Author Topic: Alpha Strike - 18 September 2019 (v2.5)  (Read 72210 times)


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Alpha Strike - 18 September 2019 (v2.5)
« on: 29 July 2013, 15:31:59 »
This thread is for all issues and problems with Alpha Strike.

Product Link:

Current errata version is 2.5 and can be found here:

There are two releases of Alpha Strike - be sure to cite which release you're working from:
2013 - first printing
2015 - second printing

NOTE: As Alpha Strike has been superseded by Alpha Strike Commander's Edition, we are no longer accepting reports for this book.
« Last Edit: 18 September 2019, 10:29:35 by Xotl »


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #1 on: 29 July 2013, 20:21:12 »
Alpha Strike - PDF version

pg 7, Rules
"Sample company level army lists or the clan invasion era of play are even provided to players interested in jumping straight into gameplay'
the "or" should be replace with "for"

pg10, caption for picture
"the mercenary unit Ronim was formed from the Draconis Combine Tenth Ghost Regiment, after refusing orders they deemed a "suicide mission" "
Ronim should be Ronin, and it should be "the Draconis Combine's Tenth Ghost Regiment"

pg 80, Magnetic Pulse
"Magnetic pulse missions are available to units that possess the LRM or SRM specials."
should replace "missions" with "missiles"
« Last Edit: 29 July 2013, 21:15:26 by glitterboy2098 »

Pat Payne

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #2 on: 30 July 2013, 12:30:22 »
P. 136, entry for the Atlas K: A/S is listed as 10/4, should be 10/8.

Also, not sure if it's errata or if it's a new way of translating the stats that haven't been disseminated, but some of the stats on the army lists do not correlate with their QS card stats. For instance:

P. 135, entry for the Catapult: Weapons damage is shown as 2/3/2, when the QS stats show that with the LRM added, it would actually be 3/3/1.

Alexander Knight

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #3 on: 30 July 2013, 13:04:57 »
P. 136, entry for the Atlas K: A/S is listed as 10/4, should be 10/8.

AS7-K is a 100-ton 'mech with an IS XL Engine.  Structure 4 is correct.

Also, not sure if it's errata or if it's a new way of translating the stats that haven't been disseminated, but some of the stats on the army lists do not correlate with their QS card stats. For instance:

QS cards may not be in line with latest errata.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #4 on: 31 July 2013, 10:22:23 »
Alpha Strike p46:

Anti-Missile System (AMS)
A unit with an AMS reduces the damage from any attack specifically delivered by the IF, SRM, or LRM special abilities by 1 point (to a minimum of 1) as long as the attack comes from the front.

Anti-Missile System (AMS)
A unit with an AMS reduces the damage from any standard weapon attack or Indirect Fire attack from a unit with the IF, SRM, or LRM special abilities by 1 point (to a minimum of 1) as long as the attack comes from the front.

The solution is just ignore Paul.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #5 on: 07 August 2013, 13:43:00 »
Alpha Strike pdf.
page 130, Operation Bulldog

Syntax errors:
In the wake of a Jade Falcon attack on Coventry, the Inner
Sphere powers gathered on Tharkad and mad history: they
agreed to reform the Star League, and reform the Star League
Defense Force.

1. Change "mad history" to "made history".

2. Change colon to semi-colon? "history:" to "history;"

3. Remove the 2nd redundant "reform" and unneeded comma:
    "agreed to reform the Star League, and reform the Star League Defense Force"
    "agreed to reform the Star League and the Star League Defense Force" or
    "agreed to reform both the Star League and the Star League Defense Force"


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #6 on: 07 August 2013, 13:54:27 »
Alpha Strike, PDF.

page 130, 3060 – Strana Mechty, Clan Homeworlds Combatants:
Change "SDLF" to "SLDF".  A search revealed no more instances of "SDLF".


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #7 on: 07 August 2013, 14:19:39 »
Alpha Strike, pdf
page 131.

I'm not an editor, so I may be wrong, but:

3060-61 – Nashuar, St. Ives Compact:
Add a comma between "conflict Nashuar":
    "Over the rest of the conflict Nashuar became a meatgrinder world"
     "Over the rest of the conflict, Nashuar became a meatgrinder world"

Add "that"
    Nashuar had become so devastated they declared
    Nashuar had become so devastated that they declared
Or use a comma in place of that?

3061 – St. Ives, St. Ives Compact
    "Although it was heavily-garrisoned, a combination of heavy conventional fighting and the terror of the Black May nerve gas attacks perpetrated by Thuggee agents, took its toll."
to either
a)   remove comma between "agents, took":  "perpetrated by Thuggee agents took its toll" 
    "Although it was heavily-garrisoned, a combination of heavy conventional fighting and the terror of the Black May nerve gas attacks perpetrated by Thuggee agents took its toll."

b)  add comma between "attacks perpetrated":  "nerve gas attacks, perpetrated by Thuggee agents, took its toll"
    "Although it was heavily-garrisoned, a combination of heavy conventional fighting and the terror of the Black May nerve gas attacks, perpetrated by Thuggee agents, took its toll."

Remove comma between "people, and":
    "Duchess Candace Liao soon sued for adjudicated peace for her people, and allowed the Compact to be reabsorbed into the Confederation."
    "Duchess Candace Liao soon sued for adjudicated peace for her people and allowed the Compact to be reabsorbed into the Confederation."
The First Combine-Dominion War
Add comma between "Jaguars and", add "thus", remove comma between "Ghost Bears as well"?
    "Although the Star League had cooperated to destroy the Smoke Jaguars and the Nova Cats had joined the Inner Sphere, erasing the former occupation zone, many in the Draconis Combine’s more reactionary sects ached to reclaim the worlds lost to the Ghost Bears, as well."
    "Although the Star League had cooperated to destroy the Smoke Jaguars, and the Nova Cats had joined the Inner Sphere, thus erasing the former occupation zone, many in the Draconis Combine’s more reactionary sects ached to reclaim the worlds lost to the Ghost Bears as well."

3062 – Alshain, Ghost Bear Dominion
Add comma between "stopped the"
    "All three regiments went rogue, and though one was stopped the other two attacked the Ghost Bear capital at Alshain."
    "All three regiments went rogue, and though one was stopped, the other two attacked the Ghost Bear capital at Alshain."

?? Remove comma?
    "they annihilated the attacking force, and then declared war on the Combine."
    "they annihilated the attacking force and then declared war on the Combine."


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #8 on: 07 August 2013, 21:29:33 »
Alpha Strike, PDF

pg. 28, Movement Cost Table
Prohibited Movement Mode/Unit Type for Water Depth 2"–3"/4+" list "Ground, InfantryF, IndustrialMechs"
I couldn't figure out if the 'F' was special notation, but I believe it should be "Ground, Infantry, IndustrialMechs".

pg.19, pg. 43, Death from Above Attack, Damage to Attacker
In the Intro rules, damage to attacker is (1 damage + 1 if the attacker is size 3 or bigger). Standard rules say damage to the attacker is ( own size + 1 ). Most (all?) of the Intro rules are simplified Standard rules without drastic changes, plus the attacker's size seems irrelevant if you miss the DFA. Suggest changing Intro rules to match the Standard rules.

pg. 55, Altitude Bombing
"…with the BOMB special ability to select 2 or more points of impact (POIs) along its flight path, attacking each point with a minimum of 1 bomb point per 2 inches along the path." is unclear. At first I thought it was about the number of bombs that could be dropped per point. Suggest breaking this sentence up for better clarity. I believe it's meant to be something like "…with the BOMB special ability to select 2 or more points of impact (POIs) along its flight path.  The unit may designate 1 bomb point for each 2 inch segment of its path."

pg. 55, Dive Bombing
"…also available to battle armor units that possess the BOMB special ability and which are hovering over the target hex using VTOL movement.)" Hexes haven't been introduced yet in the rules at this point, and units cannot stack in Alpha Strike. Suggest "…also available to battle armor units that possess the BOMB special ability, are airborne using VTOL movement and are in base contact with a target.)" OR "…also available to battle armor units that possess the BOMB special ability and are airborne using VTOL movement. The POI in this case must be within a 2" radius or the attacking unit.)"

pg. 56, Bombing Diagram
'POI 2' is blocking the 'C' designation. Even though it can be seen in the above diagram, I suggest moving the 'POI 2' to make the example clearer.

pg. 56, Step 5: Roll to Hit, Bombing
No indication of where the "1" location should be for battle armor, especially since infantry have no facing. Suggest an arbitrary North? It doesn't actually matter which direction you choose, but it just feels like an oversight.

pg. 59, Resolving Aerospace Air-to-Air Attacks; pg. 61 Ending Air-to-Air Engagements example
Second line in the section on page 59, refers to "region" on the Radar Map. Since "zone" seems to be the preferred nomenclature, suggest changing this to "zone". Same with the third paragraph of the 2nd column on page 61.

pg. 75, Step 3: Determine To-Hit Number
"As long as the attack is not aimed at a specific unit, however, none of the modifiers the normal weapon attack modifiers for range bracket…situations are applied." has extra words. Suggest "As long as the attack is not aimed at a specific unit, however, none of the modifiers the normal weapon attack modifiers for range bracket…situations are applied."

pg. 75, Step 3: Determine To-Hit Number, Direct Fire
Seventh line: "…attack must also apply any the standard weapon attack modifiers…" is missing an "of" between "any" and "the".

pg. 73, Artillery Range and Damage Table, pg. 76, Step 5: Determine and Apply Damage
The radius of artillery attacks is described as "(to a maximum radius of 6 inches away from the impact point)" even though the Cruise Missile/90 has a listed Area of Effect of 8". Suggest changing Cruise Missile/90 Area of Effect to 6" to match the rules and the other Cruise Missile profiles.

pg. 78, Flechette
Second to last line "word or jungle terrain" should be "wood or jungle terrain".

pg. 89, Sensor Spotting and Stealth Technology and Blip Counters
Stealth, ECM and mimetic armor supposedly prevent any sensor spotting (bottom of the page), but the Sensor Spotting section makes it sound like you still can, but without the active probe boosts. Unsure of which section to change.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #9 on: 20 August 2013, 10:14:14 »
p119 Under Repairs, Purchases and Rearming
Add new paragraph before "All new and replacement personnel.."
"Every unit, except for those with the ENE special ability, participating in a track would need to rearm or they are penalized in the next track they participate in.  The penalty is a -1 to damage from all weapon attacks (not physical attacks) made by the unit, and the unit cannot use any weapon-based (or equipment with ammo-based) special abilities (AMS,IF,HT,FLK,AC,LRM,SRM,TOR,NARC,BOMB,MDS,MSL,INARC,RSD,C3RS or ART). Aerospace Fighters with ENE that do not pay to rearm cannot use their BOMB special ability, but do not have any of the other penalties for not rearming."
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets

Itinerant Hobbyist

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #10 on: 22 August 2013, 21:33:11 »
PDF, Alpha strike
Pg 80
There should be a bold title for the "Thunder Missiles" special ammunition.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #11 on: 28 August 2013, 09:25:37 »
p14 and p32 should both add "plus its current elevation."
A jumping unit can jump over any terrain that is lower in height than its jump Move rating plus its current elevation.
« Last Edit: 28 August 2013, 12:34:15 by nckestrel »
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #12 on: 03 September 2013, 13:08:56 »
Not sure if this is the appropriate place, but...

Ad Hoc Unit Cards, card 76 of 90, Mad Cat Prime: Change Move:8" to Move:10"
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #13 on: 08 September 2013, 05:39:48 »
Alpha Strike - Print version
Page 62, Photo Caption

"The dread Opacus Venatori, The Word of Blake's elite strike unit, stalk their latest prey. Precentor Beirth leads them into battle with his read and white Archangel."

Should read:
"The dread Opacus Venatori, The Word of Blake's elite strike unit, stalk their latest prey. Precentor Berith leads them into battle with his red and white Archangel."
To me, Repros are 100% Wrong, and there's NO  room for me to give ground on this subject. I'm not just an Immovable Object on this, I'm THE Immovable Object. 3D Prints are just 3D Repros.

Something to bear in Mind. Defending the BT IP is Frowned upon here.

Remember: Humor is NOT Tolerated here. Have a Nice Day!

[spoiler]Hey! Can't a guy get any Privacy around here![/spoiler]


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #14 on: 10 September 2013, 21:14:24 »
p. 48

"Mimetic armors are similar to Stealth systems (see Stealth (STL), p. 48), in that they make a target more difficult to hit with weapon attacks. Unlike Stealth, the modifiers for mimetic armor are based not on the unit’s type and its range, but by the unit’s type and how far it moved in the current turn’s Movement Phase. (Once again, these modifiers do not affect physical attacks against such units.)
     For attacks made against non-infantry targets with the MAS special, apply an additional +3 to-hit modifier if the unit moved 0 inches in the Movement Phase, dropping to +2 to-hit if the unit moved up to 5 inches, +1 if the unit moved from 5 to 12 inches, and losing the modifier entirely if the unit moved more than 12 inches.
     For attacks made against battle armor targets with the MAS special, apply an additional +3 to-hit modifier if the unit moved 0 inches in the Movement Phase, dropping to +2 to-hit if the unit moved up to 2 inches, +1 if the unit moved from 2 to 5 inches, and losing the modifier entirely if the unit moved more than 5 inches.
     A unit equipped with the LMAS special applies only a +2 to-hit modifier if it moved 0 inches, and +1 if it moved up to 2 inches."

Change to:

"Mimetic armors are similar to Stealth systems (see Stealth (STL), p. 48), in that they make a target more difficult to hit with weapon attacks. Unlike Stealth, the modifiers for mimetic armor are based on hiding a stationary unit. (Once again, these modifiers do not affect physical attacks against such units.)
     For any unit with the MAS special ability, during the Movement Phase, the unit may choose to not move (including no change of facing), in order to put a mark next to the MAS to have it active. For attacks made against targets with the MAS special active, the target replaces its standard target movement modifier with a +3 to-hit modifier from the MAS. LMAS works the same as MAS except with a +2 to-hit modifier.  The active mark is removed during the End Phase."
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #15 on: 18 September 2013, 22:13:42 »
AS p46, SO p346 (same text in each)
Under SHLD entry.
Change the "additional +2" to "additional +1".
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #16 on: 28 September 2013, 21:04:54 »
AS p.72 PDF

Landing Damage

"An aerospace unit landing in terrain other than will suffer damage."

Should read?

"An aerospace unit landing in terrain other than clear or paved will suffer damage."
The original LordXor. Some poser(s) out there using my handle on the interwebs, but I am the one and only.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #17 on: 30 September 2013, 10:45:43 »
p78 under Flak
Remove the first paragraph.

(It's confusing with the way the rest of the Flak entry is written, suggesting that you get a -2 to-hit modifier AND can do damage if you miss by 2 or more.)

Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #18 on: 30 September 2013, 10:49:43 »
AS p39 Underwater Damage
"With the exception of damage from torpedo weapons (units that have the TOR special ability), all damage from underwater weapon attacks that hit a submerged unit is reduced by half (round down, to a minimum of 1)."
change to
"With the exception of damage from energy attacks (weapon attack from units that have the ENE special ability), all damage from underwater weapon attacks that hit a submerged unit is reduced by half (round down, to a minimum of 1).  If the unit has the TOR special ability, add the full TOR damage from that range to the result."
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #19 on: 03 October 2013, 13:15:51 »
AS p82 under Battlefield Intelligence Ratio
"For any other result, the number on the left represents the force with the lower BI rating, and the number on the right represent the force with the higher BI rating."
"For any other result, the number on the left represents the force with the higher BI rating, and the number on the right represents the force with the lower BI rating."

AS p83 under Area Knowledge
"To determine the number of units that may begin play hidden, divide the total number of units the force has by the number of those units that possess the Recon (RCN) special ability (see p. 108), rounding normally to the nearest whole number. The result is the number of units that may be hidden—up to a maximum number equal to half of the player’s force."
"The number of units that may begin play hidden is equal to the total number of units the force has that possess the Recon (RCN) special ability (see p. 108)—up to a maximum number equal to half the player's force."

Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #20 on: 03 October 2013, 13:25:47 »
AS p44 Under Overheating, Using Overheat Value
Add another paragraph after the Overheat Long (OVL) Special Ability: paragraph.
Overheating with OV0: A 'Mech or Aerospace Fighter can choose to add 1 to its Heat Scale (in addition to or instead of its regular Overheat Value), though it gets no damage bonus for doing so.  This must still be announced as part of the unit's attack.
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets

Alexander Knight

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #21 on: 09 October 2013, 18:26:54 »
Page 68 and Page 171, Advanced Movement Costs Table:

Add footnote 17 to each of the following terrain types:  Light Woods, Heavy Woods, Light Building, Medium Building, Heavy Building, Hardened Building, Light Jungle, Heavy Jungle, Rough, Ultra Rough, Rubble, Ultra Rubble

Footnote 17:  BattleMechs with the LG special reduce the movement cost by 1" per inch in this terrain type.

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #22 on: 18 November 2013, 17:18:22 »
p. 80
Mine Clearance
5th paragraph:
Delete "If the attacker misses its target, the mines will scatter 2 inches in a random direction and produce a minefield of half its normal density (rounded down to a minimum of 0)."
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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #23 on: 08 December 2013, 22:18:53 »
Print & PDF, Page 80, Smoke missile rules:

2nd paragraph in the smoke missile rules is rules for Thunder missiles instead of Smoke missiles.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #24 on: 12 December 2013, 13:03:24 »
PDF, p. 59, Establish Engagement Control example, 4th paragraph, 4th sentence:

"A1 adds half its Thurst rating of 6 for a modified Control Roll of 10"

Change "Thurst" to "Thrust"

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #25 on: 27 December 2013, 10:09:59 »
p 80 Under Smoke
Delete the third paragraph that starts with "Instead of delivering damage, Thunder missiles"
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets

Pat Payne

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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #26 on: 28 December 2013, 13:16:32 »
P. 55, second column first paragraph:

"An Airborne aerospace unit always has LOS to a ground unit unless the ground unit is not completely submerged, underground or inside a structure."

Problem: The word "not" reverses the intended point of the sentence.

Suggested fix: Remove the word "not."


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #27 on: 09 January 2014, 13:43:37 »
p24, second paragraph (the example)
The percentage for 4 units linked should be 20%, not 25%, and the resulting PVs adjusted to match.

For example, a lance-sized force, with 4 units—one with C3M and a PV of 20, plus three units worth 15 PV apiece, all with C3S— are linked together. Per the rules for C3 equipment, the three C3S units are linked to the master (C3M) unit, adding 10 percent for the first link, plus 5 percent each for the other two units linked, for
a total of 20 percent. The first unit in the lance thus adds 4 points to its PV (20% x 20 PV = 4 PV) for a modified PV of 24, while each of the other three units adds 3 points (20% x 15 PV = 3) for a modified total of 18 PV each. The total PV for the lance is now 78 points.
Alpha Strike Introduction resources
Left of Center blog - Tukayyid Expanded Random Unit Tables, Nashira Campaign for A Game of Armored Combat, TP 3039 Vega Supplemental Record Sheets


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #28 on: 20 January 2014, 10:16:39 »
Printed version (possibly PDF), pg 18, lower right column of text.

Currently states:
No Critical Hit - The hit causes not critical effect.

Suggest that it should state:
No Critical Hit - The hit causes no critical effect.


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Re: Alpha Strike
« Reply #29 on: 22 January 2014, 09:49:01 »
Printed version, pg 23, lower left column of text, under Force (or Army).

Currently states: also known as his force. Epending on the scale of the game...

Suggest that it should state: also known as his force. Depending on the scale of the game...