Author Topic: Production Info Spreadsheet  (Read 7246 times)

Dread Moores

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Production Info Spreadsheet
« on: 26 April 2011, 14:42:19 »
Mods: Not sure if this is the right place for this or not, but feel free to move it if desired.

I was getting set up work ready for my AU, and I realized that I wanted to have a list of everything currently produced (up through the current material) by each faction. I've used MadCap's Objective Raids in the past, but I wanted something simpler and quicker to reference. I didn't need to know where each infantry rifle was produced, or even each component, just full production units. So, I headed to the various Handbooks and built it.

So I figured I'd offer it up here as a source of info, in case anybody else might find it useful.

A few notes on the spreadsheets:

1. They're not sorted. I left them unsorted so folks could sort them however they wanted.
2. These are based off the Handbooks almost exclusively. This means that material from TRO 3075/85 are not currently included. It also means the Clans and the DC are not currently included. Once the DC Handbook is released, I'll update this. I may try to go through 75/85 and Master and Minions for the Clans/CS/WoB/RoTS but I wouldn't hold my breath on that. It's not a priority currently, and I was looking more for hard production info. The Handbooks are the easiest to find this type of material quickly.
3. One file is broken down by unit type, and the other is broken down by faction.
4. No guarantees on future updates.

Mostro Joe

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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #1 on: 26 April 2011, 14:49:09 »
Veeeery GOOD!!!

Thanks a lot for your effort! Downloaded and put in my "Battletech" huge folder ;)


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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #2 on: 26 April 2011, 15:31:39 »
Excellent, thank you.  Though not as detailed as the old Crouton Command (, it's certainly a bit more up-to-date.

Dread Moores

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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #3 on: 30 April 2011, 23:59:07 »
I finally got through Fanbook: OR, all the Handbooks, '75, '85, and '85 Supplemental. While it now makes this fanon, rather than straight canon, using MadCap's extensive research helped fill in some blanks. I need to finish writing up what it does and doesn't cover, organize it, but I should have a completed version out by sometime early next week.

Dread Moores

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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #4 on: 02 May 2011, 11:23:49 »
 Design Notes for the spreadsheets

1. This is “fanon” material. While much of it was researched through canon material, this is in no way intended to be a 100% accurate canon listing.
2. This is not a list of what is produced through the current timeline. I did not cut out any factories for any faction, even if it has been confirmed destroyed in current canon material. This is a list of potential total production, and not actual current total production.
3. Most information came from the existing Handbooks, TROs up through and including '85 Supplemental, and MadCapellan's Fanbook: Objective Raids.
4. The xTROs were not included.
5. Many support vehicles and WorkMechs were not included.
6. Variants were not listed, or counted multiple times. For example, if Defiance produces the ARC-4M, the ARC-8M, and the ARC-9K all on Hesperus, then I simply put down one listing for the Archer on Hesperus.
7. This is primarily aimed at 3067 and forward. That means a given system may be listed multiple times under different factions, as control passed through several different factions. Even if those factories were destroyed before the second faction took control, they were still listed under both factions (as noted in item 1 above).
8. Some units I could not find more than one of the following: affiliated faction, planet, or producing manufacturer. In those cases, the listing was added to the Independent tab.
9. If you want more details, then look at the much more painstakingly researched Fanbook: Objective Raids by MadCapellan of the BattleTech forums. That can be found at

1. MadCapellan's work mentioned above, as it helped to fill in a few missing spots. This work is not intended to infringe on his work, as it is nowhere near as detailed and meant more as a quick reference guide.
2. Maelwys, for catching a few missing entries. Much obligied, Sweater Cowboy.
3. The OurBattleTech community, for encouragement and interest.
4. Sleep, because this thing is finished for me.

If there's a desire in the future for somebody to update this, or use it for something more, feel free to contact me. I could put this up as a Google Document for others to have entry/edit access.

I'll post up some thoughts about this later, because some of the analysis is a little wacky.

Dread Moores

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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #5 on: 02 May 2011, 21:22:11 »
Initial thoughts when I finished this:

1. How in the world have the Lyrans not stomped all over everybody by now? (I'm quite aware of the answer, thanks.) The sheer amount of Mechs they produce (and tanks), even removing the Solaris VII customs, was surprising to me. Sitting at just around 100, with most of the next closest factions barely reaching 80.

2. The Clans must do a crazy level of trading and Trialing just to fill out their basic needs to have a fully functional military. I'm still not really convinced how well Trials work as a means of getting gear, especially considering what you can lose in the process. The Homeworld Clans are an even bigger problem in this arena. I was surprised to find Clans other than the Blood Spirits that don't produce a single aerospace fighter or vehicle. And the mechs produced by some factions leave a lot to be desired.

3. The Republic of the Sphere...where to begin? There must be an insane level of factories destroyed and dismantled. Irian and Kalidasa alone give them huge advantages. Toss in Al Nair, Dieron, New Earth, and the rest? Ouch. Just ouch.


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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #6 on: 03 May 2011, 10:12:46 »
1. How in the world have the Lyrans not stomped all over everybody by now? (I'm quite aware of the answer, thanks.) The sheer amount of Mechs they produce (and tanks), even removing the Solaris VII customs, was surprising to me. Sitting at just around 100, with most of the next closest factions barely reaching 80.

All that tells you is the variety of 'Mechs they produce, nothing about the yield of those factories.  For instance, the number of canon 100 ton designs is about equal to the number of 50 ton designs, but we know that in the BattleTech universe the actual quantity of 50 tonners is much greater than that of assault 'Mechs.

Dread Moores

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Re: Production Info Spreadsheet
« Reply #7 on: 08 June 2012, 07:00:31 »
Design Notes for the 3144 spreadsheets

1. This is “fanon” material. While much of it was researched through canon material, this is in no way intended to be a 100% accurate canon listing.
2. This is not a list of what is produced through the current timeline. I did not cut out any factories for any faction, even if it has been confirmed destroyed in current canon material. This is a list of potential total production, and not actual current total production. The only things that were cut were worlds confirmed dead and destroyed by 3144.
3. Most information came from the existing Handbooks, TROs up through and including '85 Supplemental, and MadCapellan's Fanbook: Objective Raids.
4. The xTROs WERE included.
5. Many support vehicles and WorkMechs were not included.
6. Variants were not listed, or counted multiple times. For example, if Defiance produces the ARC-4M, the ARC-8M, and the ARC-9K all on Hesperus, then I simply put down one listing for the Archer on Hesperus.
7. This is primarily aimed at 3144.
8. I included my spreadsheet on 3144 System Ownership changes (from the 3130 map) as well.
9. If you want more details, then look at the much more painstakingly researched Fanbook: Objective Raids by MadCapellan of the BattleTech forums. That can be found at

1. MadCapellan's work mentioned above, as it helped to fill in a few missing spots. This work is not intended to infringe on his work, as it is nowhere near as detailed and meant more as a quick reference guide.
2. Maelwys, for catching a few missing entries. Much obligied, Sweater Cowboy.
3. The OurBattleTech community, for encouragement and interest.
4. Sleep, because this thing is finished for me...oh wait, I still have an AU to develop.

If there's a desire in the future for somebody to update this, or use it for something more, feel free to contact me. I could put this up as a Google Document for others to have entry/edit access.