Author Topic: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines  (Read 13183 times)


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Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« on: 04 April 2011, 12:07:28 »
Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines

All proposed fan variants should go in the Workshop thread.

Author's Note: Since we're venturing into murky waters here, you may want to look over the various special rules for submarines in Total Warfare.  Underwater movement rules are on page 57, underwater LOS on page 108, and underwater weapon ranges for standard rules play on page 107.  Finally, the hull breach rules are on page 121.

BattleTech has typically been a land combat game with occasional forays into the air.  Nearly from the beginning, though, there have been a few tentative pokes at sailing the stormy seas, a bit of dabbling with the Monitor, getting the feet wet with the Neptune.  More recently, the support vehicle rules have allowed a proliferation of blue water craft and the mobile structure rules got their toy boat with the Wyrm submersible fortress published in Jihad Hot Spots: Terra.  The Wyrm was mentioned to have a parasite complement of supporting Manta fast attack and Moray heavy attack submarines; comments by Welshman during the Wyrm's special feature article indicated that the numbers in JHS: Terra were halved by accident, leaving it with eight Mantas and four Morays at the end of the day and dashing my hopes for Alacorn "mobile deck guns".

That isn't where their story began, though, merely where we found the book opened to; neither vehicle sprang forth from the mind of Cameron St. Jamais.  Instead, both date back to the Star League as a specialized defensive asset.  The pair were jointly designed by the Royal Nelson Memorial Shipwrights of Portsmouth (their primary facility is at Portsmouth Harbour in Hampshire, England, site of HMNB Portsmouth today) and Sungdong-STX Shipbuilding for service in the SLDF's Combined Armor, Air, Naval regiments.  Extensively used throughout the Terran Hegemony, their numbers were heavily reduced in battle with Amaris and the two designs were rendered nearly extinct off of Terra in the Succession Wars.  (Given the advanced technology present on each, I suspect that those remaining were heavily downgraded if not outright stripped for parts, but we don't have the stats for those designs.  A few notional stabs at the subject have been posted in the Workshop thread.)

The Manta is the smaller, faster hull.  Reputedly derived from catamaran surface hulls, the 50 ton Manta was intended to be able to rapidly respond to threats across a wide engagement area and the powerful GM 320-rated extra-light fusion engine drives it to 119 kph, a little over 64 knots, making it somewhat faster than the estimated speeds of many modern anti-ship torpedoes in a sprint.  Despite the use of the best engine available, it was still 17.5 tons, over a third of the ship's tonnage, and limited space for the three-man crew and the weapons systems.  Nine tons of ferro-fibrous armor was arranged 52/39/31.  The weapons load is a bit light for a vehicle this size but between the speed and the need for diving equipment, I'm not complaining.  A Selltext Aqua extended-range large laser points forward along with a Sea Harvester Six Pack short-range torpedo launcher.  The lack of CASE is not something I'm ever especially fond of but here, with the relatively limited ammo duration, it probably isn't a large problem.  As TRO3085S notes, this is a vehicle designed for slashing attacks, using the ERLL to open someone's armor and then putting a spread of torpedoes into it.  I suggest operating them in packs much like the Kriegsmarine did with U-boats in World War II.  The Republic of the Sphere designed a support Manta with an LRT 15 and twin ERMLs to supplement the original design.  Keep in mind when considering this change that the IS ERLL's range is only 3/9/12 underwater, while the ERML's is 3/5/8.

Sungdong was a large, widespread manufacturer involved in the construction of a number of different submarine designs over the centuries.  Their 140 ton Morays are nearly three times the size of the smaller Mantas, though a 390-rated Electro-Motive XL Fusion engine keeps it moving at 54 kph.  Their ten man crews are kept safe by 18 tons of armor arranged 75/66/60/55 with CASE added.  The design is liberally equipped with torpedo launchers and intended to support the smaller fast attack submarines, letting them drive the enemy before the Moray for handling by the sort of firepower that makes assault 'Mechs just a bit nervous.  The turret, equipped with a Sea Devastator 10 Rack Long-Range and Sea Harvester Six Pack Short-Range torpedo launcher along with two medium lasers (standards in the Star League era, ERMLs on the new Word and Republic Morays), is only the start of your problems.  The forward hull supports two massive Sea Devastator 20 Rack LRTs fed by three tons of ammunition for a combined 18 round endurance, with another Sea Harvester SRT 6 backing them up.  The stern is protected with a second LRT 10 and the final SRT 6.  Between them, the LRTs split 36 rounds while the SRTs have no less than 60 between them.  Personally, I'd probably have allocated the ammunition load a bit differently but considering the lower speed of the Moray, the number of times it can keep the forward LRTs on some opponents may justify the lower endurance.

Tactics for something like this are just a bit hard to envision because of the dearth of naval hardware at our disposal.  The Manta and Moray are at the top of their respective niches.  Indeed, the Manta has no known canon challengers but the mix of capabilities looks solid.  More or less, I'd suggest operating it like you would a hovercraft with similar armament in open terrain, slashing in at someone and then sprinting out of the engagement zone to turn around and present your bow once more.  The SRTs are going to be useful for forcing multiple breach checks, the fastest way to get rid of an opponent underwater.  The Moray is more like an overgrown Rhino and I encourage you to point it at the enemy and bury him in torpedo hits.  Keep in mind that with the recent proliferation of sealed tanks and underwater combat 'Mechs, we're starting to see more use for this sort of design, but as specialists, the Manta and Moray have a distinct edge against intruders into the depths.

Attacking them is difficult and best done with other torpedo-armed units.  Consult the table on page 107 of TW for why., but  Engaging the Manta with IS pulse lasers is an exercise in extreme frustration thanks to the 1/3 reduction in range.  Clan pulse lasers have more luck but then they usually do.  The best response is to use your own submarines but the in a pinch, 'Mechs with the right sort of armament (energy weapons) can defend themselves, as can amphibious vehicles.  Your job is made easier by the fact that any unit underwater has to roll 2d6 when the unit takes damage to a location, and on a 10 or greater, the location's integrity is lost; this happens automatically when all the armor is gone.  That's an instant kill on a vehicle but a little bad luck can cripple or kill a 'Mech, so don't get cocky.

Image Reference The Manta is here, while the Moray lairs here.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #1 on: 04 April 2011, 16:33:57 »
Ok, I am going to reply to this thread as articles of this caliber deserve immediate reader reaction.
You combine tactical parameters (underwater combat) with game scope (the subs represent the peak of (under)water units) with in-universe information, and leave absolutely nothing to be desired.
Any lack of feedback will come entirely from the reader's complete inexperience with the environment that is home to the Manta and Moray.

Thus far on-topic. Now for my off-topic babble:

I was privileged to work on 3085 for Welshman; and even more privileged to be allowed hands-on input in the Supplemental.

Hands on? Shmands on!

After the weeks, months spent on even the little supplement, I bet Welshman was thoroughly sick of me sending him messages of "This is turning me into a n00bish fanboy all over again." One has to be particularly cynical to assume that 3085's team did not believe in the project - the passion and belief was tangible amongst all of Welshman's minions, even at their most burnt out. But to this humble contributor, it was the Supplement that was the absolute icing on the cake.

Remembering this is absolutely IMO, with a single exception, I basically drooled at all the entries in the PDF. I worshipped the fact that it was a no holds barred creative explosion that explored a lot of territories which otherwise would not have fit in their entirety. Yes, on the one hand that includes 2 Clan 85-tonners, both belonging to one faction. And on the other hand it includes absolutely out-there units, spearheaded by the Teppo and the Manta/Moray.

I know some fellow MULe(r)s gushed when seeing the Teppo for the first time - I was particularly floored by the subs. Ultimately, the entry is about story, it is about completing an arc that Moonsword very wisely anchored in Terra. It ties it all up and it goes back to Star League roots - all wonderfully recognised and acknowledged in the article above.

The choice, the direction, the scope and the - may I call it artistic? - drive behind the entry and the whole product that contains it was truly such a joy to behold that I would like to take the opportunity for a public but absolutely earnest bow to our inimitable Welshman!!
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #2 on: 04 April 2011, 18:40:50 »
Very good write up Moonsword.   I'm kinda of a nautical nut, i think this was great entry into the Battletech universe.  I'm very grateful Welshman and his staff allowed the Manta and Moray subs to become reality and part of the unit from SLDF's murky past.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #3 on: 06 April 2011, 04:55:59 »
My only real problem with these as subs is that strategically they offer no value. Oh, they're a nasty combination in a straight underwater fight, but that happens rarely to not-at-all.

In my mind, naval assets in Battletech have four potential strategic missions, and any naval assets should do at least two of the four:

1) Interdict and defend coastal areas against incursion in support of ground troops

2) Utterly destroy any non-naval enemy units that venture into their realm when defending underwater assets

3) Deliver and protect aerial or ground troops from one coastal area to another

4) Act as a last-ditch, nearly-invulnerable source of guerrilla resistance to an invading force.

(one might also note that the first three are also the primary strategic missions of modern naval vessels, modified for the BT universe, and the last one is a no-brainer with the sheer difficulty of dealing with naval units in Btech - seriously, who brings along their own attack subs?)

The Manta and Moray can do 2) quite well, but the Star League was not in the habit of placing their Castles Brian in underwater locations - though if they had, Amaris would have been HOSED had these two subs been protecting those Castles. They're not big enough to do 3) (I assume that's the Wyrm's job, but I don't have the book with that vehicle's stats in it so I have no idea if it transports ground troops or not). That leaves 1), which neither can do effectively.

This leaves them as a boondoggle, not a HUGE one for the SLDF compared to something like the Cameron-class battlecruiser, but something that was obviously built just to give money to a naval yard community.

If, say, the Moray mounted a Long Tom or Arrow IV in addition to its entirely excessive torpedo armament, THEN I'd be enthused (by preference a Long Tom); the Mantas could guard the Morays while the Morays interdicted a helluva lot of coastal area in any world they're on. Heck, with the minor displacement of these hulls one of them could reach almost anywhere on a world that had rivers.

Give them a small underwater base capable of resupplying them with ammo and a single lance of these (one Moray, three Mantas) could make life a living hell for any would-be conquering force, especially if the Manta were actually capable of carrying a platoon of infantry or something simple to actually act on land. As it is...

Well, I ain't impressed. Interested, to be sure, but not impressed.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #4 on: 06 April 2011, 06:43:55 »
(one might also note that the first three are also the primary strategic missions of modern naval vessels, modified for the BT universe, and the last one is a no-brainer with the sheer difficulty of dealing with naval units in Btech - seriously, who brings along their own attack subs?)

Since House Davion has been known to move Rapier destroyers to various places, including for invasions, it's not outside the realm of possibility.  A competent planner who knows they're going to be engaging someone with submersible carriers might well include attack submarines as well, or if they expect the other guy has something like Neptunes in place for guerilla attacks.  Since torpedo bombs can't hit past Depth 50 and require you to know where the target is, submarines start looking real handy for that sort of job.

The Manta and Moray can do 2) quite well, but the Star League was not in the habit of placing their Castles Brian in underwater locations - though if they had, Amaris would have been HOSED had these two subs been protecting those Castles. They're not big enough to do 3) (I assume that's the Wyrm's job, but I don't have the book with that vehicle's stats in it so I have no idea if it transports ground troops or not). That leaves 1), which neither can do effectively.

The Wyrm transports small numbers of ground forces, but not a lot of them - its primary job is to function as a gigantic anti-air asset, after all.  The Manta and Moray were brought back into production specifically to help go after the two remaining Wyrm hulls and restock the captured Wyrms.  They're both quite capable of interdicting naval vessels (including surface ships), however, so calling them "ineffective" in that role is ridiculous.

This leaves them as a boondoggle, not a HUGE one for the SLDF compared to something like the Cameron-class battlecruiser, but something that was obviously built just to give money to a naval yard community.

Various Castles Brian were on the water and subsurface defenses would have been useful in such circumstances, to say nothing of deployments outside such facilities.  The Manta and Moray were also used heavily in the fighting against Amaris, with most of them destroyed in the process, so if they're useless, obviously someone forgot to tell the SLDF's CAAN regiments that.

If, say, the Moray mounted a Long Tom or Arrow IV in addition to its entirely excessive torpedo armament, THEN I'd be enthused (by preference a Long Tom); the Mantas could guard the Morays while the Morays interdicted a helluva lot of coastal area in any world they're on. Heck, with the minor displacement of these hulls one of them could reach almost anywhere on a world that had rivers.

A Long Tom would displace basically all of the LRTs, leaving the remaining tonnage to be redistributed to a fairly notional torpedo armament.  As a variant, that's fine, but it's now singularly useless for doing the design's actual job, which was supporting the Mantas with longer-ranged fire and adding to the weight of fire on someone attempting a stunt like walking across a shallows without being obliged to come into energy range.  That forces people to hit bridges if they want to cross larger rivers, which lets you set ambushes.

In addition, it's never been stated that these were the only submarines in the SLDF's arsenal.  They may well have had those bombardment vessels you're talking about.  The Manta and Moray would then be tasked with defending said submarines from assault in addition to their other duties.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #5 on: 06 April 2011, 08:04:07 »
Hmm, interesting. Submarines face the same puncture test non-naval units suffer when underwater? I'm not sure if I never knew that, or if its just been so long since I've played with a submarine that I had completely forgotten.

The second comment is about the Wyrm I guess. You're suggesting that the transport bays were halved?

They're interesting designs. I'd hate to run across the Moray while trying to trudge across the ocean floor. Though I have to admit, I'd be willing to give up a SRT6 or two in order to move LRT20's to the turret. While the nose armor is great, when I've got that much of a range advantage, I'm hesitant at having to point the nose at the target constantly.

The Manta...I like the idea, I understand why it is like it is...I'm just again not sure I want to get that close to use the SRTs. Unfortunately you'd have to drop a ton of armor (along with the SRT and its ammo) to get an ERPPC in the ERLL's place.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #6 on: 06 April 2011, 09:21:47 »
Hmm, interesting. Submarines face the same puncture test non-naval units suffer when underwater? I'm not sure if I never knew that, or if its just been so long since I've played with a submarine that I had completely forgotten.

Per TW page 198, they follow the standard rules.

The second comment is about the Wyrm I guess. You're suggesting that the transport bays were halved?

No, the bays are correct.  The description in the fluff of the complement of supporting submarines was wrong from my recollection of the thread - there's supposed to be eight Mantas and four Morays.  The Mantas are carried in the heavy vehicle bays, while the Morays operated from the super-heavy vehicle bays.  The light vehicle bays carry VTOLs.

They're interesting designs. I'd hate to run across the Moray while trying to trudge across the ocean floor. Though I have to admit, I'd be willing to give up a SRT6 or two in order to move LRT20's to the turret. While the nose armor is great, when I've got that much of a range advantage, I'm hesitant at having to point the nose at the target constantly.

While you're doing it, I'd put another ton of ammo in for them - putting them in the turret means they're going to be firing more often.  That makes that paltry nine rounds per launcher a heck of a lot less of a good idea, especially since reloading is probably more complicated and less available than it might be for a Rhino.

The Manta...I like the idea, I understand why it is like it is...I'm just again not sure I want to get that close to use the SRTs. Unfortunately you'd have to drop a ton of armor (along with the SRT and its ammo) to get an ERPPC in the ERLL's place.

Keep in mind that the SRTs either outranged or matched ranges with most of the weapons that could be turned against a submarine underwater, especially during the Star League, when ER PPCs were a lot less available.  The ERLL is only hitting out to range 12, but it still gave it a definite edge over anyone using PPCs, which reach to range 10.  The SRTs also generate a wider spread of hits when they land, something that's a real pain in the neck for vehicles and can potentially breach 'Mechs faster after they've been harried by the ERLL for a little while.  Since Mantas are also significantly faster than most sub-surface units, I can see the logic behind the idea, although the support variant is probably a little better rounded.  (If you want to use one in the Star League era, yank the ERMLs for standards.)


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #7 on: 06 April 2011, 13:16:28 »
OK, so maybe the Long Tom was a bit of a reach (heh), but an Arrow IV system is well within the weight tolerances, especially if you take out the SRT-6s and the LRT-10s. That way it can still shoot in its lighter comrades while doing 1) and 4) in an acceptable way. Oh, and load more ammo for its primary weapons.

And I called them ineffective at interdicting shorelines, as in able to rise up and bombard the actual beach, or drop troops capable of doing same. They're nasty and evil at water-based combat, so much so that I'd really dislike trying to run them down, but if these guys were on a planet that I invaded the most they could do is watch me sunbathe my 'Mechs while firing a couple of paltry lasers at me. I could just ignore them, using the Jaws mantra: "Don't go into the water!!"

I, uhh... don't remember anything about underwater Castles Brian, but then again it's been a while since I flipped through my Star League sourcebook, and something coulda been retconned since quite easily. It would certainly make sense to place them underwater where that's available; it's fiendishly difficult to deal with naval assets in BT.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #8 on: 06 April 2011, 13:37:58 »
The SLDF CAAN was headquartered on a Carver V ( During the the Amaris coup the CAAN held off the Republican troops for eight years, keeping the island headquarters of Quantico free of Amaris that entire time.

This tale in HBSL inspired me to write a story from the perspective on of the these CAAN Marines. I never finished the story, but it was that story and HBSL tat inspired the creation of the Manta and Moray subs. I very much see them as being a vital part of the defense of Quantico during the Amaris War.

-Joel BC-
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #9 on: 06 April 2011, 14:24:01 »
This tale in HBSL inspired me to write a story from the perspective on of the these CAAN Marines. I never finished the story,

You now owe the public a story!
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #10 on: 06 April 2011, 14:32:12 »
Did the wet-navy Marines think scornfully of their space-based counterparts in your story? Heh.

That is exactly what I'm talking about, though - the Mantas and Morays defended naval assets extremely well. But what could they have done on a world where they were the primary naval assets, with a land-based Castle Brian?

If they had better sea-to-shore armament, or even a tiny troop transport capability, they could have done quite a lot - like the Battle History in TRO 3026 of the Monitor, fighting a guerrilla war from an ocean is a sight easier than fighting it from land in BT terms, especially if you're a submersible.

Considering the near-paranoid mindset of the Star League when it came to creating the 'ultimate' defenses, I'm just a bit surprised that the game devs didn't think of that angle when it came to League wet-navy assets.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #11 on: 06 April 2011, 15:22:55 »
Considering the near-paranoid mindset of the Star League when it came to creating the 'ultimate' defenses, I'm just a bit surprised that the game devs didn't think of that angle when it came to League wet-navy assets.

We think about a lot. A very lot. What we put into the game is much less than that. The SLDF had the ability to create mission specific units. The Manta and Moray were for sub-surface combat. The SLDF would have something else for ship to shore support. Perhaps that was the original intent of the Wyrm when they first designed it.

These are things that fall into the, just because it isn't printed doesn't mean it didn't happen. Which is countered by, if its not in print, we can't tell you.

Joel BC
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #12 on: 06 April 2011, 15:59:50 »
We think about a lot. A very lot. What we put into the game is much less than that. The SLDF had the ability to create mission specific units. The Manta and Moray were for sub-surface combat.

Beat me to it, darn you!  I'll go ahead and post what I had anyway...

That is exactly what I'm talking about, though - the Mantas and Morays defended naval assets extremely well. But what could they have done on a world where they were the primary naval assets, with a land-based Castle Brian?

Again, the assumption that these were the only naval assets available doesn't seem right.  Keep in mind that the Manta and Moray are very small compared to a real-world submarine.  The Sturgeon-class USN nuclear attack submarines, built from 1963 to 1975, were upwards of 3600 long tons displacement, by any measure far larger than the vehicles here.  To some extent, they're analogues to a dedicated interceptor jet such as the F-15s were intended to be - pure anti-naval designs that secure superiority on or below the waves for other assets.  We know that various worlds had or have larger naval vessels in inventory as part of their "militia" allotments and the Hegemony had more money and technology than anyone else.

So to me, there's no reason to assume that the SLDF's Hegemony defenses didn't include other submarines with the bombardment capabilities you're looking for.  If they're large hulls (say, a submersible equivalent to the Andryusha frigates in the new Liao book), it's possible they might also act as mother ships to a couple of Mantas to function as escorts the same way they do for the Wyrm fortresses.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #13 on: 06 April 2011, 16:36:41 »
So to me, there's no reason to assume that the SLDF's Hegemony defenses didn't include other submarines with the bombardment capabilities you're looking for.  If they're large hulls (say, a submersible equivalent to the Andryusha frigates in the new Liao book), it's possible they might also act as mother ships to a couple of Mantas to function as escorts the same way they do for the Wyrm fortresses.

Suddenly, visions of the Palladium Rifts' submersible carrier USS Ticonderoga and the twin USS Stingray and USS Seadragon attack submarines that dock with the Ticonderoga spin through my head...

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #14 on: 06 April 2011, 17:22:42 »
The Lysander-class carrier submarine in TROVA does have three heavy vehicle bays with their own door, so in terms of rules, there's no reason they couldn't deploy Mantas.  It's a post War of 3039 DCMS design, though, so unless you're recycling the stats, they're not exactly prime material to turn up in the original SLDF's inventory.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #15 on: 06 April 2011, 17:23:41 »
Suddenly, visions of the Palladium Rifts' submersible carrier USS Ticonderoga and the twin USS Stingray and USS Seadragon attack submarines that dock with the Ticonderoga spin through my head...

What made me laugh was a vision of an SLDF Admiral smoking a pipe and shouting, "Daedalus ATTACK!" as a giant submarine nearly beached itself and a horde of Royal Warhammers and Archers emerged from its face...

Say, if you guys ever design a giant submarine that can carry 'Mechs, name it the Daedalus-class. ;)

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #16 on: 07 April 2011, 10:47:33 »
Really liked the look of the original write ups and nice articles.

Defiantly going to used MMLs with a ton of Torpedoes if ever heading into the deep.
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #17 on: 07 April 2011, 10:56:45 »
MMLs can't fire torpedoes.

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #18 on: 07 April 2011, 10:57:11 »
Really liked the look of the original write ups and nice articles.

Defiantly going to used MMLs with a ton of Torpedoes if ever heading into the deep.

It's too bad (if understandable, I suppose) that the MMLs' ability to use torpedoes has been errataed away. >:( Better bring some Omnis with torpedo tube pods instead, I guess...

Dragon Cat

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #19 on: 07 April 2011, 11:49:00 »
It's too bad (if understandable, I suppose) that the MMLs' ability to use torpedoes has been errataed away. >:( Better bring some Omnis with torpedo tube pods instead, I guess...

Didn't notice that darn... oh well staying away from the deep
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #20 on: 07 April 2011, 13:40:02 »
It's too bad (if understandable, I suppose) that the MMLs' ability to use torpedoes has been errataed away. >:( Better bring some Omnis with torpedo tube pods instead, I guess...

It was not erratad away. MMLs could never fire torpedoes and were never intended to. There was confusion in how the rules were written and for that Catalyst is very sorry.

Joel BC
-Joel BC-
Catalyst Freelancer (Inactive)

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A. Lurker

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #21 on: 07 April 2011, 14:26:08 »
It was not erratad away. MMLs could never fire torpedoes and were never intended to. There was confusion in how the rules were written and for that Catalyst is very sorry.

Joel BC

Well, fixing things that were never intended to read the way they ended up doing is kind of what errata are for. :)


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #22 on: 07 April 2011, 14:32:42 »
Well, fixing things that were never intended to read the way they ended up doing is kind of what errata are for. :)

The way you said it implied to me that it was done after they changed their mind, not that it was restoring what was intended to begin with.

A. Lurker

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #23 on: 07 April 2011, 15:12:21 »
The way you said it implied to me that it was done after they changed their mind, not that it was restoring what was intended to begin with.

I can't read the authors' minds. Maybe other people are more fortunate in that regard, but I'm kind of stuck with trying to figure out the intent of the rules from what's actually written in the books (plus what answers I can come by on this site, thankfully). My physical copy of Total Warfare still tells me that MMLs can fire torpedoes; I know differently now, and have for a good long while, because I also happen to check the errata sections every so often to keep up -- but up to that point, that was simply how the game worked, "intended" or otherwise.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #24 on: 07 April 2011, 18:22:05 »
I can't read the authors' minds. Maybe other people are more fortunate in that regard, but I'm kind of stuck with trying to figure out the intent of the rules from what's actually written in the books (plus what answers I can come by on this site, thankfully). My physical copy of Total Warfare still tells me that MMLs can fire torpedoes; I know differently now, and have for a good long while, because I also happen to check the errata sections every so often to keep up -- but up to that point, that was simply how the game worked, "intended" or otherwise.

Can you point me to the exact wording you mention? I was fairly certain it was a confusion in the rules and not anything where we said the exact wording. Trying to understand and find it in my original print copy of TW.

Thank you,
Joel BC
-Joel BC-
Catalyst Freelancer (Inactive)

"Some closets will never contain Narnia, no matter how many times we open the door." - Weirdo, in relation to the power of hope.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #25 on: 07 April 2011, 19:18:01 »
Apropos of the topic, I'd like to share something from YouTube.

I'm sure you'll understand why.


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #26 on: 07 April 2011, 19:22:36 »
Least no one made a joke about the Moray's name, o/~ Its a pizza a pie, its a moray...o/~  ;D
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #27 on: 07 April 2011, 19:38:46 »
Least no one made a joke about the Moray's name, o/~ Its a pizza a pie, its a moray...o/~  ;D

When you're swimming in the sea /
and an eel bite your knee/
Thats a Moray
It's really, it's a very, very beautiful poem to giant monsters. Giant monsters versus giant robots.
G. Del Toro


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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #28 on: 07 April 2011, 21:31:19 »
Can you point me to the exact wording you mention? I was fairly certain it was a confusion in the rules and not anything where we said the exact wording. Trying to understand and find it in my original print copy of TW.

Thank you,
Joel BC

Probably the most obvious one is on page 138 under "Missile Ammo:" in the "Multi-Missile Launcher" section.
Missile Ammo: A unit can carry LRM, SRM, and torpedo ammo slots for the MML, announcing during attack declaration which ammo type will be used."

Seems pretty clear. The errata changed it to "A unit can carry LRM and SRM ammo slots..."

A. Lurker

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Re: Vehicle of the Week: Manta and Moray Attack Submarines
« Reply #29 on: 08 April 2011, 01:11:36 »
Probably the most obvious one is on page 138 under "Missile Ammo:" in the "Multi-Missile Launcher" section.

That's the one, yes.