Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"  (Read 33465 times)


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'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« on: 07 December 2012, 17:25:45 »
'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 “Omega”

Towards the end of the Jihad, the Word of Blake trotted out a variety of super-weapons, particularly during the fighting for Terra.  I've previously covered their Rattler and Wyrm mobile structures and a treatment of the modified ex-SLDF Naga destroyers that were used as control vessels for their new SDS network was offered up by one of my colleagues.  Today I'm turning my attention to another of their implements of war, the SHP-X4, termed “Omega”.  The Word's choice to name the design after the final letter of the Greek alphabet is a telling statement of their intentions in introducing what Jihad Hot Spots: Final Reckoning crowns as “... the first truly viable super-heavy BattleMech ever made.”  It touches on the most infamous one, the “Amaris' Folly” that would provide a foundation built on by the Stone Rhino, succeeding where that design failed in producing a workable unit.  Almost thirty of the design - still a prototype - were produced by Skobel MechWorks in Russia.  It's appropriate that this frontier of BattleMech development, a field that even the Clans failed to explore, was broken by Skobel, the storied manufacturer of the very first BattleMech.  Although the design is not the final word in BattleMechs, the “Omega” is a literal and figurative titan of a 'Mech, half again as tall as an assault 'Mech and heavily built, though they're also easier to hit because of that stature.  Where the super-heavy technology goes from here is anyone's guess.  Skobel's super-heavy manufacturing wing was destroyed but there's always the tripod 'Mechs from MechWarrior: Dark Age

At 150 tons, the “Omega” is middle of the road as far as construction possibilities go for a super-heavy and uses endo-steel to reduce the structural tonnage to something a little more manageable.  The power plant is a Vlar 300 XLFE, only moving the design at an UrbanMech-like 32 kph.  Mobility clearly isn't the design's strong point although it does receive discounts moving through rubble, woods, or the like, so an “Omega” can suddenly plunge through terrain other 'Mechs would get significantly slowed by.  Unfortunately, Skobel's engineers were apparently reading from the same playbook as Independence Weaponry back when they did the AS7-K Atlas - that Vlar 300 XL only has single heat sinks, a potentially dangerous chink in the 'Mech's defenses.  (Yes, defenses.  The weaponry isn't affected.)  Well, it is still a prototype unit.  The armor is a staggering 27 tons of standard plate, with 12 points on the cockpit (meaning you need at least 16 points to force a decapitation with the 4 points of internal structure) underscoring just how much armor there is to go around.  45 points on the side torsos, 44 on the arms, 60 on the centerline, and 62 on the legs are all going to require a lot of pounding to get rid of.  The rear armor is similarly tough, with 20 points on the rear center and 19 on the sides.  The firepower is undeniably impressive and some malicious soul at Skobel was cruel enough to link it into a C3i network.  (If you're not looking for the ECM whenever you engage the Word by now anyway, I'm not going to try to explain at this late date.)  No less than three M-7 Gauss rifles are mounted, one to a torso (yes, including the center torso) and they split eighty rounds of ammunition between them.  Each arm has an Imperator Code Red LB 10-X autocannon, with forty rounds of ammo available.  My recommendation is that at least three tons of that needs to be cluster ammo.  You've got Gauss rifles to punch holes.  All three torso locations and the arms are protected by CASE II, making the “Omega” an even tougher nut to crack.

Let's consider the implications for a moment.  The “Omega” is an unprecedented high water mark for sheer toughness until you start looking at mobile structures like a Rattler or Wyrm.  They're unfortunately fairly easily shot up between their slow speed and massive size but the enemy's going to be beating on the armor for a bit before they manage to breach it.  The physical attacks are similarly big.  A kick on a fresh LCT-1V Locust's leg will tear off the torso it's attached to and then inflict five points of damage on the bug's center torso for good measure.  Since super-heavies suffer a +1 attack modifier on physical attacks bringing that power to bear isn't the simplest task you've ever had, though.  The raw firepower is arguably the least impressive aspect of the design.  Yeah, sure, three Gauss rifles and two LB 10-Xs can wreck your day and the match of the Gauss rifles to the ability to batter someone with LB-X pellets was undoubtedly done with malice aforethought.  As an engineering accomplishment, this is definitely impressive, but thanks to the wonders of Clantech, the damage output is anything but unprecedented.  Bane 3s will beat it with 3 LRM 15s to spare for finishing off that Locust.  A Hellstar lacks the crit-seeking but it can nearly match the raw damage on a design that's twice as fast and has a little over 2/3 of the armor.  Both can absorb the worst heat spikes someone can inflict and keep punching with over half their firepower without being more than inconvenienced, too, something an “Omega” can't do for long.  Don't get me wrong.  The “Omega” is going to have a place in history and killing one of these monsters is going to be an accomplishment you can be proud of.  But considered in isolation it's not as terrifying as the idea of a 150 ton Word super-weapon might sound the first time you hear it.  The problem here is that the Word didn't use them in isolation.

Consider what else is in the Level II carefully.  An “Omega” has a C3i module, so linking it into a network enhances the accuracy of its weapons as long as the network remains operational.  A formation that doesn't get too spread out can still be devastating.  You may want to consider a mix of mid-range bruisers (Legacies are a good pick) and spotters that are beefy and have ECCM to help preserve the network rather than the ultra-fast units that are also available.  “Omegas” are going to be bulwarks where the fighting is the hottest so their unit needs to be prepared to fight in an environment like that.  Someone needs to have some pulse lasers to help deal with any light, fast bandits that try to move past the rest of the unit and harass the “Omega” with incendiary fire.  An “Omega” is not terribly mobile, either.  Minefields or incendiary weapons on your supporting units may help even the score there.  “Omegas” can also be used to drive enemies into the mines (or lurking Purifiers or Raptor IIs) by presenting an obvious threat someone will try to go around.  The majority were seen around Devils Peak, the sample installation from Jihad Hot Spots: Terra, and perusing that book gives you an idea of the sort of other supporting elements an “Omega” could call on.  Artillery?  Well, there's probably bunkers around and even Rattlers in support range.  Since we're talking about the Word, it's not impossible that a battery of units trying to pepper an “Omega” with artillery might find a couple of Crocketts slipped into the counter-battery fire.  Direct-fire bunkers can also help bring down opponents, as can any “Revenant” drones that are handy.  (Their pulse lasers can also be useful in intercepting light, fast units that might try to annoy an “Omega” up close, while the LMGs will tear through infantry.)  These things are like battleships - they've got big, heavy guns but they need escorts to keep the enemy off of them while they bring those guns to bear.

Taking on an “Omega”?  Pack a lunch and some big guns.  And some Infernos if you have SRM racks, but do it on something that can avoid getting caught in ranges 3-6 where everything an “Omega” carries is in short range with no minimums.  Artillery can be helpful against something this slow (bearing in mind my points made above) and an Inferno IV or three represents one way to heat things up without having to get into range for the “Omega” to provide your 'Mech's engine with a skylight.  Depending on your group's taste in optional rules, something to prune back minefields or bunkers is also necessary.  The one thing you don't want to do is try to take one on head-on, one-on-one.  That's playing to the strengths of the “Omega” and it's a losing proposition.  Try to clear some of the smaller units out of the way, isolate an “Omega”, and kill it with concentrated punch.  Unfortunately, as tough as they are, that's probably easier said than done.

References: The Master Unit List has a look at the availability information on the “Omega”, not that there's really any surprises there.  CamoSpecs has one example of the miniature to gaze on.
« Last Edit: 08 December 2012, 10:20:19 by Moonsword »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #1 on: 07 December 2012, 17:43:20 »
I'll just open with the very minor quibble I have... Amaris's Folly was actually the Stone Rhino/Behemoth's ancestor, not the Kraken/Bane. Plus, the Omega looks a lot like the Stone Rhino Unseen.

Other than that, I seriously enjoyed the article. I wish a mini for it would become... well... affordable. It would make a great cap to a campaign; the players think they've won, they've got the Blakists fleeing for their Castle Brian, and suddenly... an Omega steps forward and says, "You... SHALL NOT... pass!"


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #2 on: 07 December 2012, 17:47:34 »
These things are like battleships - they've got big, heavy guns but they need escorts to keep the enemy off of them while they bring those guns to bear.

This may be the best descriptor of an Omega I've yet seen. some people are terrified by the sheer mass of armor and firepower and call it game-breaking, while others look at the speed and immediately deride it as worthless. It is neither. It is a powerful tool, but it must be supported properly.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #3 on: 07 December 2012, 20:01:52 »
meh the canon super heavy is rather meh but the rules for the lighter super heavies in the 105-130 ton ranges now those are scary because they are pretty much 100 ton assaults but with more armor and payload for a similar movement profile.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #4 on: 07 December 2012, 22:02:23 »
Still not a fan of the weaponry- stripping it down to a couple of anti-aircraft autocannons and three Arrow IV batteries makes for something that I'd be more interested in, personally. I just can't find use for a 2/3 unit, C3i or not.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #5 on: 07 December 2012, 22:21:31 »
the omega's design is amazing. it is very clearly covered in a lot of armor, and carrying a lot of very large guns, that are all on very prominent display. it demands you knowledge it's a serious threat from the first impression. from the gauss rifles mounted in prominent overhead braces and Thick-muzzled autocannon in the arms to the sloped and visibly overlapping heavy armor plates, the Omega was clearly designed to make everyone afraid to face it but unwilling to ignore it.

truly a tour-de-force of intimidation by design.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #6 on: 07 December 2012, 22:45:40 »
It's a pity that there aren't boosted iC3 system to put on this monster
A couple of Alacorns are probably a good place place to start when fighting this thing, they have the same primary weapons (3 Gauss Rifles) but are more mobile and a lot cheaper. And don't worry too much about being immobilized, your target isn't going any where fast


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #7 on: 07 December 2012, 23:11:04 »
A couple of Alacorns are probably a good place place to start when fighting this thing, they have the same primary weapons (3 Gauss Rifles) but are more mobile and a lot cheaper. And don't worry too much about being immobilized, your target isn't going any where fast

I never thought I'd see a time when Alacorns are considered the "more mobile" option.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #8 on: 08 December 2012, 00:19:14 »
I never thought I'd see a time when Alacorns are considered the "more mobile" option.

Remember that classic old joke about Steiner being able to outmaneuver most fortifications?

Yep. This is why they said 'MOST'.  ;D
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #9 on: 08 December 2012, 00:52:36 »
Still not a fan of the weaponry- stripping it down to a couple of anti-aircraft autocannons and three Arrow IV batteries makes for something that I'd be more interested in, personally. I just can't find use for a 2/3 unit, C3i or not.

or as a followup to some of the recent threads, a pair of Long Tom cannons, 1 per arm
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #10 on: 08 December 2012, 01:09:22 »
The WoB was know to have access to Clan tech munchie goodness, why wasn't any of that used on this?

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #11 on: 08 December 2012, 03:06:01 »
The WoB was know to have access to Clan tech munchie goodness, why wasn't any of that used on this?
Because the disgusting level of terror would have been too much.  There's munchtacular and then there's "I'm not gonna pay a dropship's BV but I'm gonna bring a dropship's firepower and armor."  Basically, swap those gauss rifles for LRM-15s.  And ERPPCs.  And DHS.  It gets bad fast.
« Last Edit: 08 December 2012, 03:37:00 by ANS Kamas P81 »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #12 on: 08 December 2012, 03:11:29 »
Also, WoB was apparently looking to put this monster into production, and may not have had the resources to produce enough clantech to outfit that many.  No reason to further slow the design and production process with tech they barely understand and can't produce in quantities needed for a full production run.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #13 on: 08 December 2012, 03:42:18 »
Still not a fan of the weaponry- stripping it down to a couple of anti-aircraft autocannons and three Arrow IV batteries makes for something that I'd be more interested in, personally. I just can't find use for a 2/3 unit, C3i or not.
Don't see it as an unit, see it as an improved turret.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #14 on: 08 December 2012, 05:43:16 »
Also, WoB was apparently looking to put this monster into production, and may not have had the resources to produce enough clantech to outfit that many.  No reason to further slow the design and production process with tech they barely understand and can't produce in quantities needed for a full production run.
The WoB had access Offscreen Villain Dark Matter, I mean we are always told how Endo-Steel is in short supply and they go ahead and create the Revenant drone 'Mech, little more then expendable munitions, with an Edno-Steel Chassis


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #15 on: 08 December 2012, 10:12:21 »
Even with the respectable amount of armor, packing a Gauss Rifle in the Center Torso has clearly not been the most brilliant idea.
« Last Edit: 08 December 2012, 10:14:14 by ABADDON »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #16 on: 08 December 2012, 10:16:52 »
Remember that classic old joke about Steiner being able to outmaneuver most fortifications?

Yep. This is why they said 'MOST'.  ;D

Eh, our Assaults usually bring at least 54 kph to the table. Respect our authority!  :P


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #17 on: 08 December 2012, 10:45:36 »
Eh, our Assaults usually bring at least 54 kph to the table. Respect our authority!  :P

The more I play this game the more I feel like the Lyran wall of steel and juggernauts like the Omega just don't work all that well.  Speed is important in this game.  The ultimate mix of speed, armor, and firepower is what I look for in line units.  In the grand scheme of things 5/8 clan heavies like the Twolf, Summomer, Mad Dog, Ebon Jag, and Gargoyle  ;) are the best combo.  Some of the IS 4/6 heavies and assaults and 5/8 heavies are close to these now as well.

Then you have medium stuff like Wraiths and Stormcrows (or Septicemias) that find the right mix as too.

I'd be more scared for my assault lance if I saw a lance of Wraiths than if I saw an Omega.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #18 on: 08 December 2012, 10:58:23 »
Depending on the Map, a Wall of Steel in tight formation with 1-2 bodyguards against flankers and 2 spotters for a C3 network usually pack that much firepower and armor, that even a Clan force of similar overall tonnage will have a hard time to say the least.
If you have the advantage of Clan tech, heavy @ 8 running is what you want to go for. But with IS tech, augmented Wall of Steel is IMO the best choice.
Though I designed a 9 IJJ Uziel with an arse full of Medium lasers and AES that serves as C3 spotter, which brings lots of joy and pain playing it. But even with its TMM and everything, if it gets hit by a full (Clan) assault salvo, it usually ends bad quickly.

Both styles have advantages, combining them seems the most effective to me.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #19 on: 08 December 2012, 11:31:33 »
Also, WoB was apparently looking to put this monster into production, and may not have had the resources to produce enough clantech to outfit that many.  No reason to further slow the design and production process with tech they barely understand and can't produce in quantities needed for a full production run.

I think I like the off-screen villain dark matter explanation better.

But I think Moonsword got it right. The WoB blew a lot of cash on developing a superheavy, but the actual components they threw into it (with the notable exception of endo-steel) are surprisingly frugal considering what it is. Standard (Update: insert Emily Littela moment... pretty much undermines my whole argument oops) XL engine, single heat sinks. To me, that spells "damage magnet". Especially in light of the fact that maneuverability is important, and yet the Omega doesn't have it.

I found a thread from last year on superheavies, and there was a horde of people who all insisted they were worthless, pointing out that all you need is a massive artillery bombardment and/or air strikes to eliminate it. To me, that's exactly what the WoB wants. All that artillery and air support... would it have stayed aboard the dropship if an Omega hadn't shown up? Of course not, so given that it'll be used on them, they want something big and intimidating-looking that draws all that  firepower and sits there and takes it.  Pack a lunch indeed! With enough firepower of its own that it can't be ignored. Meanwhile the damage dealers are left to work their magic relatively unimpeded.

In that context, the lack of clantech makes more sense. Clantech belongs on the mechs that the Omega is covering for. No point blowing precious and hard-to-replace components on a chassis that you are hoping will be slathered in firepower. You don't have bodyguards, you have strikers. You're the bodyguard, absorbing damage and luring enemies to try to out-maneuver you while your compatriots out-maneuver them.

Anyway, just my thoughts...

(Now, an Omega IIC would be an interesting bird. The whole cooperative "I tank, you deal damage" and C3 philosophies go out the window. Absolute murder in zellbrigen, where the best weapons against it are forbidden. Bonus points for stacking on Ferro-lamellor armor just to totally drive the point home.)
« Last Edit: 08 December 2012, 17:24:01 by wellspring »

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #20 on: 08 December 2012, 14:19:45 »
Bonus points for stacking on Ferro-lamellor armor just to totally drive the point home.
Seventy four tons and change of Hardened Armor do a much better job.  "You shot my head with an Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle?  Okay, marking 11 points off, continuing"
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #21 on: 08 December 2012, 15:17:15 »
Seventy four tons and change of Hardened Armor do a much better job.  "You shot my head with an Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle?  Okay, marking 11 points off, continuing"

Also a good choice, but I picked FL armor because it eliminates LB-X cluster rounds altogether, and to me critseeking is worse than raw damage on a mech this well protected. Also, the extra penalty to PSRs stacks with the super-heavy penalty, right? I suppose you'll only put crack pilots into one of these things, so no worry.

Though I ought to reconsider in light of head shots. Good point.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #22 on: 08 December 2012, 15:48:10 »
Considering I do like some of the other 2/3 units... Have this thing backed up by an Annihilator. Or worse, you get within its minimums, and an old-school Bombard steps out and says, "Hi!"  ;D


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #23 on: 08 December 2012, 17:43:29 »
I love the Omega. And the WoB. And the superheavy rules. I used those rules to make a 200 tonner with 5 gausses and lots-o-lasers. Anyway, the Omega is a great unit in my opinion. If you can catch them in a forest, where they are burdened by the woods and you aren't, it's gonna be a bad day for them. Not to mention intimidation.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #24 on: 08 December 2012, 19:26:13 »
But I think Moonsword got it right. The WoB blew a lot of cash on developing a superheavy, but the actual components they threw into it (with the notable exception of endo-steel) are surprisingly frugal considering what it is. Standard (Update: insert Emily Littela moment... pretty much undermines my whole argument oops) XL engine, single heat sinks. To me, that spells "damage magnet". Especially in light of the fact that maneuverability is important, and yet the Omega doesn't have it.

SHS is not my first choice for something intended to move slowly and soak up punishment.  It makes you too vulnerable to smartass lights with Infernos or the increasingly common plasma weapons introduced in the Jihad.  Over time, that's going to cost you more than the DHS ever would, especially if you're sitting on the Sphere's greatest manufacturing complexes.  Like I said in the article, I blame that one on the prototype nature of the design.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #25 on: 08 December 2012, 20:55:59 »
Are there any special Physical Attack rules for super-heavies? 'Cause I'm thinking TarComps to take out a leg then move something like Berserker C3 into melee range would be a good strategy, then I thought you want a spotter to begin with and the Berserker could will that role. Now if the Berserker is that close already you're going to want the use that hatchet, but it's so tall and normally you can hit the head with a hatchet


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #26 on: 08 December 2012, 23:21:10 »
I always saw the Omega as being a bulwark of a battleline... say two or three of these at 15 hex apart in a triangle, holding the center of a larger mult-regimental conflict.

I will say, while they did sink a lot of money that could maybe have been better put into extra SDS equipment, that research has other dividends beyond what we can see. Developing ultra-heavy engines and acutators probably helped the word develop even further refinements in regular actuators and the like that culminated in better quality battlemechs (like the celestials).
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #27 on: 09 December 2012, 08:29:58 »
Are there any special Physical Attack rules for super-heavies?

Yes.  I mentioned their modifiers in passing in the article without getting into details.  There are more in the book.

I will say, while they did sink a lot of money that could maybe have been better put into extra SDS equipment, that research has other dividends beyond what we can see. Developing ultra-heavy engines and acutators probably helped the word develop even further refinements in regular actuators and the like that culminated in better quality battlemechs (like the celestials).

Although it's not impossible, my suspicion would be it's the other way around.  The initial known Celestial deployments were in 3069, eight years before the first "Omega" prototypes were produced.  The work on the Archangel's compact gyro and the delicate design work necessary to adapt the concept for an OmniMech might have been helpful in adapting captured heavy-duty gyro technology to work on a much larger platform, for instance.

Also, the Vlar 300 XL used on the "Omega" isn't a new design, nor is it 'ultra-heavy' in any sense.  (The Archangel's compact engine is actually three times the tonnage, for instance.)  That's one of the most common heavy XLFEs in the Inner Sphere, used on among other things the KGC-001 King Crab Cosara had been building on Mars.  With single heat sinks now that I look.  If anything, the engine smacks of being off-the-shelf hardware the same way the Gauss rifles do and off the same shelf at that since the "Omega" and KGC-001 also use the same M-7 Gauss rifles.  I'm not saying there wouldn't have been a bit of adaptation work involved but the key advances noted in the fluff for super-heavies in general are related to actuators, skeletons, and gyros.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #28 on: 09 December 2012, 14:29:40 »
Yes.  I mentioned their modifiers in passing in the article without getting into details.  There are more in the book.
I was thinking more along the lines of hit locations, other 'Mechs trying to punch this monster would have a hard time reaching the head


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SHP-X4 "Omega"
« Reply #29 on: 09 December 2012, 15:34:42 »
I like this thing, being armed with 3 Gausses and couple LB-X 10s is good combo for a defending unit.  Its suppose to be road block and perhaps interesting Boss level opponent that defeatible for a party team up on.

Super-Heavy's have alot potential.  My old GM ran a convention event where we had fight two of these things along with lance worth of the  Revenant drone 'Mechs.   With C3i going on, fighting St. Jamis, it made for interesting fight, a a doable one.  Omega not invincible, its just requires team work and some Angel ECM for his friends.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
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