Author Topic: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel  (Read 23831 times)


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Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« on: 20 July 2012, 00:12:23 »
UZL-*S Uziel

Developed at the opening of the FedCom Civil war, the Uziel falls solidly into the Medium weight class at 50 tons. The product of a direct commission from Defiance-Furillo general manager Duke Thelonius Gracchi, the Uziel was an attempt to both raise morale among Defiance-Furillo employess, and also to make his division of the company's image better. The final result can hardly be considered anything but a success.

Built on an Foundation E40 Endo-Steel frame to save weight, the basic Uziel UZL-3S uses a 300-rated GM XL fusion engine, and is easily capable of reaching speeds of up to 96 kilometers per hour over open terrain at a run, keeping its balance with a standard gyro. It also utilizes an array of six Rawlings 50 jump jets, for an effective jump range of fully 180 meters. Eight tons of Maximillian 100 Standard armor provide adequate protection, but only 75% of the chassis maximum. Only the center torso and legs can take a gauss rifle hit without breaching straight to the internal structure, although the side torsos only barely fail to stop the slug, and those locations that still have armor will be unable to take even a medium laser after that. The arms even if pristine are only able to stop a medium pulse laser twice before the internals are exposed. Surprisingly, the legs on this machine are armored even more heavily than the center torso, although only by a small amount. The rear torsos on this machine are similarly weakly armored, with only the rear center torso able to stop a medium laser strike without allowing some damage to transfer, and after a hit like that, even a machine gun will shred what's left of the armor with damage to spare. The head, at least, mounts the maximum possible armor coverage, though in all likelihood that will rarely be tested without the rest of the 'Mech already shot to pieces (which in all honesty isn't very hard).

For offensive capabilities, the -3S can open the engagement out to a whopping 810 meters thanks to a right arm mounted Defiance Shredder LB-2X Autocannon with a single ton of ammo mounted in the corresponding torso. This limits your ammunition choice to either slug or cluster, but you'll definitely not run out of ammo in the field. With such a small hit, you're probably better off using cluster ammunition to force enemy fast-movers to stay honest at range, or try to find the Golden BB. The more accurate qualities of cluster ammo aren't anything to sneeze at either, especially when firing at harassing VTOLs at range. The short range armament is much more impressive than a pair of plinks at long range, and consists of a Defiance Model XII ER Medium Laser mounted under the autocannon on the same arm, a TharHes Thunderbolt 12 Large Pulse Laser occupying the other arm, a pair of Diverse Optics ER Small Lasers, one in each side torso, and finally a Harvester 20K SRM-6 launcher in the center torso, with the associated ton of ammo housed next to the autocannon ammo in the right torso. This weapon arrangement allows the -3S to potentially knock over an enemy 'Mech at ranges up to 270 meters, if a pilot connects with most weapons, and the chances only get better as the ER small lasers come into play at 150 meters. Knife-fight range to be sure, but still handy when in range. This weapon load is handled by eleven double heat sinks, all mounted in the engine, which easily come up short if a pilot finds himself firing everything in the middle of a jump, spiking high enough to both slow the 'Mech, and also make shots more difficult as the heat interferes with targeting solutions. If the pilot is running flat out instead of (literally) burning across the terrain, the heat load is much more manageable when all weapons are fired, but the pilot will still feel it in the cockpit, even if the 'Mech's performance won't degrade appreciably.

Three Four variants of the Uziel exist, though none are nearly as common as the base model above. The original prototype version was at some point put into production in smaller numbers to supplement the main variant. Additionally, a pair of personalized variants exist, both of them sequentially owned by Wolf's Dragoons Black Widow Company XO Jacob Kincaid.

The first variant, the UZL-2S, makes the largest changes to the 'Mechs armament, but also rearranges the interior workings to make room for some of the new equipment. The chassis, engine, jump jets, and armor all stay the same, but all weapons save the SRM launcher are ripped out and replaced, and the missile bin is moved to the left torso. The autocannon, ER medium laser, and pulse laser are all traded in for a pair of Parti-Kill Heavy Cannon PPCs, one mounted in each arm. The ER small lasers are traded in for a pair of Kicker Machine Guns, fed by a half ton of ammo that takes its place next to the missile bin already there. All of this is fed by the minimum load of ten double heat sinks, which has some serious difficulty handling a heat curve that's stayed much the same. Overall range has been reduced by fully a third to the PPCs' maximum range of 540 meters, but firepower at that range is ten times what it used to be, and if both cannons connect this Uziel is very much capable of knocking an opponent down at range. The SRM launcher can seek out holes in the enemy's armor at close range, and the machine guns are useful for dealing with enemy infantry in your way. The other change to this variant from the baseline is the addition of a Cyclops Beagle Active Probe in the left torso, offering at least a bit of padding around the ammo bins, and making this into a superb mid-weight scout that can more than handle itself against the competition. If the pilot is feeling reckless and firing off all weapons while jumping, the heat will start slowing the 'Mech and degrading targeting performance immediately, and even throttling back to just a run will still bump the heat high enough to slow the run down in the next few seconds until that heat can be dissipated.

The next variant is more unique, used by Wolf's Dragoon Jacob Kincaid, as mentioned above, and is dubbed quite simply, the UZL-2S “Jacob”. This variant makes more radical changes to the 'Mech, dropping the engine to a 250-rated Extra Light engine, and removing the jump jets entirely, while simultaneously upgrading the standard gyro to an extra-light model. The armor is without a doubt upgraded to eight and a half tons of light ferro-fibrous, offering 85% of the maximum coverage for the chassis. Now, the armor can take a gauss rifle to any front location but the arms and head and still not transfer damage, and the arms only fail by the barest of margins. After such a hit, the arms and side torsos will be completely without armor, while the center torso and legs will still have enough armor to completely stop a medium laser, although nothing else. The rear armor is upgraded as well, offering enough protection to stop medium laser hits across the board, although the side torsos will be completely without armor, and the center will only be able to stop a single SRM before more damage transfers to the internal sections. Still, even if its still more fragile than it could be, it's much improved over the -2S and -3S variants. What does all this build up to, you ask? The primary armament of this machine is a pair of Rotary Autocannon-5s, one in each arm, and fed by three tons of ammunition, with two tons housed in the right torso and one in the left. This allows the “Jacob” to engage up to 450 meters away with over half a ton of burning metal in a very small engagement window. The SRM-6 launcher makes a reappearance, but is moved to the left torso now that the center has no free space for the launcher to fit. A single ton of ammo feeds the launcher, in the left torso next to one of the tons of RAC ammo. Two ER small lasers, one in each side torso round out the armament. Overall, this model is definitely the best suited to dishing out large amounts of damage downrange, even if that range is significantly reduced relative to that of the -3S, and only slightly reduced versus the -2S. Despite the fact that this design uses the minimum ten double heat sinks, the heat curve on this 'Mech isn't bad, running cool enough that the pilot is more than likely to not be bothered even in the midst of combat, and it takes fully thirty seconds of sustained running and firing everything for the 'Mechs performance to be even minimally degraded.

The last second to last variant makes a significant departure from standard equipment, mounted several components that are experimental or expensive to produce. This design shares the chassis, engine, gyro, and pilot of the previous, and is called the rather unimaginative UZL-2S “Jacob II”. Just about everything else is changed, however. A supercharger is installed in the left torso, allowing the 'Mech to move even faster than the original -3S model if it really needs to, although this does risk damaging the engine. The armor is upgraded yet again to nine tons of light ferro-fibrous, and covering the 'Mech with nearly 90% of its maximum protection. The bulk of the increased protection goes to the legs and side torsos, with each front side torso can take a pair of large laser hits without breaching, and both legs can take an AC/20 shot without damaging anything inside, although a machine gun will shred the remaining armor with ease. The rear side torsos can now withstand a full medium pulse laser blast without buckling. The armor on the head, arms, and both sides of the center torso remain identical to the initial “Jacob” model. However, the most radical modification to the 'Mech is probably the addition of an Actuator Enhancement System to the 'Mech's arms. This system increases the accuracy of the weapons mounted in the arms, as well as making it easier to land a punch on a target. The weapons load is even more significantly changed, ripping out both RACs to instead mount a pair of LAC-5s, one in each arm. Four tons of ammo, two mounted in each side torso, allow the “Jacob II” to engage targets with multiple varieties of specialty ammo and never worry about running dry over the course of even several engagements. The SRM launcher present on all Uziel variants has been upgraded to a Streak system, mounted in the left torso with a single ton of ammo. Rounding out the armament are a pair of medium pulse lasers. Although effective to only 180 meters, these are very capable of discouraging getting too close, if the other armament failed to persuade your opponents. Although not as outright damaging as the first “Jacob”, this version is significantly more versatile and possesses much more staying power on the field. This variant is also impossible to overheat without outside help using the same old ten double heat sinks, riding cool even if the pilot fires everything he can at a dead run for as long as the ammo holds out.

Finally, some time after this article was written, the Uziel UZL-8S debuted in Record Sheets: 3067 Unabridged.  Much like the Jacob variants, the 8S reduces the ground speed.  Very unlike the Jacob variants, this saved tonnage is converted directly into a rocket jetpack of no fewer than eight Improved Jump Jets, letting the Uziel leap 240 meters at a stretch, fully a third farther than the earliest models.  That's a significant increase in tonnage spent on mobility, unfortunately, which means cuts had to be made elsewhere.  Rather than gut either the -2S or -3S's armament but maintain the original role faithfully, Defiance Industries instead chose to reimagine the new variant's purpose.  Every weapon is removed and replaced by something else: in this case, a Streak SRM-6 instead of the original SRM-6, and two Medium Pulse Lasers in each arm.  Last but not least is a Guardian ECM Suite.  This transforms the -8S into the stuff of nightmares for heavy, slow formations, especially those that rely on advanced electronics.  Thanks to the inherent accuracy of the pulse lasers, and the ammunition efficiency of the Streak launcher, the 8S is capable of executing full distance jumps while still being able to expect results at the other end.  It's a headhunter, and an excellent platform for neutralizing C3 networks - first temporarily, and then more permanently with the lasers.

Aside from the latter two Jacob variants, the Uziel has been deployed widely with both the AFFS and LCAF. Dozen of units have received and used the Uziel, as well as several mercenary commands. With the conclusion of the FCCW and the Jihad, the Uziel isn't unheard of to turn up just about anywhere, although most units are encountered in units formerly of the Federated Commonwealth.  The only exception is the 8S, which was introduced during the Jihad and quickly made its way into the Free Worlds League and the hands of the FWLM.

Using an Uziel is more simple than it looks. Although 50 tons, it plays like an oversize scout 'Mech. Use the -3S to harass enemy units that are susceptible to smaller hits at long range, and wait for an opening to leap in and blaze away at an exposed enemy, before jumping away and getting out of the action to cool off and avoid return fire. It doesn't have the armor to brawl with its trooper brothers in the Medium class, and the -3S doesn't really have the raw firepower to compete in that field either, instead relying on its speed to avoid anything it can't harass, and its guns to take care of whatever can catch up to it. The -2S is easier, as it actually has the guns to engage enemies and send them to the ground at range. It's also a superb scout with its Beagle probe, able to sniff out hidden units, and well armored enough to take the stray hit or escape an ambush. Better to err on the side of caution, and avoid the big boys with the big guns until there's a good time to strike. Lots of ammo in side torsos and an extra-light engine means that even if it did mount CASE, it wouldn't stop an explosion from gutting your 'Mech, so be careful. There's enough ammo that short of dumping it you won't be able to expend it all before missing armor becomes a problem, too.

Fighting an Uziel is also simple. None of the production models like big hits at all, so gauss rifles and other big guns will force them to keep their distance unless they want to lose an arm or a torso. Again, its basically an overgrown, over-gunned scout 'Mech, and any amount of big firepower will put one down for the count fairly quickly. Don't underestimate one's effect on the battle, though, as the -2S can disrupt infantry ambushes easily with a Beagle probe and machine guns, and both of them are fast for their size.

Additional information and artwork can be found at the Master Unit List, and Camospecs has more minis than I can really link to.

The Uziel has had a new miniature released since the initial publication of this article.  It fixes everything that was ever wrong about the original, at least partly because it defaults to the significantly better -2S.  There's also a specific variant for the 8S
« Last Edit: 16 May 2019, 20:16:14 by Scotty »
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #1 on: 20 July 2012, 01:00:36 »
Nice write up. I always personally liked the look of the Uziel, and it is a bit of an understated 'Mech. But as a firm Jagermech lover, that is right up my ally. It's also one of few 'Mechs that I know of that mounts an LB-2X autocannon.

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #2 on: 20 July 2012, 01:23:13 »
The -2S always seemed to me to be a bit of a strike boat.  Send it deep for headhunters; you've got the primary weapons of the old WHM-6R - dual PPCs backed up by an SRM6 and twin MGs - and the heat sinks to use them.  Add in 50% more speed than the old Whammy, and it's a great fast attack machine that can wreak some havoc and get out.  I'd drive it like a scout-killer, hunting down anything slightly faster than it is and running the hell away from anything that outguns it.  The MGs to chew up infantry platoons randomly run across in the performance of your scout/scout killer role help a lot too.  It doesn't have the armor to survive a real fight, and with no CASE onboard any ammo crits means that it's a complete wipe, so don't stick around.

Personally, I'd just buy companies of the -2S wholesale, myself, and ignore the -3S except as the occasional plinker.  Idly, I did try it out, you can straight swap the LPL for an LB-2 and have a nice speedy antiair unit, or do twin LB5s (scrapping the rest of the guns) for a better AA platform.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #3 on: 20 July 2012, 05:14:55 »
But as a firm Jagermech lover, that is right up my ally. It's also one of few 'Mechs that I know of that mounts an LB-2X autocannon.

There's almost a dozen of 'Mechs with LBX-2 - Catapult, two JagerMechs (JM6-H and JM7-G), Men Shen, Uziel, Fenris, Hankyu, Night Gyr, Nobori-Nin, Ryoken II.


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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #4 on: 20 July 2012, 06:25:29 »
If almost a dozen 'Mechs mount an LB-2X AC, then considering the number of 'Mechs that exist, that qualifies as "few".  Compare to, say, PPCs, or LRM-15s for relatively close tonnage comparisons.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #5 on: 20 July 2012, 06:39:51 »
If almost a dozen 'Mechs mount an LB-2X AC, then considering the number of 'Mechs that exist, that qualifies as "few".  Compare to, say, PPCs, or LRM-15s for relatively close tonnage comparisons.

Yeah, except tonnage there's not much to compare. LBX-2 is niche weapon, relatively new in-universe and intended for different purposes tha PPC or LRM-15. Today, most nations have access to at least one 'Mech equipped with this weapon. I don't expect that too many new 'Mech with this weapon will appear.


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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #6 on: 20 July 2012, 08:37:50 »
2S: runs a bit warm, but such a fun Mech- really handy to have. Dropping the jump jets for  more heat sinks helps a ton.

3S: If you've been on the forums for a while, my feelings on this machine are well known. If not... here.

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #7 on: 20 July 2012, 08:50:48 »
Compared to the -2S, the -3S is a little bit of a lemon.  That said, the LB-2X makes it a superb harasser with its speed and ability to actually take a hit, unlike other harassers I could name (Cicada, anyone?).  I'd rather rip the LPL out for a PPC or ER PPC, but it can be useful if you suddenly find yourself waaaaay too close to the enemy, or on the tail end of a six hex jump to put you in their rear arc.

All that side, the -2S is just plain better.  Same movement profile, and much improved scouting capabilities thanks to the BAP.  Improved anti-infantry capabilities because of the machine guns.  Load up the SRM launcher with infernos and use it to burninate any infantry or vehicles stupid enough to get in the way at close range and have fun.

I actually kinda like to think of the -2S as the "STG-3G Infinity+1 edition". :D
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #8 on: 20 July 2012, 10:15:14 »
Haven't really used the Uziel much, though I am impressed that each variant seems to fulfill a radically different niche.

-3S: This is basically a Phoenix Hawk whit an AA gun bolted on. It's a mobile close-range fighter first and foremost, and the LB-2 can almost be  ignored(or fired at hideous t-hit numbers for the hell of it) until you get into the situation where and LB-X becomes a lifesaver. Plunk this thing into a skirmisher, strike, or scout lance, and it'll fight with everyone else, and save everyone's bacon when the time comes to bring down an airstrike, VTOL, or start htting a hovercraft before it gets into range.

-2S: It's like a P-Hawk and a Warhammer had a baby, and said offspring got all the best parts! Tailor-made as a striker, this will put some serious oomph into your strike or skirmish lances, and could also cause fits as a deep raider. Finally, stick one into the command slot of a scout lance, and you've got something that can pull everyone else's tail out of the fire if they run into something they can't handle, or take down any really juicy targets they might find.

Jacob: An interesting brawler, this can go into a variety of lances, ranging from generic battle lances, cavalry lances, or even in fire or assault lances as an escort. If you find a good target, get into range fast, and empty your ammo bins into his face it's that simple.

Jacob II: This one is especially fascinating, especially given that it has the same pilot as the Jacob, yet relies on an opposite fighting style. While the Jacob favored blitzkrieg tactics and immediate dispensing of massive amounts of lead, the J-II is a very patient fighter. Use your speed and the accuracy of the LAC-5s to slowly wear down a target at range, then dash in and finish them off with the close-in guns. You'll take hits due to the relatively short range of the LAC-5s compared to similar guns, but that's what the boosted armor is for. I'm honestly really impressed that this Jacob guy manged to radically alter his fighting style to operate such a vastly different machine. (Either that, or he really hated the original Jacob.)
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #9 on: 20 July 2012, 10:59:32 »
2S is quite useful, though I usually drop the MGs for a DHS and a little more armour.  Works very well with Tebuchets as two and two can open some holes and send plenty of crits at them.  Haven't played any of the others, though the Jacob is interesting. 


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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #10 on: 20 July 2012, 11:59:04 »
I use Uziel's as lance commanders for one of the fast support/strike lances I like to field.... Uziel 2S, Wolftrap, Stinger (3P or 5T) and a Wasp 8T
I have used the 3S in this same lance, but the 2S works better with the LBX10 from the Wolftrap....

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #11 on: 20 July 2012, 14:32:29 »
Haven't really used the Uziel much, though I am impressed that each variant seems to fulfill a radically different niche.

-3S: This is basically a Phoenix Hawk whit an AA gun bolted on. It's a mobile close-range fighter first and foremost, and the LB-2 can almost be  ignored(or fired at hideous t-hit numbers for the hell of it) until you get into the situation where and LB-X becomes a lifesaver. Plunk this thing into a skirmisher, strike, or scout lance, and it'll fight with everyone else, and save everyone's bacon when the time comes to bring down an airstrike, VTOL, or start htting a hovercraft before it gets into range.

-2S: It's like a P-Hawk and a Warhammer had a baby, and said offspring got all the best parts! Tailor-made as a striker, this will put some serious oomph into your strike or skirmish lances, and could also cause fits as a deep raider. Finally, stick one into the command slot of a scout lance, and you've got something that can pull everyone else's tail out of the fire if they run into something they can't handle, or take down any really juicy targets they might find.

Jacob: An interesting brawler, this can go into a variety of lances, ranging from generic battle lances, cavalry lances, or even in fire or assault lances as an escort. If you find a good target, get into range fast, and empty your ammo bins into his face it's that simple.

Jacob II: This one is especially fascinating, especially given that it has the same pilot as the Jacob, yet relies on an opposite fighting style. While the Jacob favored blitzkrieg tactics and immediate dispensing of massive amounts of lead, the J-II is a very patient fighter. Use your speed and the accuracy of the LAC-5s to slowly wear down a target at range, then dash in and finish them off with the close-in guns. You'll take hits due to the relatively short range of the LAC-5s compared to similar guns, but that's what the boosted armor is for. I'm honestly really impressed that this Jacob guy manged to radically alter his fighting style to operate such a vastly different machine. (Either that, or he really hated the original Jacob.)
Even more impressive: he's a dead ringer for 97jedi.   ;)
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #12 on: 20 July 2012, 14:34:42 »
Always be wary of a 'mech piloted by the Battletech Rock Star Sex God. ;D
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #13 on: 20 July 2012, 14:37:55 »
Compared to the -2S, the -3S is a little bit of a lemon.  That said, the LB-2X makes it a superb harasser with its speed and ability to actually take a hit, unlike other harassers I could name (Cicada, anyone?).  I'd rather rip the LPL out for a PPC or ER PPC, but it can be useful if you suddenly find yourself waaaaay too close to the enemy, or on the tail end of a six hex jump to put you in their rear arc.

All that side, the -2S is just plain better.  Same movement profile, and much improved scouting capabilities thanks to the BAP.  Improved anti-infantry capabilities because of the machine guns.  Load up the SRM launcher with infernos and use it to burninate any infantry or vehicles stupid enough to get in the way at close range and have fun.

I actually kinda like to think of the -2S as the "STG-3G Infinity+1 edition". :D

The -2S has a logical weapon load out.  A bit low tech outside of the BAP, but a pair of PPCs is a solid battery.  A pair of ten point smacks out to a half a klick can put anything in it's weight class in a world of hurt in a few exchanges.  Even heavies will have to worry about a -2S that is harrying them.  Not just the armor but the threat of an ill timed PSR roll from long range.  Sure it is only +1, but the hand of Murphy hovers over the game board, waiting to nudge those dice to bad rolls when it is most ill timed.  It can hunt, crit seek, even blaze in and sweep infantry.  Other than the thin(ish) armor a decent all arounder, a prime mech to tap as a medium Cavalry or Scout lance leader.

The -3S loadout reads like they emptied out a bin of left over weapons from other projects and stuck on what they found.  Or a bad case of Shiney New Toy Syndrome when 'improving' the weapon suite.

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #14 on: 20 July 2012, 14:42:10 »
I really wonder if they didn't get the descriptions backwards.  The 3S was the prototype, the 2S the refined production model.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #15 on: 20 July 2012, 15:02:42 »
The TRO page is pretty explicit that the -2S is the prototype.

This actually kinda makes sense considering the state of warfare by the time of the Uziel's introduction.  Combined arms was everywhere during the FedCom Civil War and Jihad.  The -3S reflects that.  The LPL kills things at close range with deadly accuracy, and the LB-2X is the IS's premier VTOL/ASF killer of the day and age, and does pretty good against regular vehicles too.  The ER Medium and pair of ER Smalls add decent firepower for backstabbing, too.

In contrast, the -2S is pretty dedicated to killing 'Mechs and scouting in force.  The MGs are pretty much afterthoughts for dealing with stray infantry compared to the rest of the armament.

Against an RCT or a Level III/IV, I'd take the -3S for the utility at least half the time, though honestly if the ER Medium and an ER Small got ripped out and replaced by either a BAP or an ECM, it'd be a sight more useful as a scout/skirmisher.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #16 on: 20 July 2012, 15:21:57 »
I have found the 3S as a good vehicle hunter.

The 2S as stated earlier is a good headhunter.  2 PPCs and jump jets make it hard not for me to like it.


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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #17 on: 20 July 2012, 15:30:57 »
I have found the 3S as a good vehicle hunter.

The 2S as stated earlier is a good headhunter.  2 PPCs and jump jets make it hard not for me to like it.

As odd as it sounds, it's great for dealing with infantry as well- the MGs obviously, but the SRMs can be loaded up with inferno or flechette rounds if you wish, the mobility allows it to easily move in and out of range to deal with targets, and the PPCs are just the thing to tell supporting APCs and the like where to stuff it.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #18 on: 20 July 2012, 15:33:49 »
If we talk about prototypes, I think that -2S is real world prototype simply because TRO 3067 (2002) canonized many MechWarrior 4: Vengeance (2000) designs. And in action PC game you wouldn't had much success with a 'Mech armed with small-caliber autocannon and short-range laser.


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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #19 on: 20 July 2012, 15:36:30 »
That's true.  The Uziel in MW4 mounted by default two PPCs one in each arm, two MGs, one in each torso, and one SRM-6 in the "Missile Rack" that doesn't really correspond to any specific location but fits well enough in the Center Torso to match the design.

Then again, in MW4, every weapon is as accurate as you are as a pilot, and vehicles didn't take motive crits so much as they did explode violently in a stiff breeze.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #20 on: 20 July 2012, 15:40:20 »
That's true.  The Uziel in MW4 mounted by default two PPCs one in each arm, two MGs, one in each torso, and one SRM-6 in the "Missile Rack" that doesn't really correspond to any specific location but fits well enough in the Center Torso to match the design.

Then again, in MW4, every weapon is as accurate as you are as a pilot, and vehicles didn't take motive crits so much as they did explode violently in a stiff breeze.

Or under a foot. Do the LRM carrier stomp!  O0
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #21 on: 20 July 2012, 15:48:52 »
If we talk about prototypes, I think that -2S is real world prototype simply because TRO 3067 (2002) canonized many MechWarrior 4: Vengeance (2000) designs. And in action PC game you wouldn't had much success with a 'Mech armed with small-caliber autocannon and short-range laser.

I did just fine with the light autocannons (the small lasers not so much), using much the same tactic that the Uziel uses on the board. Plick with the AC at range until both sides get stuck in, then charge in and gang up on an enemy. Once the nice opening for your attack has passed, proceed to run away (preferably by jumping over terrain to avoid pursuit) and wait for a new opportunity.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #22 on: 20 July 2012, 16:51:18 »
The 2S is a perfect (for me) example of what a good designer can do with advanced tech. It is, as someone mentioned already, a SW-era Warhammer with slightly less armor, fewer secondary weapons, but vastly improved speed and mobility, all for about the same pricetag. I could wish it mounted FF to maximize what armor it DOES have, but such a thing is easily in the realm of field refits.

I'm usually not a fan of XL engines, but considering that this is an ideal heavy scout and I tend to run scenarios like the ones in my signature, where speed restricts what turn a 'Mech can deploy on, the Uziel-2S is a solid choice for IS commanders. Not many 'Mechs at 6/9 can carry weapons capable of doing enough harm to an Uziel to put it down before it deals out way more damage than it has taken, and most of those are Clan 'Mechs - I've actually seen one outfight a Storm Crow, which is no small feat.

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #23 on: 21 July 2012, 02:45:29 »
Not unless you're talking light ferro.  It doesn't have enough free crits for regular ff.  As much as I like the 2S, I think it's a bit undersinked if you're going to be jumping a lot.  I'd probably trade the jets for MASC (which conveniently frees up enough space for ferro, allowing for an extra 15 points of armor).
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #24 on: 21 July 2012, 02:50:30 »
Not unless you're talking light ferro.  It doesn't have enough free crits for regular ff.  As much as I like the 2S, I think it's a bit undersinked if you're going to be jumping a lot.
I disagree - a jump of 6 plus a PPC and the SRMs is heat neutral, so you've still got a potential PSR at no-heat.  And even if you do start to cook from repeat alphas, that 180m horizontal and 36m vertical means you can get a good bit of cover between you and an opponent - or at least generate a +3 THM if you're stuck out in the open...
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #25 on: 21 July 2012, 03:08:52 »
I've liked the Uziel since MW4 but have only really used it on MegaMech against the Bot

I can't see the point of the -3S but am a fan of the -2S, even if I do prefer to try to tweak it to get more armour and heatsinks...

I think the role of the -3S doesn't want to waste space/weight on being a heat-neutral jumping-alpha monster because it isn't a combat animal: it is, as some have said, a heavy Striker 'Mech. It is designed to be jumping or running around finding the enemy, a few slashing engagements but mostly keeping moving to avoid getting hit before possibly going back in to finish off something wounded by the Trooper 'Mechs it is supporting
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #26 on: 21 July 2012, 10:25:53 »
Not unless you're talking light ferro.  It doesn't have enough free crits for regular ff.  As much as I like the 2S, I think it's a bit undersinked if you're going to be jumping a lot.  I'd probably trade the jets for MASC (which conveniently frees up enough space for ferro, allowing for an extra 15 points of armor).

Some of us old timers remember when most mechs would overheat if you fired all your primary weapons.  If you are jumping with a 2S it is likely that you won't have a good shot, and will only fire one PPC, or are close enough to use the secondary weapons, particularly if going for the backstab.  Despite the tempations you do not want to wire down your triggers for the full fight.

And according to the MUL the Uziel is on the merc list.  O0

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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #27 on: 21 July 2012, 11:06:55 »
Its funny to me how the Jacob II would easily loose the AES for a single targeting computer for nothing but a gain- it has no lower arms to punch with, and now gains an extra -1 to the MPLs.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #28 on: 21 July 2012, 13:39:03 »
The UZL "Jacob II" very much has lower arms.

On top of that, pulling the A.E.S. for a Targeting Computer leaves you one ton overweight unless you tear out the Supercharger as well.
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Re: Mech of the Week: UZL-*S Uziel
« Reply #29 on: 21 July 2012, 16:38:21 »
I loved the 2S. It is a nice cavalry unit and very cheap in BV. Walk or run, fire both PPC until you reach heat 6, then fire only one. Oddly enough lyrans got the best medium mechs, from the advanced ones (Lynx, Starslayer) to the "El Cheapo" ones, (Bushwacker, Nightsky, Uziel and Blitzkireg).
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