Author Topic: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon  (Read 7181 times)


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’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« on: 06 July 2012, 02:04:52 »
’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon

A relic of the Star League returned to the Inner Sphere in force by Wolf’s Dragoons, the thirty-ton Falcon was one of the many mysteries surrounding that mercenary unit. Partly designed to fight the “barbarians who dared to threaten the unity of mankind,” this design was mostly used as a “Bug Killer.”

Kind of ironic naming a ’Mech after a bird and it ending up hunting Stingers and Locusts…

The Falcon came about as a result of the holocaust that was the Reunification War. While the Great Houses had sizeable armies, they were designed to fight each other, not to function at the end of long supply lines against foes that did not fight “fair.” In 2582, the Falcon was introduced into Lyran and Hegemony forces in an attempt to help deal with this issue.

Designated the FLC-4N, the design used easily manufactured components to create a machine that could hunt down the light ambushers that caused the Star League so much trouble. With the use of a 180-rated engine and as many jump jets as the Wasp, the Falcon could keep up with the iconic 20-tonners. Armor consists of six tons of standard plate, giving the design 91% of maximum. All front locations can withstand a large laser blast, with the legs and side torsos able to take slightly more than a Class-10 blast, and the center a little less than a Gauss slug. Rear locations can take a machine gun shot, with the center rear able to withstand a small laser. Firepower consists of a small laser in each arm and a medium in the right. Rear mounted machine guns were added to deal with the largest problem in the Reunification War: enemy infantry. The ton of machine gun ammo was placed in the center. (Which I normally would consider a problem, but as this is pre-CASE…) Twelve heat sinks are adequate to dissipate the heat load, since they are one more than needed to deal with a jumping alpha.

The original served well up until the Amaris Coup. After Aleksandr Kerensky conquered the Rim Worlds Republic, a Royal variant of the Falcon was designed and rushed into production on the captured factory lines. The FLC-4Nb utilizes an endo-steel skeleton to free up some weight, which mostly went into the use of an experimental Snub-Nose PPC. The small lasers and machine guns were removed for a second medium laser, mounted in the other arm. Ten double heat sinks allow for a running alpha, but are overtasked by a full jumping alpha. A half-ton of armor was also shaved off, all from the front torsos and legs.

As the Liberation rushed to a close, the factory lines were shut down and the SLDF took the plans and all surviving examples with them on their Exodus. Cached during the drawdowns, when the Pentagon Civil War broke out those left on the five worlds fell into the hands of the rebels. Those on Strana Mechty mostly ended up with the Goliath Scorpions (and strangely not the Jade Falcons).

The Pentagon forces unable to replicate the experimental tech of the Snubbie created two “variants” (more like field repairs). The first was the FLC-4Nb-PP, which dropped the Snubbie and the associated arm-mounted laser for a standard Particle Cannon. The other, the FLC-4Nb-PP2 replaces it with an extended range large laser. That variant also upgrades the left arm-mounted medium to a pulse. One other variant appeared during Operation: Klondike. Created by MechWarrior Saho Yeh of the Scorpions when his right arm weapons were savaged, he replaced them with a large pulse laser.

Probably retired early in the transition from Star League to Clan tech, the Falcon’s next official appearance was when the Dragoons brought some FLC-4N models with them. (Though based on the Royal variant, I do wonder if the Clans didn’t decide to add five tons, Clantech it and call it a Horned Owl.) When the Losttech revolution hit the scene, the Dragoons made a field upgrade to their Falcons (which in 3060 was licensed to Blackwell as a production model). Designated the FLC-4P, this model drops one jump jet to upgrade the medium laser to a pulse version. The machine guns were removed and replaced with an anti-missile system.

Later during the Civil War era, the Dragoons helped create the FLC-5P model for general sale. This variant loses a full ton of armor, causing most locations to not be able to take a PPC blast. All weapons save the medium pulse were removed to install twin extended mediums. A light engine was used to free up the weight for this and the installation of a targeting computer.

The last variant, the FLC-6C, starts with the -4P model and starts by using Clan materials. The medium pulse was replaced with an extended range large laser, a targeting computer was installed, ten double heat sinks were used, and ferro-fibrous armor was used. Originally exclusive to the Dragoons, after the Scouring of Outreach, many ended up in the hands of the Blakists. That said, the plans could have gone with them, in which case new models may show up with the Kell Hounds and Exile Wolves.

Using one of these machines falls into certain standard roles. Primarily, think like a Stinger. Ambush your foes. Strike quickly, then get out. Aside from the -PP, -PP2 and -6C models, you don’t have long range firepower. Even with those, snipe and go. Your armor is decent on most models, but do remember that you are still a light machine. Above all, pick on foes your own size (or smaller). The Falcon’s first claim to fame was as a “Bug Hunter”, so attacking things like Stingers, Wasps, or Locusts is a good idea. Mind you, with some of the newer Locusts you may find yourself with high to-hit numbers.

Fighting one is again the use of similar tactics for a bigger machine. Fight them like you would fight a Stinger. Precision ammo is good. Targeting computers are better. And speed is great, if you can get it. Even a few Cicada models can be useful against one of these. Alternatively, you can choose to shoot it with something big. And of course, if you have the opportunity to shoot him when he didn’t jump, do it.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #1 on: 06 July 2012, 21:36:01 »
The looks of it always reminded me of a background droid from Star wars; I'm not sure where or when (maybe in the sandcrawler) but somewhere, a droid looks like the Falcon.

Aside from the looks, I don't mind this 'Mech, especially some of the later ones that pack heavier weaponry. They're upgunned, uparmored bugs, and in light-only games that I've hosted they're fairly popular because of that movement curve plus its weapons. Still... they are, at best, OK.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #2 on: 07 July 2012, 01:18:01 »

The Falcon-4N was one of the more potent light 'Mechs back in the day. It was a good basic scout unit, light pursuit 'Mech, and scout hunter. However, in our games back during the days of 3025 technology, the Falcon's rep as a major killer of "Bug 'Mechs" was only half-true. The Locust proved trickier to catch and kill, getting away more often than not. And there were occasions where Wasps and Stingers managed to get  the best of Falcon, when they had the advantage. So, while it was a decent "Bug Killer", it paid not to get too cocky. Reputation and marketing hype are not armor.

As far as being billed as an anti-infantry platform, I tend to disagree. The small lasers are better suited for defense against light vehicles, though they can put the hurt on grunts caught out in the open. The machine guns are there to defend against infantry attacks, not as an offensive system to fight infantry. Hence them being mounted in the rear arc.

The FLC-4N was eventually replaced as a "frontline" asset by the FLC-4P refit, with the older model being relegated to militia and mercenary use (sometimes with minor upgrades). The accuracy and punch of the medium pulse laser was welcome when it first hit the scene, as was the added defense the AMS offered. But the downsides were the loss of rear defensive coverage and the original cooling system being retained. However, the -4P still got the job done. You just had to be a little more careful in watching out for infantry ambushes from behind.

On another note regarding the -4P, the loss of a jump jet wasn't considered that big of a deal. It still retained enough jump capability to where standard tactics for the Falcon were still viable and effective.

The "Royal" -4Nb is a potent lightweight machine. Having first run this variant in the previous campaign, it's gained a measure of respect amongst my group's players. We figured out right quick that watching the heat curve is imperative in a "jump fight", though. And the loss of that half-ton of armor isn't popular, with five and a half tons of standard being a little on the light side for a thirty ton Battlemech. However, when played smart, it has proven effective enough to be designated a standard use machine in our games.

We haven't had a chance to play what I call the "Royal Refits", with their "field expedient modifications"(read: shoehorning in anything that will fit and work, when factory-spec isn't always possible). But that will change in the next game campaign.

The FLC-5P Falcon variant isn't popular here at home. The reduction in armor by a ton is considered massive by my standards (and those of most of our group). The Falcon, being a 6/9 light 'Mech on the modern battlefield, needs that armor. The loss of a half-ton on the "Royal" Falcon is barely tolerable, but can be worked around. The one ton reduction of the -5P is intolerable. While some might argue that the boost in speed from the MASC system compensates, I disagree. I consider MASC to be an emergency use system, used only in a pinch. The fickle nature of the system makes it unsuitable for frequent use, in my opinion.

The -5P does get points for the targeting computer, use of the durable LFE as opposed to an XL, and the good damage curve. So, it has some utility in it's traditional role as a scout hunter, as well as being a deep raider and disruption unit thanks to it's all-laser loadout. But the issue over the armor will likely continue the trend of using the -5P infrequently.

The -6C is the "last word" as far as Falcon variants go, in my personal opinion (at least, at this point in time). Clan technology gives this little monster some serious reach and damage potential. The increase in AMS magazine size is a nice bonus, and has proven damned useful more than once. Throw in the improved Clantech cooling system, Ferro-fibrous armor,  ERSLs as secondaries, and targeting computer; and you have a nasty customer on your hands. It also allows for some role expansions, having effectively used the Clantech Falcon in urban combat scenarios and as a light "trooper". Not too shabby, in my opinion.

Anyway, just my two C-bills worth.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #3 on: 10 July 2012, 16:08:22 »
Changing the basic version by losing the idiot small lasers for a second medium, and moving the MGs to the arms, makes for a scary light able to take on small Mechs and infantry with great mobility. As it is, the weapons are so inefficient and short ranged overall that it just doesn't work.

Some of the alternates are interesting looking, but I never really have tried them out.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #4 on: 10 July 2012, 16:16:29 »
Seems to me that this Bug Hunter would be a perfectly logical candidate for Clan Jade Falcon to make a IIC version (admittedly based only on the name).

Sami Jumppanen

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #5 on: 19 July 2012, 14:18:22 »
Wait a second! Is snubbie nowdays a lost/found -tech item?


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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #6 on: 19 July 2012, 14:21:48 »
Long story short: the Snub-nose PPC was developed at the VERY end of the Star League, and only fielded on a tiny handful of Royal units. I don't know if the Draconis Combine had discovered any SL-era notes on it during their development project, but they more or less independently developed the exact same thing, and promptly put it in mass production, something the SL never did.
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A. Lurker

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #7 on: 19 July 2012, 14:24:46 »
Wait a second! Is snubbie nowdays a lost/found -tech item?

Always has been. It's even mentioned in its TechManual fluff (page 234) that the Star League was already experimenting with them, they just never got to the actual "mass production" stage.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #8 on: 19 July 2012, 14:29:35 »
Changing the basic version by losing the idiot small lasers for a second medium, and moving the MGs to the arms, makes for a scary light able to take on small Mechs and infantry with great mobility. As it is, the weapons are so inefficient and short ranged overall that it just doesn't work.
See, and here's me thinking that the WSP-1W (with six small lasers) is the ultimate bug hunter... at two thirds the weight of a FLC. BattleTechWiki Admin
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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #9 on: 19 July 2012, 14:32:43 »
See, and here's me thinking that the WSP-1W (with six small lasers) is the ultimate bug hunter... at two thirds the weight of a FLC.

I use that to hunt much bigger prey, not scouts. With slower targets, you're more likely to be able to choose the range, alternating between "out of range", "behind cover", and "grapple attack on the target's uvula". Against other fast units, odds are too good that you might find yourself just out of range of the lasers, while they can still shoot back.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #10 on: 19 July 2012, 15:48:23 »
Always has been. It's even mentioned in its TechManual fluff (page 234) that the Star League was already experimenting with them, they just never got to the actual "mass production" stage.

That's based on a mention in FASA's The Star League on page 61, although given standard policies on newer material superseding older material, the dating in the SLSB is off.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #11 on: 20 July 2012, 15:39:28 »
Seems to me that this Bug Hunter would be a perfectly logical candidate for Clan Jade Falcon to make a IIC version (admittedly based only on the name).

The layout is pretty reminiscent of the Incubus, actually, though there's no comparison between the two in terms of effectiveness.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #12 on: 21 July 2012, 18:47:02 »
falcon is one of those mech that stat wise am good with it.. but pic kills it for me.  It just don't look pretty.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #13 on: 21 July 2012, 18:51:09 »


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #14 on: 21 July 2012, 20:48:17 »
Capslock for cruise control for cool.  :))


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #15 on: 22 July 2012, 14:46:40 »
falcon is one of those mech that stat wise am good with it.. but pic kills it for me.  It just don't look pretty.

It looks like the unholy lovechild of Mickey and Donald.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #16 on: 22 July 2012, 17:05:38 »
It looks like the unholy lovechild of Mickey and Donald.
My girlfriend has forbidden me from making the noises that would be involved in such a union, which I can do and have done in the past, usually also involving the hilarious (to me!) Arniegasm as well.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #17 on: 24 July 2012, 22:24:52 »
falcon is one of those mech that stat wise am good with it.. but pic kills it for me.  It just don't look pretty.

I wouldn't go that far, but will admit seeing the Royal Falcon art was a revelation.


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    • Christina Dickinson Writes
Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #18 on: 25 July 2012, 09:04:34 »
Bah. The best Falcon art ever was in Best Ever. 8)
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Ian Sharpe

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #19 on: 26 July 2012, 02:53:22 »
I don't know that I've ever encountered a Falcon in a game.  Maybe I can put my Falcon mini to a sneaky use now.  Informative article.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: FLC-** Falcon
« Reply #20 on: 01 August 2012, 10:48:54 »
It looks like the unholy lovechild of Mickey and Donald.

At one time, I had a pair of these, and my ex-wife painted them up as Mickey and Minny Mouse.... complete with a little pink ribbon.

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