Author Topic: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.  (Read 14350 times)


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(Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« on: 30 November 2015, 02:43:35 »


After moving into the Inner Sphere to escape the growing bloodshed in the Homeworld’s as well as the deteriorating resource situation Clan Hell’s Horses found themselves in a bit of a fix.  Taking a small number of worlds and then getting caught up in the Jihad the Horses Tourman was battered and in poor shape by 3085.  They had suffered extensive losses of all Mech’s and their Light Mech numbers were dangerously low so a replacement and new machine was needed to carry out scouting roles instead of relying on dwindling numbers of older machines.

It also seemingly became a secret that happily hid in plain sight.  The resulting design produced on New Oslo is a standard Mech but one that breaks a few Clan rules.  At 35 tonnes it’s a big light Mech but unlike older Omni’s or standard designs the Parash sets its sights firmly on its goal of being a scout and stays there instead of trying to be a jack of all trades.  Apparently inspirited by designs like the SLDF’s Hussar and House Liao’s Raven, the Parash mounts a single weapon and is loaded to the gills with EW equipment.


Surprisingly the designers only used an XL engine to help save weight, the 35 tonne machine is built on a standard skeleton and has standard armour protecting it, this makes it fairly cheap to produce and does not consume too many resources.  The 245 rated XL engine can propel the Mech along at a respectable 112kph whilst a full array of standard jump jets allows it to vault 210 meters (7/11/7 in game terms).  This gives it the speed and manoeuvrability to carry out its role of scouting out hostile forces or screening slower units with its ECM.

Shrouded in 7 tonnes of standard plate armour the design of the Parash at first glance and from a distance makes it look very very VERY much like a Proto-Mech and indeed it was mistaken for one when images were first seen of it.  The design is very humanoid with its armour worked into very organic looking shapes and the Mech’s build is described as small and quite squat which lends credence to its misidentification as a Proto-Mech when first seen.  The armour layout is effective and whilst not meant to take a heavy hit it can withstand enough to disengage with its speed and jumping ability.

The chest can take a Heavy Large Laser hit before going internal whilst the side torso’s can take an AC-10 round, the legs are well protected, capable of taking a Heavy large laser hit whilst the arms can take an AC-10 and then a single SRM before being stripped.

Parash I – The standard design and scout of the Hells Horses, the Parash I is armed with a Large Pulse Laser in its right arm, the rifle like assembly can be jettisoned if needs be but it REALLY looks like a Proto-Mech’s main gun for reasons you will see in the future.  The large pulse is a fearsome weapon against the usual hunters of scouts, other light Mech’s and fast vehicles, its range and punch allows it to reach out and touch someone with lethal accuracy at long range.  Everything else is devoted to the EW suite and its an extensive one.  The Clans have clearly learned its better to have all your EW assets on a single machine rather than spreading them out across a Star.  An Active Probe, ECM and TAG take what little space is left and give the Parash it’s main ‘weapon’ allowing it to spot for other Hells Horses units or call in artillery which the Horses employ without shame (much to everyone else’s concern). 

Parash II – Seemingly a technology demonstrator and tester the Parash II swaps out the EW systems and weapons of the I with new or at the time experimental equipment.  The Large Pulse Laser is replaced with an ER Large Pulse Laser for a longer ranged yet slightly less accurate punch and for short ranges an Improved Heavy Medium Laser rounds out the punch. The EW system is replaced with a copy (or salvaged) Watchdog CEWS and it is joined by a light TAG unit to round out the EW equipment, it’s unknown if the Horses are either producing the Watchdog or testing salvaged units on their machines prior to widespread production.

Parash 3 – The secret hiding in plain sight, the Parash 3 seems to be another tech demonstrator and possibly the whole point of the Mech from its inception.  As mentioned the Parash when first seen was initially mistaken for a Proto-Mech due to its very humanoid looks and its small size, more akin to a scaled up Proto by all accounts.  In 3086 a Parash was spotted but it seemed to be a new machine, it featured a new head and instead of the almost football player like helm of the standard design it had an alien looking faceplate and rather narrow head. 
The machine moved with extreme grace and fluidity, not seen outside of Proto-Mech’s yet when it was hit hard, the machine staggered, holding the impact area as if hurt.  It then dropped its weapon and disengaged at full speed. 

This un-Clan like behaviour was somewhat confusing but not really questioned until the Republic ran into the terrifying ‘Skinwalker’ Ryoken and the equally horrific evidence that the Clans had developed a system similar to the Word of Blake’s Interface armour for its pilots.  This helped explain how fluid the machine moved and how it had freed up the tonnage for its EW equipment.

Like the Parash I the 3 is armed with a single Large pulse laser and is loaded to the gills with EW equipment all be it of an advanced nature.  An Angel ECM and Bloodhound Active Probe form the centrepiece of the Parash 3’s EW equipment and a standard TAG rides along in the left arm. To fit this the removal of the Mech’s 3 tonne gyro and the replacement of it with an Interface armoured pilot in the chest makes sense in light of the Skinwalker’s appearance.  With the appearance of both the Parash 3 and Skinwalker it is worrying to say the least to see that the Clans have somehow developed or adopted the Interface armour system and are starting to field it.  The success of these Mech’s will probably tell if the deployment of Interface Armour controlled machines remains limited or grows more widespread. It’s also amazing that the Clans were able to develop this system seemingly in secret and without anyone finding out about it until they met it in combat.


The Parash is a capable scout by any standards and the simple but effective punch of its pulse laser makes it a threat to hostile machines trying to intercept it whilst its EW systems combine to make a potent mix that can do what’s needed without wasting space on a NARC system either.  The II is a case of ‘oh that’s slightly different’ but its very much more of the same just with a short ranged TAG and a funky new gun and a bit more punch at short ranges but it’s the 3 where the design comes to life.

With all the advantages the Interface armour provides combined with the usual Clan Pilot advantages it makes it even more accurate as well as able to stay on its feet.  We don’t know if the Clans system is like the Domini’s Buffered VDNI system but we can also assume they are working on developing it.  Its enhanced ECM and probe allow it to cut through hostile jamming or block out other probes.

I’d still say that the big thing about the Parash 3 is that it’s a story maker, it along with the Skinwalker Ryoken clearly indicate that Interface armour has spread between two and possibly three Clans and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Falcons will adopt it in a heartbeat once they learn about it.  This helps make the Clans seem like that strange alien culture again, yet this time even more horrific, especially if Interface Armour is combined with Elestar’s.  It also does a lovely bit of foreshadowing, if the system is accepted by the Clans then it will be spread to new designs (assuming that it can’t be retrofitted into older machines without seriously reworking them so much as to be brand new, thus making new machines fitted with it makes more sense that way) and it could help bring back the tech advantage the Clans have generally lost grounds on since the widespread use of Clan Tech in House Mech’s.

As always thoughts are most welcome :)
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #1 on: 30 November 2015, 03:35:41 »
The first two Parashes seem like a nice stopgap design. Simple, relatively easy to produce, its a good design for the Horses to rebuild their Touman. Capable of hunting down Light 'Mechs while providing EW capabilities to the Horses' forces, and can hit above its weight when you combine the TAG with the artillery that the Horses have.

The 3 is definitely the odd bunch out, and features technology that I can only assume the Horses stumbled across on Mars at some point. It provides the same type of battlefield roll, but definitely could set the entire Clan society on its back foot. Shame we didn't get to see that with the Horses. Unless things change, it looks like the Wolves are going to be the center of that. Unfortunately.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #2 on: 30 November 2015, 04:00:29 »
Well we'll have to see how it develops and if it develops. If the tech takes hold and is viewed as a success then it will expand beyond the two tech demonstrators its in at the mo.  I'd assume we'll get new machines built to carry the system from the ground up rather than refits, its just one of those things where we'll have to wait and hopefully see.

Why do you think it would set Clan society on its back foot though?
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #3 on: 30 November 2015, 05:07:19 »
Training MechWarriors to pilot BA? They didn't like LAMs partially because they blurred the lines between MechWarriors and Pilots. The Interface system and their BA outright cross the line. Not only that, but this is a system that requires the use of Enhanced Imagining, which to this point has been less than widely used. I suppose you could treat it the same, a very limited group of Clanners using it, just like EI is now, but that seems rather boring for a system that requires actual structural changes to a 'Mech, rather than just a handwaived new cockpit.

Of course, I suppose the Clanners could kid themselves (they're good at that) and tell themselves that the Interface suit isn't a suit of BA, exactly, but just a very advanced cooling suit, which might negate that whole "Blurring the line' bit, but if they're going to use it in any sort of large scale, then Enhanced Imagining is going to have to be used more. And that could definitely stir things up, IMO.

Not to mention the possibility of adding other implants in order to get the most out of the system. Instead of just relying on the Clan Breeding System, we might see them stretching out more towards technological enhancements.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #4 on: 30 November 2015, 05:17:01 »
The interface armour really isn't BA per say, I guess the closest thing is more like a PA(L) its really to protect the pilot rather than have them get out and play at being an Elemental because an Elemental would rip one apart.

Its a weird system when you think about it, it's going to require EI stuff and that has nasty neurological effects on its users given time.  And whilst the Clanners have never really seemingly put any value in the life of their warriors unless they do good, the EI stuff will be killing them or driving them nuts by the time they are probably 35 - 40 barring any medical advances. 

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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #5 on: 30 November 2015, 06:19:28 »
In my head, I still pretend this Mech doesn't exist in canon because of its looks. Robocop is not a Mech.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #6 on: 30 November 2015, 06:35:57 »
The interface armour really isn't BA per say, I guess the closest thing is more like a PA(L) its really to protect the pilot rather than have them get out and play at being an Elemental because an Elemental would rip one apart.

Its a weird system when you think about it, it's going to require EI stuff and that has nasty neurological effects on its users given time.  And whilst the Clanners have never really seemingly put any value in the life of their warriors unless they do good, the EI stuff will be killing them or driving them nuts by the time they are probably 35 - 40 barring any medical advances.
Most Clanners are dead by 35 to 40. Easy come easy go; that's what the iron wombs are for, quiaff?! :P if by a certain age the warrior knows he's stuck in whatever the Clan version of a 'terminal lance' is - no higher than Star command, little chance for a Bloodname - why not bang in the EI and hope to do something amazing for entry into the Remembrance?
« Last Edit: 30 November 2015, 06:39:07 by Kidd »


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #7 on: 30 November 2015, 06:38:05 »
True, that's what I meant about kidding themselves. "Its not really BA, its just an advanced cooling suit" or something to the effect. Which in fact, it partially is.

I just hope we see more of it, rather than how EI is treated. "Oh oh, maybe one Warrior has it in a Trinary."

Of course, to bring this back to the Parash...with the loss of New Oslo, the Horses might not be able to produce the design anymore.

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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #8 on: 30 November 2015, 08:30:49 »
In my head, I still pretend this Mech doesn't exist in canon because of its looks. Robocop is not a Mech.
The art in XTR: Rep III features the original head if that helps.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #9 on: 30 November 2015, 10:27:05 »
The art in XTR: Rep III features the original head if that helps.

Original head? The head was changed for 3085 and changed back to the original for XTRO: Rep III?


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #10 on: 30 November 2015, 10:53:02 »

<--  O0
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #11 on: 30 November 2015, 11:41:57 »
Alien RoboCop  ;D


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #12 on: 30 November 2015, 12:35:03 »
Now this is a sweet ride.
Good scout mech, decent firepower.
The 3 apparently didn't jive with the higherups, or didn't work for reasons unknown, but I assume it still wouldn't be used much.
Unless the Elstar programmes end up generating pilots more tolerant to those implants, or with so short life spans it's a wash either way.
Also still hoping for the babushka concept, but that's another topic.
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #13 on: 30 November 2015, 12:38:05 »

<--  O0
Head looks like the melty face in Munch's Scream painting
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #14 on: 01 December 2015, 13:22:17 »
Of course, to bring this back to the Parash...with the loss of New Oslo, the Horses might not be able to produce the design anymore.

Wonder if Rasalhague ever did anything with the concept.
And by the 3150s the Horses *could* have New Oslo again (although we don't know for certain yet). That'd be a pretty huge boon for their manufacturing.


Why was the head changed in the first place? The original one looks pimpin'.

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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #15 on: 01 December 2015, 21:35:00 »
Didn't EI come about because of the old cartoon? (And then it was canonized, but given lots of horrible drawbacks to explain why no one used it much?) Could be wrong about that...

As for the Parash, I like the 3. Especially the new head assembly. Haven't had a chance to test it out on the tabletop yet though.

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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #16 on: 02 December 2015, 11:39:16 »
We could be looking at the future here.

A future where Mechs are no longer walking tanks, but avatars. Metal bodies instead of operated vehicles. A couple of sci-fi brands say hello.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #17 on: 02 December 2015, 12:02:48 »
We could be looking at the future here.

A future where Mechs are no longer walking tanks, but avatars. Metal bodies instead of operated vehicles. A couple of sci-fi brands say hello.

Heh, I wonder if keeping EI-equipped pilots sedated between battles a la 40k Space Marine Dreadnoughts would help slow the decay of their sanity. (Then again, considering what cryo-sleep did to Devlin Stone... probably not.)

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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #18 on: 02 December 2015, 16:40:04 »
On the other hand the hit Clanner clutched his ouchie, threw away his weapon and ran.

Not sure the Emperor would approve.
« Last Edit: 02 December 2015, 16:44:01 by Molossian Dog IIC »


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #19 on: 02 December 2015, 23:50:55 » do I kill it? Snipe it from half a board away with a Gauss Rifle? Get up close and personal to deliver a load of LB-X AC/20 cheer? Throw lasers of varying kinds at it until it dies? Missile boat it to death?


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #20 on: 03 December 2015, 07:07:32 »
Its not really that hard. Despite the oddity of the tech, its still just a light 'Mech. Its speed isn't so much that its going to cause you severe problems, and while its fully armored, its still just a light 'Mech. Kill it as you would any other light 'Mech. Its just going to be very accurate against you until you do destroy it.

SRMs and LB-Xs can work to take advantage of the EI drawbacks, but its a Light 'Mech in the end. While you're trying to be clever and get internal hits to attempt to damage the pilot, you could probably just as easily be destroying it outright.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #21 on: 03 December 2015, 17:05:23 »
the scary units will be when they adapt interface cockpits to stuff like hellstars or Savage Wolves.


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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #22 on: 03 December 2015, 21:32:46 »
This is, I believe, the last of my canon designs to be covered by a MotW, not counting fluff-only pieces like the Phoenix designs from the same TRO. I'm rather proud of the entry; if you have TR3085, please go and read it.

Back? Okay, cool. I packed that write-up with story hooks that I'd hoped to come back to later. Well, one firing later, that wasn't going to happen. I thought my poor little Parash was destined to be yet another forgotten Technical Readout entry, joining the storied ranks of such machines as the Falconer and Duan Gung. But, much to my surprise, of all the little details I fit in there - Hebrew names, meant to support vehicle formations, etc. - it was my throw-away in-joke that it "looked like a ProtoMech" (because the original art was meant for a ProtoMech, or so I remember) that was expanded on so well in XTR: Republic III.

As to the original design, all I was given initially was "35 tons," "7/11," and "Hell's Horses." The artwork followed not long after I was granted the assignment, if I remember correctly. Unlike the Dark Crow, I had a finished piece to work from, though it still had the "alien" head until right before publication. That it mounts a single gun was clear, so I gave it the most logical single weapon for a speedy scout to mount. The LPL is poo-pooed by some, but it's accurate, reasonably long-ranged, and in the mid-to-upper tier of damage. That left plenty of mass for armor, a Raven's-worth of electronics, and jump jets. As is my wont, I then tied the machine to others that preceded it, making clear that this was an evolution in design, not a revolution. The Parash 2 was much the same, just a logical nuTech upgrade.

I had nothing to do with the Parash 3, but I love it very much. It's literally just my original design, updated with the Machina Domina interface and even better sensors. I'm happiest that, far from being a forgotten footnote, the Parash may very well herald a new era in Clan technology.
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #23 on: 03 December 2015, 22:27:14 »
I love the Parash! It has the speed to be a scout, the range to be a sniper, and the EW to be support. It even manages to do all that without being excessively cheesy, something the similar Packhunter can't say. There is a cost, the BV is high for a scout, but I feel you cover enough roles to be worth it.

One thing I'll mention is that optional rules make the Parash very dangerous if you play unClanily. Ghost targets plus a jump of 7 can be damn hard to hit obviously. But the active probe can let you ignore a Light Woods in the way as well. In the right conditions a Parash can jump and snipe with decent odds while being flat out unhittable in return. It takes a while, but you can wear down Assault 'mechs like this.
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #24 on: 03 December 2015, 22:55:47 »
With all due respect to that style of play: it's boring as shit, and why Lights shouldn't be fighting Assaults (or balanced against Assaults) in the first place.

That said, the Parash 3 is (with no slight to you, ColBosch) the most interesting variant.  The 1 and 2 are variations on "35 tons, 7/11" that's so popular because it's so good, with some EW gear added on top.  I'm much more interested in seeing how the interface cockpit evolves in Clan warfare.  Will it hearken back to the dueling culture, where a warrior is defined by how intimately they can link with their machine?  Or will it result in the hellish specter of a Clan Touman unbound by conventional Clan honor, enhanced by machine and eugenics in a way that the Clans of the early 3000s could only dream?  Elestars were mentioned in FM:3145 but have otherwise been curiously absent from write-ups and sourcebooks.  I get the distinct feeling that the Clan Interface project is where they'll find their home, and the concept of a "Regular" Clan MechWarrior that translates roughly to 1/2 on the tabletop scares me.
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #25 on: 03 December 2015, 23:08:23 »
With all due respect to that style of play: it's boring as shit, and why Lights shouldn't be fighting Assaults (or balanced against Assaults) in the first place.

I fully agree. But when you're down to one Parash against an Archangel you dance and pray.

On a side note, the Parash is resilient in the face of heat causing weapons. That does not mean that hits from a Plasma Rifle should be ignored. Jumping alpha strikes may have a net -3 to heat, but 2d6 heat still builds up.
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #26 on: 03 December 2015, 23:40:28 »
I frankly love the direction the Clans are going with this unlike the Word of Blakes creation that got cut off at the knees with their destruction this one already has a second design that's an OmniMech

I like the idea of them taking a step back into the exotic the Falcons wings talons mongel strategies, the Bears adopting physical weapons and even stronger family bonds, the Foxes traders to there core, Ravens fleet and the Wolves literally under your skin its almost like they are all falling into rolls of a bigger whole...

It's just a shame there isn't a tech savvy, vision guided, builder caste too  O0
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #27 on: 03 December 2015, 23:49:20 »
In my head, I still pretend this Mech doesn't exist in canon because of its looks. Robocop is not a Mech.
Yeah, protomechs are a eye sore but some artist got them looking somewhat cool;

Too bad the Parash still looks goofy
« Last Edit: 03 December 2015, 23:51:49 by SteelRaven »
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #28 on: 04 December 2015, 01:34:39 »
Yeah, protomechs are a eye sore but some artist got them looking somewhat cool;

Agreed. Although I guess my avatar would betray my thoughts on that...if anyone is interested, those reimaginings were done by Alex Iglesias/flyingdebris.

Looking at the art again, the Proto-Parash might have originally been the first incarnation of what would later become the Procyon (Quad). SRM-2 in the Torso, AP Gauss as the Main Gun. And I just put my finger on what the new(old) head reminds me of - a horse skull. Interesting.
« Last Edit: 04 December 2015, 01:37:24 by GreekFire »
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Re: (Filler) Mech of the Week - Parash...sneaky Clanners.
« Reply #29 on: 04 December 2015, 02:16:58 »
I fully agree. But when you're down to one Parash against an Archangel you dance and pray.

Heck, I do it with Executioners. BV 2, Clan pilots and 2 x 2 maps make direct confrontation difficult.

