Author Topic: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie  (Read 10771 times)


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Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« on: 30 April 2015, 23:27:01 »
(Because it's Friday somewhere!)

Come one, come all for what is the first in what I'm sure will be a very, very long running series.  I can't say I'll make every week, but I'll damn well try.  These articles will be slightly truncated from a normal 'Mech of the week article, on account of I'll only be tackling the Alpha Strike characteristics of a given 'Mech.  So, without further ado, let's get on to the main event.  This week, we'll be taking a look at the Mackie.  I've decided to start with the very first 'Mech ever introduced, and work from there chronologically in the setting.  Each 'Mech will bring its full complement of variants with it, so this article should still be pretty hefty!  It just won't be a full overview of every weapon and point of armor on every variant or configuration.

Every single one of these unit cards is on the Master Unit List for free, and I'll be linking them just before the respective variants.  That may render my analysis slightly redundant, but if you're really thinking that I doubt you'd be reading this article in the first place!  Anyway, onward:

We begin our journey in the ancient time of the Terran Hegemony and the very first BattleMech ever conceived or produced.  The Mackie MSK-6S trudged into action for the first time on February 5, 2439.  It was followed (or developed concurrently) by four additional variants and one unique example.  Taking a look at the card shown above, there are a number of things immediately apparent.  First, size 4 makes this an Assault 'Mech.  That's a good bit of physical attack power, outshining the weapons load at any range.  You do have to close to within one inch in order to make a physical attack, however, which brings us to our second observation.  This is not a fast 'Mech.  Six inches of movement is sloooooow, barely qualifying for a movement modifier at all and having serious trouble getting anywhere fast.  Combat in Alpha Strike is sped up by a factor of three, for all intents and purposes, but the movements remained the same.  Slow speed is felt comparatively more here than in regular BattleTech.  This also translates into a TMM of 1.  It's better than nothing, but that's about all.  That said, it's also pretty par for the course for the next 300 years, and then again for another 300 years after that where XL engines bring the movement curve up significantly.

Damage values of 3/3/1 are respectable for all time periods, and pretty damn impressive for the time it was introduced, when compared with some other things contemporary to the -6S.  One point of Long range damage may not seem like much, but the ability to respond at maximum range is never to be underestimated, and it means that your waddling terror will never be in a position that it can't respond to something shooting at it that's not artillery or indirect.  Lastly, the armor and structure are honestly pretty good.  As a 100 ton 'mech with a standard engine, the Mackie comes with eight points of structure.  This is a good amount, but in terms of absolute protection armor is worth more than structure, point for point, due to those nasty critical hit checks.  Seven points of armor suffers a bit for being primitive, not quite matching the structure in terms of protection.  This adds up to a total of 15 points A/S.  Combined with a +1 TMM, the Mackie is a sturdy, hard to put down lumbering Juggernaut – which is incidentally the AS role it's been assigned.  Juggernauts are essential to forming Assault Lances and Command Lances, which are where you're going to want your Mackies to end up.  They'll be able to outmaneuver most fortifications, but that's about it.

There's just one more thing noteworthy about this particular brand of the Mackie.  It has exactly zero specials.  This is actually pretty unusual.  Most things have something in that box, even if it's just ENE or CASE.  The Mackie enjoys no such advantages.  What you see is what you get.  At 37 points, you get a fair deal for what you pay for.  It's durable, it hits hard, it won't be hopelessly outgunned by something that can dictate the range at will, and it's definitely not the most expensive way to accomplish that.

The Mackie -6S was joined concurrently by the -5S.  Besides having much better TRO art, the -5S is very, very similar to the -6S.  They are effectively identical save for exactly three points of difference.  The Short and Long range damage values trade one point each.  The -5S's short is reduced to 2, and it's long range damage is increased to 2.  Due to the way points are calculated in Alpha Strike for raw damage dealt (short + [2*medium] +long), exactly nothing changes here, either.  Same medium range damage, but a much improved long range punch.  This is arguably something that the Mackie needed very badly.  A point of long range damage is good, but two points means it can effectively engage and outgun a good deal of its contemporaries in the long range game.  Long range “starts” at 18 hexes for all intents and purposes, which means several traditional main guns, such as AC/10s and Large Lasers, don't reach the distance required to do damage that far out.  More on how that works exactly later.  The third and last change on this variant of the Mackie is the role.  With the improved long range damage, the -5S becomes a Sniper.  Snipers are useful in Fire Lances and Command Lances – both good places to end up.  Mobility is hardly a major requirement for units of those types.  Due to the aforementioned damage swap, the PV for this model is also 37 – and you're arguably getting a better deal for what you pay for.  Long range damage counts for a lot.  Losing the Juggernaut type hurts, though, if you're trying to make an Assault Lance, so this is actually a case of which you want more.

The third variant of Mackie didn't appear for another 31 years.  Those 31 years were well spent.  The MSK-7A is a head and shoulders improvement in every way over the -6S.  The transition from primitive to what we know as standard tech certainly helped.  Starting off, the movement stays the same.  Six inches, +1 TMM.  I mentioned that's pretty standard, and it's going to stay that way.  The armor is where we see the first real improvement.  The older Mackies featured 7 points of armor and 15 points of total A/S.  The -7A ups the ante, and brings three more points of armor – in BT terms that's between 80 and 90 points of additional protection.  This brings the armor total to an even 10, and the A/S combined total to 18.  At this point the MSK-7A fully matches the AS7-D Atlas for total protection.

The weapons suite is also improved.  Compared to the -6S, the -7A gains a point in the medium range damage category, and also gains the first instance of the ability to overheat we've seen.  With an OV of 1, the -7A is capable of gaining a point of heat in order to add a point of damage at either short or medium range.  That's a pretty powerful ability.  In Alpha Strike, distinct from BT, removing a unit from the field is immensely important.  Critical hits and lost body parts don't accumulate to nearly the same extent, and lost combat capability racks up slowly.  Taking a unit out instead of leaving it with one point left is another turn of shooting you don't have to spend on it, and another turn of shooting it doesn't get back at you.  That's a pretty big deal.

Also of note, the -7A gains the first example of a Special so far.  With AC1/1/-, this version of the Mackie can choose, instead of firing a normal attack, to use alternate ammunition.  That can be important, with Flak and Precision ammo coming at basically no cost to use.  Flak ammo is particularly useful against VTOLs, ASFs, and WiGEs, making any attack made against them much easier to hit.  Precision ammo also makes shots against faster targets more damaging – a departure from BT, where they influence the to-hit roll.  That's true pretty much across the board.  Weapons that increase accuracy translate directly to doing more damage in Alpha Strike, but the accuracy remains unchanged.  It's an interesting way of handling it, but I think Alpha Strike is stronger for it.

The MSK-7A also returns to the Juggernaut role.  At 47 points, it's an expensive taker, but it does the damage to justify the points cost, especially for the era.  With the improved armor it's also as sturdy as anything that came out in the next 600 years.  Use it to your heart's content as the anchor of a line that needs to not go anywhere, either from maneuver or from enemy fire, for a good long while.

The MSK-8B is more of the same.  More than most other 'Mechs, the Mackie sees nothing but improvement in Alpha Strike as you go down the timeline.  The -8B gains single points of damage at short and long range, leaving medium at a healthy four.  This accounts for the entire points increase up to 49.  The only other notable thing about the -8B that differentiates it from the -7A is the presence of CASE in the specials.  This marks the first appearance of that particular special, and raises another interesting idiosyncrasy of the Alpha Strike conversion system.  The points cost increase from the -7A is already made up from the damage increases.  The armor stays the same, the AC1/1/- stays the same.  Movement doesn't change.  The only remaining conclusion is that CASE is not valued in the Alpha Strike system at all.  The in-game effect is so insignificant that it's not even a single point.  Chalk up another major difference from the base game.  The funnier thing is that this bears out in gameplay.  Ammunition critical hits happen exactly 1/36 times on a critical hit roll against the internal structure.  Against most variants of Mackie, over half the time there will be no check during damage at all, and the other less than half of the time you're looking at a fairly insignificant (but still present) chance to lose the unit to an ammunition explosion.  I play a good deal of Alpha Strike with a wide variety of units, and so far through easily a dozen and a half games I've seen an ammo crit come up exactly twice.  Both times it was prevented from destroying the 'Mech by CASE, but since there's otherwise very little benefit to it in the scale, when designing a 'Mech yourself for use, CASE can be pretty safely ignored for that little bit of extra equipment you might need.

As a final verdict on the -8B, it's a pretty damn good 'Mech.  You get what you pay for, and 4/4/2 with 18 points of A/S is pretty hefty all around.  An OV of 1 lets you pump up the damage when you absolutely need it or the 'Mech is going down in a blaze of glory anyway (more on how that works in another article).  You're still pretty light on the specials for a 100 tonner, and just as slow as every other Mackie ever made.  It's termed a Juggernaut for a reason.  Use it like one.

And last but not least on this wild first foray into Alpha Strike units, the Mackie MSK-9H.  Here we get our very first taste of something worth serious points that's not immediately evident on the card why.  Compared to the -8B, the -9H looks to be nearly identical in every way – except for one point of short range damage removed.  But the points went up!  A quick look into the special list tells us exactly why.  Next to the AC1/1/- and CASE from the -9B, we also have brand new entries PRB and RCN.  These are very valuable specials to anyone who intends to do more than march at the enemy and shoot until one side falls over.  PRB represents an active probe somewhere on the 'Mech, and RCN generally comes with it.  Sometimes you can find RCN on a unit without PRB, but they're few and far between.  PRB allows you to spot hidden units.  Sorta useful, but with the Mackie's slow speed coupled with the relatively short range of the PRB effect (six inches), it's pretty situational.  What shines, though, is RCN.

Hold on a second, this will take a good deal of explaining, and delving into some optional rules while we're at it.  The centerpiece of why RCN is so good (and so expensive; two points by itself, one point for the PRB that brings it along) is Battlefield Intelligence.  This optional set of rules allows opposing units to compete with initiative bonuses representing knowledge of terrain, enemy forces, and also command and control or communications equipment on the field.  It is, in the abstract, the ability of a force to respond and react to another force more efficiently than that opposing force can do the same.  RCN is a huge part of that.  There are exactly three ways to earn initiative bonuses under Battlefield Intelligence.  Two of these deal with the MHQ# ability, which we'll eventually get to see mostly with C3, but sometimes with communications equipment.  The other way involves RCN pretty directly.  Each side gets a Battlefield Intelligence (hereafter referred to as BI) score based on the composition of units in play.  MHQ# will usually make up the lion's share of this score, contributing one point per MHQ point on the field.  Aerospace assets, typically with tons upon tons of communications equipment, make up a big portion of the rest (if you use them in your games).  RCN contributes two points for each unit that has it, and that adds up quickly.

The group that has the highest BI at the start of the match gets quite a few good bonuses.  They begin the game able to deploy hidden units, and can pre-plot artillery strike zones (if you use those in your games).  That's pretty significant in and of itself, but RCN can also give you a direct bonus to your initiative roll.  If you have one RCN for every four units in your force, your force will get a +1 to each initiative roll (with some exceptions, but I've already made this article long enough).

Now, back to the MSK-9H.  It's a Mackie.  With RCN.  This is the kind of unit you stick in a Command Lance, where its Juggernaut role lets you fill out the lance properly, and also gives you a leg up on the enemy initiative roll.  Due to the way mobility stays roughly the same but maneuverability goes waaaay up in Alpha Strike, initiative is arguably as important, if not moreso than in the classic game.  Being able to bring along a massive anvil that also gives your units an initiative bonus is huge, and well worth the three points it costs to bring to the field.  Even with RCN and PRB aside, the -9H still operates like a prototypical assault 'Mech.  It smashes things and doesn't afraid of anything.  It's too slow to be the hammer, but it's a damn fine anvil.

Fighting any one of these variants is a pretty similar experience.  They're slow, they're easy to hit, but they can also reach out to long range pretty well and the armor means that anything you have shooting at them will take fire in return, even if it doesn't connect.  Use the fact that they're slow against them, and bring some things with mid-high TMMs that can trade fire at long range and expect to come out on the better side of the deal.  A Mackie doesn't get to choose the engagement range ever, so choose it to benefit your unit more than theirs.  Concentrating fire is always, always (always [always]) a good idea.  If your group uses forced withdrawal rules, the Mackie quickly runs into the problem most high end assaults have of requiring significantly less firepower to force into withdrawal than it takes to kill them – many light 'Mechs don't have four points of armor and structure between them, but getting down to four points left on a 100 tonner with a standard engine will spook them and get them pulling back.  Otherwise, just pour fire into it until it stops pouring fire back.

All of the cards linked in this post can be found on the Master Unit List.  Examples of the miniature can be found on CamoSpecs.

Please, if you liked the format of the article (or didn't), take some time to leave feedback.  I adore Alpha Strike, and I want to be able to explore some of the tips and tricks while I go, but I also don't want to flood the page with absolutely inane non-sense.  I get the sense that a good portion of this article is required exposition for basic Alpha Strike concepts that are non-obvious (or at least necessary to understand the uses of the 'Mech).  I just also want to make sure they're accessible!
« Last Edit: 01 May 2015, 17:26:40 by Scotty »
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #1 on: 30 April 2015, 23:54:19 »
I just wanted to say thank you for starting this series. Also, I think this is an excellent place to start.
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #2 on: 01 May 2015, 00:34:49 »
Me too - thanks Scotty, and looking forward to your peregrination through 'Mech history. What's next?

(The only possible addition might be the AS stats for the "primitive" Merkavas the first Mackie went up against in it's trial battle. It would be a marvellous coincidence if these tanks ended up with a total of 3 points, perhaps 1 armour 2 structure - making the Mackie capable of the "one-shot kills" from the story.)
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #3 on: 01 May 2015, 00:42:48 »
Next up is the Bellerophon.  There's only one variant of that, but the next one in the chronological line of progression is the Emperor, a 'Mech with no fewer than 12 unique variants.  That'll be one hell of an article, and tacking more on top seems like a bad idea.  I'll probably fluff out the Bellerophon article with... something.  Haven't figured out what yet.
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #4 on: 01 May 2015, 03:14:21 »
THis is a great article :) I still have no idea how Alpha strike is played though, never played it in my life but still a great read :)
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #5 on: 01 May 2015, 06:27:07 »
I like how you explain the special abilities, and other things about Alpha Strike while analyzing the mech.
Perhaps you could talk about Alpha Strike systems in more general way with the Bellerophon, perhaps use it as an example for things?


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #6 on: 01 May 2015, 07:11:38 »
Perhaps you could talk about Alpha Strike systems in more general way with the Bellerophon, perhaps use it as an example for things?

This could be a very good idea. Bulk up the article of a low-variant 'mech with some "Alpha Strike 101", as it were. O0
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #7 on: 01 May 2015, 07:23:30 »
This could be a very good idea. Bulk up the article of a low-variant 'mech with some "Alpha Strike 101", as it were. O0
I second this. Thanks for starting this up Scotty and I'm seriously looking forward to what's next.  O0


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #8 on: 01 May 2015, 08:09:36 »
This could be a very good idea. Bulk up the article of a low-variant 'mech with some "Alpha Strike 101", as it were. O0

I'd like to keep the how-to guides on their own for ease of reading, but that may not end up being feasible with the very low variant units.

I've also begun to realize just how long it's going to take (variants down: 6/2968) to get to my favorites, so I may just go a request based system like Hellbie does four VOTWs.

EDIT for an important question.  What should the "Alpha Strike 101" subject be next week?  Movement, offense, or defense?
« Last Edit: 01 May 2015, 10:14:30 by Scotty »
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #9 on: 01 May 2015, 11:16:08 »
I'd like to keep the how-to guides on their own for ease of reading, but that may not end up being feasible with the very low variant units.

I've also begun to realize just how long it's going to take (variants down: 6/2968) to get to my favorites, so I may just go a request based system like Hellbie does four VOTWs.

EDIT for an important question.  What should the "Alpha Strike 101" subject be next week?  Movement, offense, or defense?

Movement, I am never quite sure if sprinting movement is a good idea or not and I want to read some opinions on it :)


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #10 on: 01 May 2015, 11:18:04 »
Well finally.
I've been waiting on someone explaining the finer points of that stuff, and this looks promising.
Also, nice to those units judged; Should I ever find an option to play an AS game, that might be valuable knowledge.
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #11 on: 01 May 2015, 12:41:25 »
Great idea!  Love the writeup.  You even made the Mackie interesting, well done :).

Snipers are useful in Fire Lances and Command Lances – both good places to end up.  Mobility is hardly a major requirement for units of those types.  Due to the aforementioned damage swap, the PV for this model is also 37 – and you're arguably getting a better deal for what you pay for.  Long range damage counts for a lot.  Losing the Juggernaut type hurts, though, if you're trying to make an Assault Lance, so this is actually a case of which you want more.

The Assault Lance can use 2 Snipers instead of 1 Juggernaut.  And/or you can mix them.  A pair of each type of Mackie make a wonderful Assault Lance.   

Also of note, the -7A gains the first example of a Special so far.  With AC1/1/-, this version of the Mackie can choose, instead of firing a normal attack, to use alternate ammunition.  That can be important, with Flak and Precision ammo coming at basically no cost to use.  Flak ammo is particularly useful against VTOLs, ASFs, and WiGEs, making any attack made against them much easier to hit.  Precision ammo also makes shots against faster targets more damaging – a departure from BT, where they influence the to-hit roll.  That's true pretty much across the board.  Weapons that increase accuracy translate directly to doing more damage in Alpha Strike, but the accuracy remains unchanged.  It's an interesting way of handling it, but I think Alpha Strike is stronger for it.

Precision ammo can get a to-hit modifier, if it’s the only weapons you use in the attack.  You have the choice to use the full base damage values (and the precision just adds damage) or only the special ability damage values (and receive the to-hit bonus).  Flak is even better (but more limited as it only applies to airborne targets).
Another big advantage of AC (and SRM and LRM) special abilities is the pilot special abilities (from the Companion) requirements.  Sandblaster requires AC (or another weapon special ability from the list) and gets a to-hit modifier and damage bonus.  Though this Mackie might not be the best use for Sandblaster.

Looking forward to seeing more of these!

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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #12 on: 01 May 2015, 17:11:15 »
Great idea!  Love the writeup.  You even made the Mackie interesting, well done :).

The Assault Lance can use 2 Snipers instead of 1 Juggernaut.  And/or you can mix them.  A pair of each type of Mackie make a wonderful Assault Lance.   

Precision ammo can get a to-hit modifier, if it’s the only weapons you use in the attack.  You have the choice to use the full base damage values (and the precision just adds damage) or only the special ability damage values (and receive the to-hit bonus).  Flak is even better (but more limited as it only applies to airborne targets).
Another big advantage of AC (and SRM and LRM) special abilities is the pilot special abilities (from the Companion) requirements.  Sandblaster requires AC (or another weapon special ability from the list) and gets a to-hit modifier and damage bonus.  Though this Mackie might not be the best use for Sandblaster.

Looking forward to seeing more of these!

Good points all.  That's what I get for writing the article completely from memory (with the exception of having the cards to look at).  The Bellerophon is another odd duck that doesn't have any specials at all.  The article is going to come packaged (or posted concurrently; I don't rightly like the idea of the Alpha Strike 101 series being buried in individual 'Mech articles) with The Dos, Don'ts, and Cool Stuff About Movement (which will include SPAs and specials).

After that, in no particular order:
How to Make Things Stop Moving (offense and offensive specials/SPAs)
Keep Calm and Don't Die (defense and defensive specials/SPAs)
Golden Corral Special (unit roles)
Avengers, Assemble (force composition)
Instant 'Mech, Just Add Math (how to build custom 'Mechs from an Alpha Strike perspective)

I'll have a little poll at the end of each article for what major aspect of Alpha Strike you guys want to see next.
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #13 on: 01 May 2015, 17:25:45 »
Cool; I tried to incorporate Alpha Strike info on the Guillotine Iic in my article, but as a "quiet" 'Mech it was ignored  :D


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #14 on: 01 May 2015, 20:35:40 »
Happy to see this. The quick description of abilities like Overheat and RCN are most helpful in understanding some of the unique aspects of the game. As someone who keeps looking at Alpha Strike as an option to alleviate some of my frustrations with CBT, I definitely want to encourage the Alpha Strike 101 articles/discussions.

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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #15 on: 01 May 2015, 22:42:55 »
Very cool.  O0
I may just go a request based system like Hellbie does four VOTWs.
Requests you say? Marauder.  ;)
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #16 on: 02 May 2015, 00:03:22 »
Very cool.  O0Requests you say? Marauder.  ;)

I would like to second this. The Marauder has a nice spread of special abilities available thanks to its numerous variants.
Light Assault Group - An Orwellian appelation applied by the Draconis Combine to troops haphazardly equipped with whatever expendable equipment was lying around the maintenance yard, for the purpose of throwing their lives away for the greater glory of the Dragon, see also Human Bombs.


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #17 on: 02 May 2015, 03:20:06 »
I wouldn't suggest the Marauder. With something like 26 stat'd variants, it would be a good way to crush someone trying to cover all the variants :)

Interesting article though.


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #18 on: 02 May 2015, 06:01:49 »
You wanna jump around, I'd go for something the opposite of the Mackie, to quickly give people a view of what the full spread of AS stats can be like. So instead of old,, slow, and ginormous, I'd go for something small, fast, and modern. My recommendation would be something like the Wulfen or Nyx. Enough variants to make a meaty article, but not too many. O0
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #19 on: 02 May 2015, 10:21:45 »
Hmmm.  Wulfen, or Jackalope?
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #20 on: 02 May 2015, 12:57:19 »
Hmmm.  Wulfen, or Jackalope?
tough choice.. both have some nifty variants and specials.

that said, i'd suggest the Wulfen.. the jackalope's variants tend to be "variations on a theme" with the main difference (AFAICT) being mobility and durability. the Wulfen however has a wider range of weapons and fighting style variants.. which when translated to alpha strike should mean more stuff to discuss and use as an example of alpha strike elements.


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #21 on: 02 May 2015, 15:10:05 »
Or stay in the early ages and do something like the wasp.


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #22 on: 02 May 2015, 16:33:01 »
The Wasp is remarkably boring in terms of specials.  There's one that gets TSM and another that gets Stealth, and maybe one that gets ECM/Probe.  They're mostly too small to get the meaningful numbers it variations of specials.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.

Alexander Knight

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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #23 on: 02 May 2015, 17:46:21 »
If you want, I can provide the AS stats for pretty much any large craft in the game upon demand.


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #24 on: 02 May 2015, 18:04:06 »
As tempted as that is, I'll probably stick to things I actually understand for a while. ;D
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.


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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #25 on: 10 May 2015, 13:52:31 »
no mention of Kill-Roys Little Buddy?
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Re: Alpha Strike 'Mech of the Week: MSK-** Mackie
« Reply #26 on: 10 May 2015, 14:30:49 »
No Alpha Strike card.  Except for intro dates, I stayed away from fluff stuff.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.

