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MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« on: 22 April 2011, 04:40:40 »
'Mech of the Week: Osprey

[Many thanks to jymset, ItsTehPope and Welshman for their help on this article. Each and any errors you may still find are my own.]

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Ah, the Osprey. Another fine Battletechnology design thought lost for forever in the mists of time; yet brought back from obscurity with new looks and updated fluff in TRO:3085. Those familiar with the history of the Osprey may skip the next few paragraphs if they're so inclined, else read on.

The Osprey debuted, similar to other well-known BattleMechs like the Titan or Falcon, in the Battletechnology Fanzine (Issue #12). According to the original article, in 2736 the Star League was looking for a medium BattleMech favouring firepower and armour over speed after reviewing engagements between League forces and the periphery armies. Hollis Incorporated bid the OSP-15 Osprey, but lost to a new Kallon unit named Lynx.

[No, not THAT Lynx - we're talking about a slower Succession Wars era tech BattleMech with a different weapons suite here - but looking at the three models published in another Battletechnology issue, it could have been the progenitor to the later Blue Shot Weapons one. This WAS changed in the current write-up to the quite effective canon Lynx, so we thankfully don't have to suffer another round of the usual tired jokes slash rants about the League's procurement procedures... [legal] ::) #P ]

Undiscouraged, Hollis marketed the Osprey as an 'all purpose support 'Mech' and managed in the end to net a contract for 3000 units. They served with distinction in the Periphery, and most of them left in the 'Sphere in the Exodus.

[According to the current fluff TRO:3085 the Osprey was classified as a Royal design, used in limited numbers by urban warfare units and Special Forces.]

There are other differences in fluff and minor mechanical errors between the original and the canonized Osprey, but we end our excursion here to have a glance at the current main model, the Jihad era OSP-26.

Designed and produced by Skobel for the Word of Blake and later the Republic of the Sphere, the OSP-26 started out as a slightly modernized OSP-15, but soon received further modifications and upgrades both exterior and interior, culminating in a very different look a and a new designation. Still, Skobel was wise enough not to tamper with the fundamental design parameters set by Hollis centuries ago.

The Osprey was conceived with a specific purpose in mind, and every detail shows it - from the  usage of Endo Steel and a  light-weight XL fusion reactor to free up tonnage for the armament while still giving it the classic 4/6 movement profile similar to other fire support BattleMechs of the pre-Clan era, to the four jump jets that give it the additional mobility needed for its intended hunting grounds.

For a medium unit, the Osprey also sports quite a thick hide (176 of 185 points possible), but sadly fails the Smart Armour test on the legs and rear torso. Prospective pilots should keep the latter in mind at all times and take care to avoid being flanked, lest even a humble medium laser could spell doom for their ride.

[Another glass back. :-\ Swell. My honest appreciation for the old school design ethos and the RL publication date aside, I admit that after two decades, I'm tired of units flawed purposefully without good reasoning.]

The main weapon of the Osprey is the tried and true M-7 Gauss Rifle. Considered bad news for an  opponent even in modern days, the Osprey was the second-lightest BattleMech in canon to carry one in the Star League era (the lightest being the STN-3Lb, aka the Royal Sentinel).

Secondary armament consists of an MML7-rack with two tons of CASE-protected ammunition, rounded out by two medium and a small extended range laser. While another ton of ammunition would have been nice, it's enough to either maximize flexibility in the field or tailor the loadout for specific missions. A Beagle active probe was added to help sniffing out hidden units.

Both the small laser and the probe were installed on the 'Mechs 'wing tips' in the same housings like the medium lasers, giving the machine the appearance of mounting four identical weapons.

[Heh. Looks like someone took a cue from the Beagle Hover Scout. :) I'm not too fond of the lack of CASE for the Gauss and the lackluster rules for the active probe under TW, but thats only minor nitpicking on my part, so feel free to ignore it. :D]

Deployment and Tactics
Right now, the Osprey is built only by Skobel on Terra (OSP-26) and Hollis on Corey (OSP-15E), but the former Coalition forces also recovered a few lances of OSP-26 from the rubble of the former WoB-occupied factories on Achernar.

All Osprey models shine in urban enviroments or similar terrain that mixes cover with firing lines. A smart player will keep the distance and soften up a target with the Gauss Rifle and LRMs before closing in, if at all. Heat build up will be nil in all but the most dire situations (or unless the Lawrence model is used, see below). Remember the weak rear armour, and/or bring a buddy like a Catapult or Wyvern (Royal or otherwise.)

Known Variants
OSP-15 – The original SLDF model, mounting an LRM10 and three standard medium lasers instead of the upgraded secondary weaponry of the OSP-26, as well as lacking the active probe.

OSP-15E (Hollis) and -25 (Skobel) – Visually and mechanically identical to the original, both exchange the lasers of the OSP-15 for ER models. To add to the confusion, Hollis didn't start to produce the OSP-15E until after the Jihad.

Osprey Lawrence – Published in the Lamenkov's Liability dossier, this unique 'Mech is the most radically different variant known so far. Swapping the Gauss Rifle and the lasers for a HPPC and two MPL, it uses the free tonnage left to incorporate a compact gyro and six improved jump jets.  [Note: the data on this model on is incorrect.]

[brew] Workshop [brew]
Now, how to improve such a focused and crit packed design?

One variant I can see deployed in small numbers by both the RAF and the CCAF would be one that swaps out the Gauss for a Plasma Rifle, but that may be or not very high on the RAF High Commands priority list, and the Cappies should have enough PR-equipped units by now anyway, so...? I honestly don't know.

If you want to post some variants of your own, feel free to do so here:,4913.0.html

A. Lurker

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #1 on: 22 April 2011, 05:18:44 »
While I'll agree that the rear armor is on the thin side (technically, any Osprey can potentially fall on its back and engine-crit itself out of action...though that's simply the price of having a thicker hide in front with overall torso coverage already all but maxed out, I suppose), I'm a little less clear on what the complaint about its leg protection is. 24 points out of 26 possible is nothing to sneeze at, and while having those last two points as well would be nice I'm not really convinced it's critical.

Other than firm opinion either way on the design. I haven't really used or encountered it before in practice, and on the drawing board it basically looks like yet another slow XLE medium. With a Gauss rifle, yes, but I've seen those before, too. Which I guess means that I ultimately honestly don't find the Osprey particularly special, interesting, or apologies for that to the good folks at Hollis and Skobel. :)


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #2 on: 22 April 2011, 08:36:13 »
I would note that the Blue Shot Weapons Lynx in TRO3058U is the progenitor of the LNX-8Q Succession Wars model in the universe, not a derivative - it's a Star League era design that was reintroduced in the Clan Invasion.

The leg armor isn't weak at all and provides a buffer against some light damage before a 20 point hit.  Sure, another point to absorb an ML after that without going internal would be nice but it's protected against a lot of the usual threats and certainly isn't failing the smart armor test.  The side torso armor is maxed - an increase in the back means a cut on the front, so it's a legitimate tradeoff in light of the fact that this is supposed to be a stand-off attacker.  Gauss rifles without CASE are one of those little facts of life we all have to live with.  Since the design has an XLFE, the real risk here isn't the disabling of the 'Mech (that's guaranteed), but rather the rendering of it completely unsalvageable, which is less likely off of a freak hit.  I'd be willing to trade the small laser for it, though, or the probe - this isn't something I'd want scouting anyway, but TAG to spot for little surprises from farther afield could be handy.


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #3 on: 22 April 2011, 12:07:10 »
That Beagle isn't there for scouting, its for detecting hidden units, the defining "feature" of every city fight...


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #4 on: 22 April 2011, 13:07:21 »
Other than firm opinion either way on the design. I haven't really used or encountered it before in practice, and on the drawing board it basically looks like yet another slow XLE medium. With a Gauss rifle, yes, but I've seen those before, too. Which I guess means that I ultimately honestly don't find the Osprey particularly special, interesting, or apologies for that to the good folks at Hollis and Skobel. :)

A. L. - Very valid points. In today's 2000+ Mech designs it doesn't stand out as anything overly special. When I first designed this, in 1989, the only TROs were 3025 and the 2750 (the originals). So it was comparing itself against the likes of units like the Hatchman 3F, Enforcer 4R, Vindicator 1R, the original 55 ton trio in the low tech category and the Sentinal 3L, Wyvern 5N, Crab 27 and Kintaro 19 from 2750.

When I first set out to create this unit, it was a challenge from my editor to make an effective Gauss platform for less than 55 tons. At this time the Highlander was the only Gauss toting 'Mech in canon. I used the Wyvern as a template to work from. It was a mobile city fighter, but lacked the heavy take down punch of the Hunchback. The Osprey is the result of marrying the mobility of the Wyvern with the "mug you in a back alley" of the Hunchback.

It was an absolute joy to have a chance to bring this unit back around to the universe again. If it hadn't been for the many positive comments this design has gotten, up to and including the CSO artist who kit bashed an Osprey, I don't think it would have ever happened.

So really, you fans are to thank for this BattleMech.

Joel BC
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A. Lurker

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #5 on: 22 April 2011, 13:46:08 »
So the Osprey is, effectively, a "first of its kind". Fair enough; I can certainly respect that. :)


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #6 on: 22 April 2011, 16:08:30 »
@ Smart Armour:  The side torsos don't pass for me because that one point lacking on the rear means this high cost, high end 55 tons BattleMech can be neutralized by one shot of the most common energy weapon known in the BT universe. [tickedoff] The legs armour could be bolstered to max by stripping some of the arm, since the most important stuff is in the torsos and legs(the OST effect).

I would note that the Blue Shot Weapons Lynx in TRO3058U is the progenitor of the LNX-8Q Succession Wars model in the universe, not a derivative - it's a Star League era design that was reintroduced in the Clan Invasion.

Hmkay...I'll add a note tomorrow (it's a bit late here and I need to do some other things first).

A. L. - Very valid points. In today's 2000+ Mech designs it doesn't stand out as anything overly special.

I guess that's very much the crux of it. Still, it's nice to hear that the 'canonization' was received warmly.

In my neck of the woods, the Osprey always was remembered fondly. I've even seen a few kitbashes over the years.

A. Lurker

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #7 on: 22 April 2011, 16:31:08 »
@ Smart Armour:  The side torsos don't pass for me because that one point lacking on the rear means this high cost, high end 55 tons BattleMech can be neutralized by one shot of the most common energy weapon known in the BT universe. [tickedoff] The legs armour could be bolstered to max by stripping some of the arm, since the most important stuff is in the torsos and legs(the OST effect).


...nah. Keeping the arms as well armored as possible helps protect the side torsos as far as I'm concerned; the more damage they can soak up, the longer it takes before the first arm hit transfers inwards.

And as far as the rear protection goes, well...the deaths of those too busy watching their backs usually come from the front. ;) It's not necessarily a choice I would have made myself, but I see it as more a calculated risk than anything else -- it's actually not uncommon among classic designs in its general weight class.


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #8 on: 22 April 2011, 18:22:42 »
Well, I like the 'Mech and its original resemblence to old Catapult, but made sexier.  Seeing how cool the design was for its time, it become offically canon, it made me a happy guy.
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #9 on: 26 April 2011, 12:58:57 »
Neat looking Mech and has some character.

Still its rather slow movement coupled with the low rear armor makes it rather easy to kill. It can flip its arms of course, but most backstabbers will gladly face this risk as its just too tempting to take this Mech out of combat early.

A. Lurker

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #10 on: 26 April 2011, 13:06:30 »
Still its rather slow movement coupled with the low rear armor makes it rather easy to kill. It can flip its arms of course, but most backstabbers will gladly face this risk as its just too tempting to take this Mech out of combat early.

You could, of course, say exactly the same thing (minus the bit about flipping arms) about, oh, the Hunchback... ;)


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #11 on: 26 April 2011, 13:23:17 »
You could, of course, say exactly the same thing (minus the bit about flipping arms) about, oh, the Hunchback... ;)

I do.

But then there are HBKs like the 5P and the 5S series that adress that problem well.

A. Lurker

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #12 on: 26 April 2011, 13:51:49 »
Well, to each their own. While I do of course worry a bit about backstabbers in play (who doesn't?), sometimes I'm just not as much in a mood to do so at the design stage. And while in the case of building a 55-tonner of my own my first reflex certainly would be to give it six or seven points on those rear side torsos as falling insurance, that would corresponsingly weaken the Osprey's armor over its front...which is of course the side I want facing my enemy as much as possible anyway, backstabbers or no, and which should thus ideally be as strong as I can make it.

Sure it's a gamble. But if I wanted to assume right from the start that everything's going to go wrong anyway, I might as well just stay at home and sulk. ;)


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #13 on: 26 April 2011, 16:10:12 »
Well, backstabbing happens a lot in my games. While I want my Mechs to show their front to the foe my opponent will work hard to get into my back.

A Mech using 4/6(/x) will get backstabbed on the modern battlefield. Especially if its BFG is torso mounted. It will get backstabbed a lot.

In open terrain I can have other Mechs/units guarding its rear to make backstabbing risky business, but in towns this tactic gets tricky. I don't want to waste units babysitting another one most of the time.

The Osprey is a good Mech, taken in the context of when it was designed- in universe and out of universe. The HBK was a acceptable Mech in old LV1 games, but never an awesome one (bad pun, I agree  :P ). The standard variant never really impressed me and I got the flashbulb when I could.  A HBK needs time to close in to deliver its impressive damage and it always gets lots of attention while closing in. 

But I digress. *sneaks out to not take this off topic even more*

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #14 on: 26 April 2011, 16:28:01 »
  I like the Osprey. It has style and it calls for nostalgia. The fact that the guy who wrote it (BTW kudos Welshman) brought it into a TRO is made of win.

  The problem is that it is a slow XLE mech with not too much armor and a big Gauss begging for explosions. It is not the best mech of the universe and it hasn't aged very well.. until you look at the mechs that should have met in the SLDF era. It was one of the best mechs avalaible at the time. Now it is not so great... but it is fun to ride.

  BTW.. lovely art!
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #15 on: 26 April 2011, 23:30:30 »
@Martius- You know I've never really thought of the rear armor as being a weakness. I can certainly see your point. I've played with the Osprey many times in the twenty years since I created it and I never had an issue with the rear armor.

I think one factor may be that I always put a building at my back, when in a city fight. If an opponent wants at my back, he's got to be in that building.

Solid point on if you fail a PSR, but so far I've never had that be an issue.

-Joel BC-
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #16 on: 27 April 2011, 01:21:43 »
The odd thing about the old model is, fluff asside, I won't be caught dead with it in a city.  Yeah, a GR and three MLs is nothing to laugh at, but the only place to get truely short ranged mods is at the 3 hex sweet spot, which is problematic at best.  I'd sooner have a more traditional AC20, or any of a number of other weapons, for in fighting.

But, with LRMs and a GR, its a great open field fighter, at 4/6/4 a sort of pocket heavy.  Its hardly the top of its class any more, but it does a really good impression of a nice 3050 heavy cav mech.

The MMLs are a huge help to its infighting aperations, of course, though I'd still rather see it more open terrain.  Honestly, given my prefrences, I'd probably sooner use the older one and just call it good.
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #17 on: 27 April 2011, 08:17:28 »
You're right on that, Mongoose.  A Gauss rifle isn't a weapon I especially mind taking into a city if I need to but it's not my first choice.  I'll have to rig up a file for in MegaMek (or wait for the next version) and take it out for some testing.

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #18 on: 27 April 2011, 11:08:11 »
Moonsword - any reason why you'd like another ton of MML ammo?  On a mech this size - I can't see it surviving long enough to worry about going through a ton of either LRM or SRm ammo.


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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #19 on: 27 April 2011, 11:14:07 »
That was the article author faraday77, not me.  My guess is that he's really looking at the ability to carry one ton of each type of standard rounds plus one ton of special munitions in general operations.

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #20 on: 27 April 2011, 11:46:17 »
I tend to agree that the ammo is fine.  Its enough as much of either type of ammo as it has of Gauss ammo, so if it fights at only one range with its missiles and rifle, it will run out of ammo for both at roughly the same time, and if it mixes things up, it will run out of rifle ammo long before it exausts its missiles.  On this mech, I think when the rifle is dry its time to head home. 
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #21 on: 27 April 2011, 12:34:36 »
The odd thing about the old model is, fluff asside, I won't be caught dead with it in a city. 

Whoever designed the original Wyveryn was definitely a player of the game. I learned this in playtesting the Osprey.

Both Mechs were light enough to stand on top of the typical buildings that tended to be played back in the old days (Marked favor for heavier buildings back then). You parked your Mech on a building at the edge of the city. You made sure there was a building of equal height or one hex higher between you and the rest of the city. Then you used your LRMs to open up combat while the enemy slogged towards you.

Also back then, people tended to lay out cities along strict very grid lines. So you ended up with long boulevards that ran most of the map board. Park the Osprey at one end of one of these boulevards and wait for someone to stick their head out.

The fluff in the original BTechnology magazine was based on an actual play test. The Stalker never stood a chance, despite much more firepower and better short range firepower.
-Joel BC-
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #22 on: 27 April 2011, 12:38:50 »
Hmm.  I wonder how it would have fared against, say, an HGN-732 or even a 733 Highlander on a similar map design.  The heavier armor and jets, along with a weapons load that's basically a beefier version of the Osprey's, might be a fairer match.

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #23 on: 27 April 2011, 13:16:30 »
Well, in fairness to the Stalker, it is a technological generation older, with less power at range and less speed to close the range.  Even the, as you say, it would depend a lot on the city; a Stalker might do poorly in the very regular grid of Manhatten (though the extreemly tall buildings there would also be a disadvantage for the jumping Osprey) but in a more irregular city, perhaps Rome or parts of Seattle, the twisting streets and many hills will tend to limit line of sight to less than 180m with some regularity. 

I think its partily about how one views 'city' tactics.  Yes, many mechs like the Wyvern and Panther have reputations as city fighters, and its not with out some cause.  I've had good success with a lot of HLL mechs in cities, simply because while I don't tend to get a lot of really long ranged shots, it is nice to be at 7-10 hexes or 4-5 hexes and have a bracket advantage over weapons in the 9 hex range group, and the GR and to a lesser extent the LRM offer that quite nicely.  But, a lot of folks tend to take mechs like the Victor or Hunchback or Nova H or Axman or whatever else that wants to get close, and they have the mech and the chops to pull it off, and when they do, I don't like to be left hanging.  I know, its not that bad for the GR even at point blank; its just like medium range.  But, if the other guy's at short with his AC20, its little consolation.  If I've got a quality opponent with quality mechs, 4/6/4 is often not enough to keep him from playing his game. 

I'd have sooner seen a similar non-minimum weapon inplace of the GR, if city fighting was really an important goal.  I aplaud the idea of range, but I'd have done it with an Ultra 10 (yes, I know they wern't around in 89, and it would have defeated the objective anyway to design a light GR mech) or and ER PPC (rough on the heat to be sure, but it was around back then) or whatever.  I just feer a mech that shies away from point blank range in an environment where such shots are common place, and such tactics are commonly employed.
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #24 on: 27 April 2011, 13:23:51 »
Hmm.  I wonder how it would have fared against, say, an HGN-732 or even a 733 Highlander on a similar map design.  The heavier armor and jets, along with a weapons load that's basically a beefier version of the Osprey's, might be a fairer match.

Wasn't pretty. The Osprey has an edge in movement, but very small. The Highlander has much more armor and firepower volume, including the SRM rack. I think my tests came out about 50/50 and even when the Osprey won, he needed a lot of repair work.

One thing about the Osprey I will grant hands down. It is not a dueling Mech. It should be deployed with other units. It is the anvil to faster units hammer.
-Joel BC-
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #25 on: 27 April 2011, 14:31:05 »
One thing about the Osprey I will grant hands down. It is not a dueling Mech. It should be deployed with other units. It is the anvil to faster units hammer.

That is one of the things that I most like about the design.  I prefer using 'roleplayers' and the construction of solid Lances.  The Osprey is a very effective roleplayer.  I also use it as an example of the smart use of the MML system; augmenting the short-range capability without too much of a drop-off in long range firepower or diminishing other aspects (armor, other weapons) of the design.

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #26 on: 27 April 2011, 14:56:38 »
One thing about the Osprey I will grant hands down. It is not a dueling Mech. It should be deployed with other units. It is the anvil to faster units hammer.

Complete agreement. While the Osprey can certainly play a multirole fighter in a pinch, to me it isn't an all-purpose Main Battle Mech. It's either the fire element of a medium lance, or the bodyguard for a heavy fire lance or an assault lance. Expecting it to traipse around the battlefield all willy-nilly is asking to lose an Osprey, and a battlefield.
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #27 on: 07 October 2014, 15:25:43 »
This is a bit of thread necromancy (probably going to be more) - but one thing I have found, that this mech excels at, is the combined arms concept of the Dark Ages.
I teamed this mech up with a pair of JES II's, along with a Pike Support vehicle, to provide fire support, during a recent game, and in that role, it really shone.
I was wondering if anyone here has practiced using this as a team player in mixed force fights?

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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #28 on: 07 October 2014, 23:46:20 »
I used it in combined arms way back when I first designed it. While slower than the classic 55 trio, the Osprey's weapons mix and jump capability allows it to be very flexible in mission roles.
-Joel BC-
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Re: MOTW: Osprey OSP-*
« Reply #29 on: 08 October 2014, 01:31:34 »
Ospreys look pretty cool in white as per the WoBM paint scheme. As far as play these could also deal with ambushes fairly well. BAP.