weapons - maybe even give it a dual anti-infantry role with some flamers,

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