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'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« on: 08 February 2013, 17:41:09 »
'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma

Named for a type of Japanese demon, the Akuma was designed by Independence Weaponry of Quentin in response to Theodore Kurita's call to produce cost-effective units during the Clan Invasion.  Although it competes in some ways with Independence's own AS7-K Atlas design, the Akuma shares a lot of components with the older unit and has a price in the same range as the AS7-D, 9.2 million C-Bills vs. the Atlas's 9.4 million.  Originally only favored by the Ryuken-Go, the Akuma became more popular after its participation in the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar, with the AKU-1XJ variant reaching the front lines in time to assist in the efforts against Sandoval incursions that would take Breed and Kesai IV.  Development or adaptation continued with newer models integrating advanced technologies during the Jihad.  Although built on Quentin, a planet now in Republic hands, only the advanced AKU-2XC variant is used by the Republic in significant numbers.

The original AKU-1X is an assault 'Mech that really belongs to an older school of assault design.  At 90 tons, the Akuma is 10 tons smaller than the Atlas, kind of a cut-down model that tries to leverage more advanced technology.  Well, advanced technology and MRMs.  An endo-steel skeleton isn't a bad start, a smaller modification of the Atlas's.  The GM 270 fusion plant is where the savings came from, matching the old Atlas's performance without breaking the bank.  It's possible they're importing the engine from GM, or at least were, although I imagine they've found a domestic source somewhere since.  (Remember, this was designed back when the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine were still allies.  You know, the same kind of allies as Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.)  Apparently at some point between 3049 and 3058, Independence's engineers figured out that double heat sinks are something you should probably put in 'Mechs with advanced energy weapons or MRMs even if it is a little hard since unlike the AS7-K, they're being used here with 13 of them carried.  17.5 tons of Durallex Special Heavy, 1.5 tons less than the Atlas, provides maximal protection on a frame this big.  With a 10/15/10 arrangement on the back plates, the armor continues to remind me of the AS7-D, which sported a 10/14/10 configuration.  The front is 28/43/28, missing a couple of thresholds to reinforce the back.  Arguably a weakness, there's a point considering the Combine's focus on the Clan front and Clan 'Mechs tend to be fast, so an assault 'Mech is likely to take some back shots from ambitious (and arguably suicidal) Mist Lynx and Shadow Cat drivers with more balls than common sense.  (Let's face it, they're Smoke Jaguar warriors.  That's kind of a thing for them.)  The head, arms, and legs are all at the max with 9, 30, and 38 armor respectively.  The key chink in all of this (other than the head, which is a given) is the lack of CASE, something later models will correct.  (All of the Akumas share the same armor distribution.  Whichever one you're hunting, bring plenty of guns.  Big ones.)  The armament of the Akuma is diverse, offering you a lot of options but averaging out to more of a brawler role.  Each arm has a medium laser, a Victory 23M standard on the right and a Victory Heartbeat MPL on the left, sharing that mount with a Guided Technologies 2nd Gen Streak SRM 4 and a Lord's Light ER PPC that represents half of your long-range firepower.  The side torsos each mount a mid-range heavy weapon, with a Shingunga MRM 30 rack on the left shoulder and an Imperator Code Red LB 10-X autocannon protruding from the right side.  The LB 10-X is one of the best weapons in the Inner Sphere, a fine blend of range, low heat, firepower, and flexibility that fortuitously matches the Clan equivalent's performance if not its compactness, and it has the industry standard two tons of ammo.  The MRMs are another story.  I'm not a great fan of MRMs but at least the Akuma manages to carry enough of them to be something other than an afterthought.  I actually think MRM 30s and 40s can even be fun when you hit people with them.  That said, the reach isn't impressive and the accuracy even less so.  At least you have 16 rounds to (hopefully) introduce people to the Dragon's newest weapon.  Considering the design's speed, the LRM 20 launcher the Akuma could have carried would have been more useful.  As a final gesture of oddity here, Independence put another Streak rack in the center torso, a 6 tube model this time.  While I like the Streak 6, I'm pretty sure I could find a use for the 2.5 tons they could have saved, a list that includes options like CASE, ECM, TAG, a C3 slave, and A-pods.  Okay, the A-pods are a stretch but it would be a way to burn a half-ton without mounting a cigar laser.

The AKU-1XJ replaces the weapons load in order to come closer to recreating the AS7-D, this time with jump jets. Although it's pretty inefficient because you're just above the 85 ton jump jet line, a 3/5/3 90 tonner isn't guaranteed to be a turkey.  The definitive counterexample to what you might call “The Quickdraw Effect” has long been the Highlander, which is a well-respected assault 'Mech with sufficient firepower and flexibility to be a reliable member of your lances even if it lacks the brutal capabilities of designs like the Nightstar or the Fafnir.  One of the reasons for that is the M-7 Gauss rifle.  Guess what the Akuma doesn't have?  That's right, a Gauss rifle!  No, the big ballistic weapon here is an LB 20-X in the right torso.  I'm a fan of the LB 20-X but this is a little slow to employ it well.  The ER PPC was also sacrificed, downgraded to an ERLL, although there are two MPLs on the left arm to keep it company.  The MRM rack was upgraded to an MRM 40.  Finally, there's an ERSL in the center torso.  While it makes an adequate member of an assault lance to act as a short-range bruiser, that's not a role that 3/5/3 'Mechs are well suited to these days.

The first of several models incorporating improved technology debuted in 3071 to serve a Dragon under siege from within and without and was one of two new variants included in last year's Record Sheets 3067 Unabridged.  The AKU-2X is a worthy entry to the Dragon's service, bringing several new technologies to bear.  A C3 slave in the center torso is an especially notable change, bringing the Akuma into the increasingly accepted C3 networks.  Also in the center torso is a compact gyro, one of the distinctive features of the AKU-2 series.  On the left arm, the Streaks and ER PPC were removed to upgrade to a heavy PPC, providing firepower comparable to a Gauss rifle that meshes well with the LB 10-X   Like the 1XJ, the MRMs were upgraded to a 40 tube rack, but this time it's paired with Apollo fire control, making the weapons more accurate if a trifle less likely to swamp someone under. Also, someone at Independence finally figured out that CASE is good, protecting the LB-X and MRM ammo with it, a performance that would be repeated for the entire AKU-2 series.  The single biggest flaw is the heat load you get by firing the HPPC, MRMs, and LB 10-X all together, shooting up to +3 on the scale before movement with 13 DHS, but overall this is a pretty solid assault 'Mech for mid-range beatdowns.

After the tide of the conflict turned, the 2XC model went into the field in 3077, with some serving in the Republic of the Sphere today.  The design was covered in TRO3085's Old is the New New section.  Similar to the 2X in some ways, the 2XC incorporates experimental technology and less ranged firepower.  The MRM 40 with Apollo and LB-X are still there, with each arm mounting a medium laser.  The ER PPC was again removed, this time swapped for a snubnose PPC.  I'm a fan of the snubby just like I am the LB 20-X but again, I'm not convinced this is the right place for it.  Yes, snubbies hit out to 15 hexes, but they only do 10 damage at 9 and inside.  It does make the unit an interesting midrange bully when you consider the other two advanced goodies: an Angel ECM suite and boosted C3 slave, both packed into the center torso thanks to a compact gyro.  12 freezers are actually sufficient for your typical heat needs.  If they're not, you have one coolant pod.

The AKU-2XK Akuma is the last of the series for now.  Again, it's an attempt to build a midrange brawler, but the details are interesting.  The 2X's HPPC is putting in another appearance, with an MPL alongside it on the left arm and another one in the head.  The right arm has an ERML.  The MRMs are gone, replaced by a pair of MML 9s that give you some long-range punch and a short-range SRM buckshot that comes within two tubes of matching the LB 20-X on the 1XJ for clusters and already beats it out for damage.  The right torso's RAC/5 makes for a good armor stripper before you apply the SRM shotgun.  Ammo endurance isn't great with only two tons for the RAC and three to split between the MMLs, and you need to watch your heat load carefully thanks to only 11 freezers.  Still, it's not a bad mid-range bruiser, which is about all I really expected at this point.  The Guardian ECM and C3 slave round out the design's capabilities and make it significantly nastier at the outer edges of certain range bands, where it can rely on other units to spot for it.  Or you can shove the 2XK down their throats, taking advantage of the 'Mech's heavy armor and close-in weapons to create an assault spotter and shift the ECM to ECCM mode to hopefully keep your C3 enabled.

References: The Master Unit List is, as ever, an excellent first stop.  CamoSpecs has a surprisingly wide variety of examples to peruse if you're looking for something more visual.
« Last Edit: 10 February 2013, 11:15:07 by Moonsword »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #1 on: 08 February 2013, 21:19:49 »
Psycho's AKU-2XK mod was the entire reason I bothered looking at the Akuma and learn to love it. A great mini, a great variant, and a great article to highlight the chassis. Well done, sir!  O0


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #2 on: 08 February 2013, 21:52:19 »
I like the Akuma, i was drawn to it when i first read about it in Test of Vengeance.

Admittively, the stats don't impress me as much as its appearance does.

I wonder though if Republic will the continue production and sales of the Akuma to the Draconis Combine. 
The Republic is likely to shut down the plant if they don't pick up any sales though.
« Last Edit: 09 February 2013, 13:43:40 by Wrangler »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #3 on: 08 February 2013, 22:36:25 »
RotS gets an Akuma? Sweet, I finally have an excuse to actually keep my mini! Don't normally play Kurita, but these things are gorgeous! [drool]

By the way, you forgot the Coolant Pod mounted on the -2XC. :) It won't need it under most circumstances, but the ability to let rip even once with a full alpha stike and stay frosty should not be underestimated. Could also be handy for fighting your way out of an ambush that uses lots of plasma or infernos.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #4 on: 09 February 2013, 06:54:36 »
I like Apollo'd MRMs. I'm not too keen on the C3 though, mainly because you have to plan for that and pay for that - its not really a pick up game tool. An Akuma with the former but not the latter would be very nice.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #5 on: 09 February 2013, 10:33:30 »
RotS gets an Akuma? Sweet, I finally have an excuse to actually keep my mini! Don't normally play Kurita, but these things are gorgeous! [drool]

I'm not a huge fan of the 2XC, personally, but whatever floats your boat.

By the way, you forgot the Coolant Pod mounted on the -2XC. :)

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when I thrown an article together at the last minute.

It won't need it under most circumstances, but the ability to let rip even once with a full alpha stike and stay frosty should not be underestimated. Could also be handy for fighting your way out of an ambush that uses lots of plasma or infernos.

Yeah, that's going to be handy.  Let's remember who the Republic's favorite opponents are in the so-called "Age of Peace", too.  The Cappies do love their incendiaries.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #6 on: 09 February 2013, 11:55:30 »
I don't know if it was subconscious or just lucky, but the 2XK matches the AS8-D for potential ranged damage.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #7 on: 09 February 2013, 14:20:19 »
there's very little about the Akuma's general looks that can't be said about the Atlas. it's a big, weapon dense monster that looms over the battlefield and stands out due to the sheer aura of menace it projects. this is to be somewhat expected of a 'mech that's more or less a lighter copy of the Atlas but there's a enough separating them to be of note.

the Akuma is a broad figure, with it's rounded armor forming big shoulders and a heavy legs set in a wide stance (and a curiously narrow waist, but they only had time to fiddle with so much) which is only made more daunting by the sheer number of weapons it points at its target. a large cannon is thrust prominently from the  left torso, sitting nest to the missile rack in its belly and the comparatively small payload of two gun mounts along side the massive fist of the left arm. the right arm mounts not only another large cannon in the forearm, but another smaller gun and another missile rack directly alongside it, this one arm already outgunning many light 'mechs. it then adds injury to that insult by mounting a massive MRM rack in that same shoulder, the barrel-like housing bulging up alongside the face of the 'mech.

and it isn't a pretty face to be next to, believe me. the Akuma has a face only a Lyran armor commander could love, a twisted "Death's head" with a seemingly toothy grin of a front vent and flanked by the "horns" that most likely house the antennae. this is a 'mech intended to scare off any ill-disciplined forces before it even closes to bring its weapons to bear.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #8 on: 09 February 2013, 19:10:11 »
I love the mech! There are tons of Mods I have done to it. I wish there was a C3 Master model. Great Article as always!
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #9 on: 09 February 2013, 21:30:58 »
I kind of disagree with a C3 Master idea. Most of the configs are shortrange monsters and usually putting the Master in your forward units is asking for an ECM-packing beatdown to silence your entire network temporarily, then permanently. I'd much rather have the master in a long range support unit (LRM/LGR/ERPPC/GR heavy unit I'd say). But yeah I've always been a fan of the Akuma as what the modern Atlai should have been. Too many neo-Atlai pack on XL engines and smaller and smaller quantities of guns which really make me think very little of any atlas post 3025.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #10 on: 09 February 2013, 21:38:53 »
The Combine already has some good C3 Masters, I don't know they really need an Akuma one. Get one of them with say a Warhammer to sit back and send in the Akuma and No-Dachi up close. Do they focus on the slasher or the beast?
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #11 on: 10 February 2013, 00:44:26 »
Use a Naginata as the C3M/ranged firesupport unit.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #12 on: 10 February 2013, 07:00:17 »
The Akuma carries a buttload of ammo, but no CASE. I only mention this because i have never, ever had one blow up on me.

All up, one of my favourite 'mechs and a lot of fun to use, even if I've never hit a thing with the MRMs. I had one partnered with a Dragon Fire in a series of games and the pair of them were shockingly effective together. And it's so happy too! Akuma wants to give you hugs. Just look at it.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #13 on: 10 February 2013, 09:51:40 »
The Akuma carries a buttload of ammo, but no CASE. I only mention this because i have never, ever had one blow up on me.

The 2X family actually does have CASE on all three variants.

All up, one of my favourite 'mechs and a lot of fun to use, even if I've never hit a thing with the MRMs. I had one partnered with a Dragon Fire in a series of games and the pair of them were shockingly effective together.

I'll have to try that.

And it's so happy too! Akuma wants to give you hugs. Just look at it.

Kind of like this caterpillar just wants to celebrate Mardi Gras?

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #14 on: 10 February 2013, 10:01:36 »
The Akuma carries a buttload of ammo, but no CASE. I only mention this because i have never, ever had one blow up on me.

Well, the newer ones do, making life a little better. I'm surprised the compact gyros in the 2s didn't get mentioned.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #15 on: 10 February 2013, 10:14:13 »
It did on the 2XC.  I didn't notice on the others.  Again, this article was put together very quickly, with no editing and no revisions.  I've been busy lately.  I'll go back and make some revisions in a few minutes.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #16 on: 10 February 2013, 10:20:54 »
It did on the 2XC.  I didn't notice on the others. 

Sorry, I missed that.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #17 on: 10 February 2013, 12:47:26 »
I've always liked the Akuma, visually and play-wise.  I've only had one die to an ammo crit, despite it being packed with ammo and no CASE. 

I'm glad to see there's one with a C3 slave as well so that I can finally use a canon variant to finish out my C3 company.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #18 on: 10 February 2013, 14:31:18 »
They do need a C3M + C3Slave version, if only to create a durable brawling monster that runs your short range brawler lance whilst the rest of your team does backup. With the SFE, Compact Gyro and CASE, it's more than durable enough for the job.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #19 on: 10 February 2013, 15:10:44 »
I like Apollo'd MRMs. I'm not too keen on the C3 though, mainly because you have to plan for that and pay for that - its not really a pick up game tool. An Akuma with the former but not the latter would be very nice.
I prefer AES instead of Apollo


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #20 on: 10 February 2013, 16:28:48 »
I've always liked the Akuma, visually and play-wise.  I've only had one die to an ammo crit, despite it being packed with ammo and no CASE. 

I'm glad to see there's one with a C3 slave as well so that I can finally use a canon variant to finish out my C3 company.

I'm building a C3 Ghost Regiment with the C3 Akuma...will post it later...
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #21 on: 10 February 2013, 19:55:51 »
I prefer AES instead of Apollo

You can't mount an AES in a torso and is four times as big as an Apollo.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #22 on: 10 February 2013, 21:17:45 »
Apollo works well with MRM's....however AES with a Heavy PPC makes a mean sniper.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #23 on: 11 February 2013, 05:30:18 »
I can't say I especially like Akuma.

AKU-1 series are just slow 'Mechs filled with ammo and with Meh!-weaponry, and AKU-2 series is only slightly better.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #24 on: 13 February 2013, 02:36:34 »
I can't say I especially like Akuma.

AKU-1 series are just slow 'Mechs filled with ammo and with Meh!-weaponry, and AKU-2 series is only slightly better.

I concur.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #25 on: 13 February 2013, 08:25:15 »
I concur.
Never really got warm with this Mech.

Really? Just do an alpha strike.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #26 on: 13 February 2013, 09:21:09 »
I wonder if, from the in-universe point of view and before the production of Akuma has started, wouldn't have been easier to improve the manufacturing line for AS7-K to use fourteen or fifteen double heat sinks (around 3055 or so). The result would have been Atlas similar to Lyran AS7-S3, but with ER Large Lasers instead of PPCs, and with four or five tons left for ammo or equipment.

Draconis Combine would got excellent upgraded Atlas now (3055) instead of substandard Akuma in three or four years (3058), design teams capacity could have been used for better projects, there would have been no need to establish new manufacturing line for Akumas, and last but nor least - much easier logistics. Surely it would have been easier to support older AS7-Ks and modernised and almost identical AS7-KMs, instead of supporting two similar, but quite different AS7-K and AKU-1X?


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #27 on: 13 February 2013, 10:40:18 »
I concur.
Never really got warm with this Mech.

I kinda like it, better than the AS7-K and AS7-D Atlas upgrades.  The PPC and LB-10X pairing gives pretty good ranged fire as it grinds close, adding the MRM, SSRMs, and medium lasers as the range drops.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #28 on: 13 February 2013, 10:44:37 »
I wonder if, from the in-universe point of view and before the production of Akuma has started, wouldn't have been easier to improve the manufacturing line for AS7-K to use fourteen or fifteen double heat sinks (around 3055 or so). The result would have been Atlas similar to Lyran AS7-S3, but with ER Large Lasers instead of PPCs, and with four or five tons left for ammo or equipment.

Draconis Combine would got excellent upgraded Atlas now (3055) instead of substandard Akuma in three or four years (3058), design teams capacity could have been used for better projects, there would have been no need to establish new manufacturing line for Akumas, and last but nor least - much easier logistics. Surely it would have been easier to support older AS7-Ks and modernised and almost identical AS7-KMs, instead of supporting two similar, but quite different AS7-K and AKU-1X?

The AS7-K has an XL engine, the AKU series have standard fusion engines.  In Universe it would probably require significant redesign to shift to Endo Steel, SFE, and DHS.  Price wise the 'budget assault' role is taken by the Akuma, while the AS7-K is too expensive for such a role.  Really I'd pair them up, with the Atlas providing ranged fire support while the Akuma wades in.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: AKU-* Akuma
« Reply #29 on: 13 February 2013, 10:51:21 »
The Atlas is a Steiner-Davion machine.  It's tainted.  It was useful as stolen production from Davion, but not worthy of the holy double heat sinks.
The Akuma is pure Kurita.  It gets the double heat sinks and the MRMs.... doh. 
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets

