Author Topic: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound  (Read 19691 times)


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Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« on: 26 April 2013, 17:07:50 »
'Mech of the Week: HD-2F Hound

Okay, let's get the music going...

Introduced in the 3090s, Coalition Armory Inc.'s HD-2F Hound is one of the lesser joys of TRO3145's Mercenary volume.  (You know, as opposed to the Mad Cat Mk. IV 'Mech of the Week won't be covering until the moratorium is up.)  Marketed primarily to mercenaries and small nations, the design marks the transition of Flitvelt's Coalition Armory from RetroTech into (mostly) modern hardware.  Used as one of Flitvelt's primary 'Mechs and well suited to the role of line combatant, the Hound has served well in offensive and defensive deployments for several decades.  Two notable battles are mentioned in the TRO - a defensive battle on Flitvelt's Broken Wheel in 3101 against the Border Lords as they attempted to raid the Quikscell plant in Conestoga and a valiant offensive effort that saw multiple MechWarriors killed disabling five DropShips in a pirate hunting expedition on Carvajal in 3117 by the Green Machine.  Like the rest of TRO3145 Mercenaries, the Hound's artwork is superbly done by Plog.

As you might have expected, this is not a highly advanced design.  In fact, there's exactly three weapons on here that aren't intro tech.  It is, however, sturdy, reliable, and pretty solid even if the damage is relatively low, a heavy trooper in the mold of the classic ON1-K Orion, although at 70 tons, the Hound is a little more svelte.  The classic, timeless VOX 280 known to veterans from the Archer and Warhammer is doing its usual workman's job of moving the Hound downrange at 64 kph when the 'Mech comes to a run.  15 single heat sinks - I told you the design was low-tech! - means the Hound is somewhat oversinked, something that takes a bit of doing on an SHS design.  On the other hand, not having to worry about overheating in an age of DHS opponents isn't a bad thing.  13 tons of Valiant Chainmail standard armor provides a solid shell that's all of 11 points from max, with 30 points on the centerline forward, 20 on each side, 22 on the arms, and 26 on the legs.  The usual 9 points protect the cockpit while the rear plates are arranged 10/13/10, arguably a little too heavily slanted toward the rear but definitely protective.  Unfortunately, if I had to pick the single biggest problem with the design, it's the lack of CASE; historically a major manufacturing headache, it's understandable that CASE isn't there on a Flitvelt design, but it's noticeable if your left torso gets breached.  The weapons load is solid but a bit of a mixed bag, able to fight competently at any range but spectacular at none of them.  The centerpiece of the armament is the Mydron Excel LB 10-X, one of the best multirole weapons in the game and a long time favorite of the Federated Suns, fed by two tons of ammunition.  The left arm's Holly SRM 4 provides additional, possibly needless crit-seeking up close; personally, I might have opted for a true anti-personnel weapon or two and shifted tonnage to beef up other capabilities but the SRMs are useful and can fill the anti-infantry role with appropriate ammo choices.  With only one ton of ammo, though, you can't carry frag or Infernos without sacrificing your anti-armor punch.  The energy mounts include a pair of Johnston Lite LPPCs on the right arm and ChrisComp 39 ML in the right torso.  Like I said, capable of fighting at most battlefield ranges but not really great at any of them.  However, most of the Coalition's prospective opponents aren't shining beacons of high technology and their relations with the Suns are normally quite cordial, so the Hound is fairly well suited to its environs, much as the wise owner chooses a hound whose temperament is matched to the home.

Using a Hound requires patience.  Unlike the Warhammer they're compared to, Hounds aren't always the greatest holepunchers in the world and doing it trades away the LB 10-X's cluster capability, so weight your options.  Overall, they remind me a little more strongly of an ON1-K Orion, with LPPCs instead of the LRMs.  Get the enemy to medium range and start working on the armor against other heavy 'Mechs and recalibrate your instincts back to the Succession Wars hardware the Hound isn't far removed from.  Some combined arms help won't go amiss to help the Hound at long range.  Against vehicles, the Hound's ability to generate criticals and motive hits is going to make it extremely annoying with VTOLs and WiGEs in a particularly bad spot.

If the Hound's offensive options are just a touch lacking in the “oomph” department, the armor is nicely thick.  The lack of CASE makes going for the left torso a good idea if you have the ability to focus fire from that direction.  How important they are depends on how thin your armor's getting - other heavies can probably find more threatening dance partners early on but once your armor starts buckling, the SRMs, cluster ammo, and dispersed nature of the LPPC hits becomes a bigger and bigger problem.  Vehicle-heavy forces probably want to burn them down faster thanks to the way LB-X cluster ammo is attracted to the motive hit table.

References: None, nada, zip, zilch, zero.  We're out on the edge this week, 'Mech fans.  In lieu of anything else, I've uploaded the picture elsewhere.

« Last Edit: 26 April 2013, 19:03:22 by Moonsword »


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #1 on: 26 April 2013, 17:23:45 »
While the Hound might not be wearing the shiniest dress at the ball, she definitely has the class and style to fit in!

While I'd prefer any of a dozen other 'mechs for a large scale 'mechs only fight, the Hound has plenty of firepower to deal with the more conventional forces of the Periphery and pirates. Combining the number of crit-seeking clusters with the heavy armor also gives you the ability to wade through a surprising amount of fire, which can be extremely frightening if you're not used to the close combat of the Succession Wars.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #2 on: 26 April 2013, 17:42:57 »
Tiny nitpick: The Hound has 15 SHSs, not 14 according to the copy I've got.  Also, the Internet Kraken seems to have devoured the last portion of your intro paragraph.

I positively adore the Hound.  True, it's not exactly the shining paragon of damage-dealing, but it's pretty solid.  More importantly, it's dirt cheap.  An SFE, single heat sinks, standard structure, and standard armor means that it's almost possible to not be able to repair this baby somewhere, and the cost is low compared to a lot of modern options (Mad Cat IV, looking at you).  Oh, and that BV?  Bargain-basement for what it does.  1,389 is lower than a few Light 'Mechs I could name off the top of my head.  The quirk only helps it more: Accurate Weapon (LB-10X Autocannon).

The art also reminds me of a cross between the Warhammer and Marauder.  Which is awesome.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #3 on: 26 April 2013, 18:45:56 »
Over in another thread, I was advised on how to convert the stats given for the Hound in the TRO:3145M PDF preview into BattleForce/Quick-Strike/Alpha Strike terms, as well as how the unit might compare in that scale to another unit in the same preview; the Mad Dog/Vulture Mk IV Prime.

Leaving the comparison to the OmniMech aside for a moment, how would you gauge the relative effectiveness of thhe Hound in either a BattleForce or Quick-/Alpha Strike context; and would you consider it to be one of those units that plays differently than expected when brought from one scale to another, or does it fill a similar tactical niche either way?


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #4 on: 26 April 2013, 19:04:12 »
How would it fare if paired with a Hawk Wolf?

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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #5 on: 26 April 2013, 19:27:11 »
The LB-X 10 is one of the oldest non-intro weapons and LPPC's are just midget PPC's, so both should be reasonable for such a small, backwards power to be making


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #6 on: 26 April 2013, 19:35:49 »
A beautiful mech in it's simplicity. Cheap, simple, effective; And it goes to show that even a zombie is still not the cheapest kid around.
This mech with a Standard PPC, AC and SRMs could have been a solid late SW design, and the quirk just goes to reinforce the use it's intended to have.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #7 on: 26 April 2013, 21:39:33 »
It really reminds me more of the Thunderbolt than anything else.  LBX instead of LRM/LL combo, and the SRMs have to do double duty as your anti infantry weapons, so maybe it's the looks as much as anything, maybe it's the jack of all trades Trooper role it's designed for, but it reminds me of the old Tbolt.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #8 on: 26 April 2013, 23:52:21 »
I think this is the perfect Filtvelt mech: sturdy, understated and utilitarian.   I might not take it up againsf the Malvina en masse, but it has a role in almost any lance.
As for the Hawk Wolf,  I'm sure it is partnered with it in-universe, and it's not a poor matching, it definitely fills the ling range bracket that the Hound is a bit weak on.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #9 on: 27 April 2013, 03:13:02 »
The arms look like they were taken almost directly from a Grim Reaper, while the body sort of has a Bandersnatch kind of look.

When I first saw the design, I thought that the design reminded me of the Verfolger. I sort of dismissed it when I thought about it more, but now that I've compared the two designs, I kind of think I was on the right track. Sure, the Hound is slower due to its standard engine, but the PPC/LB-X combo is still there, although changed slightly with the Light PPCs. Likewise the short range batteries are similar, though the Verfolger relies on the ever-efficient Medium Laser, while the Hound goes for a slightly more interesting ML/SRM4 battery.

On the other hand, that difference in ground movement might make the way the two designs fight completely different. The Hound works well as a general trooper `Mech, but its reliance on Light PPCs rather than a standard one (though I'm not going to begrudge the choice, I wouldn't want to have to come up with a spare ton for the standard PPC) means that the LB-X finds itself in the odd position of trying to open holes for itself, rather than relying on another weapon to crack open the armor of opposing `Mechs.

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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #10 on: 27 April 2013, 03:25:44 »
Perfect Periphery Mech, it's weapons are nearly a perfect pick for what you're more than likely going to encounter.

The Light PPCs not great at punching an Assault Mech but in the Periphery the Heavy is more like a king than the assault and your general Mech is the lights and mediums so the Light PPCs don't hurt at all.

The LBX is a nice choice purely because of the utility of the weapon.  Solid shot smash armour, scatter shot where are those pesky Infantry, Battle Armour, Vehicles or VTOLs literally anything hurts to an LBX

The Medium Laser I almost see as an after thought I'd have almost been tempted to drop it for CASE and another half ton armour - but thats probably a bit too optimized for a Periphery design and it adds a little character in a universe that nearly everything and anything has CASE.

The SRMs perfect little crit seekers, Battle Armour hunters and a nightmare to all vehicles and infantry.

Combine a pair of these Mechs with a pair of HawkWolfs and that's a solid back line for any Periphery company.  Being that the two are built pretty close together (Filtvelt and Randis) it's an even better match up.  Both Filtvelt and Randis get the perfect money makers with these two.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #11 on: 27 April 2013, 04:17:37 »
A good, cheap trooper but when compared to the other designs of its era (so far as we have seen them) it is horribly outmatched.

The LBX is a good multi purpose weapon but seeing as how common ferro lamellor gets on the (now rather common) clan designs I would have taken a standard AC (for special ammo) or ultra (for the PSR forcing doubletap) instead.

However it is a fitting 'Mech for a periphery realm and should do well against the usual threats of pirates and down the luck Mercs hired by jealous neighbors.


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #12 on: 27 April 2013, 08:38:09 »
One thing I notice about the Hound (and the Hawkwolf as well) is that they seem ideal for mercenary tech upgrades.  Something I miss from when 3025 tech was getting retrofitted left and right.  DHS is the easiest, but a technician with access to more than intro tech has plenty of room and crits to work with.


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #13 on: 27 April 2013, 11:06:06 »
One thing I notice about the Hound (and the Hawkwolf as well) is that they seem ideal for mercenary tech upgrades.  Something I miss from when 3025 tech was getting retrofitted left and right.  DHS is the easiest, but a technician with access to more than intro tech has plenty of room and crits to work with.

The thing is, if you are investing in any minimal tech upgrades, DHS is usually your best bet.  For example, you can strip off four SHS (converting the engine 11 to DHS) and upgrade one LPPC to a regular PPC.  OR do the same DHS upgrade, and strip off everything save the LB-10X.  Put in two regular PPCs and you have a pocket Awesome.


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #14 on: 27 April 2013, 13:15:04 »
Right.  And that's the point.  Modern designs are often so tight on weight or crits it's a little tricky to mod them and keep the feel.  The Hound is, if not a blank canvas, more of a concept sketch than a rigid blueprint.  And it has no published variants.  There are easily a half dozen DHS or weapon swap mods that are viable and easy.  Hell, I could do a whole series of Succession Wars House variants in an afternoon, if you houseruled it back in time.  (Or if you have a creative tech support guy in your Merc Company)


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #15 on: 27 April 2013, 15:13:54 »
The LB-X 10 is one of the oldest non-intro weapons and LPPC's are just midget PPC's, so both should be reasonable for such a small, backwards power to be making
and if they aren't locally produced, it wouldn't be hard to switch over to an all Introtech version in the event your supply dried up. switching to an AC10 and LL instead of the LBX and LPPC's wouldn't really screw up the unit's combat capability that much, over all, and those could easily be obtained.

building what is basically half a step above a succession wars era unit in the dark ages period takes some guts.. i hope Filtvelt is building these things in job lots, because they'll need what advantages they can get against the higher tech stuff running arond.
« Last Edit: 27 April 2013, 15:15:35 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #16 on: 27 April 2013, 18:41:05 »
building what is basically half a step above a succession wars era unit in the dark ages period takes some guts.. i hope Filtvelt is building these things in job lots, because they'll need what advantages they can get against the higher tech stuff running arond.

Actually, I think the Hound should do just fine in the Dark Ages. The Hound makes good use of older tech, especially since it serves as a multi-role unit. New toys would be nice, but other than CASE and anti-infantry the Hound isn't really hurting for anything.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #17 on: 27 April 2013, 21:29:12 »
I like the Hound, it does some-what resemble a Snake by stats with its LB-X 10 and SRMs.  But i do think its better of the two in comparison despite it being slower and lacking CASE.  We do need trooper Mechs in age of expensive OmniMechs and Advance Technology BattleMechs. 

Mike Plog's work in this TRO's art was amazing, Hound's picture was great.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #18 on: 28 April 2013, 06:39:16 »
I think if was to use Hounds in a Mercenary command, I'd remove the SRMs for Lasers and heatsinks.
Say, Medium, Small Pulse, heatsink.
Alternatively, remove the ML to upgrade the SRM to a 6.
Sure, in the succession wars that was common, but I still wouldn't feel well with all that ammo. Still a great design, of course.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #19 on: 28 April 2013, 09:35:12 »
I like this one a lot. Sure from a stats point of view it's kinda sub-optimal, but from a story fluff point of view it makes a lot of sense. If Filtvelt is just getting started producing modern stuff instead of retro-tech it makes sense to use tried and true tech and keep it simple (but effective). Their usual opponents are likely to be bandits and such I gather so they really won't need a lot of hi-tech stuff anyhow. A solid trooper for a base model gives them room to grow and a decent source of income if they're selling to Mercs.

Ultimately this feels like a bit of a throwback to the "Mad Max" era of the 3020's that I started the game with, and I approve.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #20 on: 28 April 2013, 15:44:07 »
The Hound reminds me the most of the Cataphract.

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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #21 on: 28 April 2013, 16:41:16 »
The Hound reminds me the most of the Cataphract.

Torso-mounted autocannon, main energy weapon on the right arm, SRM 4 on the left, round out with a medium laser or two...purely stat-wise it does look a bit like a CTF-2X, although the details obviously differ.

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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #22 on: 28 April 2013, 17:18:35 »
As someone else mentioned, I also really really think they built with an eye at current effectiveness and with eventual upgrade kits.  IIRC the fluff, one of the mercenary units using it already swapped out for DHS.  Following the current rules, upgrading the armor is a very easy step too- so HFF/FF/LFF when the time comes.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #23 on: 28 April 2013, 17:50:33 »
I'd like to see the Filtvelters get an upgraded model in due course maybe as a result of mercenary tinkering: DHS, more LPPCs instead of the LB10X, jump jets, bigger SRM rack, SPLs for anti infantry work


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #24 on: 28 April 2013, 17:53:40 »
A model that ups to DHSs and uses the weight savings for a TC would be interesting, methinks.
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #25 on: 28 April 2013, 18:18:05 »
No reason to get rid of the LB-10X, it just too useful against armor, VTOLs, CF and ASF.

Honestly, since they are producing LPPCs . . . it would be interesting to see one sport the HPPC rather than LPPCs and SRMs.  Easy to do with DHS & FF armor, throw in a SPL for infantry killing . . . Big hole puncher and the LBX to exploit it.
Colt Ward
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #26 on: 28 April 2013, 20:25:52 »
No reason to get rid of the LB-10X, it just too useful against armor, VTOLs, CF and ASF.

Honestly, since they are producing LPPCs . . . it would be interesting to see one sport the HPPC rather than LPPCs and SRMs.  Easy to do with DHS & FF armor, throw in a SPL for infantry killing . . . Big hole puncher and the LBX to exploit it.

Even better- drop the SRM and Light particle guns for a single HPPC and nothing else.  That would be a harkening back to older times!
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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #27 on: 29 April 2013, 16:46:19 »
Honestly, since they are producing LPPCs . . .

Or they're importing them from Johnston, which just happens to be one of the Federated Suns' major PPC manufacturers.  Their PPC manufacturing seems to be one of their relatively few lines of sale was up and running in the 3085-3090 timeframe.  Contrary to expectations going into the 3080s, the Suns and Flitvelt are on reasonably good terms and Johnston's already been involved in one joint project with a Coliation military supplier (JES).  Johnston would also have the contacts to ease import of the Mydron Excel from GM.

None of this precludes Flitvelt from having later put the LPPC into production after initially importing it, either.  I'm just saying that there's good reason to consider the import angle based on the evidence.
« Last Edit: 29 April 2013, 16:56:21 by Moonsword »


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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #28 on: 30 April 2013, 09:23:28 »
I like it.  It has the edge of the civilized universe feel a periphery mech should.  A couple of these with a Hawkwolf and an old tech medium (Wolverine, Shad, Griffin) would be a decent little lance for a far flung place.

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Re: Mech of the Week 3145 Preview: HD-2F Hound
« Reply #29 on: 30 April 2013, 11:20:41 »
If you want something Flitvelt might field as a heavy lance, you could try a couple of Hounds, a ZEU-9S Zeus, and an old ENF-4R Enforcer.