Author Topic: MotW: Celerity  (Read 29662 times)

Pa Weasley

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MotW: Celerity
« on: 24 February 2017, 09:10:12 »
Aww, puppy wants to shake hands.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. You’ve been selected, volunteered, harangued, demoted, or otherwise coerced into signing up with the RAF’s growing corps of drone pilots. Most of you, I’m sure, are familiar with the basics of drone operation. I don’t care. I’m required to touch on some of the basic pitfalls of operating ‘’Mechs and combat vehicles from the comfort of a cushy command couch so you’re required to sit and listen.

The biggest selling point for the use of drones since their inception centuries ago is the ability to get units on the field without putting actual humans into harm’s way. This is doubly true you guys. Since the Republic isn’t sending large quantities of drones out into the wider Sphere you’ll more than likely be punching the clock at some secure installation well within the confines of Prefecture X. If you do go beyond the Wall, the choice of berths are limited. The most prestigious assignment would be operating one of the six stations on a Duat Military Transport. But since the Republic only has so many of those monstrosities, the Diggs Drone Control Tank and Ajax Assault Tank D are more likely. Both of those options are actually intended to keep you alive while serving the Republic. Should you find yourself operatizing out of a Hi-Scout Drone Carrier, well you’re either on a covert op or you really pissed someone off. Just to make the job that much more exciting, Stone’s Fury has been developing tactics for a new ’Mech-mounted control system. It’s going to be a while before any of you see the inside of that cockpit though.

Now just because getting your collective keisters home safe isn’t a concern doesn’t mean the same for the machines you’re piloting isn’t. So it’s worth pointing out the number one threat to any drone, enemy electronic counter measures. Just like the C3 networks the RAF has started heavily flirting with the link between controller and drone is easily interrupted by ECM fields. If that link is severed the drone becomes a metallic ragdoll until the connection is reestablished. It’s more likely to become a smoldering hulk or captured. If operations are outside the Fortress the latter is not an option. Period. Except when we want it to happen. More on that soon.

While the technology enabling modern drones is pretty slick, it’s not perfect. To reflect this, all piloting and gunnery skill checks need to add one to the target number. Penalties for small cockpits are ignored though. Wait, what does any of that gibberish even mean? Who’s been messing with my damn presentation slides? Anyway, the long and the short is that operating a machine that’s hundreds of clicks away via a control signal swimming though the electromagnetic stew that is the modern battlefield isn’t quite the same as being there.

Anyway, now that we’ve skimmed the basics time dive into an overview of an actual drone. We’ll touch on more mundane units like the Revenant later on. I want to start by discussing the unit that truly shows what a ’Mech can do when you don’t have to concern yourself with keeping a meat sack inside alive, the Celerity.

CLR-02-X-D – The suitably named fifteen ton quad was initially developed under ComStar. No expense was spare in their attempt to squeeze every last ounce of speed out of the ultra-light frame. Literally. A 240 rated XXL fusion engine powers this wee beastie. ComStar managed to create a ’Mech that could maintain a 259 kph [24 hexes] running speed. Using an XL gyro and endo steel frame, sufficient mass was freed to install a MASC system enabling boosts up to 345 kph [32 hexes]. Once the necessary drone equipment was installed, there was only room for a meager payload in the vestigial head.  ComStar opted to make their drone into an obnoxiously difficult to hit Improved C3 spotter. Not an OmniMech, their techs did make the effort to make swapping out the C3 computer for other electronics relatively easy though there’s not much evidence this was done. Finally, ComStar took the adage “speed is armor” to heart essentially neglecting actual protection. One ton of armor spread out across the frame leaves something to desired. A small laser will breach almost every location and even the actuators are left exposed. As an FYI, this isn’t just for your edification. The Republic still has caches of ComStar Celeritys. Most are used for simple spotting or scouting. But some are packed away in DropShip cargo holds for a special trip outside Prefecture X. Occasionally after a false flag operation, one of these older Celeritys replete with ComStar markings are left behind wrapped around a tree or at the base of a convenient cliff. 

CLR-03-O – The Republic technicians took ComStar’s odd little quad project and pushed it to completion. The ’Mech’s guts remain the same, keeping the same ludicrous speed down the MASC enhanced acceleration. A half ton of armor has been added with the torso protection redistributed. Still, all but the center torso can be penetrated by a medium laser. In reality it’s still barely enough to brush off saplings and road grit. The most pronounced change is the full Omni-fication of the chassis. Two tons of pod space isn’t much, but it gets the job done. And before anyone asks, yes, there are battle armor attachment points. I don’t know if it was some joke by the guy working up the mockups, but lo, there they are. I have yet to talk to a suit jockey willing to give it a go. One last tweak our nerds made was to improve the communications system on this model providing some protection against enemy electronic counter measures. I still wouldn’t recommend prancing through hostile ECM fields willy nilly.

The initial configuration of the Celerity Omni’ takes cues from its ComStar progenitor in terms of payload as well. A C3 slave unit and TAG take up the entirety of the available mass making the -O and adept spotter. As long as you can keep it well away of those pesky ECM bubbles it’s a right excellent force multiplier that should give opponents fits trying to squash it.

CLR-03-OA – The second configuration is the first to actually mounted weapons. A pair of Clan tech improved one-shot SRM 6 launchers are tucked into the head. The -OA is primarily used for harassment and head hunter attacks where the intent is to get in, neutralize the target, and get out. Or at the very least sow a bit of confusion. Depending on the mission parameters, it can be worth considering taking inferno rounds in one or both racks. Heck, I even witnessed a training exercise were a commander loaded up smoke rounds to setup a screen without taking up precious ammo bin space in the rest of the force.

CLR-03-OB – If you’re mission involves fielding multiple Celeritys it’s worth making one of them the -OB configuration. An Angel ECM suite is the solitary piece of kit in this configuration and it can make the difference between a successful mission and a compromising failure. With the Angel active in electronic counter-countermeasures hostile ECM bubbles are nullified maintaining the umbilical link with the controlling unit. In the absence of enemy ECM, the Angel ECM can block all manner of probes and other means of detection allowing the team to slip toward the target unnoticed.

CLR-03-OC – The -OC rounds out the “electronic marvel” configurations. A Beagle active probe coupled with the Celerity’s speed enable deep probing well ahead of friendly forces. During routine defensive patrols it covers massive chucks of territory is short order. The torso-mounted remote sensor dispenser lets the -OC setup detection screens to boot. And yes, let’s all bask in the mental image of a fifteen ton pup dropping synthetic road apples. Cripes y’all are juvenile. As an added bonus, this same suite of gear makes the Celerity -OC into a solid spotter for indirect LRM fire and artillery attacks.

CLR-03-OD – The CLR-03-OD has unfortunately had to make a name for itself within the Prefecture X as an insurgent hunter. Twin ER flamers make this the second offensively-geared configuration. Its small size and incendiary loadout make the -OD ideal for slipping into resistance pockets and making short work of soft targets. Not that such work is honestly any less noble than racing across the battlefield torching conventional ground pounders. The Republic has to deal with enemies both outside and behind the Wall.

CLR-03-OE – Last and most indubitably not least, the final Omni’ configuration. Two Clan-grade medium lasers, one ER and one improved heavy provide a wallop on par with ‘Mechs twice its mass. Admittedly that gets us comparing the Celerity to such classic heavy hitters as the Locust and Spider. If you can't think of horrible things to do with a backstabber traveling in excess 340 kph then you need to leave this room now. It is worth pointing out that the range on both lasers is sufficient to attack an enemy protected by an ECM suite. Just be sure you don’t let the targets ECM bubble interrupt the linkup while positioning for a shot.

The Republic Armed Forces also fields a pair of very specialized, non-Omni’ versions of the Celerity that are definitely worth mentioning.

CLR-04-R – The first of these Non-Omni’ models is the pokey puppy of the bunch. The engine is reduced to a 225 XXL fusion and the MASC has been pulled dropping the top speed to 248 kph (23 hexes). Pathetic. The armor has even been reduced to a single ton. All this weight reduction goes toward this Celerity’s sole puerpose in life, a one-shot TSEMP cannon. Best case this can actually swing the tide of battle but it’s not without drawbacks. Not only do you have one chance to actually use the weapon but the after effects of the TSEMP will actually temporarily sever the control link. Pick your moment well.

CLR-05-X – What can you do with a ’Mech when there’s no pilot onboard to worry about? Turn it into a guided missile. Keeping the engine and MASC of nearly all other models, a supercharger has been added for burst in excess of 430 kph [40 hexes]! Completing the package for this four-legged abomination to self-preservation are a set of spikes on each side torso and a thin coat of impact resistant armor. Going full tilt, this drone will deliver an impact greater than a pair of improved heavy Gauss slugs. Thanks to the impact resistant armor and the weird physics in this universe the Celerity can not only survive the theoretically terminal impact but barely take a scratch. Quite frankly if I were opposite a lance of these ’Mechs I’d be terrified once I witnessed the carnage they’re capable of.

So there you have it, the Republic’s odd little drone in all its glory. The Celerity is mind-numbingly expensive and unconventional but with a skilled set of hands back at the control couch it can be worth every C-bill. Throttle up, don’t get hit, and don’t get distracted while sipping your coffee because obstacles have an annoying habit of springing up while you’re cruising over 250 kph. Happy remote piloting.
« Last Edit: 25 February 2017, 21:29:29 by Pa Weasley »


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #1 on: 24 February 2017, 09:32:36 »
An interesting concept, and a road I will be curious to see if they go further down, or if this is just an oddity of the era. I have mixed feelings on the Celerity, while I can see its use, the cost of an XXL is just a deal breaker. Doubly true when any hit has a chance to put it out of action. It may be more useful when they release a Dark Age adjusted cost chart. I have to imagine that as XL and XXL engines become more common, and the factories that make them more efficient that cost will come down. Still a great write up on unique mech. Thanks.
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #2 on: 24 February 2017, 09:36:30 »
This was a fun read and a great coverage of the 'Mechs.  I'm not sure what I think of the Celerity itself.  Between the drone, the low weight, and the expense per unit, it's just too weird for me most of the time.

The best way to kill these things I know of is with artillery cannons, especially the Long Tom Cannon.  Conventional artillery fired directly might do the job in a pinch, as will air-delivered munitions.  The common thread here is none of those items need to hit the target, just the hex.  Failing that, minefields (the armor is so low mines are a serious hazard) and fast ECM are the best counters I can recommend.


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #3 on: 24 February 2017, 09:57:27 »
Can you stick the controlling vehicle off-map in regular BT or Alpha Strike? i have this image of a mission where defenders have to fight off waves of the different variants, culminating in a wave of the suicide-bomb machines.

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #4 on: 24 February 2017, 10:15:30 »
The Celerity kind of makes me wish the Society decided to try their hand at robotic quadripedal 'mechs. Maybe a quad-robotic remake of the Cephelus or something.

Arkansas Warrior

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #5 on: 24 February 2017, 10:27:15 »
The Celerity kind of makes me wish the Society decided to try their hand at robotic quadripedal 'mechs. Maybe a quad-robotic remake of the Cephelus or something.
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #6 on: 24 February 2017, 10:53:40 »
Good writeup!

Designs like the Celerity just underscore the need for artillery, or for LRM boats with six LRM-5 launchers and Thunder LRMs.  >:D BattleTechWiki Admin
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #7 on: 24 February 2017, 11:21:17 »
Obligatory reminder that the "cost" of an XXL engine is one of the most egregious examples of rules-codified bullshit that CGL has been making a passive effort to shy away from.  There's a reason TROs don't list cost anymore, because the cost of an XXL being hand-made in an NAIS lab in 3058 is emphatically not how much it costs to manufacture them off a factory line in 3145.
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Liam's Ghost

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #8 on: 24 February 2017, 13:02:29 »
Obligatory reminder that the "cost" of an XXL engine is one of the most egregious examples of rules-codified bullshit that CGL has been making a passive effort to shy away from.  There's a reason TROs don't list cost anymore, because the cost of an XXL being hand-made in an NAIS lab in 3058 is emphatically not how much it costs to manufacture them off a factory line in 3145.

Especially since CBills don't really exist anymore by that point.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #9 on: 24 February 2017, 13:24:02 »
Rundown for comparison under what Megamek gives me and Generic Combat Ops rules. I'm going to compare it against an Arbalest.

By price, the Celerity under Megamek is 9.9 million more or less depending on configuration
The Arbalest is 2.5 million

Under generic prices option, the Celerity is 7.5 million
And the Arbalest is 12 million.

Win some, lose some. I'd say CGL should work on a more period friendly
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Liam's Ghost

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #10 on: 24 February 2017, 14:04:42 »
I find myself wondering about using the 05-X variant of the Celerity as something like a "land mine" in a defensive operation. For example, several operating in concert with maybe a couple of Laments equipped with Remote Drone command Consoles. Each console can only control one drone at a time, but it doesn't have to be the same drone for the entire battle. And you get to decided at the start of the turn which ones you want to use, so there's no lag between switching units. So pre-position some Celeritys in optimal positions (Which, given how fast they move, doesn't have to be that optimal to get use out of them) and activate them as needed.

You don't have to limit that to your glorified kinetic projectiles, either. You can use the same method to send your scouts forward, make contact, then pull them back in favor of your armed variants.

Another thing to consider that's not so much about the Celerity but how you support it is missile carriers. ECM is the obvious counter to drones, so the obvious counter to that counter is the ARAD missiles in Tactical Operations.
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #11 on: 24 February 2017, 14:21:04 »
I'm always a little conflicted when official min/max designs come out. On the one hand, they always have that whiff of cheese about them. On the other hand, they usually end up being legitimately useful, and sometimes quite fun. With this little guy, I like to think the Ghost Bear scientist who designed the Kuma 3 got shipped off to the Republic to keep the idiot from wasting any more of the Clans resources...and somehow he weaseled his way onto the Celerity program as the lead for the -05-X project!

Now, I can't say I've actually played with these little things, but it seems like the Prime, B, and C variants really got things right. This mech has got to be a fabulous spotter, C3 or otherwise, so adding equipment to help it do that job seems like the best idea. Between the massive speed, all-terrain mobility of a mech, and the ability to go prone and still fire a TAG or spot (it is a quad after all), this thing could be fantastic as a dedicated spotter. Arming it honestly seems like a waste. First, you simply can't put that many weapons on it. There isn't the tonnage. Second, in order to back-stab, you are very likely to have to put the enemy between this mech and your main force, which makes getting cut off by ECM even more difficult to avoid if the enemy has it. I'm sure it would do some damage, but if you want a cheap backstabber, there are much better ones available.

In general, the cost doesn't bother me. Mostly because cost is largely fluff and hasn't been a useful balance mechanism for ages, but also because this is mostly a recon element, not something you expect to actually get shot all that much. About the only place that the cost does bug me is on the -05-X. I could understand sticking a drone control system in a savanna master and using it as a missile...maybe, but something with the high-tech construction of this drone? It seems fantastically wasteful. Sure, the game rules make the unit likely to survive, but still it seems like saying, "Hey, lets take the SR-71 and crash it into that radar installation!" Sure, it would work, but that's about the only good thing you could say about the idea. That said, I now want to see what 5000BV of these things would do against 5000BV of savanna masters! Fight spam WITH spam!


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #12 on: 24 February 2017, 16:11:47 »
I find myself wondering about using the 05-X variant of the Celerity as something like a "land mine" in a defensive operation. For example, several operating in concert with maybe a couple of Laments equipped with Remote Drone command Consoles. Each console can only control one drone at a time, but it doesn't have to be the same drone for the entire battle. And you get to decided at the start of the turn which ones you want to use, so there's no lag between switching units. So pre-position some Celeritys in optimal positions (Which, given how fast they move, doesn't have to be that optimal to get use out of them) and activate them as needed.

I love this idea! You don't even need to limit this tactic to games where hidden units are in use. Standard games usually have you deploy your stuff either along your map edge, or within a certain distance of it. Just set up your Celeries(spaced out so that the other guy can't wipe out your drones with a single artillery shell) in your backfield, and they'll sit there idle until you activate one, and these things are more than fast enough to get just about anywhere on a typical tabletop playing area within a single turn, two at most.

Me, I'd add a random factor to it by using a variety of configs, shuffling the sheets and setting them aside face down. When I decide to activate a Celery, I'd flip over one sheet, and that's the one I'm now connected to, and need to make the most of it. :)
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #13 on: 24 February 2017, 17:03:55 »
The -05-X makes a great ride for magclamp-equipped BA, too.  If you can convince them that being magnetized to the side of a pilotless mech running at 1/3rd the speed of sound is a good idea. know, it's too bad there's no BA-sized drone control system.  Sci-fi drone horses being steered by their power-armored riders would be fun.
« Last Edit: 24 February 2017, 17:06:10 by Arkansas Warrior »
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #14 on: 25 February 2017, 01:30:17 »
Nice writeup.

Celeritys actually make a certain sense, if you think of what they are replacing: a Light Mech and (most importantly) a trained Mechwarrior, who would otherwise have to get out there in not much more armour (Hussar, I'm looking at you) and spot. Instead you can now 'farm out' that job to drone operators who otherwise can't pilot Mechs - e.g. ex-Mechwarriors with neural feedback damage.

C-bill 'cost' =/= availability or actual demand-driven prices. That's really it.


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #15 on: 25 February 2017, 01:33:18 »
The -05-X makes a great ride for magclamp-equipped BA, too.  If you can convince them that being magnetized to the side of a pilotless mech running at 1/3rd the speed of sound is a good idea.

Its like a roller coaster ride w/ the squad screaming..... WAAAAHHOOOOOO!!!
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #16 on: 25 February 2017, 01:47:59 »
I love this idea! You don't even need to limit this tactic to games where hidden units are in use. Standard games usually have you deploy your stuff either along your map edge, or within a certain distance of it. Just set up your Celeries(spaced out so that the other guy can't wipe out your drones with a single artillery shell) in your backfield, and they'll sit there idle until you activate one, and these things are more than fast enough to get just about anywhere on a typical tabletop playing area within a single turn, two at most.

Me, I'd add a random factor to it by using a variety of configs, shuffling the sheets and setting them aside face down. When I decide to activate a Celery, I'd flip over one sheet, and that's the one I'm now connected to, and need to make the most of it. :)

As the opposing player in that situation I might object to having so many init-sinks. That's not the intention, but still...I think I would ask that they not count toward init until activated (since normally even immobilized units still count toward init).

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #17 on: 25 February 2017, 04:05:23 »
I'm going to assume that Celeritirs work best in wolfpacks (heh) that include at least one with Angel ECM?
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #18 on: 25 February 2017, 08:08:56 »
The Celerity. Beautiful. Concept-wise, at least.

Very entertaining article, nicely done.
Didn't even see the 5 yet, that variant is.... devious. Love it, honestly. I'd love to try it, but I have no friends I want to lose.
Other than that, some sound loadouts that make the best of the frame.
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Pa Weasley

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #19 on: 25 February 2017, 09:29:56 »
As the opposing player in that situation I might object to having so many init-sinks. That's not the intention, but still...I think I would ask that they not count toward init until activated (since normally even immobilized units still count toward init).
This is at least somewhat alleviated by the controller and all connected drones counting as a single unit for initiative purposes. There's still the deactivated drones, but the controller also ate up BV/PV to have units that aren't doing much of anything that turn.

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #20 on: 25 February 2017, 09:48:57 »
Very different mech, nice write up.
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #21 on: 25 February 2017, 12:42:47 »
As the opposing player in that situation I might object to having so many init-sinks. That's not the intention, but still...I think I would ask that they not count toward init until activated (since normally even immobilized units still count toward init).

Even if they do, that is what long-ranged weapons are for.  Shooting at those immobile Celerities gets a 4 pt bonus to hitting them, and they don't have any real armor.  Have one person on your team with an AC/2 to plink them, and maybe bring LRMs to fire indirect when the Celerity user tries to hide them behind a hill.  That is 1-2 units that are effectively initiative sinks for your force.  Position your forces properly (minefields, ditches, rough terrain, aso) so charging Celerity-05-X can't hit them in one turn and you can have fun.


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #22 on: 25 February 2017, 12:53:24 »
This is at least somewhat alleviated by the controller and all connected drones counting as a single unit for initiative purposes. There's still the deactivated drones, but the controller also ate up BV/PV to have units that aren't doing much of anything that turn.

Ah, not that I was not aware of. Thanks.
Now all I could say is "Bring it on!"  ;D

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #23 on: 25 February 2017, 16:17:37 »
I'm a bit out of the loop on the most current rules; what's the TMM for moving 30 or 40 hexes?  Last I knew, the limit was +5, but at +6 or +7 you could employ your C3 or EC(C)M and be nearly invincible.

On the whole, I suppose it makes sense in context.  Yes, you have to look past some of the economic aspects of things, since we all know that has always been something of a week point for the game, but the idea of a modular ultra fast mech is one that does have a role, and making it a drone... I guess that speaks to the times and to where the setting is.  I'd as soon see a real mech with that speed ("Life is cheap, Battlemechs are not" right?) and I'm not well enough up to speed to speak to what drones mean to me.  But a hyper fast mech with a bit of electronic tech, that I understand. 

Honestly, I think electronics are the best value if you can only pick two tones of stuff.  Either do at very most 24 damage with heavy small lasers, or else pack a TAG and drop several 20 point hits, and C3 and prove an effective -2 or -4 to several tens or hundreds of damage worth of weapons.  Though four iHSLs would be a nasty surprise, swooping in from 30 hexes out to target someone's rear (best if its something like a Rifleman with low rear armor).

As a BA carrier... my only fear is that it becomes unbalanced, because there's just nothing else with that sort of speed.  In a few other ways as well. 

As another poster said, there are few designs that really push the envelope quite that way.  In another thread, it was mentioned that of the armor/power/speed triad, a few designs just pick the same one twice.  This picks speed twice.  As a speed is (or at least can be) armor guy, I have to belive there is some merit in that choice.  Honestly, against a traditional sort of force with 4/5 or 3/4 pilots and not too many pulse lasers or TCs or precision ammo, a few of these could just harass forever.  They're a bit like Superman, perhaps.  Right up until Kryptonite shows up, they're nearly invulnerable, but once it does (in the form of ECM or high accuracy situations) its game over.

Lastly, I do like the tone of the article.  The only feed back I'd give is the part where the speaker hasn't tested BA delivery.  I like to weigh in on each aspect of a mech, for good or ill; I'd sooner have some opinion than none at all. 
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Pa Weasley

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #24 on: 25 February 2017, 21:12:49 »
Can you stick the controlling vehicle off-map in regular BT or Alpha Strike? i have this image of a mission where defenders have to fight off waves of the different variants, culminating in a wave of the suicide-bomb machines.
Finally had the chance to quadruple check this for you. Both TacOps and Alpha Strike require that a drone carrier control system must be present but the max ranges are quite sizable. Approximately 160 map sheets from TacOps or within 900" in Alpha Strike. Though there's a handwavium for both of those for satellite uplinks.

I'm a bit out of the loop on the most current rules; what's the TMM for moving 30 or 40 hexes?  Last I knew, the limit was +5, but at +6 or +7 you could employ your C3 or EC(C)M and be nearly invincible.
It's +6 for anything movement over 24 hexes.

Lastly, I do like the tone of the article.  The only feed back I'd give is the part where the speaker hasn't tested BA delivery.  I like to weigh in on each aspect of a mech, for good or ill; I'd sooner have some opinion than none at all. 
Fair point. I approached the way I did because in universe it's comically ridiculous. Six tons of Taranis Battle Armor (that's my first choice at least) clamped on for dear life to a fifteen ton quad hurtling along at 345 kph is completely legal in game but begging for Yakety Sax. That said I heartily recommended everyone give it a go at least once. I am a battle armor junky though.

And I would like to thank everyone for the positive feedback. Tis much appreciated. O0


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #25 on: 25 February 2017, 21:44:13 »
Will the BA survive a ram attack?
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #26 on: 25 February 2017, 21:49:44 »
Will the BA survive a ram attack?

If they do, I'm sure they'd have some very choice words for the drone's operator.

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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #27 on: 25 February 2017, 21:55:10 »
Will the BA survive a ram attack?
Is there a mechanism for applying charge damage to carried units?  I mean, it's ridiculous for 3 BA ow the front torso sections to survive a charge unscathed, but even with BT's rules-for-everything-including-the-kitchen-sink mentality, I've never heard of a rule for that.
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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #28 on: 25 February 2017, 21:57:50 »
If they do, I'm sure they'd have some very choice words for the drone's operator.
Hey, how often does your ride drop you off inside your target?  O0

I think the Celerity itself doesn't actually take that much damage, so I suppose .....
Still, thinking about it, the Impact-Resistant armour is overdoing it with the cheese a bit.
Savannah Masters are the Pringles of Battletech.
Ooo! OOOOOOO! That was a bad one!...and I liked it.


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Re: MotW: Celerity
« Reply #29 on: 25 February 2017, 22:12:29 »
Hey, how often does your ride drop you off inside your target?  O0

I think the Celerity itself doesn't actually take that much damage, so I suppose .....
Still, thinking about it, the Impact-Resistant armour is overdoing it with the cheese a bit.

Just use the advance charging rules from TO. Things get a bit...messy...

Just looking at the artwork just now, am I the only one that sees a resemblance to the robot that went crazy in "Red Planet"?

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