Author Topic: VotW: Scapha Hovertank  (Read 23179 times)


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VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« on: 16 November 2014, 15:03:45 »

OK, one more time- if you have requests, PLEASE RESUBMIT THEM. My request to do so last week in the Ku article resulted in a single response- and what do you know, in thanks I'm covering that vehicle today. So, if you want your vehicle covered... gotta get the request in. I again remind you that my previous request list was lost, and so I'm rebuilding on the fly here- if you've requested something, or have something in mind, send it in now so I can get you covered.

So. With that in mind, let's talk hovertank. The Republic has built some very intriguing units since their inception following the Jihad. It's a unique situation, watching a new nation slowly form its military into a cohesive fighting force from the battered and jumbled bits that came together to form the RAF in the beginning. As any Battletech player knows, it's not all about 100-ton two-legged monoliths- particularly in the post-Jihad Inner Sphere, combined arms forces are incredibly important. A fast strike hovercraft, something akin to the old Condor or Drillson, was a must. But where to turn? Grumman Industries on Terra proved to have the answer- and modern technology proved to be just the thing to combine flexibility, ridiculous speed, and surprising toughness to create the Scapha. Get comfy, this'll take a while.

The Scapha is an excellent fast-strike platform on offense, able to easily flank opponents with its speed and survive the occasional lucky hit. On defense, a few Scaphas are a great way to lock up the holes in your lines, raid rear areas to blunt an enemy's advance, and just be a general pain in the ass. The fact that the vehicle is built on Terra means that, much like the Vindicator in previous centuries for Liao, the Scapha's supply lines are simple- unless Terra itself is attacked, your assembly line will keep pumping out Scaphas. (This begs the question of how the Steel Wolves pulled an invasion of Terra off early in the Dark Age, but we'll ignore that.) This also means that Scaphas are now behind the wall, so those on the outside may be starting to show wear and tear by now between tough fighting and no access to spare parts.

Cracking open the engine block we see an enormous and shockingly expensive 265 XXL engine. Ye gods, that's more expensive than a whole platoon of Condors! Is it worth it? You make the call, I suppose, but it means that the 40-ton Scapha moves at the kind of speeds that used to be the territory of Savannah  Masters and Gabriels alone. 11/17, even in the Dark Age, is respectable stuff, meaning this is a VERY hard target to hit. This author has long held that upgrading from a standard engine to an XL on a Battlemech is worth it IF the cost and vulnerability really improves the machine in ways that just aren't possible otherwise- and the same holds here. Flat out, this vehicle can't be accomplished anywhere near what it is with an XL opposed to the XXL- so while it's expensive, it's also the core of the unit. Your opinion may vary- to me, it's tough to look at this unit and say 'worth it'.

One of the threats to a fast hovercraft is pulse lasers- with their accuracy, the high speed of a hovercraft is negated somewhat, and since they tend to be fragile units that's not good news. The Scapha takes advantage of modern technology again here, using Grumman reflective armor (one assumes, again, made right there on Terra). Who cares about pulse lasers now? Even if they hit, they amount of damage is drastically reduced, although the chance of motive and critical hits aren't changed. While the vulnerability to physical attacks is increased, a Scapha in danger of being stomped on by a Mech is a poorly used Scapha. It's again an increase in cost over something more conventional, but makes for a much more durable unit. Seven and a half tons are split nicely between the turret and front getting thirty points each, and twenty points covering the rear and sides. Solid protection overall, and against energy weapons even stronger than it looks.

Big engine, tough armor... so we're lacking in guns, right? Nope. That engine weighs so little that we ended up with thirteen tons of pod space on the Scapha. Oh yes, this is an Omni- another big cost that pays rich dividends. Nothing makes for a flexible unit like modular weaponry, and thirteen tons of it on a fast frame like this makes for some really fun possibilities. This author hates writing about Omnivehicles because it takes a lot longer to write these damned configurations up, so there's hope that you all understand how I suffer for your entertainment. ;) Of note, not a single configuration uses missile weaponry at all, a very unusual thing to find on an Omni with this many configurations.

The Prime is an electronic warfare interdictor, combining an Angel ECM with a Bloodhound probe to make for a handy scout/jammer. Twin light PPCs sit in the turret, backed by a targeting computer- a pretty handy sting for a unit in the electronic warfare role! A supercharger makes the already-fast Scapha able to jet about even faster when needed, definitely a good thing when the enemy has had enough of your electronic shenanigans. This is just a blissful unit, one that should be at the forefront of any Republic player's thoughts when it comes to dealing with C3 networks, hidden units, and other dirty tricks.

The A config is a bit more basic- less 'fun and games', more 'raw punch'. The only weapon is a nasty RAC-5 in the turret, able to cause a hefty amount of pain to a target- and able to be quickly brought into range for use by the Scapha's high speed. The three ton ammo bay is deep enough to offer the chance for a few wild shots now and then, and keep the Scapha on the field through the whole battle. One can't help but compare this favorably to the FedSuns' classic Musketeer.

B config is similar to the A, but losing power for range- the turret now contains a light Gauss rifle. A single ton of ammo is plenty for most engagements, and the Scapha's movement again means that the LGR's massive range can always be used to advantage- few units will be able to corner the Scapha, and so it can always find a position to fire from. The author found that to his surprise, this ended up his favorite configuration in testing.

C continues the 'big ballistic' theme, this time with the author's favorite weapon. The LB-10X combines power, range, and utility into a handy package, and here the Scapha turns into an anti-aircraft/vehicle nightmare, quickly moving in and out of range and delivering cluster rounds to the enemy where it will do the most damage. The two-ton ammo bay allows one to carry slug and cluster rounds, but really this should just be cluster munitions and plenty of it- find enemy armor and make it miserable with flanking strikes. Testing resulted in a badly-wounded Scapha, and a thoroughly ventilated Ajax A- not a bad trade.

The D changes things up with a snub-nose PPC, a weapon that has rapidly become a favorite of many players. Here, the speed allows one to rapidly move into the weapons' large short-range bracket from even a full mapsheet away. The remaining tonnage goes to a rare post-Jihad sighting of an iNarc launcher fed by two tons of ammo. With the wide array of options available for the launcher (the author loves the panic-factor of Nemesis pods in particular), this is a very dangerous and tricky vehicle, and is highly recommended.

Config E is a surprise- a Thumper cannon makes it an extraordinary battle armor killer, able to rapidly deploy to a good position to attack the troopers, hit them all with each strike, and keep out of range of most return fire. A cavernous three-ton ammunition bay means it can keep firing throughout the battle, to boot. Very unusual design, but a lot of fun to experiment with. (Admittedly, one test of this config resulted in tragedy when, after wiping out a squad each of Purifiers and Grenadiers, the move to engage a squad of Raidens and their supporting Owens was interrupted with a sideslip into woods...)

F is designed to utilize the Federated Suns' special munitions for autocannons, with an old-school AC-5 in the turret. Two tons of ammo mean you can use a couple of different kinds depending on the situation at hand. TAG helps you call in artillery support, and a computer helps aim the cannon. This one didn't appeal much overall compared to the others, but the TAG is a handy thing to have on the modern combined-arms battlefield for sure. (To be fair, I'm also an old-time hater of the AC-5, so I went into this one with eyerolls)

Config G is a variation on the F, with twin LAC-2s replacing the AC-5 and keeping the computer. The ammo bay remains two tons, plenty for special munitions if you wish (and you should). The TAG is replaced with a handy C3 slave module, making for a nasty surprise- this was a fun one to use against vehicles in particular, plinking away until getting that golden-BB shot, and hitting its shots almost every time. While the shots don't do much damage, the utility of this config was second to none.

We move on to the H, which returns to the Prime's twin-energy weapon turret. This time we see a pair of medium VSP lasers, backed by a C3 slave module. Four extra heat sinks allow the lasers to be used. While the author is not a fan of the VSP as a concept, it's hard to argue with what this can do on such an impressive quick-strike platform, particularly with the C3's assistance. This is handy as a scout hunter, able to run down other fast units, easily survive the light energy weapons such units often use to defend themselves, and hit them hard with the VSPs.

The intriguing I configuration starts with a C3 master computer, making it a good choice to work with other C3 configs like the H. The turret contains a TSEMP unit with a targeting computer, a very intriguing setup. In the interests of being honest, this was the sole config that didn't get any testing, but TSEMP is a very high-risk high-reward thing- backed by other units, this could be the Scapha's best configuration, or a waste of time depending on the roll of the dice. Shutting down a target and then utilizing battle armor swarming attacks from the troopers riding the Omni-tank's sides could be a pretty great combination.

And then we get to the oddball. Configuration J is a love letter to Kanga fans. Three medium pulse lasers provide accurate (if short-ranged) punch, with two extra heat sinks to back them. A Guardian ECM mucks with enemy probes and C3 networks, always a handy thing on the modern battlefield. But it's the seven jump jets that get the most attention here, making for a unit that can leap entire city blocks at a moment's notice. As with the Kanga, the author is still saddened by the ruling that vehicles cannot make DFA attacks, but in this case with the reflective armor it may be just as well.

*whew* That's a lot of configurations! What would you build on a Scapha? Experiments on this computer have resulted in SRM-heavy configurations, an APC with an eight-ton infantry bay and a few backup lasers, and one ill-advised but amusing fore-mounted MRM-40 with a single ton of ammo as a fast-strike unit. What would you do? How would you use the above configs? When can I stop typing? So many questions, and YOU have the answers, so get to it folks!
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #1 on: 16 November 2014, 15:29:30 »
Can't say I've used Spaphas all that often myself, but the few times I have, they pair quite well with Taranis battlesuits.  Have those buggers cling on for dear life, and use the Scapha's speed to get them into a favorable firing position before anyone else can respond. The suits now have time to dig in, and you only need a few squads to create a formidable fire position. Now the Scaphas(Scaphae?) can be used to herd enemies into range of the Taranises(Taranii?), or they can pounce on things that are forced to move out of position to avoid the suits.
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #2 on: 16 November 2014, 15:34:52 »
Damn, Weirdo beat me to the punch on that. Yes, the Taranis and the Scapha go together like chocolate and peanut butter: great by themselves, but heavenly together.

By the way, Hellbie, this is an excellent article; one of your finest yet. As the one who requested this article, I can't thank you enough. You clearly put a lot of work into this.

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #3 on: 16 November 2014, 16:29:11 »
Many thanks for the article!

Oh, man, I didn't know too much about this little beast but it is the best iNarc vector I have seen. The LBX10 variant is a death threat for other hovercrafts, VTOLs and all things crunchy. The other versions are quite good, with the AC5 lagging behind. Awesome unit and a true evil teamed with other units and RAF BA.
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #4 on: 16 November 2014, 16:39:32 »
An excellent article, highlighting all the important points. Fun to read, too.
With this, the Republic has one of the best hover tanks on the market, though as has been pointed out, they pay for that.
It's a rare unit to come out with that many configs, and I can not find a single genuinely bad one amongst them.

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #5 on: 16 November 2014, 17:08:22 »
Shame it looks so boring. I know, some people harp on the MW:DA aesthetics, but vehicle wise I think we all did pretty well from the neo-industrial dieselpunk aesthetic. I'd rather use the iron ;)
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Pa Weasley

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #6 on: 16 November 2014, 21:31:51 »
Thanks for another fun article. Though I'd to point out that it looks soooooo much more like a Type 6 shuttlecraft.


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #7 on: 16 November 2014, 21:41:18 »
Thanks for another fun article. Though I'd to point out that it looks soooooo much more like a Type 6 shuttlecraft.

nah.. more like a type 10..


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #8 on: 17 November 2014, 00:51:14 »
None of my games have advanced to that time period yet, and we haven't given it a test run, but along with the Zibler I have to say that going by the configurations this is an example of an OmniVehicle done right. Fulfils multiple roles, some of them hard hitting, some tactical, some strategic, and of course there's some good armour and speed to justify the cost. Well, partially. XXL engines and I haven't always gotten along but it seems to have been put to good use here.


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #9 on: 17 November 2014, 03:46:03 »
My only quibble is the weight. Up it to 45 tons and you can switch to an XLFE and gain a ton of pod space...


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #10 on: 17 November 2014, 06:42:51 »
With this, the Republic has one of the best hover tanks on the market

That artwork though...  :o
Would never use it, no matter how good (although realistically, the cost are outright insane, especially on supercharger configs).

As for the article, I'm kind of missing the AC/20 armor test (meaning, I would like to know more about how much armor is actually available at each facing). But otherwise a good read.
« Last Edit: 17 November 2014, 06:58:26 by Phobos »


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #11 on: 17 November 2014, 07:10:17 »
That artwork though...  :o
Would never use it, no matter how good (although realistically, the cost are outright insane, especially on supercharger configs).

As for the article, I'm kind of missing the AC/20 armor test (meaning, I would like to know more about how much armor is actually available at each facing). But otherwise a good read.

Seven and a half tons are split nicely between the turret and front getting thirty points each, and twenty points covering the rear and sides.
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #12 on: 17 November 2014, 07:47:56 »
That part must have slipped by me. Thanks.


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #13 on: 17 November 2014, 08:41:38 »
A hovercraft... with an artillery cannon... :o

The configurations look like they're actually designed to meet different mission profiles.  Funny how infrequently that happens. 

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #14 on: 17 November 2014, 09:25:36 »

The correct term is Taranasaurus Rex.   O:-)

The Scapha is one of those warm fuzzies designs for me. Ok, I'd really like some missile configs, but I can live without them, especially as it's already giving me a superb taxi for my battle armor. Along that vein, a config with an infantry compartment for the assault suits would have been another nice to have, but my battlesuit preferences are shifting even more strongly away from assaults than they were before, so again no biggy.

In my tinkering I have much love for the B & E configs. The range of the LGR allows you to avoid those nasty mobility crits, while the Thumper Cannon might not do a lot of damage, but its AE attack is the answer to so many problems. The J however if just genius; unless completely destroyed, it guarantees my battlesuits are getting too and from the battlefield. I like to imagine that the poor troopers who hitch a ride would refer to the J config as the Vomit Comet.


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #15 on: 17 November 2014, 10:00:48 »
I imagine troopers certified to ride Scapha Js are a rare and elite lot. They can make people of all genders and persuasions swoon just by flashing their certification. They have their own secret societies and clubs. Their secret greeting to each other is "You have my pity."
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #16 on: 17 November 2014, 10:42:51 »
I look at a lot of the variants, and think of number methods at my disposal for dealing with Capellan armored threats such as the Regulator II and the Pixiu. It sort of says, "Good on you for your Stealth Armor and/or Speed and a Gauss Rifle. Let's turn you into an immobile pillbox so that nice Stealth Armor isn't as relevant any more."
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #17 on: 17 November 2014, 11:38:18 »
Cracking open the engine block we see an enormous and shockingly expensive 265 XXL engine. Ye gods, that's more expensive than a whole platoon of Condors! Is it worth it?

I dunno, this is the kind of thing that actually makes sense to me.  Stone wanted a reduction in arms.  That doesn't automatically mean a reduction in military spending.  And while we're at it, let's factor in the cost of the dropships/jumpships needed to carry that platoon of Condors.
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #18 on: 17 November 2014, 11:57:39 »
I dunno, this is the kind of thing that actually makes sense to me.  Stone wanted a reduction in arms.  That doesn't automatically mean a reduction in military spending.  And while we're at it, let's factor in the cost of the dropships/jumpships needed to carry that platoon of Condors.
Fewer but more powerful (=expensive) makes sense. But if you go by canon costs I doubt you'll save anything from using XXLFEs. A couple of years ago I calculated that using (IIRC) Invader jumpers and modified Union droppers the cost to transport an XLFE assault tank was only about half the cost of the tank. By switch to SFEs you could afford almost twice as many tanks, jumpers and droppers!

I doubt things will be better with XXLFEs! But that said I generally ignore canon costs anyway since they don't make much sense. I suspect almost everyone does to some degree, TPTB obviously does!


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #19 on: 17 November 2014, 12:34:27 »
Config I... I dislike for one simple reason. That TSEMP cannon when fired... kills its own C3 Master with a Hostile ECM effect.


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #20 on: 17 November 2014, 18:00:14 »
Config I... I dislike for one simple reason. That TSEMP cannon when fired... kills its own C3 Master with a Hostile ECM effect.

Heh... I forgot about that aspect of TSEMP. Good call, that's pretty funny actually  O0
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #21 on: 17 November 2014, 18:14:41 »
Heh... I forgot about that aspect of TSEMP. Good call, that's pretty funny actually  O0
sounds like the designers picked a weapon that would ensure that the command C3 carrier would only engage in battle as a last resort.
as the 'weak link' in a C3 net, the command computer carriers need to be kept out of combat as much as possible. on a slower unit, that means long range weapons. on a fast unit like this? you make sure that they command comp carrier has little reason to engage the enemy directly.
« Last Edit: 17 November 2014, 18:16:38 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #22 on: 17 November 2014, 18:20:52 »
Makes me think that five tons would be pretty nicely used for a TAG laser and four tons of battle armor seating... ;)
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
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+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #23 on: 17 November 2014, 18:58:47 »
Or in an era when ecm isn't horribly uncommon it gives that spritely master carrier something to do when portions on the network are cut off anyway. Or it's the BT equivalent of painting a unit with bright "I taste yucky, stay away" colors. Or it's just a way to get the oddly C3 obsessed RAF with a non-'Mech based master for vehicle and battle armor centric forces with a nasty, nasty trick up its sleeve.

Then there are those times that temporarily shut off your network to shut down an opponent is absolutely worth it. O:-)

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #24 on: 17 November 2014, 19:01:28 »
I... I can't. I just can't get behind this tank. I can barely bring myself to tolerate XL engines on vehicles. For me, this is a hideous waste of resources.

I wonder if that just means I'm getting old.
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #25 on: 17 November 2014, 19:03:18 »
Cracking open the engine block we see an enormous and shockingly expensive 265 XXL engine. Ye gods, that's more expensive than a whole platoon of Condors! Is it worth it? You make the call, I suppose, but it means that the 40-ton Scapha moves at the kind of speeds that used to be the territory of Savannah  Masters and Gabriels alone. 11/17, even in the Dark Age, is respectable stuff, meaning this is a VERY hard target to hit. This author has long held that upgrading from a standard engine to an XL on a Battlemech is worth it IF the cost and vulnerability really improves the machine in ways that just aren't possible otherwise- and the same holds here. Flat out, this vehicle can't be accomplished anywhere near what it is with an XL opposed to the XXL- so while it's expensive, it's also the core of the unit. Your opinion may vary- to me, it's tough to look at this unit and say 'worth it'.

A platoon of Condors? Condors are 1.2 mil and Drillson's are 2.54 mil while Scaphas are 42.1 mill, a battalion is more like it. That said despite the Scapha having the biggest engine of the 3, it's also the slowest. Must the lack of the higher suspension factor.

As for putting XL engines in things, vehicles lack the crit space issues of 'Mechs


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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #26 on: 17 November 2014, 19:24:09 »
Believe it or not, I'm actually quite aware of how XL engines work in vehicles. I never said a word in the article about critical space- only COST. As for the price of Condors, it's a throwaway line and nothing more.

Begging it as an honest favor, if you're not going to contribute anything more than nitpicking, please save it. If you're going to join the discussion, please go right ahead.
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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #27 on: 17 November 2014, 19:33:15 »
I imagine troopers certified to ride Scapha Js are a rare and elite lot. They can make people of all genders and persuasions swoon just by flashing their certification. They have their own secret societies and clubs. Their secret greeting to each other is "You have my pity."

Or: "hold on, hold tight! First to fight!" ?

Funny how mechwarriors used to be the elite of the universe. Pfft, you're not elite until you've hung to a hovercraft doing 160km/h over water while under fire

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #28 on: 17 November 2014, 20:39:17 »
This is a fascinating vehicle, with so many options to choose from.  Admittedly, I'm not fan of the TSEMP Cannon, specially enlight of the double jeopardy to the C3 Master.  It's too much of a risk of it not going off and come up useful.

Only thing I do see is the cost of the engine, but i really haven't been in games where cost per unit is really factor.  If it weren't not for builder programs or good old fashion pencil or paper, cost won't come into play unless your hardcoring a merc campaign with stolen Scapha.  Are the XXLs still as expensive or more so factions in Dark Age verse the Jihad when they were experimental verse advanced technology in late Republic Era?

Personally, I wish since the Republic has access to Clan technology, they they could have included some configs that had them such as Streak LRMs or least Clan LRMs unless the tonnage was too much for it.  SRM boat would have been cool too, but its too expensive for this thing to get up and risk it all in all-for-nothing situation when you have JES-I (3082) to do the dirty work for you.

Thanks again JadeHellbringer for your insightful article and all research you do review these units your asked to uncover for the rest of us!

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Re: VotW: Scapha Hovertank
« Reply #29 on: 17 November 2014, 20:57:53 »
My main beef with the Scapha I is that the TSEMP drives the BV through the roof. The best part of putting the C3 Master in a vehicle is making it cheap, and thus easier to build a network within a given budget. The Skulker is a perfect example of this, but the Scapha goes in the exact opposite direction.

Shame, as the ability to build a cheap-ish all-hover C3 network could be devastating.
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