Author Topic: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro  (Read 9126 times)


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'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« on: 13 March 2015, 02:03:04 »
SH-** Shiro
75-ton Inner Sphere BattleMech
Source: Technical Readout 3145: Draconis Combine

"Snicker-snack. Kill all FedSuns. Snicker-snack."

This week we're discussing the largest of the Combine's Three Billy 'Mechs Stabby, the Shiro. The Shiro is manufactured on Luthien and distributed to those warriors who catch the attention of the Combine's warlords, but it comes in two very different flavors. The SH-2P probably lives up to its status as a prestige unit. Being given an SH-1V Shiro, on the other hand, is somewhat akin to receiving a "Get Well Soon" card when you're not actually ill; you know they're thinking of you, and the sentiment sounds positive, but it might not actually be positive at all.

That sounds dire. Start with the basics?

Thankfully, the variants are pretty similar in a lot of respects. 75 tons, 375 XL fusion engine, Endo-Steel structure, XL gyro, all available actuators. That's a lot of weight-saving tech, which would bother me a lot, except you know what it spends all that tonnage on?

Guns? Please say guns. I hope it's guns.

Hmm, not really. Armor! The SH-1V mounts twenty-one tons of hardened armor, giving it almost thirty more points than the maximum for hundred-ton 'Mech. The SH-2P is no slouch either, with nineteen and a half tons of the Combine's new Ballistic-Reinforced plate. That gives it even better protection than the SH-1V against missiles and ballistic weapons, at the expense of "only" having the maximum protection for a seventy-five-tonner against energy weapons. Oh, and for added protection, the SH-1V has Guardian ECM.

Basically, the Shiro compensates for its soft, soft internals (XL Engine, XL Gyro, no CASE) with outrageously durable externals. Whether or not this is a good trade is hard to evaluate, but it does mean that it's very difficult to quickly degrade a Shiro's capabilities with a few big hits. An SH-1V can take two improved Heavy Gauss hits to the center torso without losing all the armor, and the SH-2P only takes one point of internal damage after three. So, the Shiro gains additional protection from its allies simply by usually being a less immediately profitable use of firepower.

Okay, but what about guns?

Yes, well, some sacrifices had to be made. Again, let's start with what they have in common.

Both variants mount a sword in the right arm. Ordinarily I'm not a big fan of swords, with their limited damage, but I think it's appropriate here. It only does nine points of damage, but it does so with a -2 to-hit modifier. As Shiros are given to some of the most distinguished of the Combine's soldiers, Doloires to Donars the guy in the Shiro is some kind of VIP. A VIP, and therefore a juicy target for fast backstabby units like the Federated Suns' new Prey Seekers and Gunsmiths. The SH-1V in particular is exactly the sort of prey the Prey Seeker's re-engineered lasers seek. However, even at nine points the sword will cause horrific problems for the Gunsmith or Hollander III (which are armored with reflective plate and take double damage), or the Prey Seeker (which is armored with hope and cellophane), and at -2 it will have a much easier time hitting fast targets. 

Both variants also mount a quartet of Clan LRM-10s, two to a torso. As far as the IS is concerned, these things are basically magic. Long range, no minimum, decent damage for their mass, tolerable heat. Splitting them into four tens instead of two twenties runs a little hotter, but reduces AMS effectiveness and gives you more control over ammunition usage. That control over ammunition is often invaluable because neither Shiro mounts enough of it. A mere three tons gives you only nine turns of fire from all four launchers. Enough to mess an enemy up, but really only enough to mess an enemy up. On the bright side, once they're all gone, you don't have to worry about them exploding!

The SH-IV also mounts an LB-2X in the left arm with a ton of ammo. I'll be charitable and say that that's one of the best AC-2s it could have mounted. Good against flying stuff, nice for fishing for crits against conventional vehicles, long range. It just, y'know, doesn't really do any damage. It has five times the ammo longevity of the LRMs, at least, so it can not really do any damage for a good long while. Of course, that means there's ammo to explode on an unCASEd 'Mech, even after the LRMs are gone. It's not that big a deal, though, since getting to heat levels where that's dangerous requires engine hits and a lot of external heat, and eighteen points of hardened armor should give you plenty of warning to dump ammo before it goes internal.

The SH-2P, on the other hand, mounts a Clan ER PPC, three more heat sinks, and a coolant pod. The coolant pod is mildly infuriating at first glance because it could have been a fourth ton of LRM ammo, but in practice the SH-2P has better ammo longevity because firing all four LRM-10s with the ER PPC (which you should really always be firing) will heat it up fast. The coolant pod helps in case you really need something dead Right Now, or if some jerk Infernos you after you fire all or most of your guns (ammo explosions being Game Over).

Well, that sounds...alright. What do I do with it?

It all depends on what variant you have. Contrary to what I said at the beginning, I think receipt of an SH-1V is supposed to imply that the DCMS Powers That Be like you enough that they want you alive, and would prefer that you not take insane risks. It's extremely durable, and promotes a degree of caution in its application. Contrary to the implications of the Shiro's aesthetics, honor and bushido are inappropriate for SH-1V MechWarriors. At 5/7 it's fast enough to get around but not fast enough to encourage wild flanking maneuvers. It should rely on its allies to open holes in enemies so it can crit-seek with the LB-X and LRMs, and it should probably retire from the battlefield once the LRMs run dry. Basically, it's a 'Mech for people who need to be at a fight, but not really so much in the fight. If you have the option, try to emphasize piloting skill over gunnery in your SH-1V MechWarriors. The LRMs will be gone quickly either way, and LB-2Xs only do a point or two less damage if you miss. However, high piloting skill will enhance your ability to swat fast 'Mechs with the sword, compensate for the PSR penalty from hardened armor, and reduce the likelihood of pilot damage from falls.

Being given an SH-2P, on the other hand, says something more along the lines of "we have noticed that you are proficient at killing things, and we would like you to kill lots more things in the future." The Clan PPC is essentially an infinite-ammo Gauss Rifle, and should be used mercilessly. Unlike the SH-1V, it can open its own holes for the LRMs. You still don't have that many of them, so you should probably wait for good TNs, but if you have a nice shot, remember that the coolant pod gives you some extra leeway on the heat scale. The SH-2P still isn't the most optimized design, but it can do a lot of damage, it's fast enough to get around, and it's extraordinarily difficult to kill outright. Try to get in the face of the enemy's ballistic- and missile-heavy units and dare them to shoot you. As much as possible, you want to use your armor blocking gauss rifles and LRMs, not lasers and PPCs.

I am a brave Player Character of the Federated Suns (or the Rasalhague Dominion, or the Raven Alliance). How do I blow it up?

The first question you should ask yourself when fighting a Shiro is "can I just ignore it?" If you are fighting an SH-2P, the answer is pretty much "no." On the other hand, the SH-1V is often not an immediate threat unless you have a stuff with holes in the armor. If your stuff is still in good shape, you should probably just shoot at other stuff and let it use up its LRMs on your armor instead of your internals.

If, for whatever reason, you do have to fight a Shiro, shooting it a bunch is probably not the best way to go. It has a stupendous amount of armor and the firepower you need to get through it is rarely worth it for the firepower you'd be taking off the other side of the board. Fortunately, you have a few better options:

First and most obvious is using re-engineered lasers. If you happen to have had the dubious fortune of receiving a unit with them, then by all means point them at the SH-1V. They'll be a lot more efficient pointed at hardened armor than almost anything else. If you can, get around behind the Shiro, since a medium re-laser will punch through rear side torso armor and a large will go through the rear center torso. Once the armor is gone, the SH-1V has very little in the way of crit-padding unless the LRMs have dried up, so even a few re-laser hits will make it extremely wary of anything with SRMs or LB-Xs.

Of course, SRMs and LB-Xs are our second good way of killing it. Or, rather, killing the pilot. After all, hardened armor doesn't do a thing to protect the MechWarrior from pilot damage, so a head hit is a head hit and that means a consciousness roll. Also, hardened armor makes through-armor criticals much less likely (10+ instead of 8+), but it doesn't make them impossible, so you may get lucky there as well while fishing for head hits. If you go this route, make sure to do at least twenty damage each round and get some kicks in if you can brave the sword. You want them making PSRs with the hardened armor penalty. The Shiro may have one of the lowest ratios of fall damage to total armor in the entire game, but any fall means a pilot damage roll, and maybe even more pilot damage. Ultimately, you want to be able to salvage the thing with a replacement MechWarrior and a hose.

Option number three is external heat sources. Plasma weapons, flamers, Infernos, etc. The SH-1V only has the base ten heat sinks, so if you can deal the maximum 15 external heat, you cut its already meager firepower down by about three-quarters. If nothing else, that takes it from "probably just ignore it" to "definitely just ignore it" territory. IS plasma rifles also do a fair amount of damage on their own, so eventually they'll wear the SH-1V down, but you still may want to return to options one or two to actually kill the thing. Or, just wait until all the other enemies are dead and kill it with all your remaining firepower. Point is, external heat is just short of an off switch for the SH-1V.

Killing the SH-2P is pretty similar, actually. Any kind of energy weapon will suffice, not just re-lasers. The SH-2P has a higher absolute number of points of armor, but you'll still want to use energy as much as possible. SRMs will have their damage halved, but they still crit-seek just fine (and do full damage against internals). LB-X pellets are even better, since Ballistic-Reinforced armor doesn't actually reduce their damage. With three extra heat sinks, external heat won't reduce the SH-2P's firepower quite so entirely, but it should make firing the ER PPC a dicey proposition, and that's a pretty big deal. Do yourself a favor and try not to use ballistics or missiles against it. Seven-point gauss hits and two-point LRM clusters are just depressing.

Wow, yeah. Plasma and LB-X it is.

The Federated Suns have a pretty good selection of designs that work against either Shiro. The Omni-Centurion has some LB-X and plasma rifle configurations that might prove useful, and the TLR2-OD Templar III is basically built for Shiro-hunting. The Silver Bullet Gauss rifles on the Challenger XV tanks are essentially LB-15Xs, although the rest of their arsenal will suffer against an SH-2P.

The Rasalhague Dominion and Raven Alliance don't have a lot in the way of specialized solutions and will probably have to beat Shiros will sheer technological superiority. Woe is them. That said, there's some pretty SRM- or SSRM-heavy Vulture IIIs, and the Deimos and Karhu have configs with a lot of energy weapons, plus the double LB-10Xs on the Deimos A and the plasma cannon on the Karhu Prime. Oh, and the Dark Crow 2 has a pair of LB-5Xs, but it also has a targeting computer with LB-Xs, so using it is technically a sin.

Alright, anything else?

No, that about covers it. The Shiro is a 'Mech for impressive people, but not necessarily for the best MechWarriors. Nevertheless, the MechWarrior in the Shiro will probably die last or not at all, through skill and courage or just by being more armored than threatening.
« Last Edit: 13 March 2015, 09:37:53 by Diplominator »

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #1 on: 13 March 2015, 03:50:43 »
In addition to SRMs in general, I would suggest Tandem charged SRMs in particular, should your game permit them. Though they lose their critical hit potential against hardened armor, they also treat it as standard armor, effectively doing twice the damage. The same applies to armor piercing autocannon rounds, but they're harder to employ. While Tandem Charged SRMs will almost always get the job done one way or another, if you happen to run across the wrong Shiro you're going to find your standard ACs a whole lot less threatening, AP or not.

Though a Shiro shattering like glass before a rusty old militia Cyclops or Demolisher is a sight to savor.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #2 on: 13 March 2015, 03:52:01 »
Excellent write up, it's an intimidating machine but you've dissected it very well, strengths and weaknesses both.

That LB-2 always bothered me, and I figure they kept it in because it's a DA immigrant, but on a prestige ride it's hard to justify when there are so many more efficient weapons to put there, but honestly the lack of CASE of any sort bothers me more. Still, nice to see that it has a vulnerability of some sort at least.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #3 on: 13 March 2015, 04:31:26 »
Great writeup!

Given that the Shiro having an AC of some sort is a must, I would personally have preferred a LAC-5 and CASE. Not that big an advantage and heaps more useful than... this. Oh well. I can imagine berserker charges of Shiros flushing all their LRMs and then dumping LBX ammo to go full melee on opponents.

 Seems like the AFFS should stock up on AMS as well as TC SRMs.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #4 on: 13 March 2015, 06:28:23 »
IMO the LB2x is just a flashy, loud target designator. If the commander uses it to plink your 'Mech be aware more nasty things from other sources will follow.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #5 on: 13 March 2015, 06:40:17 »
IMO the LB2x is just a flashy, loud target designator. If the commander uses it to plink your 'Mech be aware more nasty things from other sources will follow.

Ahh you have as poor a view of low caliber AC's as I do.  I suppose you could use it to plink and basically see if you are within range for a missile salvo but yeah, its a loud door dinger otherwise.  A great review and dissection of the deeply physically impressive looking mech, you took it apart well and highlighted its strengths and weaknesses very well indeed!
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #6 on: 13 March 2015, 06:59:18 »
Shiro and it's little Draconis Combine kin's batch of bushido style Mechs aren't bad machines.  I've only used them in MegaMek so far, frankly i'm glad it's doing math on the armor.

Tough,  unload on your enemy face as they run in your face machines.  That's what they are.  Sure their flaw, Shiro may have soft inners, but it Battletech. They're suppose to be have flaw some kind for the pilot work with.  Lack of weapons is on WizKids fault, really was.  Their dials don't reflect necessities of tactical table top game we come to love with it's crunchiness with numbers and filling in dots.  The volunteers and CGL crew made good out of what seemed to be bad wizkid work.  Now I'm not saying they were all bad, but so few weapons looking at the mech and vehicle they came up with is maddening.

Shiro is flavor machine, it's Draconis Combine Dark Age era version of a clan totem mech.  Dragon was yesterday, this thing and it's smaller cousins are for today's Combine.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #7 on: 13 March 2015, 07:56:28 »
I kinda like the Draconis Combine totem mechs (as i call them). To the point of attempting to make an assault mech with similar concepts but frankly it failed pretty badly. (Gotta try again.)

The Shiro and its kin have character. Thick outer shell but fragile internals. Fun combination, at least fun design, IMO.

A shame it has such limited weapons. Especially the autocannon in the arm, it is visually striking... unfortunately that's about the only striking it does.
It isn't like there are many options, RL10s instead of LRM10s would free some tonnage to upgrade the autocannon but that might not be a terribly good trade. Having LB-5X at least would be nice, stripping the ECM and some armor would do the trick, or just removing some armor. A bit more ammo for the LRMs would be appreciated as well.
I don't care for the prestige variant. CERPPC? Sigh... that thing makes anything good or at least useful. Boring. Now Heavy PPC would be nice. Heavy PPC. It sounds good, unlike the Clan ERPPC. A shame it pales in comparison. Makes sense in-universe, of course.

I see no mentions about the Hardened armor speed penalty and piloting penalty? The Shiro is an interesting case of a 5/7 mech.
Somehow i'd expect these to be disliked things, given how the small cockpit seems to get picked at every opportunity (of course, the small cockpit doesn't provide much in trade, only one measly ton and critical space).


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #8 on: 13 March 2015, 08:34:32 »
the LBX doesn't bother me honestly.. those LRM's are it's main firepower both at range up close. the LBX, to me, seems like a weapon added to make a bit more flexable vs hovercraft, aerofighters, WIGE's and other faster moving but comparatively fragile units that you really don't want to let get close.. but also wouldn't want to use the LRM's on until you have good to hit numbers.

an LBX (especially with cluster) might not do much damage, but it can certainly reach out and touch said units.. and with those, just being able to get a hit in at all has a good chance of causing the target to mess itself up with mobility loss and control rolls.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #9 on: 13 March 2015, 09:33:40 »
The weapons on the 2P are solid and it's pretty tough to kill.  I like the sword.

It's not a long range fighter though, stand by.  See it's LRM's are for good medium to close shots.  I use the Timberwolf prime the same way.  You use the long range energy gun to plink (in this case it's a big plink) or look for golden BB's (in this case a 15 point BB).  You save the LRMs for the softened target.  You put a couple 15 point holes in a mech it becomes pretty vulnerable.  Then you start chiping away with 8x5 pointers and that's trouble.  Once you get close that 9 point sword is much more likely to take down an opponent if it's softened up.

It's pretty solid for a 75 Conner in the era.  It does things a little differently and takes some finesse.  But that's always fun to play.

Oh, the first one is good up until the LB2X.  No, just no.  That space and tonnage should go to a good head capping big gun.  Even if it costs a little armor, it has armor to spare.  Wouldn't be too hard to get something else on there, or drop it all together for more ammo or bigger launchers.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #10 on: 13 March 2015, 09:38:57 »
I didn't notice the small cockpit. That makes the LBX even more egregious really. I'd have traded Small cockpit for CASE, as i don't think its that bad, but for another ton of LBX TWO! ammo... ugh

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #11 on: 13 March 2015, 09:55:59 »
IMO the LB2x is just a flashy, loud target designator. If the commander uses it to plink your 'Mech be aware more nasty things from other sources will follow.

Yeah... until the enemy deploys a VTOL or a WiGE. Then the LBX2 is seen under another light. I immobilized a WiGE with just one shot.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #12 on: 13 March 2015, 10:15:04 »
Great article; underlines a lot of problems the Shiro has but also highlights how to properly get the best out of it.

I don't think the lack of CASE is a huge issue, considering how fragile the Shiro's insides are already. I think it (along with the Roku and Hito) should pull back once weapons fire starts going internal anyway, and the hardened armor does help against stray TACs hitting the ammo bins.

I didn't notice the small cockpit. That makes the LBX even more egregious really. I'd have traded Small cockpit for CASE, as i don't think its that bad, but for another ton of LBX TWO! ammo... ugh

It doesn't have one, I think the earlier post was contrasting the amount of hate small cockpits get with the lack of hate hardened armor seems to get in return.

If there's one thing I think the Shiro suffers from, it's comparison with larger, badder 'Mechs. Kind of like the Atlas III; they both have niche roles, but comparison with standard sluggers makes them look lackluster. Doesn't mean that the Shiro is the best 'Mech around (I'm not a huge fan of it one way or another), but it's certainly got its uses.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #13 on: 13 March 2015, 10:51:36 »
It doesn't have one, I think the earlier post was contrasting the amount of hate small cockpits get with the lack of hate hardened armor seems to get in return.
Exactly what i meant.
Combining Hardened with a small cockpit (or torso-mounted one) is just asking for trouble (at least so i gathered from Stalker II comments), but one alone doesn't seem to be an issue. To me. On paper. I admit i have no experience using mechs with built-in PSR penalty.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #14 on: 13 March 2015, 10:57:42 »
Exactly what i meant.
Combining Hardened with a small cockpit (or torso-mounted one) is just asking for trouble (at least so i gathered from Stalker II comments), but one alone doesn't seem to be an issue. To me. On paper. I admit i have no experience using mechs with built-in PSR penalty.

It does increase the odds of bad stuff happening by 16.67%...a standard 20-damage PSR goes from 6 up to 7 for a 'Mech like the Shiro, which makes forcing PSRs on it a lot smarter than it can already be.

Then you've got stuff like the Stalker II, where that goes up to 8 and you've got a better chance of failing than you do passing it. Mechs like those should basically be hull down as much as possible.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #15 on: 13 March 2015, 12:03:34 »
It's a good fire support mech and has allot more follow through than the Mauler. It needs to be teamed up with a whole puncher like the Hitotsume Kozo to be real threat but when do you ever field a fire support mech without someone to support?  ;)

While I'm not a fan of the LB-2X on the standard variety, the alternative variant with the Clan ER PPC makes it easy to forget about.   

More or less, use it like Adam Steiner in his Axman...Yes, I just referenced a Steiner Mechwarrior for a DC mech. LRMs and a sword, who else should I look to as a example?  O0
« Last Edit: 13 March 2015, 12:08:43 by SteelRaven »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #16 on: 13 March 2015, 13:47:43 »
If there's one thing I think the Shiro suffers from, it's comparison with larger, badder 'Mechs. Kind of like the Atlas III; they both have niche roles, but comparison with standard sluggers makes them look lackluster. Doesn't mean that the Shiro is the best 'Mech around (I'm not a huge fan of it one way or another), but it's certainly got its uses.

Command mech.  Fast enough to avoid heavy hitters.  Tough enough to survive an ambush.  Cushioned against the perils of the golden BB.  Armed to contribute to the battlefield in a non confrontational way.  The Shiro is not for taking threats head on.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #17 on: 13 March 2015, 14:06:46 »
I dunno. I want to like the design, it just seems...confused, like its not quite sure what its supposed to be doing. Staying back? Rushing forward to take advantage of its hatchet? Providing support? Rushing in to take advantage of its lack of minimum ranges on its LRMs? And yes. I know the answer to the above questions can be "Any and all, depending on circumstances." It just seems confused to me.

And if you're going to go with the LB-2X on the prestigious design, why not just bite the bullet and give it a Clantech LB-2X? I don't think anyone's going to scream about it being munchy, and you save a ton, which you can either use to give it another ton of LRM ammo, or use CASE II to protect the ammo that you have.

The 2P is interesting, and the lack of downsides (other than points per ton) on the new armor type seems like it would be a boost, but I'm not quite sold on it just yet, although being able to survive a GR shot to the head (atleast, IIRC the rules right), does make me sit up a bit and take notice.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #18 on: 13 March 2015, 16:22:37 »
Every second time you hit it the Shiro will fall over. Kill its mobility and let your BA finish the job (BA love those who can't run away) with leg attacks (I can't believe I just recommended BA physical attacks).

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #19 on: 13 March 2015, 16:47:33 »
Every second time you hit it the Shiro will fall over. Kill its mobility and let your BA finish the job (BA love those who can't run away) with leg attacks (I can't believe I just recommended BA physical attacks).

 >:D Its a good tactic. I'v had to fight enough of them i go with the LBX/SRM swarm while calling shots if i can.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #20 on: 13 March 2015, 18:38:13 »
Every second time you hit it the Shiro will fall over. Kill its mobility and let your BA finish the job (BA love those who can't run away) with leg attacks (I can't believe I just recommended BA physical attacks).

Shiro pilots are a cut above the farmboys they fight in the FedSuns and LyrCom:

Quote from: TRO3145
All Shiro pilots are required to have one Combine honor bestowed upon them, the most common being the Bushido Blade.

A 4/4 or better pilot is to be expected.  At least if you're doing it as intended.

And BA?  Hope you role high on your TAC chance.  Meanwhile, Cavaliers and other IS Elemental types (barring Amazons) are going to love that sword.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #21 on: 14 March 2015, 12:56:13 »
It does increase the odds of bad stuff happening by 16.67%...a standard 20-damage PSR goes from 6 up to 7 for a 'Mech like the Shiro, which makes forcing PSRs on it a lot smarter than it can already be.

Then you've got stuff like the Stalker II, where that goes up to 8 and you've got a better chance of failing than you do passing it. Mechs like those should basically be hull down as much as possible.

And that's with TW rules ---- under TO, at least the Shiro has arms, to get up with..... using the quirks, the Stalker II has even more penalties.
I've used the LBX variant, once, so far, and while it didn't do badly, it did seem to lack .... something..... although I agree, going with a Clan PPC is kind of Meh, for the variant, and more or less guarantees the variant will probably see more table time, than the primary will.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #22 on: 14 March 2015, 14:19:36 »
It's a good fire support mech and has allot more follow through than the Mauler. It needs to be teamed up with a whole puncher like the Hitotsume Kozo to be real threat but when do you ever field a fire support mech without someone to support?  ;)

While I'm not a fan of the LB-2X on the standard variety, the alternative variant with the Clan ER PPC makes it easy to forget about.   

More or less, use it like Adam Steiner in his Axman...Yes, I just referenced a Steiner Mechwarrior for a DC mech. LRMs and a sword, who else should I look to as a example?  O0
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #23 on: 14 March 2015, 19:02:35 »
The -B3 Berserker?
It doesn't have a notable pilot as of yet ;)

Was trying to say it was built for range. Adam usually used hit and fade tactics while working with faster mechs and it's a good way to use the Shiro.   
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: SH-** Shiro
« Reply #24 on: 15 March 2015, 13:35:12 »
I'd just use the 2P to hammer someone as I close.  I'm not talking full bum rush, be smart.  But you can afford to take some hits and move up as you move into closer range.  The ultimate goal is a very soft opponent at 1 hex where you can deliver 40 missiles and a whack with that sword for a certain kill.  Someone said it before, you have enough armor and ammo to definitely do it once.   A second use of the tactic may not work.  But if that other guy has a Dire Wolf or some other slow high priority assault this is not a bad way to get rid of it without sending one of your own assaults.

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