p. 74, second column, last paragraph
"maglev trains within the Citadel’s lowest levels were readied"
Change to:
"Maglev trains within the Citadel’s lowest levels were readied"
p. 77, second column, first full paragraph
"(to cut off potential counterattack or to seal specific areas to be cleared later)."
Change to:
"(to cut off potential counterattacks or to seal specific areas to be cleared later)."
p. 84, first column, last line
"the SLDF coutnerattacks"
Change to:
"the SLDF counterattacks"
p. 114, second column, third new paragraph
"Unfortunately, those arrests also encouraged many more fence-sitters across the inner Sphere"
Change to:
"Unfortunately, those arrests also encouraged many more fence-sitters across the Inner Sphere"
p. 148, SLDF RAT, Light Units, B Table (entries 4 and 5) and C Table (entries 6 and 7)
Change the Record Sheet source for these four units from "RS3039uu" to "RS3039u"