Author Topic: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust  (Read 38900 times)


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’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« on: 25 January 2014, 14:35:43 »
’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust

Locust. Scourge of farmers everywhere. The Eighth Plague of Egypt. Cause of many famines. Swarms of them blotting out the sun. A twenty-ton BattleMech that can bite as badly as its namesake.

And if encountered in swarms can take even assaults down.

Designed as a fast-recon scout, the Locust was the fastest design when it premiered, its main competition at the time being the THE-F Thorn (which I cannot find a record sheet for). Going into full production at eight different locations in 2499, the LCT-1V was accepted by all consumers. Built around a 160-rated LTV fusion engine, the design mounts four tons of armor, giving the design 92% of maximum protection. The armor is laid out in an 8, 10/2, 8/2, 4, 8 pattern (head, center front/rear, side front/rear, arms, legs respectively). Weapons-load consists of a centerline medium laser and twin machine guns, one in each arm. One full ton of ammunition is stored just below the laser. Ten standard heat sinks more than adequately deal with the design’s heat output (though the original write-up seemed to indicate this wasn’t the case).

This model was extremely popular. Enough so that it was still one of the most common designs in the times of the War of 3039. Even then some tinkering did occur. The first variant arrived in 2567. The LCT-1S swapped the machine guns for a pair of 2-pack SRM launchers. One ton of armor was also removed, leaving the protection in a 6, 6/2, 6/2, 3, 6 pattern.

Then in 2571, the LCT-1M arrived. This model uses 5-rack LRM launchers in place of the machine guns. The weight requirements for this make the design the least armored for many years (that experimental Flea variant actually has the same amount of armor). One ton of armor put in a 3, 2/1, 2/1, 1, 1 pattern. For some reason, House Davion liked this design. I’ve never had much luck with it… For some reason I always end up falling on my rear center torso and getting that one crit…

In 2610, the SLDF commissioned a variant that became the Royal Locust. The LCT-1Vb uses an extralight engine, endo-steel skeleton, and ferro-fibrous armor. Armor has also been maximized in a 9, 10/2, 8/2, 6, 8 pattern. The centerline laser was retained, and the machine guns were swapped for a medium and small pulse laser in each arm. Heat sinks were upgraded to double-strength models. While it appears all -1Vb models were taken on the Exodus, there is at least one potential after-effect.

Appearing in 2811, the LCT-1E model appears to me to be at least partly inspired by the Royal variant. Armor is like the -1V model, the centerline laser removed, and the arm lasers downgraded to standard versions. This is also the last variant of that millennium.

In 3004, someone decided to add a second medium laser to the center torso of a -1V model. The LCT-3V drops half the machine gun ammunition, placing the lighter bin in the right torso. Half a ton of armor was also shaved (two points from each leg and side torso front).

In the aftermath of the Fourth Succession War, House Liao experimented with triple-strength myomer to try and find a version that didn’t have such interesting reactions to chemicals. To do so, they placed it on a Locust model, designated the LCT-1L. (I’m just picturing them getting it right, but not knowing it until some pilot decided to have someone heat the machine up…)

Two variants entered service in 3049. The first, the LCT-3D uses an endo-steel skeleton, and drops all the weapons from a 5-rack LRM launcher in each arm. Two and a half tons of ferro-fibrous armor provide protection in a 7, 5/2, 5/1, 4, 5 pattern. The LRM ammunition is CASEd, but stored in the center torso. The second, the LCT-3S differs from the -3D by retaining the original medium laser, and mounting 2-pack SRM Streak launchers in place of the LRMs. The SRM ammo is now in the CASEd left torso.

In 3050, the LCT-3M model entered service. This model uses an endo-steel skeleton and ferro-fibrous armor. Armor is laid out in a 7, 6/2, 6/2, 4, 7 pattern. This design retains the centerline laser of the -1V, while dropping the machine guns for twin small lasers in each arm. An anti-missile system was installed under the center laser, with the ammunition CASEd in the left torso. The next variant is the LCT-1V2, which appears to be a field refit, swapping the -1V’s machine guns for two 10-pack rocket launchers in each arm.

In 3066, Project Phoenix made its first visit to the Locust. The LCT-5M uses an endo-steel skeleton and maximized ferro-fibrous armor in a 9, 9/3, 8/2, 6, 8 pattern. The centerline medium was upgraded to an extended-model, and the machine guns were replaced by two extended-model small lasers in each arm. But the biggest change was the swap of the old 160-rated engine for a 240-rated Pitban extralight model, giving the design a walking speed equal to the running speed of all prior Locust models.

In 3068, the LCT-5V variant officially entered service. This model differs from the -1V2 variant by dropping one rocket launcher from each arm to add another laser to the center torso, while upgrading those lasers to extended models.

Then in 3070, the LCT-5T entered service. This model uses a 160-rated extralight engine, swaps the -1V’s machine guns for three light machine guns in each arm, tied into arrays. Ammunition is stored in the CASEd right torso. Armor is ferro-fibrous, laid out like the -5M model.

In 3071, a new variant entered service that was either built by someone borderline insane, or just wanted to see how much speed they could eke out (possibly both). The LCT-6M takes the -5M, upgrades the heat sinks to double-strength models, installs an extralight gyro and small cockpit, places an extended-model medium in each arm, and an extended-model small in the head. A MASC system was also placed in the head, and the engine bumped up to a 280-rated model. This design can outrun a Fire Moth, without engaging its MASC. Outside of using a superlight (XXL) engine and a supercharger, this is about as fast as you can get without losing armor.

The next two variants are the result of the last pass of Project Phoenix (so far). The first, the LCT-5W was built by the Word of Blake in 3076. The design uses a 180-rated extralight engine, an endo-steel skeleton, and light ferro-fibrous armor. The armor is laid out in a 9, 9/3, 8/2, 5, 8 pattern. An extended medium is placed in each arm. Ten double heat sinks deal with the heat load. MASC is installed in the center torso, alongside a TAG designator. Finally, in the right torso there is an Improved C3 system. After the Liberation of Terra in 3079, the Republic of the Sphere created the LCT-5W2 variant by swapping the C3 unit for a Slave unit and a Guardian ECM suite.

The final two variants were created after the Jihad by Corean Industries. Based on the -5M model, they avoid the extralight gyro of the -6M. The first model, the LCT-5M2, drops a ton of armor, leaving protection in a 7, 6/2, 6/2, 4, 7 pattern. The heat sinks have been swapped for double-strength models. The smalls have been swapped for a medium pulse in each arm. Finally, the engine has been downgraded to a 220-rated model, giving the -5M2 a speed of 11/17. The second variant, the LCT-5M3 has a half ton more armor than the -5M2 (8, 9/3, 8/2, 4, 7). Weaponry consists of a centerline extended-model large laser and an extended medium in each arm. The engine is a 180-rated model, giving the design ground speed equal to that of the -5W models.

Using one of these is relatively simple. You are a 20-ton BattleMech. Speed is your life. Keep your speed up, run in to strike something, then get out. If possible, run in packs. Giving them more targets than they can shoot is always good. And if you are somehow stuck playing as the WoBbles, bringing a full Level II of LCT-5W Locusts may cause your foes nightmares. For that matter, having a company using the -5W2 models as the Slave units may be worse.

Fighting them starts with taking a deep breath. Depending on your era, your best bet may be simply to flood the area with firepower, and if they fall down, take advantage of it. If you can pick the terrain, choose areas that will reduce their speed. Now as time progressed in BattleTech, things got easier. Pulse lasers, Precision ammunition, and targeting computers help. Targeting computers with either pulse lasers or precision ammo is even better. Of course, just as you got comfortable with this, the truly psychotic models showed up. The -5M and -6M models you really need to pounce on if they trip (anyone have something to ice the ground?). And the C3-equipped models are a range of pains, depending on what they bring as back-up. And then there is that bunch of Locusts vs. Atlas scenario…

The Locust is an icon. As such, it has a long history of service that will hopefully continue long into the future. And then there are the other designs inspired by this twenty-tonner. The Locust IIc is the most obvious, but the Koto was originally called a Locust on steroids, and the Cicada is just a double-sized Locust. And then there was the model piloted by Savannah Johnson. That lead to the naming of the Savannah Master hovercraft.

I wonder if her descendants want a rematch using a -6M model…
« Last Edit: 27 January 2014, 17:16:23 by Kotetsu »


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2014, 14:53:31 »
We have more Locusts:
  • LCT-5M2 Locust
  • LCT-5M3 Locust


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #2 on: 25 January 2014, 15:33:47 »
We have more Locusts:
  • LCT-5M2 Locust
  • LCT-5M3 Locust

Where are these listed? Checked the MUL before writing the article, and they aren't on it...


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #3 on: 25 January 2014, 15:39:44 »
Where are these listed? Checked the MUL before writing the article, and they aren't on it...

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #4 on: 25 January 2014, 15:43:50 »
One of my favorite light mechs in Alpha Strike is the 5M. It's fast enough to avoid trouble, easily available to mercs during a campaign game, cheap in points,  Can do some respectable damage with back shots, but not to good that it's an automatic target compared to other things in the board. 

It gets even more fun when you begin using the Evasion and Sprinting rules. Just give one of these to an NPC you can't let die and watch your opponent gnash his teeth while trying to down it. >:D

Ironically I also like it because it lacks jump jets. Due to an odd quirk of the AS/QS rules almost every unit in my group's campaign fields an inordinately large number of jump capable units. So having something cheap, and useful that still has a good DV without jumping helps adds some variety to the mix.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #5 on: 25 January 2014, 19:09:20 »
Plus there is the Davion variant mentioned in TRO3025 (1st Edition) fluff which carried a PPC, which was dropped in universe because it was classed as a failure according to the fluff text, it never been mentioned again since the 1st edition TRO3025 & it's never has had a (canon) RS.  8)



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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #6 on: 25 January 2014, 19:36:12 »
That Royal model can't be mounting an ER laser, the SL only had ER Large Lasers


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #7 on: 25 January 2014, 21:10:25 »
Plus there is the Davion variant mentioned in TRO3025 (1st Edition) fluff which carried a PPC, which was dropped in universe because it was classed as a failure according to the fluff text, it never been mentioned again since the 1st edition TRO3025 & it's never has had a (canon) RS.  8)


I'd wager that with the new "Illegal" quirk it was quite a failure trying to mount a PPC in three tons of space.
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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #8 on: 25 January 2014, 23:23:21 »
This thread gave me a horrible idea.  And I'm not even using Clan tech.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #9 on: 25 January 2014, 23:28:21 »
...why the HELL does that thing have TSM, when the most heat it can generate in a turn is 13?
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #10 on: 25 January 2014, 23:33:04 »
...why the HELL does that thing have TSM, when the most heat it can generate in a turn is 13?
"turning off heat sinks"


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #11 on: 25 January 2014, 23:36:21 »
Why not use singles in the first place, then?

I'd also probably drop a ton of hardened (really, you're not going to notice it at all) to mount MASC.  For kicks and giggles.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #12 on: 26 January 2014, 01:59:00 »
Yeah, but then you can't take a gauss rifle to the chest or head and not even ask for a crit check. :D


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #13 on: 26 January 2014, 02:17:00 »
On one hand, I can't really see anyone spending that much money on a Locust, on the other hand I would love to play a tabletop game where I could see the other guy's face when he starts shooting at it.
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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #14 on: 26 January 2014, 07:02:23 »
Go comment on my junk over there; save this for the Locust review thread.

That stated, I'm actually a little surprised the Kuritans (or anyone else) didn't put a Light PPC on it.  Even the stock Locust 1V has the tonnage for it, and it's not like you can't fit one in the CT.

I always loved the thing.  Fine little light mech, even if it can't jump like the Stinger; the 3025 variants - especially the insane LRM boat version - are delicious.  The later ones just oodle it on, with the 5W2 being my personal fave.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #15 on: 26 January 2014, 07:23:32 »
That stated, I'm actually a little surprised the Kuritans (or anyone else) didn't put a Light PPC on it.  Even the stock Locust 1V has the tonnage for it, and it's not like you can't fit one in the CT.
Do they manufacture the Locust?

And after all, they put it on Mongoose, Spider, Wight and Owens. A pair of Light PPCs is on Kabuto. So perhaps they thought it's enough.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #16 on: 26 January 2014, 07:35:35 »
In 3071, a new variant entered service that was either built by someone borderline insane, or just wanted to see how much speed they could eke out (possibly both). The LCT-6M takes the -5M, upgrades the heat sinks to double-strength models, installs an extralight gyro and small cockpit, places an extended-model medium in each arm, and an extended-model small in the head. A MASC system was also placed in the head, and the engine bumped up to a 280-rated model. This design can outrun a Fire Moth, without engaging its MASC. Outside of using a superlight (XXL) engine and a supercharger, this is about as fast as you can get without losing armor.
This model has earned quite a reputation since its introduction. In universe Mechwarrior Russel Madison used it to outrun Condition Feral (SB Wolf & Blake).
And in RL its known in many gaming groups as an near ideal kinetic impactor or backstabber.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #17 on: 26 January 2014, 10:58:48 »
In 2610, the SLDF commissioned a variant that became the Royal Locust. The LCT-1Vb uses an extralight engine, endo-steel skeleton, and ferro-fibrous armor. Armor has also been maximized in a 9, 10/2, 8/2, 6, 8 pattern. The centerline laser was upgraded to an extended-model, and the machine guns were swapped for a medium and small pulse laser in each arm. Heat sinks were upgraded to double-strength models. While it appears all -1Vb models were taken on the Exodus, there is at least one potential after-effect.

untrue.. the royal locust still had the regular ML centerline. ER mediums wouldn't be invented for another four and a half centuries.

Plus there is the Davion variant mentioned in TRO3025 (1st Edition) fluff which carried a PPC, which was dropped in universe because it was classed as a failure according to the fluff text, it never been mentioned again since the 1st edition TRO3025 & it's never has had a (canon) RS.  8)

I'd wager that with the new "Illegal" quirk it was quite a failure trying to mount a PPC in three tons of space.
1.) the illegal quirk still requires tonnage and crit limits to be kept to.
2.) you can fit a PPC if you take the Davion's LRM model and fit it with a 140 engine (for a 7/11 movement) instead of the 160 it normally has. but your now slower, will gain heat anytime you move and fire, and still only have 1 ton of armor. or if you want the speed, pull all the armor.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #18 on: 26 January 2014, 11:55:06 »
The Locust is a legend in Battletech. It is the most common gate into fast tactics games for newbies. I had to face a Locust in my first battle and I learned the lesson the hard way. Despite lacking jump jets, the 8/12 movement marked it as better than the Wasp and Stinger in my opinion. The mech didn't age that well until the 5M and, finally, we had the 6M. That mech is a game changer and it can be away from LRM range one turn and be in the back of the mech with LRMs in the next turn. It is the king of fast maneuvers.

And all of this without talking about the fluff... from the Savannah master to the tales of crazy howling locust pilots in Citytech... it is a legend.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #19 on: 26 January 2014, 13:59:20 »
I like the Locust, but it is fragical in its original forms.   Newer versions seem to show some promise with their exceptional speed and increase ability to apply punishing damage (for light Mech).   I guess depending on what current variants are around, depends on what their used for?

MWDA original written material found in the Novels, didn't have allot appearance of Locust.  I recall reading one being used by the Republic troops training on New Earth in Surrender Your Dreams.  However, way things were in the year leading to the 3130s, its hard determine for me to see what a lightly armored 'Mech would be useful.  Combat Vehicles were mainstay of Standing Guards, but regular armies didn't get much spotlights.  Mechs were treated as command vehicles, I would have be hard press to use a Locust as frontline combat vehicle, aside form all-terrian scout/recon unit and possible light raider/harrasser.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #20 on: 26 January 2014, 14:14:49 »
Why not use singles in the first place, then?

I'd also probably drop a ton of hardened (really, you're not going to notice it at all) to mount MASC.  For kicks and giggles.

Ease of replacement. Most BattleMechs use double-strength heat sinks. It doesn't make sense to have a stockpile of SHS on a dropship just for a Locust.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #21 on: 26 January 2014, 14:20:07 »
All vehicles use SHS.  You'll have plenty anyway unless you're using nothing but 'Mechs and infantry.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #22 on: 26 January 2014, 15:31:39 »
...why the HELL does that thing have TSM, when the most heat it can generate in a turn is 13?

3 for medium laser, 2 for running... so 5, without turning off heat sinks. And the sinks are singles...  Which is why I made the comment about heating it up... with say Infernos or flamers...


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #23 on: 26 January 2014, 15:34:25 »
Not that one, ANS Kamas's. :P
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #24 on: 26 January 2014, 15:51:46 »
All vehicles use SHS.  You'll have plenty anyway unless you're using nothing but 'Mechs and infantry.

That is true. I forgot about vees. :)

Still, I'd rather have DHS and not need them than need them and not have them. If you run across an enemy with a 6-pack of infernos, you're going to risk shutdown, TSM or not. Or, at best, be unable to accurately plan your "magic number" expenditure. You can switch on the DHS, recover your heat and be back in combat. SHS... not so.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #25 on: 26 January 2014, 16:01:01 »

That is true. I forgot about vees. :)

Still, I'd rather have DHS and not need them than need them and not have them. If you run across an enemy with a 6-pack of infernos, you're going to risk shutdown, TSM or not. Or, at best, be unable to accurately plan your "magic number" expenditure. You can switch on the DHS, recover your heat and be back in combat. SHS... not so.

Even with Inferno splashes, isn't the most extra heat you generate limited to 15? Which is the reason I had to scrap the OmniFighter mod/variant I made once that loaded four Plasma Cannons... since apparently you aren't allowed to make another fighter auto-shutdown...


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #26 on: 26 January 2014, 16:48:52 »
Even with Inferno splashes, isn't the most extra heat you generate limited to 15? Which is the reason I had to scrap the OmniFighter mod/variant I made once that loaded four Plasma Cannons... since apparently you aren't allowed to make another fighter auto-shutdown...

Yes, it's limited to 15. But you still end your turn at +15 and with only 10 single heat sinks on the LCT-1L. Not to mention what happens if you take an engine hit, which is extremely likely given the thin armor.

Keep them (DHS) turned off, switch them on when needed. The cost is negligible for the benefits. ::shrug::
  W W W . M E K W A R S - D O M I N I O N . C O M

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #27 on: 26 January 2014, 17:55:09 »
Ahh..  The locust.  One of my all time fave old school battlemechs (light that is)..  a pest when massed, but a nuisance when alone.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #28 on: 26 January 2014, 17:57:22 »
Ahh..  The locust.  One of my all time fave old school battlemechs (light that is)..  a pest when massed, but a nuisance when alone.

^^ You push 4 - 12 of these buggers in a hoard and they'll take down even the biggest of the "big and bad." Especially with TacOps rapid fire MGs. :)
  W W W . M E K W A R S - D O M I N I O N . C O M

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: LCT-** Locust
« Reply #29 on: 26 January 2014, 21:35:20 »
Fun little scouts.  Used one once or twice back in the day, but I'm more interested in putting them together than
blowing them apart.  I do have one question about the Locust, though.  Were there any LCT-2 or 4 versions made? 
That's bugged me ever since I noticed.
"John Hancock.  Wait, you want MY signature?"
The TRB Military Catalog
GENERATION 45: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment