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'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« on: 22 May 2015, 02:00:43 »
VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
90-ton Inner Sphere BattleMech/90-ton Clan BattleMech
Source: Technical Readout 3060/Source: Technical Readout: 3145 Lyran Commonwealth

"I need someone to sign for...uh, six hundred gallons of war paint?"

This week we're talking about the various flavors of Viking.

What's a Viking? I assume you're not referring to crazy axe-wielding Norsemen.

No, it's a 'Mech. This isn't a CAWNotW article. Axes only do like .07 damage, anyway. Says so right in Tech Manual.

Back in the late 3050s, Comstar was going through a rough breakup and its ex got the house, so it was crashing at the Free Rasalhague Republic's place. For its part, the FRR was happy for the company, because it had really just started living on its own and then the neighborhood had gone completely to hell. So, they hit it off and started working on some stuff together. In particular, they worked on a new assault BattleMech, the Viking.

Now, the word is that they wanted a replacement for the Bombardier. They certainly managed to get the missiles right, but either someone mistook the walking speed for the top speed when they were working up the requirements, or they decided that they just wanted missiles and they could get there whenever. So, the Viking is huge and slow. Ninety tons and a 270 standard fusion engine won't get you anywhere fast, but it leaves a lot of space and mass for other stuff.

Other stuff?

Plenty of it. Defensively, "other stuff" means fifteen and a half tons of standard armor, which isn't maxed out but is still a lot of armor, especially with no XL engine. It's a little more than the max for an eighty-tonner, which is still pretty good. Yeah, there's a lot of ammo, but it's got CASE as well, so there's no real magic bullet that'll kill a Viking outright. You want it dead, you'll need to work a little for it. Or get behind it, since 7/10/7 rear armor isn't especially impressive.

But how does it make things explode?

Missiles. So, so many missiles. Not Kraken 3 levels, but about as many as you can get on an IS design. Seventy LRM tubes, two 20s and two 15s, all with Artemis IV. Seven tons of ammo gives them twelve full salvos, which is probably enough for a short engagement but a little light for a long one. It's also got a couple of small lasers in the torso and four machine guns in the legs. I rather suspect the machine guns are there to make Viking pilots think twice about trying to kick something. "Are you sure you want to do that? Really? I mean, sure, if you connect it'll do some damage, but if you screw it up and keel over, you'll be forever getting up again, and who knows what'll happen in the meantime, and you've got these perfectly good machine guns right here...yes, good choice. Machine guns all the way."

Other than that...well, it's a good thing the LRM battery is so good. Sure, it's just five-point hits, but it's also quite a lot of five-point hits. Enough that some are bound to land on the same spot, and then you've got a ten-point hit, which is really something. Only ten double heat sinks means you'll heat up a little if you fire all the missiles, and a little more if you move as well, but drop a launcher every few salvos and you'll be fine.

That sounds pretty cool. Any advice on its use or abuse?

The main thing is that you really shouldn't use your basic Viking unsupported. Yeah, it's an assault 'Mech, King of the Battlefield, blah, blah, blah, but if something gets within its minimum range it's effectively helpless. Also, it only existed for a decade or so before the Age of ECM really got into full swing, so it can really use plenty of ECCM support. Also, be very wary of external heat sources. There's a fair amount of ammo to go boom, and even if you don't explode or shut down, infernos and plasmas can wipe out up to three quarters of your dissipation capacity, which silences your launchers just about as effectively as an ammo explosion.

Okay, I guess that about covers it! Wait, why is this article so long? Are there variants or something?

Strap. In.

See, the thing about the Viking is that they pretty much got it right the first time, but there are still variants. All those variants use the same chassis, but bear little to no similarity to the original design.

They started this trend at the very beginning with the VKG-2G. This thing is a pretty capable assault 'Mech in its own right, but it looks like it was built to bodyguard other Vikings. All the weapons were stripped out for a nice gauss rifle/LB-10x combo, as well as one large and three medium pulse lasers. The ballistics can open up holes for the LRMs, and the pulse lasers (not normally a good choice) are pretty good at covering the minimum range on the VKG-2Fs. The stuff that can get close without being horribly savaged by LRM fire is the sort of thing that really doesn't enjoy an MPL battery. It's also got extra armor, a couple extra heat sinks to help with the lasers and a Guardian ECM suite, which can be useful for helping Artemis systems get through, at least until Angel starts showing up later on.

Are the other variants also that different?

Yes and no. There were two Jihad-era Vikings, and they at least have the courtesy to still be missile boats, but they still have very different uses than the VKG-2F.

First up, the VKG-3A. Comstar took a -2F, gave it a compact engine and another heatsink, maxed out the armor, then gave it a pair of MML-7s (still with Artemis IV), some pulse lasers, and an Arrow IV system. So, still a missile boat, but way bigger missiles. Three tons of MMLs and four tons of Arrow IV give it plenty of endurance, too. I'm not generally a huge fan of artillery on BattleMechs, but this does it pretty well. It's got good armor, good close-in firepower to discourage harassers, and it goes well with the TAG on the FRR's Beowulf 'Mechs and (potentially) Kobold BA, but I feel like vehicles just do artillery better. Plus, the standard fusion engine makes it tough and fairly cheap. I imagine that appealed to the beleaguered Com Guards, and the AE damage probably ended up being fairly useful against the Word's crazy infantry.

Speaking of the Word of Blake, they also got in on the Viking game, probably due to the, um, on-again, off-again relationship that some parts of, this metaphor is beyond saving. Traitors. They had traitors and spies in Comstar and presumably they passed on the Viking plans. The VKG-3W has four MML-9s, two Streak SRM-2s, and a pair of LAC-2s. It's also got maximum armor for its tonnage, and, of course, C3i. The MMLs I get. They compromised on the long-range stuff so they could make it something other than helpless up close, and MMLs with a good C3i spotter can be especially scary since they can fine-tune their ammo choice that much better. It's the rest of the arsenal that gets a raised eyebrow. Streaks when it's already got 36 potential SRM tubes? LAC-2s...ever? Yeah, they can use special ammo, but they're still AC-2s, and there's only one ton to go around. 11 shots each with special ammo, which is, I think, pushing it.

That sounds pretty underwhelming. Maybe they were just making fun of Comstar?

That's one theory, but I actually think that the VKG-3W would be less useful if it was better. I've only used it a couple times, so I can't be sure, but I think that it's one of those designs that can use obvious inefficiency as additional protection while still being good enough to be dangerous. Are you going to shoot at the Viking with the fusion engine, seventeen tons of armor, and LAC-2s, or are you going to shoot at the Deva with less armor, a more vulnerable engine, and a gauss rifle? I suspect that a lot of the time, people won't even bother trying to kill it for a while, and it will end up doing more damage overall than if it was more threatening. Plus, 40 SRM tubes is a lot of tubes, and if you've got a C3i spotter that gives it a nine-hex bubble of Critseeking Hell. Even without a spotter, it's got seven tons of MML ammo, more than enough to fit some amusing special ammo.

That sounds like a lot of excuses to me.

Hey, I'm not defending the design choices. I just think that it's probably perfectly useable in spite of them.

Yeah, okay. That it?

Not quite. One more, but it's a doozy.

So, you may have noticed a pattern with all the variants. Specifically, that they all increase the armor. Well, in 3095, the FRR and its new friends the Ghost Bears took another look at the Viking, and they turned that principle up to eleven. Then twelve. Then thirty-one (their dial pretty much looks like an egg timer). Thirty-one tons of hardened armor. That is a completely absurd amount of armor. They took a reasonably well-armored assault 'Mech and then doubled the protection.

While that has very obvious benefits in the form of a nearly impervious hide, and less obvious benefits in the case of less risk of a through-armor critical on your eight ammo slots, there are significant drawbacks. First and foremost is movement speed. The Viking was already pretty slow, and so the Viking IIC won't outrun anything except most infantry, a handful of conventional vehicles, and all the swiftest fixed fortifications. Possibly even worse is the penalty to piloting rolls. People may not be able to breach your armor, but they can still buy themselves some respite from the LRM fire by knocking you over, especially since the aforementioned slowness means that even if you manage you get up, you're not going much of anywhere afterwards.  The Viking IIC is definitely not the sort of fire support design where you can skimp on piloting skill.

That's not the only change they made, of course. LRMs and machine guns became Clan-spec. Artemis IV became Artemis V. CASE became CASE II. Small lasers became ER micros. All those changes mean that, while they appear to be quite similar, the Viking IIC is a very different animal than its predecessor. The Clan LRMs mean that getting in close just doesn't get you anything except easier to hit. The Artemis V means that winning the ECM/ECCM war is even more important, since it takes an average salvo from 42 hits to 56 and makes it easier to hit. The backup arsenal is basically the same, although it is now even more important not to miss a kick.

The Viking IIC also has some quirks the bear consideration. No/Minimal Arms is the really important one, because it means that if your hardened armor gets you knocked over, you will have even more trouble getting up. The Viking IIC's theme song is the first four words of "Tubthumping". The other battlefield-relevant quirks are good long-range targeting and poor short-range. If the Artemis V isn't being blocked, this amounts to something akin to the opposite of stealth armor, with no net penalty at short range, +1 at medium, and +2 at long. Since they can't really move much anyway, most Viking IICs will be walking or stationary, so they tend to deliver very accurate salvos. Interestingly, the original Viking is listed as having the same targeting and tracking system, so you could make a good argument for it having the same quirks. Since IS LRMs are very rarely at short range and not in minimum range, it doesn't even hurt as much. Of course, if you make that argument, prepare for your opponent to insist on you using No/Minimal Arms as well. It...may not be worth it.

How common are they? Who uses them?

The Rasalhague Dominion came up with the design, then licensed it to the Lyrans, and they both sold it to the Republic of the Sphere. The Bears eventually shut down their factory, but they still have plenty. So, only three major factions have them, but they're so spread out that unless you're wearing a sword and sunburst, or live on the Periphery, you need to worry about Viking IICs.

The Capellans might have the best answers to the Viking IIC. Stealth armor helps to mitigate the various accuracy bonuses, and they have all kinds of ECM and Angel ECM to block Artemis V. They also probably have the best selection of external heat sources, which do awful things to any Viking. The CCAF is rife with plasma rifles, and they also seem to have a penchant for MMLs, which are good at infernos. They also seem to like their artillery, and Viking IICs don't do a lot of moving around.

The Wolves also have good options. The Night Wolf and the Lobos with plasma cannons can make life very warm and difficult, and Clan stuff in general tends towards range and power, so you can force them to keep making the dreaded PSRs. Additionally, the Wulfen pretty much gets to decide for itself whether or not it feels like getting hit, and the Warwolf is hilariously resistant to LRM fire. I tested it out with a stationary Warwolf and a Viking IIC that needed 2s to hit, and the Viking expended over half its ammo load before it finally took out the Warwolf. By pilot death. Be careful, though, since a lot of the Wolves' other units will get eaten alive. An original recipe Mad Cat, subjected to the same test, was reduced to a pair of feet after four salvos, and to be honest it was pretty much done after three.

The Draconis Combine is in much the same situation, although it lacks as many good heat delivery options. Their new Ballistic-Reinforced armor will do awful things to LRM damage, though, and they have a fair number of good units that are fast enough to avoid LRM fire at least a little bit. Or, instead, just being fast enough to quickly go where the Viking IIC is not. They also have a handful of designs with Re-Engineered lasers, and probably some more salvaged from the Federated Suns. They might as well use those on the Viking IIC, since killing hardened armor is kind of their thing. The Ballistic-Reinforced Spiders with the large ReLs would be especially useful.

The FWLM is not well suited to deal with Viking IICs, although the formation of the Wolf Empire and their relative lack of beef with the Republic has probably reduced their likelihood of fighting them. The sorts of mid-size, mid-speed trooper designs that are their stock-in-trade will get trashed by Viking IICs, but, fortunately, they have plenty of ways to fight dirty. Extended LRMs will take a while, but they'll get the job done eventually. You may have to bring an ammo train or two, but the Viking's not really going anywhere. Also, they're rather fond of their Silver Bullet gauss rifles and LB-X ACs, and Streak SRMs, which are pretty good at fishing for head hits, which is the other good way to take out units with a lot of hardened armor. Makes for easy salvage, too.

Clan Hell's Horses is in a similarly middling position, although they are similarly unlikely to face many Viking IICs, as apparently the Dominion has not actually been all that big on the design. Many of their units lack the speed to be truly unhittable or the armor to weather a salvo with no issues, but Vikings are very much averse to battle armor and the Horses have a healthy array of plasma and cluster-hit weapons (LRMs, HAGs, Streaks, and the like). Oh, and their conventional vehicle units will probably hate the cluster-hit nature of the LRM salvos, so I would advise keeping them away from the Vikings or just accepting the losses.

Cersei Clannister and her Fine Feathered Friends are probably in the most danger from Viking IICs, which is a real problem for them since all of their neighbors have the damn thing. Modern Falcon units tend to rely on maneuverability, but not necessarily speed, so the Viking IIC will often hit with at least a portion of each salvo, enough to cause some hurt. Additionally, units like the Eyrie tend to enjoy it when opponents try to get away, so they can hit them with the talons and then jump after the enemy and talon them again while still racking up a decent defensive movement modifier. Kicking the Viking IIC is actually a pretty good idea, but even if you don't knock it down, it really can't move very far, even if it wanted to. The Eyrie has to choose between sitting still (a fantastic way to get a dead Eyrie) or go find a different target. Either way, the Viking IIC's problems are over. Gyrfalcons have it a little easier, and they can be a reliable way to force PSRs at range, but they've only got a narrow band where they aren't taking return fire, and their hit probability isn't great. Also, the reflective armor on the basic model won't help. Shrikes, Jade Hawks, and the new heavy Omnis also have it pretty bad. Not fast enough to dodge reliably, not enough armor to shrug it off, and not enough firepower to quickly make a difference (in that they aren't units with, like, a CIC). Best thing the Falcons can do is airdrop a bunch of Elementals or Arrow IV. Or a Nightlord.

Man. How'd they get all the way to Tharkad?

We may never know. Blood magic and sleeping chaos gods, most likely.

Anything else on the Viking?

Nah, I'm done here. Of course, given that this is a forum and not a blog, I expect people will have plenty to say about the various Vikings and how best to utilize and/or eradicate them. Ready, GO.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2015, 18:27:40 by Diplominator »


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #1 on: 22 May 2015, 02:34:46 »
Nice writing style. I like it ;)
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #2 on: 22 May 2015, 02:46:00 »
A good article about a good 'Mech. Thanks!
I've played with all Vikings (except of VKG-3A), and they all are tough bastards. Viking IIC is the toughest missile boat ever built.
VKG-2F is better than Longbow and can inflict more damage than a Salamander
VKG-2G is good, but not very impressive.
VKG-3A... no ideas, really
VKG-3W is a 'Mech to deal a final blow
IIC just can kill everything. You should always remember that it can shoot back with two ArtV-tied LRM 20s, so one should think twice before trying to stab Viking IIC's tough back with those RE-lasers
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #3 on: 22 May 2015, 05:34:48 »
Nice write up :) I didn't realise the Viking came in quite so many flavours either.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #4 on: 22 May 2015, 06:31:11 »
I only have experience with the F and G, but I like them both very much.  The F is (at least as far as IS tech goes) the assault weight missile boat to end all assault weight missile boats.  It's only real competition is the Longbow and the Salamander and it's better than either of them.

The G, by contrast, is just a very tough, slow moving beatstick.  It rolls quite comfortably alongside mechs in of a similar weight class - even the double gauss monsters like the Nightsky - by dint of having maxed armour and a standard engine.  I'd prefer it if it had something a bit more potent than a LPL in the right arm, however.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2015, 07:04:53 by Getz »

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2015, 06:55:15 »
I love your articles. Always have that nice humorous touch combined with good information density.
Also, a mech after my taste. Kill it with 5 point clusters.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #6 on: 22 May 2015, 06:58:22 »
I think I will mostly lurk on this one.

But, feel free to compare the -2G to the Marauder IIC 7...


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #7 on: 22 May 2015, 08:44:11 »
2Gs are a lot of fun. Give a Dragon Fire a steady diet of steroids, hatred, and the occasional carrot, and you end up with a VKG-2G. Very fun Mech that few people expect to see on the field. (Want to have some fun? Make a IIC model of THAT thing.)
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #8 on: 22 May 2015, 09:02:38 »
VKG-2G is not bad, but it's trying to be multirole. For a frontline combat assault ER PPC is definetely better than LPL, and for a close-quarter fighter it's better to swap Gauss rifle for another one LB-10-X AC and add some additional energy weapons.
« Last Edit: 22 May 2015, 09:53:54 by acefalcon »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #9 on: 22 May 2015, 10:36:48 »
I don't quite see why a mech likely designed to work in formation needs to specialize on only one range band. From the limited experience I have, enemies tend to move.
What better unit is there to be multirole than a unit too slow to pick it's engagements?
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #10 on: 22 May 2015, 10:54:45 »
I don't quite see why a mech likely designed to work in formation needs to specialize on only one range band. From the limited experience I have, enemies tend to move.
What better unit is there to be multirole than a unit too slow to pick it's engagements?

That's probably just it -- larger formations can afford specialists because by virtue of usually having buddies along the individual machines don't each have to be able to do everything all by themselves anymore and so can focus on doing a better job in their particular assigned niches instead.

Larger-scale actions really are quite a different beast from small skirmishes, let alone duels.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #11 on: 22 May 2015, 11:00:37 »
probably because it's counting on the rest of its formation to screen for it while it handles the "very far in the back" range band. that way you need to either kill its buddies while it rains death on you, charge it to keep it from raining death on you while its buddies rough you up, or retreat. mix Vikings with Stalkers for a delightful treat!

visually, the Viking is just great. the presence of those massive missile racks, the way it mounts all the backup weapons to press the intimidation is bristling with guns and missiles, and i love it. the fuselage design of the torso is sometime dubious, but it works well here, lending a predatory, oppresive air to the whole thing. this is a 'mech that wins battles and reminds your civvies not to get sassy about things during the victory parade after.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #12 on: 22 May 2015, 12:14:37 »
The VKG-2G feels like a attempt at a Stalker, which is not a bad thing.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #13 on: 22 May 2015, 12:53:18 »
a nice write up. thanks

The Viking II was a shocker.  I had not realized it used that amount of Hardened armor.  Just plain Evil.

It also has the advantage that the original Viking model can be used as the IIC.  It is the same configuration, just loaded with Clan tech.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #14 on: 22 May 2015, 17:08:40 »
Another fantastic article. I've always had an unreasonable love of the VKG-2G, which is a little weird considering I don't much care for either large pulse lasers or 3/5 'Mechs. But it just works, somehow. It kinda plays like a tougher, slower Dragon Fire.

As for the Viking IIC, I can personally attest to how ridiculously difficult to kill that thing is. I once played a scenario with my Warrior House that involved taking a hill from a lance consisting of a Viking IIC, two Stalker IIs and that hardened-armor Trebaruna, and it just would not die. It brought down four 'Mechs and crippled another two more or less singlehandedly before a pair of lucky headshots from my Hellstar vaped the pilot. Basically, if you have to take something being defended by a Viking IIC, you may want to ask yourself just how badly you really want it.

Also, "Cersei Clannister" is just ****** priceless. Matches nicely with my moniker for Damien Redburn: the King Beyond the Wall.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #15 on: 22 May 2015, 17:34:10 »
I have only ever used the first 2 versions ---
And in my opinion, the standard is the poster boy for missile bombardment. 70 Artemis enhanced missiles is a threat to anyone.

Now, the G is a different beast, altogether, and one that I don't think that people really consider in the right way. Like it's brother, it is STILL a support design, but one that is designed to support an advance, or mobile battlefield, rather than just bombardment support with missiles. Some years ago, I got asked to join in a battle against Clan opponents, and while it was supposed to be Jade Falcons we were fighting, our opponent was a bit of a Jag player, so had 2 of his 3 Stars each containing a Daishi and Masakari combo. I was given a Lance with 2 Nightstars, a Viking G,  and a Stalker. During the battle, it was the Viking that would add it's PPC to the single hit from a Gauss, and prce a PSR....... or it was the LBX that found the crits, after a Nightstar put both Gauss and it's ERPPC in the same torso, etc.

It was a MUCH tougher version of the slow light escort mech, and while it didn't shine all alone, it both provided the extra punch, and absorbed that extra damage that kept the other designs with the XL engines, in the fight.

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #16 on: 22 May 2015, 17:40:49 »
Interesting design.  Never heard of them before, but i like the main unit and its visual.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #17 on: 24 May 2015, 02:53:54 »
Just picturing the Level 2s ComStar was throwing these into . . . Viking 2F x2, Viking 2G, a Stalker 5M . . . maybe a Thug/Emperor/Crocket and the VTOL TAG'er.  Could call it Steel Rain . . . wonder if they packed in the weight that way or not.

Love the Viking, I wish the 2F and 2G had been in production a bit longer or perhaps got spread around a bit more.
Colt Ward
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #18 on: 24 May 2015, 04:12:47 »
Nasty if they've got a good bodyguard to back them up, or working in a coordinated fire support unit. I've used the main variant as a slow advancing support unit with some other LRM boats to great success, though the machine guns, or rather their ammo, regularly turn into the major weak point. Or maybe that's just my rolls. :P


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #19 on: 24 May 2015, 16:31:36 »
Haven't used the regular Viking yet, but I have used the Viking IIC to great effect. It's almost hilarious how much damage it can soak up -- even from rear attacks from sneaky lights and mediums (nothing more satisfying than flipping your arms and showering them with LRM 20s). But you definitely want to put an experienced pilot in there; otherwise, it's going to be falling on its ass a lot.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #20 on: 24 May 2015, 17:39:55 »
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #21 on: 25 May 2015, 09:13:03 »
That gif is perfect :)  And i've yet to face anything with hardened armour but from the sounds of it, I don't want to!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #22 on: 25 May 2015, 10:47:36 »
And i've yet to face anything with hardened armour but from the sounds of it, I don't want to!
Until you don't have a mighty kick)))
All hail Devlin Stone!

Hitting a Celerity with an ironbirch stump is the same as hitting an ironbirch stump with a Celerity


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #23 on: 27 May 2015, 11:28:42 »
Excellent article, as always!

The Viking has always been a superb fire support platform. I know that a lot of people out there don't like having weight "wasted" on Artemis IV, but with the sheer number of missiles here...I like it.

The Viking IIC has seen some heavy use in my circle...and it's very scary. Backstabbers have to watch out for the flippable arms sending 40 Art-V missiles their way, but having an ECM-equipped light with some heavy firepower close into range can still really help out a lot. I've never actually seen a Viking IIC die to actual damage, though; the pilot always gives way first (either because of repeated tumbles or to uncontrolled CASE II ammo explosions). And once that pilot is KO, you can bet the headshots will be coming the next turn.
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #24 on: 28 May 2015, 00:08:54 »
All of the Vikings are solid in Alpha Strike, but (as you'd expect!) the Viking IIC is all the way to 31. It has better/equal stats when compared to the Omega (!!); with 8/6/6 damage and 17 points of armor. For comparison, max-armored 100-tonners top out at 10 armor. There are DropShips which come out to less armor than the IIC has. Even if I'm a firm believer that Hardened belongs on lights in Battletech, I'm sold on the application of it in Alpha Strike.

Frankly, I'm wanting one to add to my Ghost Bear force; the thought of going to a 500-point game with a Viking IIC, Stone Rhino 3, Dire Wolf C, Executioner C, and a Naga, spending the last 100-odd points on upgrading the pilots, and when I plop my Star on the table against the company+ arrayed against it say, "What? This is how the Clans do superior firepower: with SUPERIOR FIREPOWER."


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #25 on: 28 May 2015, 06:22:08 »
All of the Vikings are solid in Alpha Strike, but (as you'd expect!) the Viking IIC is all the way to 31. It has better/equal stats when compared to the Omega (!!); with 8/6/6 damage and 17 points of armor. For comparison, max-armored 100-tonners top out at 10 armor. There are DropShips which come out to less armor than the IIC has. Even if I'm a firm believer that Hardened belongs on lights in Battletech, I'm sold on the application of it in Alpha Strike.

Frankly, I'm wanting one to add to my Ghost Bear force; the thought of going to a 500-point game with a Viking IIC, Stone Rhino 3, Dire Wolf C, Executioner C, and a Naga, spending the last 100-odd points on upgrading the pilots, and when I plop my Star on the table against the company+ arrayed against it say, "What? This is how the Clans do superior firepower: with SUPERIOR FIREPOWER."

Isn't that doing it kinda small? There is the Bane 3 for the LRM role :P


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #26 on: 28 May 2015, 07:52:54 »
Well, sacrificing 25% of your long range firepower to double up on protection might just be worth it.  ;)
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Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #27 on: 28 May 2015, 10:33:04 »
Great article, incredible mech, horribly misnamed...
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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #28 on: 28 May 2015, 10:41:11 »
All of the Vikings are solid in Alpha Strike, but (as you'd expect!) the Viking IIC is all the way to 31. It has better/equal stats when compared to the Omega (!!); with 8/6/6 damage and 17 points of armor. For comparison, max-armored 100-tonners top out at 10 armor. There are DropShips which come out to less armor than the IIC has. Even if I'm a firm believer that Hardened belongs on lights in Battletech, I'm sold on the application of it in Alpha Strike.

Frankly, I'm wanting one to add to my Ghost Bear force; the thought of going to a 500-point game with a Viking IIC, Stone Rhino 3, Dire Wolf C, Executioner C, and a Naga, spending the last 100-odd points on upgrading the pilots, and when I plop my Star on the table against the company+ arrayed against it say, "What? This is how the Clans do superior firepower: with SUPERIOR FIREPOWER."

I'm going to type up your response, print it, fold it in half, and look at it like a I would a centerfold. THAT's how sexy your answer was.


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Re: 'Mech of the Week: VKG-** Viking/Viking IIC
« Reply #29 on: 28 May 2015, 11:04:36 »
and then you get to enjoy the same sorta situation that happened at the start of the invasion. where the non-clan side see's all the uber-firepower being thrown around, and says to themselves "with that aresenal the mechs have to be armored with tinfoil".. followed shortly by "why. won't you. just. die!" as the clan mechs shrug off everything..