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’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« on: 15 August 2014, 00:29:32 »
’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder

Marauder. A savage warrior, usually in groups, that pillages and destroys as he moves across enemy territory. A World War II two-engine bomber/attack aircraft. A Khadoran heavy warjack that devastates foes with its twin battering rams. And perhaps the most iconic of the Unseen, a 75-ton monster that was singled out for its unique features.

And had a starring role in the first BattleTech novel, Decision at Thunder Rift. (The main villain counts as a starring role, right?)

I’m sure there are also a number of custom variants rumbling around, as the Marauder is rather easy to modify. One of my friends even decided to slap a Heavy Gauss Rifle on one. (Now if only I had the pull to get that thing canon. Or any pull for that matter.)

The design first appeared in the original 3025 Technical Readout, as well as the original 3050 document. Since then, it has shown up in the 3039, 3075, Project Phoenix, and 3085 TROs. As well, one variant is in the New Tech, New Upgrades 3145 Record Sheet PDF, another in the XTRO: Succession Wars, a third in Historical Turning Points: Galtor, and finally a couple in the Bounty Hunter Dossiers.

Hailed as one of the pinnacles of BattleMech design when it arrived, the Marauder was one of the first to step away from the purely humanoid body type and embraced a more menacing appearance. The design quickly became a favorite of both the SLDF Gunslingers and the Kurita ronin they faced.

In 2612, the MAD-1R Marauder entered service. Built around a standard chassis, the design mounts a Vlar 300-rated standard engine, giving it speed equivalent to the older Black Knight. Eleven tons of ferro-fibrous armor give 85% of maximum protection in a 9, 36/10, 21/8, 22, 20 pattern (head, center front/rear, side front/rear, arms, legs respectively). Each arm mounts a Particle Cannon and a medium laser. Finally, the iconic centerline Class-5 autocannon looms over the cockpit (though placed in the right torso). One ton of ammunition feeds the autocannon, and is stored underneath it in the CASEd torso. Sixteen heat sinks struggle with the heat output (though that is something many early machines had a problem with).

The MAD-1R likely was the Marauder that spread far and wide across the Inner Sphere and Periphery. As the Star League stumbled towards its end, in 2760 the SLDF acquired a slightly upgraded model, designated the MAD-2R. This variant upgrades the Particle Cannons to extended-models, and replaced the heat sinks with double-strength versions, making it slightly better at heat dissipation.

Now, while a number of these Marauders went on the Exodus (as evidenced by the Klondike RAT tables, as well as the Marauder IIc), I am unsure as to how many, nor how many were left behind. Likely most, if not all, those left behind were the MAD-1R variants. At least they would have lasted longer. Eventually, the technological level dropped to that enjoyed by the late Succession Wars, and in 2819, the MAD-3R entered the scene. This model loses the CASE of the MAD-1R, and mounts eleven and half tons of standard armor in a 9, 35/10, 17/8, 22, 18 pattern. They also moved the ammunition to the left torso where it sits along waiting to be critted.

Three other variants showed up in that time period. The first was the MAD-3D in 2834, which swapped the autocannon for a large laser and four heat sinks. The second, the MAD-3M arrived in 2873, and swapped the Particle Cannons for large lasers and four heat sinks. Finally, in 2905, the MAD-3L arrived, swapping one Particle Cannon for a large laser and two heat sinks.

As the Third Succession War moved on, the arrival of Wolf’s Dragoons brought a number of Marauders back to the Inner Sphere. After they realized that affairs in the Inner Sphere were at a much lower technological level than expected, they downgraded most of them (they also created the Marauder II in 3012). One of the few that apparently was not downgraded (much) was that of Natasha Kerensky. During the Marik Civil War (Anton’s Revolt), she was double-crossed by that time’s Bounty Hunter, who took her Marauder as his prize (she survived, of course, and stole his Warhammer).

The Marauder Bounty Hunter 3015 drops the engine to a VOX 255-rated model, giving it speeds similar to the ancient Hammerhands. The addition of three jump jets completes the comparison. Armor is maximized in a 9, 36/10, 24/8, 24, 32 pattern. While retaining the MAD-1R’s arm weapons, this model mounts a third Particle Cannon in place of the autocannon, and adds a medium laser to each torso. Eighteen double-strength heat sinks (though not Clan models) still struggle with the heat output, but the fact you can jump and fire all three Particle Cannons with some dissipation to spare makes this impressive enough.

Now let’s take a trip to Galtor III. In 3025, during the waning days of the Third Succession War, Hanse Davion hatched a plan to draw the Combine to attack a fake Star League depot. Shortly before the Kuritans arrived, the Davionists stumbled on a real depot. Now instead of creating a meat grinder to wear down the DCMS, the battle of Galtor III turned into a slugfest for a real prize. Leading the battle was Margrave Sheridan Douglass of the Twelfth Vegan Rangers, under contract to House Davion. His Marauder, designated MAD-SD, differs from a MAD-3M, by swapping the autocannon for a pair of 4-pack SRM launchers (one ton of ammunition) and one heat sink. Additionally, maximum armor was installed, differing from above by moving two points of armor from the center front to the center rear.

After the rediscovery of the Helm Core, the return of Star League technology lead to a rush of new concepts. One of the many ideas that didn’t make it all the way to full production was the MAD-4X Marauder. The design process started in 3039, and uses twelve standard heat sinks, and six experimental freezers. An experimental endo-steel skeleton allows for some weight savings which were put into swapping the arm weaponry for binary laser cannons, and the autocannon for a 6-pack SRM launcher in each torso (with a ton of ammunition allocated for each). Twelve tons of armor provide protection in a 9, 35/10, 20/8, 22, 19 pattern.

The return of LostTech trickled down to many. Among those was the Bounty Hunter, who modified his Marauder into its 3044 configuration. This swaps the torso-mounted Particle Cannon for a Gauss Rifle, with two tons of ammunition. The arm-mounted Particle Cannons were upgraded to extended-models. The side torso lasers were removed, and the centerline laser was moved to the head. Three heat sinks were also removed. Finally, the engine was upgraded to an extralight model.

Another variant started as a Federated Commonwealth project that, because of the War of 3039, ended up in Kuritan hands as well. Designated the MAD-5D, it seems to be an upgrade of the MAD-3D. It starts with changing the engine for an extralight model, and adding four jump jets. The Particle Cannons were upgraded to extended-models, and the medium lasers and large laser for pulses. A Class-2 Streak SRM launcher was added (one ton of ammunition is CASEd). Sixteen double-strength heat sinks moderate the heat somewhat. Fourteen tons of armor plate provides protection in a 9, 35/10, 24/8, 23, 30 pattern.

According to my records, a Baron Tamborg acquired a Marauder that he modified into what became the MAD-3T. This design uses an extralight engine, mounts two extended-model large lasers in each arm and a centerline medium laser. Twenty-two double-strength heat sinks provide 80% of maximum heat dissipation, and armor is maximized in a 9, 35/11, 25/7, 24, 32 pattern. Finally, the machine has one ton of cargo space in the center torso. I am unsure if this is even an official design as the only place I have it is Heavy Metal Pro. I am also unsure about the intro date of 3050 (as that is base for the technology).

Speaking of 3050, let’s revisit those Clans. They had just begun their return with much fanfare. And fireworks. Sometime after their arrival, they decided to modify a few of their old machines. Or some captured ones. The Marauder C is based on the MAD-3R (a variant that didn’t exist Pre-Exodus), and simply adds (IS) CASE, swaps the autocannon for a Clan Ultra model, and the Particle Cannons for Clan large pulses. As with all of the “C” variants from the Tukayyid pack (perhaps Twycross, too) they are underweight. In some cases, by a lot.

Two variants entered service in 3051. The first, the MAD-5M was the configuration that beat the MAD-4X out for production. Like the -5D, this variant has an extralight engine and jump jets. Armor is laid out the same as the MAD-3R, and the design mounts sixteen double-strength heat sinks. Weapons consist of a large and medium pulse laser in each arm and a Class-10 LB-X autocannon in the right torso. One ton of ammunition for the gun is stored in the CASEd left torso.

The other variant is the MAD-5S differs from the MAD-5D by lacking jump jets, mounts the armor of the MAD-3R, and uses a Gauss Rifle in place of the large pulse and Streak launcher. The gun is CASEd, and one ton of ammunition is allocated.

Project Phoenix visited the Marauder late. It seems everyone was happy with those produced in their realms. Everyone, save House Liao. Since they didn’t have a production site, they likely had to make due with any captured from Davion raids, and any sold to them by the Mariks. And after Isisgate, Sun Tzu needed another way to get Marauders. Through some back-channel negotiations that involved the Federated Suns (who almost certainly regretted it later), he acquired the plans, and gave them to Ceres Metals to be produced.

The MAD-5L entered service in the auspicious year of 3067. This variant is built around a 300-rated standard fusion engine, and uses triple-strength myomer to increase its speed when the heat is just right. An extended-model large and extended-model medium are mounted in each arm. An extended-model Particle Cannon sits in the right torso, and a centerline Guardian ECM suite allows for the use of fourteen tons of stealth armor, laid out in a 9, 33/10, 24/8, 24, 30 pattern. Eighteen double heat sinks struggle with the heat output (heat neutral is both larges, running, and stealth active). One should be glad they got rid of heat-seeking missiles… (They did do that, right?)

At the same time, a factory in the Circinus Federation began producing Marauders on Baltazar III, apparently from WoBble espionage. (Side note: anyone know if the factory survived the Jihad and aftermath? The planet appears to have avoided a glassing by Regulan forces.) No information exists of exactly which variant was being produced.

Now, the creation of the new Liao variant appears to have spurred a slew of new designs. Six new variants finally entered service in 3068, and were immediately put into the fires of the Jihad. The first was the MAD-5R, and uses an extralight engine, seventeen double-strength heat sinks, and mounts an extended-model Particle Cannon and a medium laser in each arm. The dorsal weapon was a Class-5 Rotary autocannon (two tons of ammo in the CASEd left torso). A centerline Guardian ECM suite and a head-mounted C3 Slave unit round out the equipment. Armor is laid out in a 9, 35/10, 24/8, 23, 30 pattern.

The second is the MAD-7D. It differs from the -5R by swapping the PPCs for extended-model larges, and the mediums upgraded to extended-model versions. The Slave unit and one heat sink were removed, and a six-ton targeting computer installed. The third is the MAD-5T, which takes the -7D and swaps the lasers for pulse versions, moves the ammunition to the right torso (the CASE moved too), removes the ECM suite, increases the targeting computer by one ton, drops two heat sinks and uses an endo-steel skeleton.

Fourth is the MAD-9S, built on an endo-steel skeleton and using a light engine. Fourteen double-strength heat sinks struggle with the weapons-load of an extended-model Particle Cannon and extended-model medium laser in each arm, a Class-10 LB-X autocannon in the dorsal position, and a head-mounted flamer. A Guardian ECM suite and a Beagle Active Probe round out the equipment placed on this model. The armor is laid out in a 9, 35/10, 24/8, 22, 23 pattern.

The last two variants to arrive in 3068 came out of Ronin Incorporated on Wallis. The MAD-9M was based on the earlier failed MAD-4X model. This model uses a standard skeleton and an extralight engine. The old Blazer emitter housings were used to install twin extended-model large lasers in each arm. A 6-pack Streak SRM launcher was placed in each side torso. One ton of ammunition is tied to each launcher. Sixteen double heat sinks struggle with the heat output. A TAG system was placed in the head, and a Guardian ECM suite is in the center torso. Ferro-fibrous armor provides protection in a 9, 34/11, 23/8, 23, 31 pattern. Shortly thereafter, the MAD-9M2 was created which swaps the large lasers for a Heavy-class Particle Cannon in each arm.

In 3070, the MAD-6L was introduced. Taking the -5L, the designers removed three heat sinks and all the weaponry, and replaced them with a Plasma Rifle in each arm, and a Particle Cannon in the dorsal slot.

In 3071, the Blakists finally unveiled their variant, the MAD-9W. The design uses a 225-rated light engine with a heavy-duty gyroscope. Five improved jump jets give the design impressive maneuverability. Sixteen double-strength heat sinks struggle with the heat load generated by the extended-model large laser and medium pulse in each arm and the dorsal-mounted Snub-Nose Particle Cannon. An improved C3 unit allows for increased communication. Armor is laid out in a 9, 30/11, 24/6, 21, 24 pattern. When the Jihad finally collapsed, the surviving nations showed much disdain for any Blakist-produced items, and in 3080, the MAD-9W swapped the improved unit for a C3 Slave and a Guardian ECM Suite.

One last variant has made itself known. Several clues seem to indicate it was built by House Davion, though where exactly, and whether that plant is now in other hands is unknown. The MAD-9D is built around an endo-composite skeleton (which is halfway between a standard and endo-steel chassis) and uses the same 300-rated extralight engine as the MAD-7D. An extralight gyroscope provides some weight savings. A Clantech extended-model large laser and an Inner Sphere extended-model medium pulse laser are mounted in each arm. Another medium x-pulse laser is mounted in the head. The dorsal-mounted weapon is a Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle, with two tons of ammunition. Sixteen double heat sinks struggle with the heat output, but a left-torso mounted Radical Heat Sink System provides some assistance. Note, overuse of that system will end badly, as it is as finicky as MASC.

Using one of these does depend on the variant you use. Some are much shorter-ranged than others. The one thing they all seem to have in common is they run hot. So keep an eye on your heat scale, and be smart with your weapons fire. Alpha Strike as a last resort (or if you are in the duct tape stage, as a last act of defiance). Also, look at your weapon ranges. Many are long and short range designs. For the -9W2 and -5R, make sure to pick a good Master unit. He will be key to coordinating your groups. As for the -9W… you are free to bring six of them to make your foe soil himself. (Trust me on this, six far jumpers that are tied together get on people’s nerves.) Be very sparing with using the -9D’s Radical Heat Sink System, as if it fails, your cooling issues become worse.

Fighting one can be a PITA. Besides the intimidating reputation, any Marauder is a top-end heavy that brings a lot of firepower. Even those with only three guns are not to be laughed at (who laughs at twin plasmas or PPCs?). My first suggestion is to bring a lot of heavy firepower. That way you can crack the armor faster (and possibly remove the head). Secondarily, bring plasma weaponry, flamers, and/or Infernos. All Marauders have heat issues, so taking advantage of that is always good. And with the -9D, you might even be able to overload that Radical system, causing leakage of his cooling system.

The Marauder has been around since the beginning of BattleTech. And, at least to this point, it appears it will still be rumbling around until it ends. While some of its reputation and shine has worn off as technology stumbles forward (and at times leaps backwards) in the BattleTech universe, it still is a lethal weapon system. On top of leading directly to the Marauder IIc and Marauder II, the Marauder seemed to inspire part of the Timber Wolf (or at least part of the Inner Sphere name of Mad Cat), and there is also a new set of Battle Armor that someone decided to model on it. And that’s without the “Marauder series” of designs on the drawing boards at the end of the Star League.

If nothing else, the legacy of the Marauder looms large over BattleTech.

Marauder Bounty Hunter 3015


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #1 on: 15 August 2014, 00:40:00 »
So many models....and you did them all very well.  O0

Isisgate... ;D good one.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #2 on: 15 August 2014, 01:38:25 »
Nice article and a nice Mech
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #3 on: 15 August 2014, 01:58:38 »
A great mech, one of my all time favorites.

One canon correction, it was never stated that Natasha stole her Warhammer from the Bounty Hunter, that was a fan rumor like clan tech Marauder. 
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #4 on: 15 August 2014, 04:42:01 »
I just wanna say, I agree with the idea we need a canon Marauder with a HGR.  Though/ I prefer my tripod version personally, but I'll take whatever.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #5 on: 15 August 2014, 06:39:58 »
Great review, one of my faves was the 4X, loved the artwork for it and the design as a whole.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #6 on: 15 August 2014, 09:49:32 »
I like the 4X too, I always hoped they made a production model with an MML or something.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #7 on: 15 August 2014, 10:34:29 »
One canon correction, it was never stated that Natasha stole her Warhammer from the Bounty Hunter, that was a fan rumor like clan tech Marauder.

Hmm. Then its apocryphal. So many legends out there...


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #8 on: 15 August 2014, 10:37:16 »
Mmm....Marauders... [drool]

We've gotten lots of amazing designs over the course of Battletech's history, but for me, nothing but NOTHING beats a MAD-5D. O0
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #9 on: 15 August 2014, 11:07:58 »
You know, be it ever so humble, but the very first model looks pretty good even today.  CASE, standard engine, no frills, just a simple workmanlike Heavy design.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #10 on: 15 August 2014, 11:42:17 »
I do love the Marauder. I've had very good luck with the 9S as it really does everything and plays similarly to the 3R. The 5L is a monster.

I'm still holding out hope that the 1R and 2R will get art.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #11 on: 15 August 2014, 11:54:45 »
I'm still holding out hope that the 1R and 2R will get art.

They did, though you'll have to dig up an old TRO: 3025 to see it.

(The -3R is a variant of the earlier -1R and -2R models. They will look exactly the same.)
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #12 on: 15 August 2014, 12:03:18 »
They did, though you'll have to dig up an old TRO: 3025 to see it.

(The -3R is a variant of the earlier -1R and -2R models. They will look exactly the same.)

For some reason I thought they were supposed to look different. I can't find a source confirming it so I'll defer to your statement regarding their appearance.
Light Assault Group - An Orwellian appelation applied by the Draconis Combine to troops haphazardly equipped with whatever expendable equipment was lying around the maintenance yard, for the purpose of throwing their lives away for the greater glory of the Dragon, see also Human Bombs.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #13 on: 15 August 2014, 14:45:26 »
I like the 4X too, I always hoped they made a production model with an MML or something.

The production model of the -4X is the -9M.  At least, that was my intention.  ^-^


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #14 on: 15 August 2014, 16:55:43 »
But, but, but... we need a non-unique marauder with twin blazers!  :'(

Btw. has anyone used the new variant? What was your experience with it?


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #15 on: 15 August 2014, 18:01:36 »
One canon correction, it was never stated that Natasha stole her Warhammer from the Bounty Hunter, that was a fan rumor like clan tech Marauder.

The closest we have is...

ISP p85: "Kerensky lived through the ordeal and vowed to exact vengeance (some even say she somehow got her hands on his Warhammer and began to use that as her trademark ’Mech)."


Hist:BW p22: "As Colonel Korsht launched a series of diversionary attacks, Lieutenant Kerensky, piloting a salvaged Loyalist Warhammer, led her ad-hoc company into the tunnel."

The above quote from Hist:BW doesn't completely invalidate the possibility of Kerensky having claimed the Bounty Hunter's Warhammer, because it refers to an attack on Emris IV, which occurred after the incident on Nova Roma where she encountered the Bounty Hunter and lost her Marauder (Hist: BW p20). The Bounty Hunter was fighting for the Loyalists, so if the Warhammer was his, it could thus be described as a "Loyalist Warhammer".

But, not Marauder, so...

Thank you for the article, Kotetsu. It's nice to see one of the golden oldies getting some well earned attention.

Technically the Marauder predates TRO3025, but that's a minor quibble, and the earlier appearances in BattleDroids and the BattleTech boxed set did lack the fluff, giving only art and stats. In my experience, it was Decision at Thunder Rift that established the Marauder in the very earliest days. If anything, the novel gave the design something of a bad boy image, which added to its allure for some local players already drawn to the non-humanoid appearance (I'd note that none of us were even aware of Robotech at that point).


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #16 on: 15 August 2014, 19:38:11 »
They did, though you'll have to dig up an old TRO: 3025 to see it.

(The -3R is a variant of the earlier -1R and -2R models. They will look exactly the same.)

more specifically, the 3R is apparently the "stripped down" version of the 1R being built after the tech for Ferro-Fib and CASE are lost. ironically making it the equivalent of the introtech version SLDF mechs that replaced the unseen in TRo3025 when the unseen were pulled.

also, the various mentions in the old fluff of marauder's having special armor that improved heat dissipation seems to have turned out to have been mangled memories of the 2R's ferro-fib and DHS.. probably the tech-limited late succession wars innersphere equating to the first what the latter was doing. guiven the 2R was largely a part of the royal units, it is likely it was designed to look exactly like a 1R, which likely caused some confusion when the 2R opened up at longer range and fired continuously without much heat problems.
« Last Edit: 15 August 2014, 19:40:56 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #17 on: 15 August 2014, 19:57:39 »
I love the Marauder.

Hey, Kotetsu.  According to the fluff of the 3145 Record Sheets, Kathil plant was rebuilt.  Kathil still a Davion held worlds by 3145.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #18 on: 15 August 2014, 23:15:06 »
Love the Marauder, one of my favorites- yes partly because of RT- which has been a struggle mini-wise.  I have a Unseen picked up used, the -9S still in the blister because of all the parts, my -4X came in while still waiting for the arms to make it a -9M2, and I was having trouble putting a reseen IIC together . . . but that was the old glue.  Now I am not sure I am happy with the pose, but it is holding together this time.  I always loved the original Marauder IIC stats, slinging all that ERPPC love backed by MPL.

As far as use . . . my mercs started off with a -3D which they ended up having to rebuild with parts from a -9M and -5M after the three got trashed in one battle, the latter ones salvage.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #19 on: 16 August 2014, 07:13:55 »
9M2.... drooool

Nice article covering an iconic part of the game

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #20 on: 16 August 2014, 07:49:47 »
Seems when I first started the game for heavies a lot of the people i played with either fell in the Marauder camp or the Warhammer camp.  I was more of whammy guy (because of my hate for the AC5) though the Mad was probably the top mech to use in the first Mechwarrior computer game.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #21 on: 16 August 2014, 11:41:04 »
I found the 5R pairs really well with the Warhammer 8D in my c3 lances, even with 3145 tech. While ECM often jams it up, there is nothing like 2 ERPPCs and a Rac5 blasting away from 18 hexes because your Whammy is 5 hexes away from your target.

I really love me some reseen Marauder. I know I'm in the violent minority, but there it is.

Even though I prefer the 5R, the 7D always overperforms for me. Don't know why, just does.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #22 on: 16 August 2014, 12:49:14 »
i find that even with all the higher tech versions available, i like the -2R most.. it may not be the most advanced, but it is taking the basic marauder i learned to make good use of in the introtech times, and just smoothing off the rough edges. no need to be fancy. the DHS lets it use the ERPPC's pretty much all the time without heat issues, and you can now afford to toss in the AC5 every couple of turns for added power.. a lot better than the 1R and 3R's need for 2/1/2/1 patterns on the PPC's.

before that royal appeared, my favorite of the upgraded models had been the -5M.. the LBX was a good addition, and the jumop jets came in handy quite often, even if it did add a big heat load to worry about when used.
the guass armed 5S would have been perfect had it carried more than 8 shots for that massive weapon. when 21% of your mech's mass is little more than dead weight because you have to husband your shots for perfect to hit numbers, there is a real problem. i think i'd rather they have left the CASE off and tried to free up another half ton to carry a 2nd ton of ammo..

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #23 on: 16 August 2014, 20:36:54 »
See I think the -9S is the better Steiner version though the design is so tight it would be hard to modify without overhaul.  Sort of disappointed we did not get a 3145 Davion Marauder with cERLL in place of ERPPCs for a mixed tech design- same damage, more range, less heat, less mass.
Colt Ward
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #24 on: 16 August 2014, 20:58:53 »
The above quote from Hist:BW doesn't completely invalidate the possibility of Kerensky having claimed the Bounty Hunter's Warhammer, because it refers to an attack on Emris IV, which occurred after the incident on Nova Roma where she encountered the Bounty Hunter and lost her Marauder (Hist: BW p20). The Bounty Hunter was fighting for the Loyalists, so if the Warhammer was his, it could thus be described as a "Loyalist Warhammer".

But, not Marauder, so...

Thanks for the errata ref, never got around to reading ISP... and now back to the Marauder.

The Marauder has also inspired a number of great design ( though many don't look it for reasons  :(  ) I see a little of the marauder in a few designs  :)
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Colt Ward

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #25 on: 16 August 2014, 21:06:51 »
Well the Maelstrom, Dragon Fire and Nightstar were all part of the 'Marauder' design family brought about with the recovery of technology.  Throw on its most famous descendant (Timberwolf) and you get quite a family tree . . . one that anyone would be proud of.
Colt Ward
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #26 on: 16 August 2014, 21:59:57 »
Well the Maelstrom, Dragon Fire and Nightstar were all part of the 'Marauder' design family brought about with the recovery of technology.  Throw on its most famous descendant (Timberwolf) and you get quite a family tree . . . one that anyone would be proud of.

also the Bandersnatch, which is fluffed as having been modeled off the Marauder to ensure they share a large amount of parts for easy stocking of materials. which might be the only time in battletech history that's happened, all told...
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #27 on: 16 August 2014, 22:03:29 »
also the Bandersnatch, which is fluffed as having been modeled off the Marauder to ensure they share a large amount of parts for easy stocking of materials. which might be the only time in battletech history that's happened, all told...

which seams really hard to believe, looking at the art. :)
(still think the Bandersnatch and the Falconer switched art at some point in the developing process.. only way i can see how a marauder based design ended up looking so much like an Orion, and an orion based design ended up looking so much like a marauder..)


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #28 on: 16 August 2014, 22:40:52 »
which seams really hard to believe, looking at the art. :)
(still think the Bandersnatch and the Falconer switched art at some point in the developing process.. only way i can see how a marauder based design ended up looking so much like an Orion, and an orion based design ended up looking so much like a marauder..)
I say Frankenmech prototypes ;D
Hey, it's how we Cataphract... which was based in part on the Marauder ... which I guess would make the Caesar part of the Marauder family by default
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: MAD-** Marauder
« Reply #29 on: 17 August 2014, 02:50:16 »
Sort of disappointed we did not get a 3145 Davion Marauder with cERLL in place of ERPPCs for a mixed tech design- same damage, more range, less heat, less mass.

We did, it's the MAD-9D. It's in RS 3145 NTNU.

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