Author Topic: MotW: Kodiak  (Read 23619 times)


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MotW: Kodiak
« on: 12 January 2017, 23:43:46 »

The Ghost Bears are a tricky Clan sometimes to define. This certainly extends as far as their equipment- their invasion-era Omnis are probably the worst overall of the four original Clans, with heavy use of decent but flawed machines like the Executioner and Mad Dog. But their second-line units deserve notice, because it’s where you can find some of the absolute best examples of top of the line Clan design- the Ursus is an excellent urban combat machine, the Arcas simply one of the best heavy Mechs out there (and owner of the scariest-looking large lasers in the game!), and the Kodiak… well, the aura of terror built up over the years here is certainly earned. But is it really as scary as it seems?

The terrifying machine’s background shows it to be a fairly recent addition to the Bears’ touman when we first saw it in Invading Clans, with the original TRO:3058 showing it as being fairly new, and the novel Roar of Honor featuring one of the test pilots as a member of the protagonist’s unit. (With Clan warriors having very brief lives in general, that means it’s likely a VERY recent addition!). One could probably justify this as being a part of the Bears’ preparations for invading the Inner Sphere, perhaps around the time the Wolves sent the scouting ‘mercenaries’ to the Inner Sphere as a guess. However, fan theories have long pointed to the Kodiak’s shape and layout and claimed it as possible evidence that its background extends to the final days of the Star League, that this is actually an “Atlas IIC”. There’s a good bit of merit to this idea, as we’ll cover later, but whether they’re actually related or just have some similar features is unknown for certain.

At the core of the Kodiak we find an enormous and wildly expensive 400XL motor. It’s safe to say that it is this motor that makes the Kodiak work, moving the 100-ton Battlemech at a 4/6 movement curve. Dropping to 3/5 doesn’t help move it into the short-range combat that it thrives in, so while it seems odd to want to move this fast in an assault Mech, here it really works. (And of course, it helps that the Clans don’t much care about how much something costs so much as getting it mounted on their Mechs immediately). An Endo-steel frame is wrapped around that gigantic engine, saving several tons to balance the weight of the XL plant, and ten much-needed extra heat sinks are installed to the engine as well.

With Endo-steel already used, using ferro-fibrous armor wasn’t going to be easy, so the Kodiak is forced to make do with a mere 17.5 tons of standard plate (oh noes). While not the maximum armor a Mech this size can carry, it’s not far off, and chances are you won’t notice a few missing points here and there when things get interesting in combat. Obviously as a Clan unit CASE is built into the ammunition-carrying locations for free. One thing the Kodiak is noteworthy for is that this armor is formed to make the Mech look like a giant bear, complete with (non-functional) claws. This was the first time in real-world terms that we saw a Clan Mech made to look like the totem animal of the Clan that built it, a trend seen since in several other designs (several of which date back to before the Kodiak in-universe). A 100-ton bear charging at you at over 60 kph with claws flashing and guns blazing would be enough to buckle the resolve of just about any Mechwarrior alive- and end the few who dare stand their ground.

The old rule is “speed, armor, firepower, pick two”. But the Kodiak uses some very intelligent ideas to manage all three actually, with only a few missing points of armor to show for it. We’re a notch faster than similar assault designs thanks to the giant engine, we kept a very assault-worthy armor loadout, and by using compact weapons overall the Kodiak manages to bring the pain in a way few other designs can match. In fact, for a long time the Kodiak could put out more potential damage per turn than any other Battlemech in the game, a feat only exceeded by a theoretical all-missiles-hit salvo from the Turkina D later. Even now, a century after the Clan invasion, facing a Kodiak even in the most cutting-edge machine is a sobering experience.

The show starts with a massive Ultra AC-20 in the right chest, backed by a fairly discouraging two tons of ammo- use this gun sparingly to open holes for other weapons, then shut it off and save it for later. Backing the cannon- and making good use of those big holes being punched- are a pair of Streak SRM-6 racks in the left torso, backed by two tons of ammo as well. The efficiency, power, and crit-seeking utility of these is unmatched. But each arm is where things really get scary, with a four-pack of ER medium lasers in each hand! (the exact layout of these varies depending on the artwork.) While heat can become a problem, there are few weapons in Battletech as useful as a Clan ER medium, with good damage for its weight, low size, and respectable range. Eight of them simply will cut a medium Mech to ribbons. At long ranges however, a single ER large laser (mounted Care Bear-style in the belly) is the only response until the Kodiak can close in- making that speed look all the more important.

It was some time before we saw any variants of the Kodiak, but the first was an obvious move- the opening of the computer game Mechwarrior 2: Ghost Bear’s Legacy showed a Kodiak handily defeating a Smoke Jaguar owned Mad Dog with the cannon followed by a DFA attack- but wait, Kodiaks don’t jump! Meet the Kodiak 2, a variant that drops four of the medium lasers (aw) and one of the Streak racks (AUGH) for four jump jets (wooo!), giving the Mech a 4/6/4 movement curve and much less daunting heat management. Overall you lose some potential damage per turn if you like to light off everything at once (don’t do that), and gain the ability to vault over obstacles. Use this if given the choice.

The next variant came from the Snow Ravens, surprisingly- it seems the Bears happily traded some of their totem Mech off to their allies at some point. Stripping all of the weapons but four of the medium lasers, along with losing some heat sinks no longer needed, allowed for the installation of a pair of LB-20X autocannons (split between arm and torso locations), along with six tons of ammo and a targeting computer. You had me with the big guns- this is a fun sandblasting Mech- but combining a targeting computer with LBX guns always makes me sad. There are better uses of the weight, but that’s a noteworthy but minor flaw in an otherwise excellent close-combat machine. If your enemy is using tanks, this is how to make them learn a valuable lesson.

There’s not much information on the background of the remaining variants, but the Kodiak 4 keeps the standard two lasers in each arm, then puts an LB-20X in that right torso slot where the original Kodiak had its Ultra. The arms have a new trick though- replacing the hand actuator in each arm is an LRM-20, backed by Artemis IV to make for a Mech that can attack at long distances now. While that’s intriguing, the ammunition is stored poorly, with all four tons of LRM ammo kept in the left torso and some of the LBX kept in the center. Bad Bears, you know better than that! There’s some merit to this Mech, and it’s plenty of fun, but it’s not one to rely on as a staple.

Kodiak 5 heads a different direction in the search for a long-range Kodiak, with the large laser returning to the center torso and another getting put in the left arm. We also find the original four ER mediums installed there- with FIVE of them in the other arm now for a total of NINE ER medium lasers. Yikes. A Gauss Rifle takes over that ballistic weapon aperture in the right torso, backed by two tons of ammo. The addition of three more heat sinks isn’t even close to being enough to keep this cool on an alpha strike, so don’t try it, but using the larges and Gauss at long range is a solid start (and familiar to Executioner Prime fans), and the nine lasers in-close are at least manageable in terms of heat. This is a little tough to love, but is a solid choice if you’re handed one to use.

After the Jihad came to its end, the Bears took stock and began to rebuild their wounded Touman, and part of this was replacing lost Kodiaks. While the original worked well, it was felt by saKhan Ragnar that a new design based on the original was the way to go, with the Kodiak-4 being the basis of the new design. (NOTE: That info is from the MWDA dossier for Geoff Becker). Intended as a command unit, the new Kodiak II quickly proved its worth against the Jade Falcons, and just about anybody else the Bears were irritated with. The original engine and internal structure remain, but the armor is now 19 tons in weight, the maximum possible. The LRM-20 in each arm is retained, including the Artemis system, and an LRM-10 with a computer is put in the left torso to boot. The medium lasers are replaced with a total of eight ER small lasers, all aping the position of the ER mediums of the original Kodiak (while the loss of range is sad, the long-range power here means that these make a fine close-range Plan B option). The big ballistic weapon traditionally in the right torso is replaced due to weight by an ER PPC, a fine replacement. It’s not much of a ‘new Mech’ so much as another variant of the original really, but it’s a very good one to try if you like LRM bombardments.

Hold up though, class is not quite over yet, freebirth. There’s a variant of the Kodiak II that becomes not only one of the most powerful Mechs in existence, but one of the most expensive as well. A recent variant in the hands of only the best of the Clan, the Kodiak II-2 is what nightmares are made of. The small lasers are all still in place, as is the PPC. All of those now have a small targeting computer in the right torso to help them out. The torso LRM is gone, but the arm racks have become Streak LRM-20s. Yikes. (The ammo is still all in the left torso, now backed by CASE II.) A HarJel III self-repair system is now on board, taking up space in all three torso locations- that’s right, the angry bear now HEALS ITSELF given the opportunity.  How did the Bears manage this? Well, they dropped a few heat sinks. Oh, and installed a 400XXL engine, the most expensive powerplant you can install in an assault Mech, to keep weight down enough to make it happen. Madness! Hilarity! Terror! The Kodiak II-2 is truly an expert-level Mech, difficult to learn to use well but worth it if you do- and not for those watching their wallets, since it costs more than an entire company of Inner Sphere tech Mechs.

*whew* A lot of words about one of the games’ true legend designs. Everyone has a Kodiak story to tell- using, flailing against, etc.- what’s yours?

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #1 on: 13 January 2017, 00:34:16 »
The Care Bear has always been amusing (especially seeing a friend having one painted up like a Care Bear with an Elemental crushed in its fist). Not harmless at range, but brutal up close. Not familiar with most of the variants but they do look kinda nasty. The LRM versions look like ones I'd love to try.


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #2 on: 13 January 2017, 01:07:42 »
Great write up! I always had a soft spot for the Care Bear of Death! While I always though the Grizzly was the best trooper in the Invading Clans book, the Kodiak was the one of the most impressive Assaults during my early years playing the game in terms of sheer firepower. It's earned plenty of fame in MWO (though in part by turning a Kodiak 3 into a Kraken 2 ;D ) the sheer joy of terrifying enemy mechs in a mechanized mutilating 100 ton teddy bear has brought back some of my child hood joy of fielding one in the table top.

While I would avoid piloting the KDK 1 on any open terrain without a guass buddy (I'm guessing why it was introduced along side the Grizzly) it is a walking war crime on urban maps >:D     

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #3 on: 13 January 2017, 05:56:39 »
Ahh the Dancing Bear/Care Bear of Doom :) My love for this thing started with the Ghost Bear Legacy into where it burst out of the ice and freaking ROARED  and made growly noises, it made me grin like the big kid I was and started my like of Clan Ghost TOUCH ME AND I'LL CUT YOU. 

I'll also note that in one of the older Mechwarrior games when the Kodiak jumped there was growly noises too.  I obviously have no idea if this is canon or not but I can kind of picture a Ghost Bear warrior having a recording of a Ghost Bear's roar and playing it on full volume say when the AC fires as some kind of psychological thing.
(Again non canon but ya never know -  )

I've used the Kodiak and K2 in battle and always had generally good results with them.  Sure you have to take a bit of a battering closing in but if you get to mid range in good shape then you can start simply deleting what ever you want to fire at.  The laser battery and AC can smash anything into pulp in distressingly short order, sure the AC-20's got a rather shallow ammo bin but you really only need one or two double tap hits to make anything suffer a critical existence failure. 

You could also probably use one as a 'distraction Carnifex' and just throw it at an enemy force whilst your other Mechs engage from range.  Its then a case of 'who the hell do I shoot at' the Executioner at long range slapping me with ER large laser and Gauss slugs or this lunatic in his 100 ton bear that's running towards me, out of range for now but he's getting closer...' The Kodi is a real threat and if someone turns their guns on you then its got the hide to take a wallop and is rather well crit padded and not that easy to disable either.

A loooong time ago I had an assault Star that was centered around a Kodi prime and a pair of Executioners with a Mad Dog and Storm Crow filling out the ranks with the Kodi acting as the 'tank' of the Star. 

The missile variants seem useful, not sure about the dual LRM-20s and then putting a LRM-10 on it.  The one with a Gauss rifle sounds brutally interesting and the K2II sounds terrifying, but fragile at the same time that XXXL is just asking for Mr's Sod and Murphy of Law to come along and go "Ooohhh..."

Clan Ghost bear's theme song;

And Kodiak when being deployed or any typical Ghost Bear overreaction ;

« Last Edit: 13 January 2017, 06:32:52 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #4 on: 13 January 2017, 08:06:50 »
I feel as though this is the last 'Mech I should get for my Ghost Bear Assault Star - already consisting of a Behemoth, a Daishi, a Naga, and a Viking/Viking IIC. The other 'Mechs aren't iconic "Ghost Bear" but the Kodiak IS, and I'm torn between it and the Grizzly (the weight's a bit light, but the point value and the speed is consistent).

In Alpha Strike, this thing is a BEAST. Not a single version of the Kodiak has below 6 damage at short/medium range, and many of them spike higher; the Kodiak II 1 has S/M of 9/9 with OV2, making it capable of erasing  a lot of Sz2 and even some 3 units outright.

The main problem is the comparison to the Executioner. For close to the same PV you get a more survivable, faster machine with comparable damage - and it's even a popular ride in-faction!


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #5 on: 13 January 2017, 08:45:10 »
Let me first say, thanks a lot JadeHellbringer for doing the MotW I've been awaiting for so long!

Well, the Kodiak and Executioner are "Sister Designs" in the fluff as far as I know. One is the fast, agile frontline-omni, in theme with the bears love for mostly fast, oversized mechs doing the job that in other clans would be done by a mech one weight class lower(the Mad Dog is our favourite support medium for example), while the Kodiak... the Kodiak is what you run into if you are ever dumb enough to really poke the Bear and invade Ghost Bear territory.

My most memorable story with the Kodiak comes from MWO ironicly... it was a Community Warfare match, I had just taken out a Drac Thunderbolt with a 3x SSRM6+LBX20 volley and was coming around the corner, looking right and directly into the face of an ECM Spider that seemed a bit... paralyzed. He didn't make any moves, as if frozen in fear from just witnessing a near pristine Thud being vaporized and hearing the "Kodiak Warhorn" go off.  #P
So, I calmly extended the claws, gave him a further 3 seconds to run and then vaporized him too. A chat with the pilot later revealed that he was indeed having a complete BSOD "OH SHIT!!" moment.  :D

Since the Union with the FRR, I always wanted a Kodiak version that uses actual claws(or retractable blades, precedent being the Karhu), for use by the most loyal of the freeborn Rasalhague warriors or the trueborns that are more accustomed to physical combat in mechs(Omega Galaxy?).
I've actually designed a few of those already in SSW... along with an omni version of the Kodiak(in typical unimaginative Ghost Bear fashion simply called the "Ghost Bear), the Alt. Configs of which do the jobs of both the Kodiak and the Executioner. Pod mounted superchargers are awesome. ^^
« Last Edit: 13 January 2017, 08:51:24 by SD501st »


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #6 on: 13 January 2017, 10:27:16 »
My most memorable story with the Kodiak comes from MWO ironicly... it was a Community Warfare match, I had just taken out a Drac Thunderbolt with a 3x SSRM6+LBX20 volley and was coming around the corner, looking right and directly into the face of an ECM Spider that seemed a bit... paralyzed. He didn't make any moves, as if frozen in fear from just witnessing a near pristine Thud being vaporized and hearing the "Kodiak Warhorn" go off.  #P
So, I calmly extended the claws, gave him a further 3 seconds to run and then vaporized him too. A chat with the pilot later revealed that he was indeed having a complete BSOD "OH SHIT!!" moment.  :D

the Spider pilot probably felt a lot of how i felt when first running into one in MWO.. i'd just come back after a long absence, had missed a ton of new mech additions, was playing in, IIRC, frozen city. turned a corner, had TWO of the things right in front of me.
since i was piloting my (stock armored) Hellbringer at the time, i alpha striked the nearest one and ran like hell...

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #7 on: 13 January 2017, 10:42:49 »
Come on, how can we have a Kodiak without including the MW2 GBL clip!

Hmm, how do I get it to stream like his bears, lol.

Always had fun with this in the video games but I have never put it on the table or used it in MM.  I want to say I have faced it a few times, but against Clan players 5/8 or faster mechs can keep the range up which means they just face the ERLL.  Never seen any of the upgrades in MM.  It was one of the mechs that caused me to advocate for city, canyon and forest maps where it could easily get into its main weapons range without being sniped to death.

I do think it better as garrison mech against IS forces because of the speed & weapons ranges.  How does it stack up against the opposition it would find among the Dracs?  Hmm . . . Gunslingers, Katanas, Hatamotos, Sunders, Akumas and then among the heavies . . . Crusaders, Catapults, Marauders, Avatars.  I think it really comes down to operating where you can get into mid range without taking too many shots.
Colt Ward
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #8 on: 13 January 2017, 13:41:47 »
As a longtime Ghost Bear fan, I've used this mech a lot and I love it. The 5 is a fun machine- the lack of exploding ammo means you can ride the heat curve much more safely than other variants and have more than triple the long-range firepower of the original is great.

But, of course, the Kodiak 1 is the crazy monster that I love the most.  The greatest story I have with this mech was when a friend of mine and I decided to do a Star on Star fight: I ran Ghost Bear and he ran Nova Cat.  We decided not to use Clan Honor rules given the animosity between the two.

I had a Masakari C and a Kodiak that I set up as the anchor of my star while my lighter mechs flanked.  The Masakari took a spot on a ridge where it could see most of the battlefield and cover the Kodiak while it charged straight up the middle.  The two of them focused on a Mad Cat Mk II and shredded it- I critted one of the Gauss Rifles and the LRM ammo as well as tagging it in the head with an SRM, then for good measure I kicked it during the melee phase while the pilot was unconscious.  By now, the Kodiak was looking quite battered, with open armor in two locations and very thin CT armor.  So I went ahead and alpha striked the biggest mech that was nearby, a Nova Cat B while it and a Black Hawk E both fired at the Kodiak.  The rounded ended with the Nova Cat having been utterly destroyed by the alpha (which I'm sure comes as a shock) while both it and the Black Hawk had managed to strip every single point of armor off the front of the Kodiak except for the head without going internal anywhere.  So there's this shut-down Kodiak skeleton standing there, Terminator like, and the Black Hawk just runs off the map.
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #9 on: 13 January 2017, 15:00:14 »
A brief reenactment of the time I blundered into a Kodiak in the woods:
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #10 on: 13 January 2017, 19:29:24 »
I guess I must've been on the opposite end of Kodiaks a lot, because when I see one, I go "Oh good. a squishier Kingfisher."
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #11 on: 13 January 2017, 19:34:53 »
If that's your reaction to seeing a Kodiak, the people running them didn't know what they were doing.
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #12 on: 13 January 2017, 19:55:36 »
The article went long, so I left it out, but I do want to take a minute to share my favorite pair of Kodiak stories.

The first one was many years ago (2003?) in Denver. Our gaming group was doing a Clan grinder, and to start the day a young JadeHellbringer (who by the way was very new to these forums at that point!) reached in the folder and pulled a Kodiak- this was of course back when the original was the only one out there. After spawning, another player pulled a Hellfire- a scary Mech, for sure. He then spawned... uh oh. Four hexes from the Kodiak, right on the edge of a cliff. Problem- no one wants to have a Kodiak at that range. The player kicked on his MASC and ran like hell... or anyway, that was the plan. He rolled a '2' for his MASC roll, and you'll recall that in the pre-TW days a failed MASC roll was a big problem. Rather than running, the Hellfire froze in place, with only the left arm able to wildly fire back as the angry bear approached. I fired the cannon on single-rate, added in the large laser and Streaks, but the real fun came from initiating a push attack. That's pretty funny- beating on a helpless foe, then shoving him off a Lv.5 cliff. What's even funnier was that a third player (my now ex-fiancee) had used the edge of the cliff to break LOS with the Kodiak as well, just in case. The last thing that went through her Koshi pilot's mind was a falling 65-ton Battlemech. (Remember, Hellbie Dice doesn't mean 'bad things happen to me', it means 'WEIRD things happen to me')

To prove that, the second story took place in a Clan invasion game. In this engagement, Kurita-backed mercenaries had taken over a Ghost Bear facility, and the Bears were landing to take it back. This involved a hot drop, and while the Kodiak doesn't have jump jets we did have the jump cradles from Mechwarrior 4 in place (which, since we didn't have rules for them, we made up). Unfortunately, the Kodiak botched its landing a bit- only took minor damage, but landed on an ice spire. The beast was on top of a Lv.6 spire, surrounded on all six sides by Lv.0 terrain. Crud. No way down. The most fearsome Mech in the Bear arsenal was left standing on a pillar firing a large laser all game long, never once in range to fire anything else. For laughs, we did extrapolate out what would have happened if the Kodiak pilot had just jumped over the edge, treating it as a Lv.6 fall- the answer was 'nothing good', for those interested, including four pilot hits and an ammo crit. Staying on the pillar was, as a result, the best decision of the day. But... oh man, a Mech that overheats as badly as a Kodiak, in a cold environment where it could pretty much use all of its weaponry with impunity? It killed me to sit up there all day plinking with a single laser.
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #13 on: 13 January 2017, 20:19:40 »
It honestly hurts a bit that I've had nothing but bad luck with the Kodiak. They almost always die in really stupid ways.

The most recent example being my Kodiak dying in the second turn of combat due to the following; The first turn he took an AC20 and several lasers and LRMs to the Center torso, with a headshot knocking out the pilot after the Gyro was hit in the same turn (To add insult, the Headshot was calculated *after* the gyro hit. Rolled a two.)

The second turn, the armor was breached in the sides and the armor of the SRM and AC20 went off, as well as a repeat shot from the AC20 coring the CT anyways. So the pilot was beyond dead and the Kodiak was literally torn into two pieces in 20 seconds.

I really, really wish I could love it, but my luck with it just kills me.


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #14 on: 13 January 2017, 21:00:52 »
but the real fun came from initiating a push attack. That's pretty funny- beating on a helpless foe, then shoving him off a Lv.5 cliff. What's even funnier was that a third player (my now ex-fiancee) had used the edge of the cliff to break LOS with the Kodiak as well, just in case. The last thing that went through her Koshi pilot's mind was a falling 65-ton Battlemech. (Remember, Hellbie Dice doesn't mean 'bad things happen to me', it means 'WEIRD things happen to me')

for some reason i'm picturing this as a loony toons cartoon moment with anvil on head.


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #15 on: 13 January 2017, 21:18:58 »
for some reason i'm picturing this as a loony toons cartoon moment with anvil on head.

He was using a Hellfire, not an Anvil. ;D
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #16 on: 13 January 2017, 22:54:57 »
The next variant came from the Snow Ravens, surprisingly- it seems the Bears happily traded some of their totem Mech off to their allies at some point.
probably payment in kind for the Leviathans.

excellent article for a Mech that prompted me to restart Ghost Bear's Legacy over and over and over again just to see it crush that Mad Dog ::)


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #17 on: 14 January 2017, 11:01:44 »
It is a powerful mech that I love to kill.  I hated it in MW2:Mercs, but loved selling it. 

I do respect the design.  But like Atlases, I must kill them. 

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #18 on: 14 January 2017, 11:24:36 »
I wouldn't mind seeing a long range-focused variant on the 1 that trades the AC for a Gauss and the ERMLs for two more ERLLs.  It's not quite a Hellstar, but it'd be a fun ride nonetheless.  Of course, the regular is a lot of fun too, provided you don't make the mistake of engaging on a pool table.
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #19 on: 14 January 2017, 12:34:43 »
I wouldn't mind seeing a long range-focused variant on the 1 that trades the AC for a Gauss and the ERMLs for two more ERLLs.

That's basically what you get with the 5, except you trade out the SSRMs instead of the ERMLs.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #20 on: 14 January 2017, 15:17:20 »
I lost the better part of a light company to one of these bears >:D

Was scouting with a lance of Spiders and an Oscout leading, followed by the strike Lance of Jenners, and then the fire support Lance of Panthers.  Got ambushed in so box canons.  My force is all intro tech, and I get a Kodiak running out of a slot canon and into my scouts.  AC to one Spider dead, ML barrage two Spiders dead, kick what Oscout?  The Jenners rush in, and three die, AC seems to hit every turn!  The Panther are in position and start hitting it at range.  And I start pulling out, and find it very hard to disengage from the roaring 100 bear.  I final dropped it but lost all but a spider and two panthers.

I hate Kodiaks, really do.

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #21 on: 14 January 2017, 20:37:55 »
I lost the better part of a light company to one of these bears >:D

Was scouting with a lance of Spiders and an Oscout leading, followed by the strike Lance of Jenners, and then the fire support Lance of Panthers.  Got ambushed in so box canons.  My force is all intro tech, and I get a Kodiak running out of a slot canon and into my scouts.  AC to one Spider dead, ML barrage two Spiders dead, kick what Oscout?  The Jenners rush in, and three die, AC seems to hit every turn!  The Panther are in position and start hitting it at range.  And I start pulling out, and find it very hard to disengage from the roaring 100 bear.  I final dropped it but lost all but a spider and two panthers.

I hate Kodiaks, really do.

This is why us Bears love them :)

I wouldn't mind seeing a long range-focused variant on the 1 that trades the AC for a Gauss and the ERMLs for two more ERLLs.  It's not quite a Hellstar, but it'd be a fun ride nonetheless.  Of course, the regular is a lot of fun too, provided you don't make the mistake of engaging on a pool table.

Ironically enough this is close to what I've been using in MWO when I don love the stock version. It works okay considering I'm a terrible player, but three ER Large Lasers at range and a massive LBX-20 when they pop the corner in a canyon or forest or mountain seems like a proper entrance for a LR focused Kodiak


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #22 on: 16 January 2017, 00:31:31 »
The Kodiak, in its many forms, is one of my top favorite mechs in the whole of Battletech. The prime is still my favorite, as it is still probably the best brawler of the bunch and this mech seems like it should be up in someone's face,  or sitting back sniping. I respect the longer ranged variants and the II, but the brawler is my favorite.

When it comes to miniatures though, I actually like the new Kodiak II mini better. The new mini has more robot and less animal to its look, which I think ended up being a better balance than the original mini. Also, its BIG, which I actually like in this case. It has way more pieces than the original mini, but it went together pretty easily thanks to the large joints.

Oddly, my most memorable Kodiak moment was not a good one. I almost always get solid performances out of them, but not this game. It was a pretty simple 1v1 clan trial. I forget exactly what my opponent was, but I remember it had an erppc. I remember that because, on the very first turn, we traded long range fire with pretty terrible mods...and it blew the head clean off my Kodiak. One hit. One lousy hit, in the first turn, and it was over. It was hugely frustrating, and I think we basically just reset and played again for fun, but it was the most spectacular time the big bear has let me down. Could have happened to any mech, but it was so very much more frustrating that it was a Kodiak!


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #23 on: 17 January 2017, 18:00:14 »
100 tons of pure hatred, and I plan on using it at the next Masters and Minions game!
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #24 on: 17 January 2017, 19:21:11 »
Wonder how the Bear's would feel about putting in one of those new Clan Wolf Interface Cockpits?

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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #25 on: 17 January 2017, 22:07:36 »
I'm going to try a different tact here. What's the minimum bid you'd use to face a Kodiak? For my own part, it's a Hellbringer Prime if I'm using a frontline unit. For a secondline unit, I'd use a Glass Spider 2. The big thing is that I'd try to crack open one of the Kodiak's side torsos and expose the ammo and the XL engine before it could really close. On a metagame level, I'd make sure that the game were balanced by BV ;)

As for Interface cockpits, the Ghost Bears are THE most traditional Inner Sphere clan. As a point of reference The Coyotl was introduced in 2853. The Ghost Bears did not deploy Omnimechs until after the Mad Dog was developed in 2963. The Ghost Bears have not adopted the fighter phenotype which gives them one of the worst Clan Aerospace sections despite their recent emphasis on it. I'd say it's safe to pick a three digit number and put a 4 in front of it to indicate when the Ghost Bears are going to adopt something like Interface Cockpits.
« Last Edit: 17 January 2017, 22:34:31 by Decoy »
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #26 on: 17 January 2017, 22:09:37 »
A Gyrfalcon. ^-^  It's functionally immune to the Kodiak's fire, it's faster, more maneuverable, harder to hit, and can respond with more than double the firepower indefinitely at range.
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #27 on: 17 January 2017, 22:34:55 »
A Gyrfalcon. ^-^  It's functionally immune to the Kodiak's fire, it's faster, more maneuverable, harder to hit, and can respond with more than double the firepower indefinitely at range.

I approve completely, and not because of it being the favored fire support of green-feathered fascists everywhere. You hit the nail on the head- and it's why the Gyrfalcon is one of the most dangerous units of the Dark Age era. It's not just that all four weapons reach as far as they do- it's that they can hold that range forever and a day, because its mobility allows it to forever hold that range against bigger opponents. It really is a thing of beauty.

[Storyteller] "But that... is a story for another day." [/Storyteller]

(No, serious, stay tuned for the Gyrfalcon in a future MotW)

As for bidding against a Kodiak, obviously your advantages depend on the version you're facing. The prime seems to lack range at a glance, but those medium lasers reach a pretty respectable distance as it turns out- so that range advantage doesn't last as long as one might like, particularly as quick as the monster can move. The 2 makes things even worse- the loss of firepower is more than made up for by the jump jets in jumbled or urban terrain, and that range advantage is gone almost completely. In that kind of situation, finding a match for a Kodiak becomes a nightmare.

(And of course, if zellbrigen goes out the window, and one of these is using hidden unit rules, just pack up the dice and go get some nachos or something. This game's already out of hand.)
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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #28 on: 18 January 2017, 00:39:14 »
I'm going to try a different tact here. What's the minimum bid you'd use to face a Kodiak? For my own part, it's a Hellbringer Prime if I'm using a frontline unit. For a secondline unit, I'd use a Glass Spider 2. The big thing is that I'd try to crack open one of the Kodiak's side torsos and expose the ammo and the XL engine before it could really close. On a metagame level, I'd make sure that the game were balanced by BV ;)

As for Interface cockpits, the Ghost Bears are THE most traditional Inner Sphere clan. As a point of reference The Coyotl was introduced in 2853. The Ghost Bears did not deploy Omnimechs until after the Mad Dog was developed in 2963. The Ghost Bears have not adopted the fighter phenotype which gives them one of the worst Clan Aerospace sections despite their recent emphasis on it. I'd say it's safe to pick a three digit number and put a 4 in front of it to indicate when the Ghost Bears are going to adopt something like Interface Cockpits.

Nearly any of the XL engined assaults are fine for taking down Kodiaks. 4/6 is too slow to close the range in a meaningful time without taking equalizing damage.

Like all short ranged Mechs, short range combat means comitting to the result win or lose. Long range Mechs offer second chances. So a Kodiak is a battle bet on a single roll of the dice. In any serious game where theming isn't important I would choose many other heavy or assault Mechs.

Also I would double check whether or not the Bears have one of the worst aerospace sections. It has been noted back to Revival that there is no noticable difference. Doubly interesting when the Bears run aero Binaries where others run Trinaries.


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Re: MotW: Kodiak
« Reply #29 on: 18 January 2017, 04:20:57 »
Maybe true, but it's flash that gets the cookie in the clans. Thus far, Scotty has the boldest bid....although now I'm wondering if the Mist Lynx with the LB 2x can kite the Kodiak around long enough to get a magic BB >< It's not a bid I'd make.

As to my doublechecking, I'll send you a Message about it. It's a bit off topic when all I meant to say is that the Ghost Bears tend to be conservative to their detriment at times.
"I invented (the drink) PPCs in a time before the internet showed me the depth of human stupidity."-Michael Stackpole.