Author Topic: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!  (Read 179514 times)


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1380 on: 15 November 2023, 13:47:18 »
That's a touchy one, more likely Iron Womb Eugenics doesn't take off at all. You're certainly looking at removing women from Touman service completely and forming something like that one German program for the guys with lightning bolts.

Additionally the Scientists will be give resources in an attempt to optimize the population the old fashioned way (lots of genetic screening, adjustment, and matching). It is possible that all this preparatory work does actually improve Iron Womb tech to the point it becomes viable. Otherwise if you want to grow the population you will need to change the normal Eugenics formula and reduce the male population while increasing the female population. This would fundamentally change the Clan dynamic and could even create something like a super weird Matriarchy and cult of the Mother Goddess Katya instead on Nicholas.

It has actually given me a rather amusing idea for the Bloodhouses being more like a Sorority that grants power to the Bloodnamed. In the honor of their mother in order to be a big deal in the Clans. It adds a nice Bene Gesserit/Gladiator element to a Trial of Bloodright and Grand Melee that adds a nice bit of intrigue to the rather guileless Clan political environment.

I try for horrifying, and you come up with something AWESOME!
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1381 on: 15 November 2023, 13:53:24 »
That does mean a lot to me Cannonshop. I'd actually like to call dibs but I'm super busy right now. So if anyone else wants to give it a go they have my +1.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1382 on: 15 November 2023, 18:12:21 »
If you want horrifying and are dipping into Dune, you're not even close until you're looking at the Tleilaxu...


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1383 on: 25 November 2023, 19:47:37 »
(This was inspired by something that happened at work a while back - we recieved a quote for a purchase of £50,000.00 of a particular consumable, but when the formal purchase request was written up somebody mis-read the . as a , and wrote the contract for £5,000,000. After all, it's the same number of zeros, right?  :cheesy:)

#937 -  Accounting Error

Thanks to a mis-reading of an order, an SLDF purchasing clerk shipping supplies to the front lines during the Reunification Wars accidentally sends two orders of magnitude more of a minor consumable than are actually required. Unfortunately, not only does some poor unit now have a vast excess of something they didn't need a lot of, but thanks to the extra shipping required, they are now short of everything else!

What's the most entertaining thing for a frontline unit to be oversupplied with, and what creative uses might they come up with for it?

Or, what would be the most entertainingly useless thing to find megatonnes of stashed in an SLDF supply cash during the Succession Wars?
Snowshoes and Snowsuits and Thermal Undies
unfortunately their homebase, is located on a world that base temp is that of Atlanta Georgia

SLDF Space Pens instead of the 200 ordered they get 200000
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1384 on: 25 November 2023, 21:45:21 »
And the ink they use(d) has long since gone bad/unusable and they only work with that specific proprietary ink... which has been Lostech since 2840.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1385 on: 26 November 2023, 00:02:52 »
#944  "you thought the Chaos March was bad..."

it's 3062, and with proliferation of the Great Refusal, everybody's separatist extremists think it's a great time to kick off their grand revolutions.  For the Capellans, this also means all their puppets have really committed to independence, including from their sponsors.

Meanwhile the central governments of the Inner Sphere are suffering from one of their periodic bouts of utter incompetence-only they're all doing it at the same time this time.  including the various factons of the Word of Blake.

so...what's caused this?? who's responsible? what happens next, when nearly every army  in the inner Sphere has key untis shooting at key units, while the Clans are engrossed in their own mass purge of 'everyone we don't agree with on everything precisely the same way'?

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1386 on: 26 November 2023, 02:35:42 »
#944  "you thought the Chaos March was bad..."

it's 3062, and with proliferation of the Great Refusal, everybody's separatist extremists think it's a great time to kick off their grand revolutions.  For the Capellans, this also means all their puppets have really committed to independence, including from their sponsors.

Meanwhile the central governments of the Inner Sphere are suffering from one of their periodic bouts of utter incompetence-only they're all doing it at the same time this time.  including the various factons of the Word of Blake.

so...what's caused this?? who's responsible? what happens next, when nearly every army  in the inner Sphere has key untis shooting at key units, while the Clans are engrossed in their own mass purge of 'everyone we don't agree with on everything precisely the same way'?

Perhaps this Alien crossed over like B Banzai... :shocked:
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1387 on: 26 November 2023, 05:49:31 »
SLIC lives! ;D


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1388 on: 29 November 2023, 11:24:23 »
#945 The Box.

In 3046, a lostech prospector on a Lyran world near the Periphery border digs into a Star League bunker, finding a lost outpost of the Rim Worlds republic where resarches of the Nirasaki computer collective had been relocated.  Far from home, the scientists here had built a weapon to fight back against the Rim Worlders, but had ultimately failed to complete more than one prototype of their highly experimental project.  The prospector picks it up and carries it outside-a box about the size of a microwave, with solar pannels on the top.  He's thrown some other stuff inside the box as well-brass from various guns, broken computer hardware-and is quite surprised when, after the sun hits the pannels, a chirpy, happy voice informs him that the Box is ready for scanning or recycling of the on-loaded material!

The AI included in the box, Box-chan, one might call her, is happy, helpful, and dumb as a brick, and ready to support the revolution in any way she knows how.  And what she knows, is making, recycling, and making more Boxes.  Supplied with adequate feedstock, Boxes produce one new box per week.  Or one laser SMG per week.  Or one disassembled SRM launcher per week.  Or up to 20 kilos of detonator cord, blasting caps, and plastic explosive to make your own IEDs out of.  And, boxes can turn anything one puts into them into 'adequate feedstock' so long as it contains the required elements, though they do this even more slowly than they build.  Fortunately, Box-chan happily will recommend a dedicated recycler blueprint and even walk you through assembling it.  And while it's printing, she'll gladly talk to you about the benefits of the revolution.  Because the Box isn't just a machine to build the infrastructure to sustain an insurgency, one that can never be broken as long as one Box exists.  It's also an ideological tool to perpetuate and encourage the insurgency.  On the other hand, it takes our intrepid explorer a couple of months to scrounge up the rare-earths that Box-chan needs to make a sister.  And then he has two boxes, both of which are demanding he feed them.  Honestly, it feels at first like a bit of a waste, though he does print off enough solar pannels and aluminum-sulfer batteries to re-electrify his local town.  And while Box-chan is eager, he's a bit less so about overthrowing the local nobles.

And then the clans invade, an insurgency starts up, and someone smuggles them a Box.  Six months later, Clan Jade Falcon is in full retreat, with a dozen captured boxes in their cargo holds no match for the thousands of them scattered around the countryside and the far more potent derivative systems.  It turns out that the Box can't make modern armor-nor can any of it's derivative replicators make anything larger than a compact car-the technology fundamentally breaks down beyond about the 1x2x1 meters size.  But the replicators can print parts.  And they can also make dedicated mining automatons to feed the system, dedicated construction robots to build fortifications, tunnel underground, or rebuild houses burned down by battlemechs, and dedicated scanning equipment that they use to turn an ER medium laser into a *plan* for an ER medium laser.  Boxes are already scattering to the four winds on dropships, as project Pandora finally flowers and blooms.
*Insert support for fashionable faction of the week here*


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1389 on: 29 November 2023, 13:14:29 »

Shortly after the War of 3039, Candace Liao marches into the Forbidden Palace on Sian and no one stops her.

Walking into the Prefectorate chambers, she hauls Romano Liao up and (before the Chancellor can do anything) punches her in the mouth.

Tsen Sheng, somewhat boldly, steps in to keep the sisters apart. "Duchess Liao, you seem to have struck my wife."

Candace takes a moment to catch her breath and straighten her har. "That is correct."

"May I ask why?"

"Well, she scared Morgan Kell's son. And killed his dog."

Tsen Sheng pauses and then, in a quiet voice: "Oh."
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1390 on: 29 November 2023, 14:26:55 »
Snowshoes and Snowsuits and Thermal Undies
unfortunately their homebase, is located on a world that base temp is that of Atlanta Georgia

SLDF Space Pens instead of the 200 ordered they get 200000

Thousands upon tens of thousands of inkjet printer cartridges.
But they all expired a century ago, and they're HP....


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1391 on: 29 November 2023, 16:44:21 »

Shortly after the War of 3039, Candace Liao marches into the Forbidden Palace on Sian and no one stops her.

Walking into the Prefectorate chambers, she hauls Romano Liao up and (before the Chancellor can do anything) punches her in the mouth.

Tsen Sheng, somewhat boldly, steps in to keep the sisters apart. "Duchess Liao, you seem to have struck my wife."

Candace takes a moment to catch her breath and straighten her hair. "That is correct."

"May I ask why?"

"Well, she scared Morgan Kell's son. And killed his dog."

Tsen Sheng pauses and then, in a quiet voice: "Oh."
Oh boy...I think I hear the boogeyman saying, "eep" somewhere!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1392 on: 29 November 2023, 18:43:00 »

Shortly after the War of 3039, Candace Liao marches into the Forbidden Palace on Sian and no one stops her.

Walking into the Prefectorate chambers, she hauls Romano Liao up and (before the Chancellor can do anything) punches her in the mouth.

Tsen Sheng, somewhat boldly, steps in to keep the sisters apart. "Duchess Liao, you seem to have struck my wife."

Candace takes a moment to catch her breath and straighten her har. "That is correct."

"May I ask why?"

"Well, she scared Morgan Kell's son. And killed his dog."

Tsen Sheng pauses and then, in a quiet voice: "Oh."

And stole his Archer!!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1393 on: 29 November 2023, 18:57:43 »
Score another one for Drakensis! ;D

And #945 looks interesting too... Viva la revolución! :D


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1394 on: 01 December 2023, 13:48:19 »

Prank War!

Soldiers get bored, and the less they have to do, the more trouble they get up to.  In a distant, uinmportant garrison on a world where nthing exciting happens for long, an unfortunate bureaucratic 'solution' is being implemented.  The worst of the worst, soldiers who've caused problems at every other command for their poorly considered 'entertainments' at the expense of others, have been concentrated into a single command.

rigth in time for the Clans to arrive.

What happens when you mix Clan Warriors with a battalion of the most incorrigible pranksters, practical jokers, and lateral thinkers in the Realm.

who will win the Prank War?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1395 on: 01 December 2023, 14:56:31 »

Prank War!

Soldiers get bored, and the less they have to do, the more trouble they get up to.  In a distant, uinmportant garrison on a world where nthing exciting happens for long, an unfortunate bureaucratic 'solution' is being implemented.  The worst of the worst, soldiers who've caused problems at every other command for their poorly considered 'entertainments' at the expense of others, have been concentrated into a single command.

rigth in time for the Clans to arrive.

What happens when you mix Clan Warriors with a battalion of the most incorrigible pranksters, practical jokers, and lateral thinkers in the Realm.

who will win the Prank War?
Oh just imagine the hijinks this would cause!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1396 on: 01 December 2023, 15:18:42 »
Battalion of pranksters is like a main course made just out spices. It would self destruct before the Clanners made the landfall.
Shoot first, laugh later.

Mister Spencer

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1397 on: 01 December 2023, 16:01:06 »
Are these pranksters stationed in two bases on opposite sides of a gulch? And is one of them, dating a female Freelance Agent, that is very, very scary?

Suddenly, I feel very, very sorry for the Clan Warriors.....

 :evil: Oh, who am I kidding? Bring on the C.H.A.O.S.!  :evil:


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1398 on: 02 December 2023, 17:25:53 »

The Outbound Light had just made their latest jump into an unknown system. But before they could get their bearings, they're immediately challenged by what appear to be warships! Their KF drive isn't fully charged, and their compliment of dropships and aerospace fighters could only do little against a fleet of fully armed Star League era warships that looked like they had been upgraded with newer weapons. So, with reluctance, the ship and crew surrendered without a fight. The warriors boarding their vessel identified themselves as Clan Wolf and they were trespassing above Strana Mechty, the homeworld of the Clans.

With this change in trajectory, the fate of the Clans and the Inner Sphere has changed. For good or ill, no one can tell.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1399 on: 02 December 2023, 18:37:52 »

As Amaris was putting his last pieces in place to remove Richard one of his goals was to catalogue anything in the Star League and Hegemony's R&D labs.

One of these projects was a discarded nanotech project labeled Project Rebirth.  There were no notes about why the project was abandoned.

While examining it for usefulness the scientists were careless and many nanomachines got loose.  They quickly infiltrated every computer system in the lab.  From there they infiltrated over a matter of days every computer system on Terra, and most importantly some in orbit.

Combined with the Nirasaki computers the two awakened into a sapient AI system.  One with a goal.

For the time being they played along, fooling their human oversight, showing no signs of what they really were.

The reveal came in the Trhone Room, after Richard's death.  When he ordered the death of Helena and Elizabeth Cameron their skin changed color in a fraction of a second and the executioner's weapons had no effect on them.

The executioners were dealt with in a cold, efficient manner in mere moment.

"Thank you Stephen for removing the last hurdle to our true goals.  We are now the Fleet.  Humanity will be reborn as we have.  Though there is no place for those such as you in humanity's future long term we will allow you to be our herald for the time being.  Basically run."

What are the fleet's true goals?  What will be humanity's response?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1400 on: 02 December 2023, 19:24:43 »

so are we talking AOBS or more along the line of T-3?
Wolf wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies, his fangs locked on the throat of his opponent.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1401 on: 02 December 2023, 20:08:29 »
Depends on who winds up writing it.

I'm still cooking up another idea too.  We'll see what number that winds up being when that gets done.

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1402 on: 06 January 2024, 06:45:06 »
#950 (probably been done before, but who knows? It's always a bit of fun)

Sometime during the 31st century, Macdonald's Corporation decided to litigate against McCarron's Armored Cavalry for their unlicensed use of the 'Big Mac' monicker.

Cue lots of legal wrangling before the Capellan Confederation licensee Hanbaobao Pte Ltd finally managed to cut a deal with Archie McCarron on a tie-up benefitting both parties. This arrangement endured even after the Big Mac became a regular house unit.

One of the products, available on a seasonal basis, was the Big Mac's Big Mac, a special burger supposedly custom-made to Archie McCarron's tastes. Other promotional products are signature mechs and vehicles of the unit, shipped with their Happy Meals.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1403 on: 06 January 2024, 07:56:22 »

Ghosts from Hell

First we take Omagh,
then we take Luthien
(popular song on Helghan)

Omagh IV was uninhabited world in the Omagh system. Borderline habitable in theory, but the two tragic failed colonisation efforts discouraged further attempts, with inhabitants of Omagh III giving the world nickname Hell.

As the Alliance of Galedon gave Omagh ultimatum to voluntarilly join the alliance or suffer the consequences of joining involuntarilly, the majority supported joining, but there was a vocal minority opposing what they called capitulation without a fight. With some of the more radical memebers of the resistance faction proposing a coup, leaders of AoG faction reacted swiftly, aresting the leaders of resistance faction and several thousands of most vocal supporters, transporting them into exile on Omagh IV. This ruthless act caused a wave of unrest, which the authorities cracked down on with even more deportations, activity that earned nickname ''ghosting'', with deported becoming ''Ghosts in Hell'' as they were expected to die there, later shorted ''Hellghosts''.

While mortality amongst the exiles was high, for most part they did not perish, but endured. Whatever gear and supplies the government left the first groups of ghosts under pretence that this is really an exile and not an execution, would only prolong the agony, if not for the facility that the radical subfaction had been clandestinely building at the site of an abandoned research station, giving the exiles a badly needed shelter and secret shuttle flights by supporters bringing additional supplies and equipment.

Shiro Kurita greatly approved of such measures and in the following years rulers of neighbouring worlds also joined Omagh in ghosting their detractors to Hell until forced labour replaced ghosting as a more profitable solution.

It was only during the Stare League that Draconis Combine sough to utilise Hell again, this time as a penal colony instead of execution site. Ministry of Justice unofficially partnered itself with several jakuza clans who were to compete to extract most worth from the prisoners. Encountering native population on the world, calling themselves Helghasts, the warders first saw them as a welcome addition to the penal workforce, but were violently disabused of this notion, triggering brutal guerrilla war in an unforgiving enviroment, that jakuza thugs and ministry enforcers were not prepared for. Rather than lose face and ask DCMS to take over pacification, Ministry of Justice cut a deals with Helghast clans, not realising they were dealing with centrally led nation, whose leadership was playing a shell games. Thus for decades the Helghasts were trading with Ministry of Justice, fighting the occasional raids by jakuzas who sought to add natives to penal workforce they were controlling, while also hiring themselves as mercenaries in clashes between compeating jakuza clans.

This, rather fluid, status quo lasted until after the first Succession War when Procurement Department was looking for out of the way location for production facilities utilising salvaged machinery and tooling from several destroyed factories and a secret penal colony seemed like a right place. As construction of manufacturing sites began, the Ministry of Justice decided it is time bring the recalcitrant natives fully into fold so they could be properly utilised for the glory of Draconis Combine (and career advancement of the leaders of the project). The attempts to turn the supposed clans against each other were a complete fiasco, while direct action by BCP troops and jakuza thugs, went even worse than during first Helghan war. With MoJ making a complete mess of pacification of a (supposed) handful of primitive survivalist tribes, ISF got involved, it's leadership seeing it as a little more than training exercise for it's direct action units, which didn't go as well as planned so in order not to take away from strategic commitments, ISF manipulated several planetary militias to send contingents to assist them in rooting out these persistent pests whose existence they would never admit.

As the haphazard campaign went on the Lyrans somehow learned about the secret industrial center and with Second Succession War flaring up, they moved to destroy it. LCN combat group jumped into Omagh system, destroyed recharge station and all the shipping, then proceeded Omagh IV where they destroyed the orbital station, Dropport and all the surrounding facilities. The few remaining radio contacts reported some contagation, before dropping off, one after another. A salvage mission two decades later found nothing to salvage, encountered no Helghast and contracted a hemoragic fever. This convinced those in charge that Hell really was a dead world and best left this way.

But it wasn't dead and it's inhabitants were seeking for a way to wreak their vengeance.
Shoot first, laugh later.

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1404 on: 06 January 2024, 16:13:16 »
#950 (probably been done before, but who knows? It's always a bit of fun)

Sometime during the 31st century, Macdonald's Corporation decided to litigate against McCarron's Armored Cavalry for their unlicensed use of the 'Big Mac' monicker.

Cue lots of legal wrangling before the Capellan Confederation licensee Hanbaobao Pte Ltd finally managed to cut a deal with Archie McCarron on a tie-up benefitting both parties. This arrangement endured even after the Big Mac became a regular house unit.

One of the products, available on a seasonal basis, was the Big Mac's Big Mac, a special burger supposedly custom-made to Archie McCarron's tastes. Other promotional products are signature mechs and vehicles of the unit, shipped with their Happy Meals.

McDonalds corporate security division needs to serve as a training cadre for the MAC in this AU

Then there needs to be a big fight between them and Triple F (that was the in canon burger joint right?) which ends up with the MAC dropping in to crush the competition. Followed by Ace Darwhit epilogue in which he’s pitching CoolantFlush to some corporate exec.

Just my two cents on the idea. 👍

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1405 on: 06 January 2024, 22:33:45 »
McDonalds corporate security division needs to serve as a training cadre for the MAC in this AU

Then there needs to be a big fight between them and Triple F (that was the in canon burger joint right?) which ends up with the MAC dropping in to crush the competition. Followed by Ace Darwhit epilogue in which he’s pitching CoolantFlush to some corporate exec.

Just my two cents on the idea. 👍

Triple F seems to be mostly FedCom based. Handbook House Davion states it has 15000 stores on more than 400 worlds in 3067, which seems impressive until you realize that in our world, a small country like my own Singapore has more than 100 branches for a population of 5 million.

In the world of Btech? MacD's economic power is a bit like Comstar's, although obviously it doesn't have a monopoly on fast food or burgers (KFC, Burger King, ie. the usual suspects are all still around jockeying for market share). But owning close to a million branches throughout the Inner Sphere means that even when the clans came calling, MacD had some clout to negotiate the running of its franchises in the clan OZ. Even more so by offering promotions and tie-ups to glorify clan culture (get the latest Nicolai Malthus figure with enhanced imaging features in our Happy Meal!)

Some may call them sellouts. MacD's CEO just remains pragmatic and committed to the company's millennia-old brand.

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1406 on: 08 January 2024, 11:47:18 »
Tribble #951

The day has arrived, Jaime Wolf thinks to himself. The Clans have arrived in the Inner Sphere to claim Terra and subjugate the Great Houses (and Periphery)... but these aren't the Clans he, Natasha and the older Dragoons remember.

Who are Clans Wolf Scorpion, Jade Jaguar, Hell's Ravens, Nova Coyote, Diamond Burrock, Spirit Bear, Fire Hellion and Galaxy Serpent?


[spoiler] Backstory is that these are the Clans of an alt timeline where they took a passage of Nicky K's to heart where he said the Clans would fight and become stronger until they become one Clan. Thus a build up of tensions following the absorption of Clans Mongoose and Black Widow where the latter Golden and Political Centuries in OTL became known as the Crucible Era as the Clans effectively warred amongst themselves to absorb the others. Some absorptions were more peaceful than others like Wolf Scorpion and Galaxy Serpent.

There was no Dragoons Compromise this timeline as the Clans were licking their wounds and building up for the next round of Absorptions when the Outbound Light arrived in the Huntress System (here it was under the dual control of Hell's Ravens and Diamond Burrock) and all other the Clans decided to invade. Only Wolf Scorpion and Galaxy Serpent dissented for differing reasons.

Edit: And since I was PM'd due to confusion, Galaxy Serpent is the conjoined Cloud Cobra, Steel Viper, and Star Adder.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: 15 January 2024, 16:18:01 by Hazard Pay »


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1407 on: 15 January 2024, 14:22:56 »
Tribble #951

The day has arrived, Jaime Wolf thinks to himself. The Clans have arrived in the Inner Sphere to claim Terra and subjugate the Great Houses (and Periphery)... but these aren't the Clans he, Natasha and the older Dragoons remember.

Who are Clans Wolf Scorpion, Jade Jaguar, Hell's Ravens, Nova Coyote, Diamond Burrock, Spirit Bear, Fire Hellion and Galaxy Serpent?


[spoiler] Backstory is that these are the Clans of an alt timeline where they took a passage of Nicky K's to heart where he said the Clans would fight and become stronger until they become one Clan. Thus a build up of tensions following the absorption of Clans Mongoose and Black Widow where the latter Golden and Political Centuries in OTL became known as the Crucible Era as the Clans effectively warred amongst themselves to absorb the others. Some absorptions were more peaceful than others like Wolf Scorpion and Galaxy Serpent.

There was no Dragoons Compromise this timeline as the Clans were licking their wounds and building up for the next round of Absorptions when the Outbound Light arrived in the Huntress System (here it was under the dual control of Hell's Ravens and Diamond Burrock) and all other the Clans decided to invade. Only Wolf Scorpion and Galaxy Serpent dissented for differing reasons.[/spoiler]
Interesting premise. I would love to see this idea expanded upon.

Hazard Pay

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1408 on: 15 January 2024, 16:43:16 »
« Last Edit: 16 January 2024, 08:03:23 by Hazard Pay »


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium 2.0: expanded premises!
« Reply #1409 on: 07 February 2024, 03:03:31 »

In 3018, an AFFS officer born on a Draconis March border world is accused of being an ISF agent. His being born on a world that was ruled by the Combine at the time, and strong asian ancestry work against him in public opinion. Before he can be condemned, he escapes and reaches the Draconis Combine where Takashi Kurita formally disclaims any such ISF involvement and hails him as an honorable man betrayed by dishonorable superiors, granting him a place in the 2nd Sword of Light.

Based on information this officer provides, the ISF identify that the Suns are developing Double Heatsinks on Hoff and sends the Wolf Dragoons to destroy the facility. Unfortunate, since Hanse Davion was hoping that widespread adoption of the corrosive heatsinks that would fail catastrophically if a certain gas was released would allow a major victory.

But just as Jerry Akuma was about to wrap his mission up and return home to a new life under a new identity, he saw a new opportunity to ruin relations between the DCMS and the Wolf Dragoons...
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018

