Author Topic: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012  (Read 27730 times)


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StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« on: 15 August 2012, 13:51:45 »
Yes, it is that time again....I have made it to GenCon, and time for the reports from the front lines!

GenCon Day -1 : The Drive!
This year brings me, Leonard Kerensky, and ShadowSeraph back to GenCon. We are bringing a GenCon Virgin with
us, who does not even have a forum account(so he will have no idea what we say about him! Mu-HA-HA!). We picked
our rental car up Monday evening, a Nissan Altima, with room for all our bags..and still enough room to put some bodies
in if we, by some chance, needed to.(This last is only PARTIALLY a joke....seriously..the thing has ROOM in that trunk!)
We left earlier this time then the last times, leaving out at 3 P.M. US Central, 4 P.M. US Eastern(Indy time). While
it was dark by the time we got out of Alabama(Alabama is like a third of the trip), we took almost exactly the same route
we took last year. (This is amusing because the GenCon Virgin decided he would record the route he had found, and use
his GPS smart phone to show us a "better route" to I-65.) This time, we did NOT have any encounters involving us and
Alabama's Finest. All in all, the ride was smooth, and we hit Indy at about 7 A.M. Indy Time.

GenCon Day 0: Check-in and registration
We got to Indy, and went to our hotel. When we were checking in, they had told us the GenCon rate, but that nothing
could be done since that has to be set by GenCon Housing. However, Katina, the Front Desk Agent who checked us in
said she would talk to her manager when he came in to see if there was anything that could be done to help us. So,
we head up to the room, get settled in, get showers after being on the road so long(so I could get the swelling in my
feet to go down enough that I could put my hiking boots on).

From there, we go and wander aimlessly while waiting for will-call to open. I point out to our GenCon Virgin(GCV) where things
were in 2009, and where they were last year, we say hi to the guys setting up the Firestorm Pods, and look through the
open door and see where the catalyst booth is being set up, see that the GameScience dice booth is right next to it this
year, and then get shooed along by Con staff.

We go wander around the mall, scoping it out and showing the GCV where the important stuff is: food court, Tilt, Artsgarden.
From there we wander back, pick up the GenCon programs and sit around on the second floor of the convention center talking
about the neat stuff this year. Then, me and the ShadowSeraph head back to the room, drop off our programs, and then head
to the will call line(where Leonard Kerensky and our GCV are a) already waiting and b) a bit further ahead inline. We get to the
tickets, and ShadowSeraph's badge is not there, Leonard Kerensky, and GCV's events are not there, and my Generic Tickets
are not there.

We figure "OK..we have the badges..lets head back to the hotel and check on if we can get the rate lowered." Turns out
that we did not have to do any sort of was fixed for us. We get the portions of the cash deposits back, and I
give everyone back the portion they had to kick in extra, plus the difference from what we had originally calculated. This
ended up being cheaper then the hoped for Friends and Family Rate.

From here, me,Leonard Kerensky, and the GCV head to the "tickets trouble" area, and when they still don't have our
stuff, and we find out alot is still being printed out and delivered and sorted yet...Leonard Kerensky heads back to the
room, and the GCV and I head over to the mall to get food and spend some time at tilt. Now, we head back to the hotel,
get in a elevator with 3 of the younger catalyst crew(a young guy in a red shirt and glasses, another young guy with dusty
blond hair, and young lady with blonde, curly hair..I know they are CGL because of their lanyards), and comment to our GCV
that, again, we are in the same hotel as Catalyst, which is awesome!(Unlike last year, we do not seem to be on the same
floor, though). I come down to the Starbucks, get some water, and begin typing this report. As I am typing this, I see
Bull from the Shadowrun forums(and the Shadowrun Missions Coordinator) tooling around on his spiffy electric convenience

We are planning on heading over to the Convention Center around 7 this evening, when it should be quieter, to see if they
have our stuff. Note: if you see the poor old guy that is trying to handle the "trouble issues"?(long, really wavy grey hair,
small, round bi-focals..looks a bit like what one would expect a wizened wizard to look like) Give him props. He is stuck dealing
with a very bad situation right now, and some of the people ahead of us were extremely....rude(would be kind) to him.

Also, I am coming to the conclusion that, even if I would have had to pay the full rate, I will never stay at any hotel in Indy
other then Marriott Indianapolis Downtown. Even when there have been problems, they have been nothing but polite
and helpful. And I am NOT just saying this because I am a Marriott Employee...believe me, there was PLENTY they could
have done to have NOT helped me which would have been perfectly within Marriott policy and practice. I came back to
the hotel all prepared with facts and counter Marriott Policy arguments, all prepared to play hardball...and I didn't have to.

Also: Good news! Apparently the StarBucks in the Marriott Indianapolis Downtown is going to be open 24 hours Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday.
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I am Belch II

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #1 on: 15 August 2012, 18:14:25 »
Cant wait for more updates. When I read them, it makes me notice more at Gencon.
Walking the fine line between sarcasm and being a smart-ass


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #2 on: 15 August 2012, 18:26:22 »
I take offense at the term "gencon virgin". How about FNG?


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #3 on: 15 August 2012, 18:40:33 »
so much for not knowing what you say about him eh? good thing you where polite.
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Lorcan Nagle

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #4 on: 15 August 2012, 18:41:38 »
I take offense at the term "gencon virgin". How about FNG?

You know the way pilots don't get to pick their callsigns?
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #5 on: 15 August 2012, 18:47:49 »
I saw stormtroopers at Scott's Brewhouse a few blocks away. Got some pics but I am not savvy on uploading them.
Anyone can redesign the Hellbringer's base chassis.  Real men work only with the pod loadout- Natasha K (forum poster)

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #6 on: 15 August 2012, 20:51:20 »
Hello Slayer4967, welcome, i will be sending someone over to get you fitted for your 'Mech :D


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #7 on: 15 August 2012, 21:19:06 »
I take offense at the term "gencon virgin". How about FNG?

You might want to read the Forum Rules (I've had them sent to me for *not* following them).  Swearing is strongly discouraged.  Usually by liberal application of the BanHammer(tm).  Trust me, you do not want a BanHammer tattoo.


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #8 on: 15 August 2012, 21:53:43 »
T- jealous and counting ...

Wish I could be there, but I'm looking forward to living vicariously through the reports from loyal BT forumites.

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #9 on: 15 August 2012, 21:59:23 »
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #10 on: 15 August 2012, 22:16:59 »
FNG = Friend Needing Games.  It's all good. :D


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #11 on: 16 August 2012, 08:35:44 »
Sure, just like when a buddy of mine says AMF, he means Adios, My Friends. ;D
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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #12 on: 16 August 2012, 10:50:54 »
Hey, my initials are MF.  At my old job, the most common reference to me was MFer (literally read emefer).   O:-)

Oh, and keep the reports coming.

CDT Special Agent #343


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #13 on: 16 August 2012, 15:32:29 »
It was apparently nuts at the catalyst booth right at the beginning.  I had GWA doing an attempt to ninja buy a set of faction dice for me and he failed because they apparently COMPLETELY SOLD OUT in the first FIVE MINUTES of the dealer room opening.  WTH is going on there?


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #14 on: 16 August 2012, 15:38:17 »
Pics, or it didn't happen!

(I couldn't be there this year)  >:(

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #15 on: 16 August 2012, 22:24:09 »
It was apparently nuts at the catalyst booth right at the beginning.  I had GWA doing an attempt to ninja buy a set of faction dice for me and he failed because they apparently COMPLETELY SOLD OUT in the first FIVE MINUTES of the dealer room opening.  WTH is going on there?

Every time I hear a retelling of this tale, the time halves. Soon they will have sold out in .005 nanoseconds.
Looking for an official answer? Check the Catalyst Interaction Forums.

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #16 on: 16 August 2012, 22:30:09 »
Kit, I was the -1st person in line, using my Star Trek Mirror Transporter, and they sold out in -4 hours! I was like -3 hours too late, plus the quantum singularity made me your brother apparently.

Kit deSummersville

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #17 on: 16 August 2012, 22:31:46 »
Kit, I was the -1st person in line, using my Star Trek Mirror Transporter, and they sold out in -4 hours! I was like -3 hours too late, plus the quantum singularity made me your brother apparently.

Great, someone else to give me my birthday present on Christmas....
Looking for an official answer? Check the Catalyst Interaction Forums.

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #18 on: 16 August 2012, 22:43:05 »


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #19 on: 16 August 2012, 22:51:08 »
Good Luck, Guys!

Also, TAGged and Arrow IV incoming shortly ><

Someone needed to make that joke.
"I invented (the drink) PPCs in a time before the internet showed me the depth of human stupidity."-Michael Stackpole.


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #20 on: 17 August 2012, 01:50:09 »
It was apparently nuts at the catalyst booth right at the beginning.  I had GWA doing an attempt to ninja buy a set of faction dice for me and he failed because they apparently COMPLETELY SOLD OUT in the first FIVE MINUTES of the dealer room opening.  WTH is going on there?

When I showed up about 3 hours after the dealer room opened, the rumor I heard was that one person bought a big chunk of the supply something like 30 minutes in. If that is true (and I did not witness it), I can only assume that they will all be up online at huge markups before long.
« Last Edit: 17 August 2012, 01:59:22 by klarg1 »


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #21 on: 17 August 2012, 02:52:09 »
Actually, if it's the person I think it is, it was part of a big broup buy organized at another BT site. That group buy contained over 400 dice including the free House Cameron dice

EDIT: It wasn't him, he reported that they were out of dice when he got a chance to buy. He's not happy, but he's balming the wrong people
« Last Edit: 17 August 2012, 07:02:10 by Sharpnel »
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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #22 on: 17 August 2012, 06:58:36 »
They must be cutting them in half, because there was only 143 dice in the bucket at the time. No one was able to confirm that the purchaser who asked for the bucket was not a walrus, so there is a remote possibility they weren't even after the dice....

Looking for an official answer? Check the Catalyst Interaction Forums.

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #23 on: 17 August 2012, 07:07:05 »
OK..sorry about being late putting the update. Also, Slayer? Be glad they don't put a giant V on your forehead
in red lipstick and make you do "Stupid Virgin Tricks" like I have heard about from the Audience Participation of RHPS.  :D


GenCon Day 1
OK, up at 6 A.M., got breakfast from starbucks at the Marriott, then went to the center.
Spend a bit scoping everything out, and got in 2 rounds in the Pods, but my second round
I could not get the sheet for as there were some technical difficulties with their printer, and then the Pods crashed. In the scoping out, I went to see where CGL was in the miniatures hall..MAN they are OUT there! But they are closer to the restrooms this year.

When the doors opened, me, ShadowSeraph, Leonard Kerensky, and our GCV stormed the
Catalyst booth. I got Leviathans core box, Shadowrun 2050, the reprint of TRO:3067, and Sprawl Sites, as well as a thing of the shadowrun dice. Unfortunately, apparently a guy
was a bit a really not nice guy, and bought ALL the BattleTech dice just so no-one else could
have them. I HOPE CGL has more that they can bring in tomorrow, as I *STILL* want my Liao

From Catalyst, I made a mad dash over the the AEG booth to get the Book of Air and the
Second City boxed set. From there, I brought all this heavy stuff back to the room and headed back to the hall. In the hall, I got two copies of the old Shadowrun: Germany soourcebook(one for me, and one for one of the guys in my group back home), and the Crimson Skies
sourcebook?: Pride of the republic.  At the "Everything is 5 Dollars" booth(love them!),
I got the Decipher Star Trek RPG book Creatures(just short Aliens!). As I was wandering around, I found this booth that had LOTS of second hand Games Workshop stuff...I plan
to go back tomorrow, but I picked up the Sister Dialogus and Sister Hospitaler I need
for my Sisters of Battle army....and with the last of my discretionary spending money for
the day, I got them, a really cool looking Sister Superior with Plasma Pistol and Chainsword,
and an OLD, rogue trader/second edition era Space Wolves Vindicator. While I will be
stripping the Sisters pieces, the Vindicator is not going to be touched...probably the only
piece I will ever field in 40K not painted by me. Only tweak I plan is to do the touch-up
to make it show my Great Company's marker.

After that, I took a bit of a break, came back to the room to get my slight extra money to
cover food for the rest of the day, and typed up part of the report to Wordpad, and headed back out.

First thing I did was go over and get a nice meal of 2 foot long coney dogs and fried from the A&W in the mall.
I have discovered that by eating a big meal for lunch, a) I walk most of it off, and b) I do not need to
be constantly trying to snack my through the rest of the day(so it is cheaper on food!).

By the time I got back to the convention center, it was time to mosey over to the canon event. Me and my group
got into the Big Battle on the side of the Good Guys....the Amaris forces. I ended up controlling a lance of a
the AC-20 Von Luckner, a Burke, a Manticore, and a Phoenix. It took us most of the game, but we finally cracked
the lynchpins of the SLDF defense: an Emperor, a Battlemaster, and an Atlas. However, they got ammo hits on the
Mackie and King Crab that were in our Assault Lance. However, Checking back later, I had heard that the Maris forces
had finally brought it down to an "anyone's game"..and, as of the end of the grand Melee, the tanks were STILL on
the field. (And the SLDF was still, apparently, going "Oh..its only tanks.")

From there, we had to immediately rush over to the Grand Melee. I took a Hellbringer H for fun, and to get my mind
into the "fight smart, fight viscious" mentality needed for the Trial of Bloodright today. I died fairly early because
I got caught between a Flamberge and two Summoners. In retrospect, i should have used a Lupus B again this
year. But, hey...this was for fun.

After the Grand Melee, we headed back to the room, got some Pizza, went down stairs tot eh Starbucks and set
up Leviathans....and about 3 turns in realized we were all about to fall over unconscious. So..back to the room
and that thing called "sleep."
"Victory or Debt!"- The Battlecry of Mercenaries everywhere

"Greetings, Mechwarrior! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against---Oops, wrong universe" - Unknown SLDF Recruiter

Reality and Battletech go hand in hand like a drug induced hallucination and engineering a fusion reactor ;-)

Lorcan Nagle

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #24 on: 17 August 2012, 07:37:47 »
1: I demand photos
2: I demand photos
3: Is there a Camospecs diorama?  Take photos!
The moderator formerly known as the user formerly known as nenechan


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #25 on: 17 August 2012, 07:50:51 »
Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos!Photos! Photos!Photos! Photos!Photos! Photos!Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos! Photos!

Could we PLEASE have some photos?  :)

Author of 32 Battletech short stories including "The Lance Killer," "Hikagemono," "Negotiation," "The Clawing," "Salvage," "The Promise," "Reap What You Sow," "Family Ties," "The Blood of Man," "End of Message," "Heroes' Bridge," "Kurodenkou," "Thirteen," "My Father's Sword," "Evacuation," "Operation Red Lion," "A Matter of Honor," "State of Grace," "Operation Blue Tiger," "A Warrior's Fear," "Shadow Angels," "Murphy's Method," "End of the Road," (IAMTW 2019 Scribe Award nominee!), Two "Tales of the Cracked Canopy: Blind Arrogance," and "Shadows of the Past," "Laws Are Silent," "No Tears," "Three White Roses," and "The Markslaughter Files."
Novels -- Icons of War, Elements of Treason series, "Vengence Games." "In the Shadow of Dragons" (Out now!) and "Poisoned Honor" (WoR #1)

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #26 on: 17 August 2012, 08:01:47 »
Thanks for the great and much appreciated writeup! What a great reason to be completely exhausted.  ;D

BTW, for the folks looking for Camospecs photos, Scrapyard Armory has a few closeups.

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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #27 on: 17 August 2012, 08:04:03 »
There's also six minatures up on so far!!!


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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #28 on: 17 August 2012, 08:11:15 »
So the Ost series are not unseen anymore??? When did that happen?  [drool]
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Re: StCptMara's GenCon Reports: 2012
« Reply #29 on: 17 August 2012, 08:13:57 »
The Camospecs Ostroc entry has a list of many of these are new?

Banshees Stables - Dak
Black Lions Cooperative - Mastergunz,Phlop
Blue Fist Stables - Dak
Bromley Stables - Wackrabbit
Bulldog Cooperative - 00Dawg
Cenotaph Stables - Hyena
DeLon Stables - Hyena, Psycho
Dispossed Cooperative - Wackrabbit
Forrest's Fire Stables - Foxbat
Gemini Stables - Cyttorak
Hombres Stables - Mastergunz
Independents - 00Dawg, Dak, GunjiNoKanrei
Knights Stables - Mastergunz
Lion City Stables - Mastergunz
Lynch Stables - Cyttorak
Marpesia Stables - Psycho
Overlord Stables - Dak
Restless Souls Stables - 00Dawg
Silver Dragons Stables - Foxbat
Starlight Stables - Cyttorak
Sturm Hammers - Savage Coyote
Tandrek Stables - Phlop
Zelazni Stables - MasterGunz, Phlop
Zhan Youshi Stables - GunjiNoKanrei