Author Topic: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III  (Read 11457 times)


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’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« on: 10 April 2015, 15:54:03 »
’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III

Rifleman III. Source of a legend of a company-killing BattleMech during the Liberation of Terra. At 90 tons, heaviest of the Rifleman series of designs. One of the myriad of super-weapons developed by Amaris and his regime.

Something that reminds me of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Mega-Weapons.

(Though does that make the Rifleman III the equivalent of the Maus tank, or the Matar?)

The Rifleman III comes to us via Experimental Technical Readout: Gunslingers.

Stephen Amaris appears to have realized how much he had bitten off late. With the SLDF bearing down on Terra and him, he initiated a slew of programs to come up with weapons that could fend off the coming juggernaut. Some worked better than others. But like Hitler’s before him, few were ready in time to provide more than a speedbump, if that. Amaris also seems to have ended up with Hitler’s habit of interfering with the designs as they were being created.

Other programs were simply overwhelmed by what was asked of them. The Rifleman III is one such program. When trying to create a machine capable of taking out large numbers of others, something has to give. And frankly, putting resources into so many different programs also meant that almost all didn’t get the resources they needed to be brought to fulfillment.

The design process for the RF2-A Rifleman III started on New Year’s Day 2776. By the time it was ended, all Krupp Armaments had managed to produce was one prototype, which went forth and killed nine BattleMechs before succumbing to its wounds. Which, at least, means the legends about it hadn’t gotten too overblown.

The first thing that Krupp did was take a Rifleman or Rifleman II chassis and bulk it up to carry the added weight of the design. Since killing lots of foes quickly was the design paradigm, they chose to mount four Gauss Rifles for their killing power. And that’s where the challenges began to take their toll. They only managed to give the design two tons of ammunition, meaning a continuous Alpha Strike would expend the bins in four volleys.

Moreover, with the guns alone constituting two-thirds of the total weight of the design, movement speed was another casualty. Even using an extralight engine, the designers could only fit a 180-rated model, giving the design the speed profile of the slightly heavier Annihilator. The final victim was the armor loadout. Mounting a mere ten and a half tons of armor, the design is only at 60% of maximum protection (which, to be fair is on par for the classic RFL-3N Rifleman). The layout of the armor is in a 9, 31/8, 20/6, 16, 18 pattern. This means the legs have more internal structure than they do armor. These compromises lead to the design being more of an ambush predator, something helped by the addition of a Null Signature System, though that alone counts for the heat dissipation from the ten single-strength heat sinks.

The design process did leave a few interesting quirks. The targeting system has the ability to target multiple foes in the front arc with no penalties. Also the ammunition bins are streamlined in such a way as to allow for rapid reloading (though doing that under fire sounds like something you would send Harley Quinn to do).

The one and only battle that this design fought was near Geneva during the Liberation. Afterwards, the wreck was just left to be grown over, with even the SLDF not deeming it worthy of pulling its Battle-ROMs. And there it stayed until dug up by researchers during the early Republic period. Which, after reviewing, were turned over to the Republic’s bureaucracy. Where they may still languish. Krupp may also have records of this machine, but they aren’t telling.

The fact that no records of this machine were left in the Star League files makes one wonder if all such records went with the SLDF on their Exodus. There is the possibility that some who fought the Rifleman III may have used those experiences to influence the ANH-1G Annihilator, and later the Annihilator C 2. And then there was the semi-legendary Gausszilla. I also do wonder how this machine would have worked in a dueling setting.

Now this is the spot where I would tell you how I’d use the design. Thing is, there was only one, and I’m not sure I could have done better than that pilot, at least in that situation. At least he went down fighting. Now, if I could use it anywhere I liked, I would likely have placed it on some hill to provide sniper fire down at foes. The null signature system helps with the longer ranges (or more accurately, by messing up return fire). And depending of my whim in that fight, I would have rapid fired the Gausses and cooled down while reloading (definitely station an ammunition resupply truck or three near-by). Since I am mentioning friends, I would also get a few anti-air machines near-by as while I might knock a few of those birds out of the air, they are likely to do some serious damage to me. And all it would take is one critical to a Gauss to potentially rip my day in half.

Fighting one is a bit trickier. One way would be by using overwhelming force of numbers (arguably what the SLDF did). Consider that while the SLDF had Atlases and Atlas IIs, they also had other nasty assault ’Mechs, like Pillagers. And since the battle was in Geneva, likely the final push, the cream of the SLDF was almost certainly there, with some aerospace back-up. Frankly, keeping one’s losses down when fighting this thing is not going to be easy, so sometimes you have to let ’er rip. I will also note, that if the machine had been fighting anywhere outside a populated area, I would have considered artillery and ortillery to deal with him. Against more modern units, well, he’s a bit outclassed. And that’s before dealing in Clan monsters like Hellstars. Or for that matter, Gausszilla.

The Rifleman III was a legend from its one brush with history. That that brush was, in part, directed by Stephen Amaris likely has had the effect of making it forgotten for most of history. Outside of that one legend of a BattleMech which trashed a full company.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #1 on: 10 April 2015, 17:31:32 »
Fighting something like this, my first choice would be to get fast mechs with good close-range capabilities and ram them up its throat.  With its weak armor and sluggish movement, close range combat where it can't rely on its Null Sig would take it down quickly.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #2 on: 10 April 2015, 17:46:39 »
I wonder how encountering this felt for the SLDF forces.
I think it is safe to assume the Rifleman ambushed the SLDF attackers (i'd assume either some kind vanguard force or a scout company), probably hiding somewhere, in a building's shadow, or a forest. It is essentially invisible in heat sensors with the NSS engaged. The Gauss Rifles themselves probably don't reveal the position easily (going by novel descriptions of the Gauss Rifles, realistically they'd have neat plasma trails). Detecting it is difficult, and the SLDF forces were probably expecting resistance from typical Rim World forces.
The Rifleman's pilot is probably an elite pilot, considering he's driving a super-prototype mech, no green pilot would be given the mech for testing. He is a good shot, and waits for the perfect opening.
The first volley downs some SLDF mechs, and everyone's wondering "WTF just happened!?". Then another volley comes, crushing cockpits, snapping legs, etc. At that point, they probably finally spot the Rifleman and start their attack... but it is too late, and the next volley kills even more SLDF mechs.
The Rifleman will go down fast once it is spotted and focused on, it doesn't have much armor and it cannot run away.

If the pilot had been a Clanner, or fighting against Clanners, he'd get a line or two in The Remembrance, even if the mech was "dishonorable"... I doubt there have been any Trials were a MechWarrior has managed to down 9 enemies alone.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #3 on: 10 April 2015, 18:31:21 »
Another machine I've never head of before.
I imagine someone on centuries later finding this rotten old machine in the underbrush, possible with some bones still in the cockpit.
They should definitely revive this if they can, with clantech guns or maybe an SB, it could be a formidable AA platform or guntower.  ^-^
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #4 on: 10 April 2015, 18:37:55 »
Another machine I've never head of before.
I imagine someone on centuries later finding this rotten old machine in the underbrush, possible with some bones still in the cockpit.
They should definitely revive this if they can, with clantech guns or maybe an SB, it could be a formidable AA platform or guntower.  ^-^
In the Dark Age (since essentially all tech is available then, including the NSS and CLPS), one could do a terrifying mech while keeping the basic idea (will post mine to the fan mech forum), though it isn't ultimately terribly different from the Hellstar, which is quite similar even though it has no basis whatsoever in the Rifleman.

The Rifleman III is not particularly special mech, i think. Perhaps it could have been that in-universe, but it come too late in real world, in a way.
Though i cannot think of any other official "Gauzzillas" right now though.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #5 on: 10 April 2015, 18:59:46 »
Another machine I've never head of before.
I imagine someone on centuries later finding this rotten old machine in the underbrush, possible with some bones still in the cockpit.
They should definitely revive this if they can, with clantech guns or maybe an SB, it could be a formidable AA platform or guntower.  ^-^

In the Dark Age (since essentially all tech is available then, including the NSS and CLPS), one could do a terrifying mech while keeping the basic idea (will post mine to the fan mech forum), though it isn't ultimately terribly different from the Hellstar, which is quite similar even though it has no basis whatsoever in the Rifleman.
if they switched to clan Guass, you could at least get a decent # of shots.

that said.. you have ot wonder how the Rifleman III was supposed ot have been deployed.. had it been done in time to be deployed fully i mean. it's lack of ammo and speed really hinders it, and since this is before the age of the targeting computer, it's not like you can do called shots and make the most of your ammo.

honestly the Thunderhawk does a much better job of being a multi-guass platform.. the main thing the Rifleman III has going for it is stealth. but since Amaris didn't get Thunderhawks, i suspect the Rifleman III was his attempt to get his own 3+ guass platform.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #6 on: 10 April 2015, 19:10:41 »
if they switched to clan Guass, you could at least get a decent # of shots.
I managed to stuff 3 tons per gun. Among other things...
that said.. you have ot wonder how the Rifleman III was supposed ot have been deployed.. had it been done in time to be deployed fully i mean. it's lack of ammo and speed really hinders it, and since this is before the age of the targeting computer, it's not like you can do called shots and make the most of your ammo.
As it is, it was a mere prototype, me thinks. Probably wasn't intended to be used as it was really, just demonstrating the concept of "Gausszilla".
I could see it being refined, with CPLS being added and one cannon removed for additional armor, speed and ammo. Or something like that. Perhaps dual-Gauss, dual ERPPC? Or perhaps they would have developed completely new tech to make it better.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #7 on: 10 April 2015, 20:21:22 »
I would love to play this 'Mech in a double-blind game. Preferably against a company of Light/Medium 'Mechs with a few Heavies thrown in. Heavy Urban maps. Would definitely die, but would be fun to see how many 'Mechs you can take with you. Could even play that scenario multiple times, to see who in your group can get the highest kill count.

And with all this talk of "Gausszilla" guys do realize we have a canon "Gausszilla" right?

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #8 on: 10 April 2015, 20:35:14 »
The two tons of ammo give us two options:

Either the pilot was able to get about nine headshots, or he was able to reload in the middle of battle.

One option that suggests itself would be to use a modified version of handheld weapons rules to add extra detachable ammo to the back-inert Gauss rounds hanging outside the armor of the Mech wouldn't be a threat, and while you need to cut a hole in the Mech for the ammo to pass through, it might not be big enough to be a serious Achilles heel.  Deploying with an eight-ton extra ammo supply in some sort of backpack rig, it might have been able to achieve it's listed success.

The alternative of course is that the stated ammo weights and number of shots per ton are not at one with this fluff.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #9 on: 10 April 2015, 21:05:47 »
I'm pretty sure the text mentions mid battle reloads. I suspect that the SLDF, not being entirely sure what they were facing, may have backed off a couple of times, which would have bought the Rifleman and its support time to top off the bays.

For a modernized variant, what about light gauss?
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #10 on: 10 April 2015, 21:25:58 »
We already have the Varnisher.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #11 on: 10 April 2015, 22:01:03 »
We already have the Varnisher.

Yes, but not an irresponsibly slow stealth vanquisher.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #12 on: 10 April 2015, 22:36:32 »
When I first saw this one I thought it was scary, then saw the ammo bins, went "What? What? No?" Counted the number of shots, went "What? Huh? No?" Decided to calculate based on number of tons versus number of guns, somehow got a better number and decided that couldn't be right either. Read the fluff, calculated again and came up with a different number. That's when I found out that whatever had happened I couldn't do math anymore. That's how powerful this thing is!!! :))


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #13 on: 10 April 2015, 23:33:12 »
I can only imagine the Rifleman III hidden between buildings with a ammo truck park right behind it, killing individual mechs one by one and the ground crew reloading as fast as possible after each kill (which means it was acting like a turret more than anything else)

Considering the wreckage was found by archaeologists, even money the Rifleman III was buried by a artillery strike. After losing 9 mechs, no sense risking any more to kill one enemy that's out gunning your Kingcrab.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #14 on: 11 April 2015, 02:36:12 »
I can only imagine the Rifleman III hidden between buildings with a ammo truck park right behind it, killing individual mechs one by one and the ground crew reloading as fast as possible after each kill (which means it was acting like a turret more than anything else)

Considering the wreckage was found by archaeologists, even money the Rifleman III was buried by a artillery strike. After losing 9 mechs, no sense risking any more to kill one enemy that's out gunning your Kingcrab.

Thats what I was thinking, he's hidden in a building and there's an ammo truck nearby with reloads ready to go.  And it makes sense, first salvo kills one or two machines, the SLDF forces halt in confusion before another mech or two go down. Whilst they are looking for their unseen threat its then that the reload wagon slaps at least one tonne of ammo into the machine before having to disengage as the Rifleman III has to engage again as a scout gets close.  Once his locations found the remaining mechs try rush the position and call in arty, the rush don't work but the arty does, burying the Rifleman III its pilot and the ammo truck in the collapsing building.

Lovely write up on a unique machine Kotetsu :)
« Last Edit: 11 April 2015, 02:40:11 by marauder648 »
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #15 on: 11 April 2015, 15:12:03 »
In the Dark Age (since essentially all tech is available then, including the NSS and CLPS), one could do a terrifying mech while keeping the basic idea (will post mine to the fan mech forum), though it isn't ultimately terribly different from the Hellstar, which is quite similar even though it has no basis whatsoever in the Rifleman.

The Rifleman III is not particularly special mech, i think. Perhaps it could have been that in-universe, but it come too late in real world, in a way.
Though i cannot think of any other official "Gauzzillas" right now though.

There is an actual Gausszilla. Since I wrote an article on the Annihilator, you can check there. Do note the article is a bit... old.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #16 on: 11 April 2015, 16:17:57 »
There is an actual Gausszilla. Since I wrote an article on the Annihilator, you can check there. Do note the article is a bit... old.
I thought there was one but i wasn't sure, as i seem to recall a story about it being a joke originally.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #17 on: 11 April 2015, 18:05:22 »
I thought there was one but i wasn't sure, as i seem to recall a story about it being a joke originally.
It was kinda both;
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #18 on: 11 April 2015, 21:32:55 »
that said.. you have ot wonder how the Rifleman III was supposed ot have been deployed.. had it been done in time to be deployed fully i mean. it's lack of ammo and speed really hinders it, and since this is before the age of the targeting computer, it's not like you can do called shots and make the most of your ammo.

I see this as a defense sledgehammer.  You'd build a company around this, or assign one to it, and have it hiding nearby.  The Rifleman opens the party, aiming to do as much damage as it can, then while the survivors are reeling the supporting company jumps on them before they can recover. This also gives the Rifleman III time for a NASCAR style pitstop for more ammo.  Either for the next ambush or for dealing with reinforcements called in by previous fight.

Also consider that Amaris was like Hitler looking for quantitative edge.  This isn't the only project he wanted for a one mech 'company killer' design.  See the Matar for another attempt at one.  What he didn't seem to realize was that if such a design was practicable someone would have already made it.
« Last Edit: 11 April 2015, 23:19:19 by Nikas_Zekeval »


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #19 on: 15 April 2015, 21:35:53 »
Honestly, this could have been SO much better if they had just limited it to 2 Gauss & 2 LB10X.

That change makes room for Endo, 270XL, DHS, Ammo, ARMOR & suddenly you have a Ballistic Devastator with FLAK, Crit Hunting & no Minimums for the 18 hex guns.

Now THAT would have made for a sweet mech, IMHO.

Also, how did the prototype kill 9 mechs when it only has 4 reloads??
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #20 on: 15 April 2015, 21:50:47 »
Honestly, this could have been SO much better if they had just limited it to 2 Gauss & 2 LB10X.

That change makes room for Endo, 270XL, DHS, Ammo, ARMOR & suddenly you have a Ballistic Devastator with FLAK, Crit Hunting & no Minimums for the 18 hex guns.

Now THAT would have made for a sweet mech, IMHO.

Also, how did the prototype kill 9 mechs when it only has 4 reloads??

Headshots and/or lighter 'Mechs. Figure it to be sort of like the Jinggau's fluff stating that it can take on five or so 'Mechs with 16 shots before needing to reload.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #21 on: 15 April 2015, 22:08:56 »
I would guess that many of those mechs were already damaged when the Rifleman III opened fire on them.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #22 on: 15 April 2015, 22:14:52 »
Honestly, this could have been SO much better if they had just limited it to 2 Gauss & 2 LB10X.

That change makes room for Endo, 270XL, DHS, Ammo, ARMOR & suddenly you have a Ballistic Devastator with FLAK, Crit Hunting & no Minimums for the 18 hex guns.

Now THAT would have made for a sweet mech, IMHO.

Also, how did the prototype kill 9 mechs when it only has 4 reloads??

Don't we already have a 'Mech that carries that load out?

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #23 on: 15 April 2015, 22:24:40 »
I would guess that many of those mechs were already damaged when the Rifleman III opened fire on them.

That too. Damn, now I kinda wanna see a scenario based around that encounter.. Then again, it'll probably just end up looking like Aiden's Last Stand (crapton of Stingers) mixed in with some of the more ridiculous prior damage figures from The Dragon Roars.


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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #24 on: 15 April 2015, 22:43:38 »
Don't we already have a 'Mech that carries that load out?

There's an Annihilator variant with 2 HPPCs and 2 LB-10X, but none with two gauss and two LB-10Xs that I'm aware of.
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #25 on: 16 April 2015, 00:11:14 »
Headshots and/or lighter 'Mechs. Figure it to be sort of like the Jinggau's fluff stating that it can take on five or so 'Mechs with 16 shots before needing to reload.
5 Mechs = 3 Gauss rounds EACH & it has a boatload of Lasers to use.

RF3 = 16 Total Shots for 9 Mechs = Less than 2 Shots & No Backup lasers.

Hmm, Maybe it got to reload & it only died after 9 mechs because while it was getting re-loaded it wasn't getting repaired.
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
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"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #26 on: 16 April 2015, 01:22:23 »
Honestly, this could have been SO much better if they had just limited it to 2 Gauss & 2 LB10X.
This machine was never meant to be optimized. Like the Matar, the Rifleman III was simply putting as many guns on one mech as possible. If they have Two (Pillager) or Three (Thunder Hawk) Gauss Rifles on one mech, then we should have Four!

It's the same bad logic that went into Germany's Mouse super tank, intimidating but completely impractical.   

I'm sure somewhere in the rubbish bin, there was a variant with 4 AC/20s   
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #27 on: 16 April 2015, 06:03:14 »
Don't we already have a 'Mech that carries that load out?
Well, there's the Omega with 3/2, but that was a bit later.  ;)
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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #28 on: 16 April 2015, 16:27:33 »
Honestly, this could have been SO much better if they had just limited it to 2 Gauss & 2 LB10X.

That change makes room for Endo, 270XL, DHS, Ammo, ARMOR & suddenly you have a Ballistic Devastator with FLAK, Crit Hunting & no Minimums for the 18 hex guns.

Now THAT would have made for a sweet mech, IMHO.

But that would be so boring compared to what we got!
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: ’Mech of the Week: RF2-A Rifleman III
« Reply #29 on: 16 April 2015, 16:31:34 »
I disagree sir.  Boring would be if it had PPCs & MLs and it was basically a Devastator.
It still would be an all ammo/ballistic machine, just with 8/10 shots each so it wasn't totally gimped.
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo