Author Topic: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca  (Read 17557 times)


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Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« on: 09 October 2015, 05:11:23 »
Sir, we lifted this from Mr McCulloch's computer on a routine sweep of his systems for any signs of hacking or leaks, whilst we are 100% sure it has not been released and appears to just be an audio-log done due to boredom I have already placed flags on our systems alerting us of it, just in case.

Here is copy of the recording for you as per SOP.


So, I’m bored, I’ve a bottle of scotch and there’s nothing on the vid to watch, so here I am talking to myself.  I don’t know if anyone will listen to this, and to be honest I don’t care but there it is.

[Sound of liquid being poured and the clinking of ice].

So where to begin? Where it all started, Skobel Works on Terra, now I’ll say that it all started as a thought experiment, nothing more really. We were busy ripping apart the Blakist’s toys, studying them at a microscopic level and I’ll tell you it was quite a lot of fun!  I spent god knows how many hours buried inside captured Celestials and other Mech’s and more tanks than I care to name even some of the rush job stuff which had its own dangers, crazy arse Blakist’s were cutting down on reactor shielding in a rush to get them out and it took me getting in a hazmat suit and being the first to study one of ‘em to get the rest of the team to come along with.

Of course the factory was a wreck, the fighting and Blakist scuttling charges had smashed most of the machinery but there was some very tantalizing clues that hooked my attention.  There was these absolutely massive moulds for something, something big.  I knew the Blakist’s had managed to successfully break the 100 tonne barrier and I was looking at a part of that puzzle.

During a break I got talking with some of my staff, we was all filthy as all hell, I’d spent that morning with my elbows buried in a Archangels knee actuator joint, I could go on about all those machines flaws but we’ll be here ‘til the end of the month.  I could not stop looking at the mould for the Super-heavy, it was part of the head section and we’d not salvaged any in a good enough condition for us to really look into, they had all been smashed to bits so the mould for the head armour and a few other scattered parts were all we had to work on.

Still we talked, we discussed the viability of super-heavies, tactical uses and just how the hell the Blakist’s had broken the 100 tonne barrier.  They tried it in the Star League and simply could not get round it, the problems were just not worth the effort and investment, and that says something if the bloody Star League wasn’t willing to pour money into it!  Yet somehow those religious bastards had done it and we wanted to know how!

Still with our work load we could do little but talk about it and jot down a few ideas on the back of a computer and then we hit pay dirt!  They found an Omega that had been part of the defences round Hilton Head, the machine had taken a serious pounding and had been buried under an arty induced landslide.  During salvage and recovery ops a team found the machine, upside down at the bottom of a cliff, buried under tonnes of rock and soil.  The cockpit was a wreck, two of the Gauss rifles had snapped off whilst another’s capacitor had exploded and one arm and a leg had been sheared off during the fall but otherwise it was fairly intact! 

Thing was, it was cordoned off! Bloody Republic Security wouldn’t let anyone go near the damn thing! Even me and my team it was absolutely ridiculous and I said so loudly when I met the man who assigned me to this project yet we was told that due to 'operational needs and security' that no unauthorised personnel were allowed to inspect the wreckage.

So for months we had this 150 tonne treasure trove taunting us, and during those months we kept on hypothesizing, running simulations, working with what we had and what we was guessitmating.  But it turned out that someone else was reading our mail.  More things change the more they stay the same huh?

[Sound of drinking followed by a long sigh.]

So one day instead of going to Skobel my driver kept on going and I was ushered into an office somewhere where I had a talk with this LOVELY lady, I mean jaw dropping gorgeous, something you’d expect to see and pay huge amounts of C-Bills for in Canopus space..she was clever though, asking lots of questions about our discussions, showing me some data files and the like and I answered truthfully.  I had a feeling this lass was as deadly as her looks were beautiful.  Turns out it was a job interview and it turned out that it wasn’t just me and my crew who were interested in Super-heavy tech, the Republic was too.

I insisted on my people coming with me of course, I knew what was being offered as soon as she started talking about it.  It was the only terms I was able to lay down; everything else was at the Republic’s command.

Security was air-tight and I honestly lost count of the number of vetting processes we had to go through.  They checked EVERYTHING, even school records, it was crazy, but with what we was doing I can kind of understand it.

I readily accepted all this of course, but damn if I knew what I was in for I’d have run screaming from that building and either put a pistol to my head or drowned myself in Rasauhague Brandy.

[Sound of drinking]

Nothing was easy; everything was hard, from getting in the parts to having to rebuild our damaged Omega by hand.  We was working off scraps of computer files and paper records as well as chunks of machinery that we had to fill the gaps with through creativity and our own interpretation. 

And then we’re told ‘we are to build one’.  I laughed out loud when I was told that.

“How!?  We’ve got no moulds, we barely understand the actuators and the internals are so shot we’d be doing everything in the dark, going in completely blind!”

I remember saying, it was madness, but the Republic guys just smiled and said that it wasn’t going to be a problem in terms of resources and money and boy they were not kidding..

Still it was not easy, even with our data from the Omega we encountered roadblocks at every corner and I’ll admit that the first prototype was a disaster.

The problem lay with the skeleton, the Omega used an Endo-steel skeleton and this provided the strength and flexibility it needed.  With that facility long burned up in Terra’s atmosphere we substituted it for a standard structure.  After a two minute walk the prototype ‘Tiny’ had our alarms screaming at us.  Evaluations showed that Tiny’s legs were riddled with cracks both internal and external, the skeleton was breaking under the weight of the machine and its steps were causing a growing web of fractures in its bones.

The damage was so extensive that we had to scrap the whole damn thing and start again otherwise the next step could see the bones of its legs shatter like a glass bottle.  So yeah explaining to our superior's that we'd flubbed the maths was...'fun' and I was sure we was either going to be fired or thrown in some cell somewhere but I was fortunately quite wrong but I definitely got the feeling it was a case of ‘don’t screw up again, or else..’ that was left unsaid but I knew it was there.

Going back to the drawing board cost us even more time and it wasn’t until 3091 that our second prototype was completed.  I'll say now that for all their cold blooded butchery the Blakists were clever bastards, the fibers they used for the musculature were damn clever and very effective, and the interlocking systems they had for the actuators as well as the way they reinforced them and got the movement needed, breath taking in its execution!

We’d increased the density of the skeleton and done a LOT of work on the actuators and joints, hell you could probably fill a swimming pool with the amount of lubricant we put on the knee and hip joints.  That internal structure weighed in at 40 tonnes…a damn Medium Mech’s weight thrown into the structure needed to support the machines weight and the oversized actuators we’d developed that were in turn based on those of the Omega.

They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, and yeah we imitated the Omega, the leg assembly was damn near identical but the added mass and thicker bones drove the machines weight up and up, finally peeking out at 200 tonnes, the biggest machine to walk on the face of the earth.

[Sound of another sip.]

Our second prototype was a fully functional machine verses what Tiny who was ‘just’ a technology demonstrator.  Sure he was a failure but a useful one, he showed us where we’d gone wrong, that some of our calculations were fundamentally wrong and we learned from those mistakes.

Prototype 02 though, my wee bairn was our first full scale demonstrator and I’m not going to deny that I was proud of what we’d done. We’d made the largest walking machine ever crafted by the hand of man and we didn’t scrimp on protection or firepower either!

Even with a 400 rated XL engine powering it we could not get 02 above 32kph so we went for an armament that would work for long range engagements without scrimping on close in defences either, this left us with a total of 36 tonnes for armour protection and here like the internal structure we stuck with standard plate, more for maintenance reasons really, it was simply easier to remove to allow us and the engineers to inspect the interior after every test.

Speaking of which..oh boy the engine..even with a 400 XL there was problems, I don't think the designers ever planned to put it in a chassis that big, so once fitted we found that there was at least a good foot all round it of play and we can't just have the engine hanging loose so we had to fit additional struts and reinforcing brackets, which of course meant re-working the wiring and re-running the cooling systems.  I'm glad it was so damn roomy because you'd be crawling inside it after every damn test!  Anyhow where was I?  Ahh yeah the armour!

That armour was thick!  Each leg would take an estimated four blasts from an AC-20 before you even got internal, the arms could take a quartet of Gauss slugs and still have a thin sliver of protective plating left and this was the same for the side torso whilst the chest..heh, six gauss slugs at least and the head could take a PPC hit without being breached, this was far more protection than the Omega and something I’m damn proud of.

We wanted a centrepiece for the armament, something that would stand out and give our baby the range to really reach out and touch someone.  Initially we was looking at an Arrow IV launcher but the proliferation of ECM’s and AMS’s meant that the big missiles could be intercepted or put off course and rendered useless so we went for the simple option, tube artillery.  We found that a Sniper arty piece whilst as heavy as an Arrow has a longer range and you can’t shoot a shell down, and thanks to the added internal space we could fit it easily in the right arm along with three tonnes of ammo in the chest protected by CASE II.

For added indirect fire we fitted a LRM-20 with another 3 tonnes of ammo in the left torso, and I’m not going to go into the row about the decision to NOT include Artemis guidance for it.  For direct fire weapons we had access to all the factories on Terra and we indulged ourselves, who could not?

An ER Peeper in the left and right torso were backed up by an ER Large laser and a Gauss rifle that we placed in the left arm, hell we didn’t even have to remove the hand actuator for that!  Only thing I’m disappointed in was the two tonnes of ammo for the Gauss, I pressed for a third tonne but was overridden.

For a final layer of defence we put a SRM-6 buried in the chest, here we got two tonnes of ammo and I’d say that it was primarily a smoke and frag round mix, or infernos whilst a small X-pulse joined the SRM-6 and provided protection against infantry and an ECM was integrated into the oversized cockpit.  All this was safely cooled by 19 double heatsink.

The cooling system was a wonder to work on, thanks to the internal space we was able to fit them in just, and the chassis is roomy enough for you to crawl around it without getting caught up in everything.  But…despite the technical achievement the problems with piloting the Orca proved the greatest challenge, that and dear god is she a hangar queen, but that comes with being hand built I guess and by all accounts she’s a mean bitch to pilot, one that will take advantage of any lapse by the pilot making it exhausting to control.  We tried a 24 hour run with a pilot onboard and during the testing we found that it was just a killer to control, not literally thank god, but the pilot had a migrane that lasted a week afterwards.  Tactically this mean that the Orca's best built for defence, not long term field deployments.   

[Sound of drinking].

I’d not say she was a failure, hell we built half a dozen of them, and there’s the quartet of rebuilt Omega’s although the structural changes there were a bloody nightmare…and there was yet another fight for resources with Krupp’s being arse holes, they drove hard bargains, but I drove harder.  Still the Orca has her flaws and problems, but what do you expect for something so literally damn ground-breaking huh?

Heh, right, I think I’m done talking to myself,  I need a refill and I’m damn hungry, I think curry tonight.

Oh and why the Orca?  Because something that big don’t belong on land. Simple as.


End recording.

As always comments are most welcome, I thought i'd try something different for this one, hence the story/IC style. 
« Last Edit: 10 October 2015, 04:39:38 by marauder648 »
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #1 on: 09 October 2015, 06:32:26 »
I don't know about the rest of you, but I want one of these rather than any old Tripod design.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #2 on: 09 October 2015, 07:44:12 »
VERY good article. I won't lie, one of the reasons I've closed down my time running VotW is that I can't match this standard of writing. Bravo!

I love this Orca. The Omega was useful in learning how super-heavies work, in that it showed what works and what doesn't- if it's going to be this slow and lumbering, it has to be able to bring the fight to the enemy via long-range attacks, because it's never going to pursue targets into range. It also can't redeploy defensively, so it has to be something the enemy is going to come to willingly- and be able to withstand whatever they show up with. (In effect, it's a giant Urbanmech when you really stop to think about the tactics of its use). Omega was nice in that it had that triple-Gauss shot, but targets that remain out of Gauss range are perfectly safe from harm- fine, since not much outranges a Gauss rifle, but it meant the Omega was always letting the enemy dictate the engagement- and with limited ammo for all weapons, eventually it could run dry. (I'll say nothing but positives about the LB-10X guns though, aircraft are a huge threat to a unit this slow... well, they WERE...)

In Orca's case, we go for even longer range thanks to the Sniper. Now, if you're a veteran Battletecher, you probably don't much care about Sniper shells. I won't even move to get away from an inbound shell if it's set to hit a Mech of mine- for one, I know how likely it is that round will actually hit me (not very), so the safest place might be right where it's targeted. And of course, there's always the fact that it really doesn't do a great deal of damage overall. It's when you start seeing MULTIPLE rounds inbound that it's a worry- one Sniper is annoying, four is a bit problematic, and a company of artillery is grounds for throwing your soda across the table at your opponent. Orca, at 2/3 (like its cousin) won't be able to reliably move away from impact areas for artillery anyway- Omega was totally helpless in the face of determined artillery fire, for all its power and armor it was useless in the face of such an attack. It was too slow to move in to deal with the guns itself, too slow to avoid fire, and had no ability to project fire back at distant targets. A single Sniper isn't overwhelming, but it does mean Orca can respond to enemy artillery- and since the vast majority of artillery is vehicle-based (or field guns), a return Sniper shot can be devastating in terms of motive/critical hits. And the long-range battery Omega was so useful for- the triple-Gauss threat- remains, now changed to drop two rifles for the PPCs and LRM. It even can deal with infantry thanks to the X-pulse and SRMs, no small issue when you consider how vulnerable Omega was to determined anti-Mech infantry forces.

It's not perfect, but Orca is a VERY intriguing platform, and the only one that uses the superheavy setup to carry artillery- I'm still baffled that we don't have an Ares to do that job.

(Now, when do we get a miniature of this hellspawned beast...?)
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #3 on: 09 October 2015, 08:13:27 »
I'm glad ya like :) I'd had the idea bouncing around the empty space that is my head all weekend so decided to put finger to keyboard and type it out :)

RE the Sniper its still a fairly nasty gun, a single hit is 20/10 now thanks to the buffs to Arty so a direct hit will sting far more than you'd want and it can do horrid things to infantry, and as you very rightly poined out, lets you return fire against hostile arty to which the Omega had no answer.

The Republic's rebuilt Omega's feature 3 x H-PPC's and 2 x LB-X10's so for defensive purposes you could see the Omega Mk 2 and Orca easily working together well as they cover their weaknesses.  That and you'd never ever ever encounter one alone, they are as you said, defensive units and due to their strategic value would probably come with a lance of dedicated escorts and some AA vehicles as well as infantry.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #4 on: 09 October 2015, 11:01:08 »
Very nice article nice and different
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #5 on: 09 October 2015, 11:22:25 »
Excellent write up, marauder648!  I thought i was reading very well made fan-fiction at first.  O0

The now canon version of the Orca seems to be more a general purpose/jack of all trades but master of none.

I'd be surprised if there were more made. Not because it's not descent defensive machine, but they have Ares and Prometheus which are by doubt perhaps bit better what they do. That's my opinion, especially when you have OmniMech Superheavy BattleMech that you more easily refit to do what you want.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #6 on: 09 October 2015, 11:29:06 »
I'm glad folks are enjoying the write up style, I may have to do more of this type in the future :)

Personally i'd say the Orca's superior to the Aries despite it being non-modular.  It for the most part outgun's the Ares and as you said is very much a jack of all trades and does not loose anything to the lighter design in terms of speed. 

of the current super-heavies i'd say the Posiedon is the superior design simply because its got a useful tactical speed of 3/5 instead of 2/3 for everything else.  Sure the Omega has that trio of gauss and the paired LB-X's but its achingly slow and is very vulnerable to arty or infantry. The Ares is slow and whilst its notionally better defended against infantry its rather poorly armed in its variants (prime 2 x ER PPCs and 3 SSRM-6 + the fixed armament).  The Orca is very much a brother of the Omega, just heavier. its still basically a very defensive platform.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #7 on: 09 October 2015, 11:39:58 »

Did you take in consideration of the Tripod advantages that is granted to the Prometheus and Ares?
Three leggers don't suffer from turning, only eating 1 movement for any facing.  3-man cockpits grants superheavy tripods ability to shoot multiple targets without penalties as well tactical advantages the commander gives it's crew and lancemates.

I agree, that Ares isn't going win awards and i'm more liking a generalist mentality in main line machine.  However, both later produced machines will likely aways have some kind of protective screen force/escorting unit when they walk on the scene.  I'd imagine that Ocra would too though it doesn't need as bad as newest Superheavies.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #8 on: 09 October 2015, 11:44:36 »
Ahh yes I always forget those, but in a stand up fight the Orca would still probably come out on top.  And aye as you say these things would not be deployed alone and without at least a company's worth of mech's or armour or both backing them up.  Hell in that short vid clip we saw of the Aries we see it being escorted by an Atlas III.

The Orca though is definately a prototype and has all the flaws that come with it, if more do exist (and the TRO does indicate that more than a few were built) they are probably based purely on Terra or at vital strategic worlds along with their bodyguard formations.
« Last Edit: 09 October 2015, 11:46:14 by marauder648 »
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #9 on: 09 October 2015, 12:05:42 »

Amazing write up! CGL should give you a writing gig for this one.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #10 on: 09 October 2015, 12:20:11 »
Wonderful article! I'd love to see Mac's reaction to this.

I had a lot of fun resurrecting this thing. I actually had to answer quite a few tough questions by TPTB during the process. The final art direction (all hail Brent and Ray!!) is a lovely piece of synergy combining current super-heavy aesthetics with a slight visual nod to the original illo: a faint sense of "fish".

It's great to see the enthusiasm shared here. The design itself ended up being what it is in a balancing act of fine tuning to preserve the original's overall stats while NOT making this ostensibly superior to existing units. The armor is where this is at. The weaponry is quite inefficient and not terribly effective. This is all IS tech, the Tripods make up a lot of ground with mixed tech and the Omega only uses guns that perform like their Clan equivalents.

Which sadly brings me to a detail point that invalidates a large part of above discussion: the Orca in its current incarnation fields a Sniper Cannon, not the Artillery piece...

Thanks for the great article!
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #11 on: 09 October 2015, 12:50:14 »
It does?...oh bugger it does!  Err..well spotted you passed the observation test... *coughs*
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #12 on: 09 October 2015, 12:56:15 »
Damn, great article. Scary 'Mech, too. That extra level of height makes long-ranged superheavies really mean because it can often shoot over what would have been cover, and the Orca is seriously long-ranged.


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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #13 on: 09 October 2015, 14:07:31 »

Amazing write up! CGL should give you a writing gig for this one.

I'm honoured you think so :)
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #14 on: 09 October 2015, 15:05:37 »
It does?...oh bugger it does!  Err..well spotted you passed the observation test... *coughs*

 O0 been there that cough will go away
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #15 on: 09 October 2015, 15:37:13 »
Of course, the Sniper Cannon just means I have the option of direct fire on fast movers, like hover tanks.......ok, this unit just moved from meh, to intrigued......

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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #16 on: 09 October 2015, 15:41:40 » had that option already. ???
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #17 on: 09 October 2015, 15:54:34 » had that option already. ???

Per the rules, the cannon uses indirect fire rules to get the target number, but can only fire direct. I explicitly states that they cannot make indirect shots.

The big things that I noted was that you can only use standard ammo, or high explosive, and also, per the rules, the Sniper Cannon has a long range of 12 -- which might change things as well.... since that is rather a short range.

Errata in Tactical Operations now states that the Artillery Cannons may only use standard artillery munitions. As an area-affect weapon, the Sniper Cannon may not benefit from a targeting computer. Artillery Cannons use the Indirect LRM Fire rules to determine target numbers, but Artillery Cannons cannot make Indirect Artillery attacks. Missed shots scatter like standard artillery, but divide the scatter distance by one half to account for the smaller propellant charges.[

Yeah, been using my 6mm Elefants from my WWII as mobile artillery Cannons to fire direct, with the Long Tom cannon, ...... people with infantry, and fast vehicles hate them. Time to make them hate this mech too.

« Last Edit: 09 October 2015, 19:00:11 by Nahuris »
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #18 on: 09 October 2015, 20:47:55 »
Very cool article, nice to see you branching out into new styles, marauder648! :)

The Orca...I won't lie, I laughed when I saw it in the XTRO. Of all the things to canonify, I certainly wasn't expecting this one. It's interesting, I'll give it that. It's got a brutal punch, and can slaughter infantry if they're caught out in the open. But would I want to field one? Eh...

Superheavies aren't my thing, and I don't think this was the one to change my mind. Seems like to much investment on a single platform; I'd much prefer to use something like an AS7-K with a Koshei -6L or something. Weird combo, I know, but still...the vulnerabilities of superheavies seem too easy to exploit for me to want to use one.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #19 on: 09 October 2015, 21:14:08 »
i was actually expecting a TRO entry eventually, since it got a mention in TRO3145 in the tripod's write ups.


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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #20 on: 09 October 2015, 22:25:14 »
The write up mentions they made six and rebuilt four of the Omega Super Heavies as well. I have money on that if the Clans ever hit Terra we will see the Orcas and the Omega's again in action in a effort to stem the Clan war machine. And the Clan's are not big on artillery.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #21 on: 09 October 2015, 22:25:14 »
The Orca was a surprise to me too, I was looking through TRO Republic II when I got it and went "ooooh!!" rather loudly when the Orca popped up.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #22 on: 09 October 2015, 22:54:56 »
Frankly, the Orca is what Wizkids should have done, not that tripod nonsense.  Although I wouldn't mind seeing a 6- or 8-legged design - it just seems more realistic.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #23 on: 09 October 2015, 23:17:26 »
The tri-pod was real goofy gimmick by WK, I'm surprised CGL did so well with a concept.Then again, never thought the Orca would anything more than a April Fools joke.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #24 on: 10 October 2015, 11:55:32 »

In its favor, it should be noted that the Orca has the thickest armor of any superheavy (and maybe the best armor protection of any mech minus Grand Turtle goofiness).  But that, and the lack of endo-steel, limits the Orca's offensive loadout.

However, that loadout also suffers from the same "jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none" syndrome that afflicts the Ares and many homegrown superheavy designs.  The Orca can do some anti-conventional (or artillery, depending on the version) work with its Sniper.  With its ER peepers and Gauss, the Orca can do the same heat-constrained ranged hole-punching as a Nightstar.  And with its LRM and SRM, the Orca can add a little crit-seeking.

But for all its size and expense, the Orca doesn't deliver a lot of anything.  You'd almost certainly be better off with a separate Sniper-equipped tank, a Nightstar, and a random missile boat, if for no other reason than they'd all be faster and more mobile than the Orca.

At least the Orca does not waste tonnage on lots of small missile racks and pop guns like the Ares.  For that reason and its superb armor, I'd probably take the Orca over the Ares.  But I'd probably take the Poseidon over the Orca for its reasonable speed, and the Omega over the Orca for its concentrated firepower.

It would be interesting to see an Orca Mk. II (or Omega Mk. II) that upgrades to endo, replaces the Sniper and missile racks with a couple Arrow IV launchers, and streamlines the direct firepower.  That might deliver enough concentrated firepower to make a 200-ton mech worthwhile.

"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #25 on: 10 October 2015, 16:29:44 »
I honestly like it's looks.
And I sure like the concept.
But it does what it is supposed to do, and that's being mediocre.
Also, an interesting avenue for an article.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #26 on: 10 October 2015, 19:16:53 »
Well, we keep judging supper heavies as other front line unites while they are more support units meant to give the enemy a additional obstacle. Also, the Orca was a proof of concept design so it makes sense to make it a jack of all trades vs a specialized machine. Another reason why like the article's take that the engineers just tried to slap as many guns that they could find on the beast. "Can we fit a SRM?" "Sure, why not!"   

The Ares though being a Omni... well, I can also understand the the smaller guns on the Poseidon and Ares; impressive as the Orca's firepower happens to be, it still only has one weapon for infantry (not counting a SRM rack that can be loaded with infernos) so BA may still be able to make a go at it. The Tripods has made sure it's has 360 degrees of anti infantry weapons when needed. (the Ares also has the nice benefit of being BA friendly Omni of friendly BA to climb aboard) As for Jack-of-many-master-of-none... well, it is still a support unit after all, why not follow the Orca's example. It's going to be hard justifying anything that slow to not be somewhat versatile once on the field. Only one Super Heavy so far is able to out run a Urbie so might as well try to have a gun for every possible threat. 

With the great art for the Orca, you can kinda see the transition to the Tripods. The legs, arms and domed cockpit gives the Orca a family resemblance to the Tripods while clearly being a closer to a Omega in overall design.

Super heavies are still far from standard fight units but it's always a blast to see how many guns they can fit on a walking battleship. 
« Last Edit: 11 October 2015, 00:28:12 by SteelRaven »
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #27 on: 11 October 2015, 01:32:41 »
The Orca is quite the achivement for what it is, I think the only larger ground based and mobile structures are the Rattler SDS Mobile Fortresses.
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #28 on: 11 October 2015, 01:33:35 »
The Ares though being a Omni... well, I can also understand the the smaller guns on the Poseidon and Ares;

Not to derail the thread, but I think this philosophy is what's ruining canon superheavy designs (IMO).

The Ares being an omni is exactly why it shouldn't waste tonnage on multiple, fixed small missile racks and pop-guns.  The Ares doesn't have to fix part of its loadout to meet every possible threat and condition because it can reconfigure to meet different threats and conditions.  On top of that, the Ares can mechanize with battle armor to deal with smaller threats.

I could understand having one jack-of-all-trades Ares configuration for when you don't know what you'll be facing.  But as an omni, there's no reason (aside from clickytech mistakes and inertia) to fix a good chunk of the Ares' loadout.

The Tripods has made sure it's has 360 degrees of anti infantry weapons when needed.

A tripod can already rotate its torso 360 degrees.  There's no need to fix an identical set of weapons every 120 degrees because a tripod can always torso twist in any direction to face any opponent at any time.

As for Jack-of-many-master-of-none... well, it is still a support unit after all, why not follow the Orca's example.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "support unit".  But if I'm going to invest in a heavily armored and very expensive unit, it should focus on hard-hitting, frontline combat.  There are much easier, cheaper, and honestly better ways to deploy the random artillery piece, LRM rack, or anti-infantry array around a superheavy.

Superheavies should do a lot of what they're capable of doing best -- not a little of what every other unit is capable doing.  Hopefully we'll see more canon superheavies and they'll evolve towards more efficient and optimal loadouts as designers get more used to them out-of-game and the universe gets more experience with them in-game.

My 2 C-bills... YMMV.

"Ah, yes.  The belle dame sans merci.  The sweet young thing who will blast your nuts off.  The kitten with a whip.  That mystique?"
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."
"Variety is the spice of battle."
"I've fought in... what... a hundred battles, a thousand battles?  It could be a million as far as I know.  I've fought for anybody who offered a decent contract and a couple who didn't.  And the universe is not much different after all that.  I could go on fighting for another hundred years and it would still look the same."
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Re: Additional Mech of the week - OC-1X Orca
« Reply #29 on: 11 October 2015, 02:44:36 »
As soon as we see more effective Orcas and such, it will mark the beginning of Superheavy becoming the dominate battlemech. Don't think tptb are quit ready to make that leap so we are getting big gunboats that still can be out class by your more common battlemech.  But hey, if you wan't: we can start working on a 200 ton Hellstar ;D
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