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Author Topic: What if Simulation:IS backed taurians vs Clan Invasion era Smoke Jaguars.  (Read 4545 times)


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 2125
I know I'm somewhat challanging "holy writ" here but for all the Taurians vaunted talk about strong defences etc but... there's simply no real evidance for this, in 3066, iuf you'll recall there was the incident with the fighting Urukhai, and if a revange addled merc unit could land on tarsus and deal that level of damage it's a fair bet the taurian fixed defences simply aren't, in practice, all that great. also given the TDF's embaressing performance in the Conquest of St.Ives, and against Hansen's roughriders, it's likely that the TDF had during the sucession wars suffered from a loss of insisutional experiance. The Taruians would put up a fight sure, but most likely they'd get their heads handed to them.

End of the day? The evidance suggests the TDF may have been grossly over rated
The Suns will shine again


  • Master Sergeant
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  • Posts: 312
We've had a lot of hypothetical scenarios thrown around here, including some proclamations about how "the rest of the Inner Sphere won't let the Jaguars glass the TC." It's because we don't have a baseline scenario with all the actual info down. Do the Jaguars have to come through the FedSuns (aka through the entire stravag Inner Sphere) to hit the Concordat? Are they circling around the Combine, the Outworlds and the FedSuns to hit the TC from the side? What's the objective of the campaign - occupation of worlds, destruction of industry, or extermination of the Concordat as a whole?

No one knows.

So let me say what I would do in my specific scenario, in which the Jaguars have come around the Inner Sphere and are hitting the Hyades Cluster (Taurus and every world in a one jump radius) with a Demolition attack - destruction of all industrial concerns above that of present day Earth.

-Warship Stars carry zero ground forces, only carrier/assault dropships

-Roving convoys of jumpships and contracted Potemkin/Carracks from the Diamond Sharks and Snow Ravens act as heavily gunned supply trains

-The Jaguars have 26 warships, enough for six four-ship Naval stars and two more "rovers"

-Each star jumps into a zenith point with 300+ Omnifighters flying CAP and proceed to dismantle every Taurian ASF, dropship and gunboat they can find. FYI, the Taurians were NOTORIOUSLY short on fighters among even Periphery states, often with no more than two squadrons assigned per world/regiment

-Once all orbital threats to the Warships are silenced, Warships proceed to geosynchronus orbit and use Ortillery to level all military and industrial targets in conjunction with ASF strikes.

-Rinse, repeat on other worlds. Once every world within a two-jump radius of Taurus has been subject to the strikes, call it a day and GTFO.

The Taurian attitude and reputation is not overblown, it's just groundbound. The Periphery, 2nd Edition (sourcebook) and Era Report: 3052 indicate that the Taurians had less than 70 total ASF squadrons in it's entire active inventory - and that's across the entirety of the ****** Taurian Defense Forces.

Once the SASF, the TDF fighters and what few dropships they have are swatted away by Jaguar Omnifighters and Warships, that's the entire ballgame. All the tenacity, hutzpah and ornery attitude in the universe does you jack diddly squat if you're on the surface with a rifle or an SRM launcher and there's Warships controlling your orbit turning your bases, factories and what's left of your tech base into rubble.


  • Major
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  • Posts: 5178
The Taurians no matter how much I would love to say could win, until you get to 3025 era worlds closest to the Fed Suns, most of the farther out worlds are cake walks to the Smoked Kitty landing forces.

If the The SJ goes full on Amos "Baby-Killer" Forlough on the TC.

Is it because they can't win on the ground?  Because with the lack of Aerospaces assets in the TC and well even those they have a rough skill levels.  Yes they might get 1 warship and maybe some jumpships, assuming the SJ move in to the TC like they hit the DC.

Once those orbital strikes starts, Comstar is not going to be able to standby, not that there is a great level of operation in the Rim.  Nor will the Inner Sphere standby, you might see new generation of Pitcairn Legion sent to help them fight.  No not to keep the TC/MoC alive, but to act as a speed bumps while FedCom, the CC, and FWL can swing major forces engage these "Invaders".

Now what about the Wolf, Falcon, and Ghost Bear (well they are having some issues as well).  How do they handle the SJ not able to win the ground game, so going SMASH

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4246
The DCMS had a hard time with CSJ.  The DCMS had better quality troops and better equipment--they won at Wolcott through a stratagem by Theodore Kurita, who also happens to be the only leader to out think Hanse Davion in the lore.

Without a strategic and tactical thinker like Teddy Kurita, TDF would be a speed bump, at best.  If they use nukes, CSJ goes ape with orbital strikes with the support of all the Clans.  This seems like a Kobayashi Maru scenario for the Taurians.  How you lose, rather than if.....


  • Master Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 312
The Taurians no matter how much I would love to say could win, until you get to 3025 era worlds closest to the Fed Suns, most of the farther out worlds are cake walks to the Smoked Kitty landing forces.

If the The SJ goes full on Amos "Baby-Killer" Forlough on the TC.

Is it because they can't win on the ground?  Because with the lack of Aerospaces assets in the TC and well even those they have a rough skill levels.  Yes they might get 1 warship and maybe some jumpships, assuming the SJ move in to the TC like they hit the DC.

Once those orbital strikes starts, Comstar is not going to be able to standby, not that there is a great level of operation in the Rim.  Nor will the Inner Sphere standby, you might see new generation of Pitcairn Legion sent to help them fight.  No not to keep the TC/MoC alive, but to act as a speed bumps while FedCom, the CC, and FWL can swing major forces engage these "Invaders".

Now what about the Wolf, Falcon, and Ghost Bear (well they are having some issues as well).  How do they handle the SJ not able to win the ground game, so going SMASH

Yeah agreed. Without knowing what the terms of the engagement are, this can go any which way. Even in a vaccum where there are no other folks in the universe except for the Jaguars and the Concordat, the "occupy and subjugate" vs "demolish industrial concerns" vs "Exterminatus" scenarios all play out differently.


  • Captain
  • *
  • Posts: 2125
One thing to consider is the clans consider the periphary powers at fault for the fall of the star league even more so then the great houses, so the jags would likely be more brutal then useal. they might not even bother with zellbrigen and bidding, treating the TDF like bandits
The Suns will shine again


  • Sergeant
  • *
  • Posts: 150
Even so, the Taurian Concordat was expecting to be massively outgunned and outranged and planned accordingly. That has to be factored into the equation - plus no one has yet given me a valid list of targets that orbital bombardment will effectively remove from the Taurian Concordat, but magically restore to allow the Clans to utilize it for supporting their invasion. Clan Smoked Kittie gets smoked. Yes, a lot of Taurians die to re-teach the SLDF lessons in manners and neighborliness, but that's a price they're very willing to pay. Plus, the TDF emerges with a bunch of warships.

The Taurean’s weren’t expecting to win in an engagement with the Federated Suns.  They were expecting to deter the suns from attempting a conquest by making it too difficult to be attractive, and ensuring anything of value in the Concordant got destroyed.

The Smoke Jaguars in this situation have already decided on a military conquest so deterrence failed.

If the Smoke Jaguars go full genocide, then their list of specific targets is simple: the surface of inhabited planets formerly owned by the government of the Taurean Concordant. 

Each city, industrial facility, power or energy production and distribution hub, every important school (say all of them for age 15 or older) every spaceport, every piece of orbital infrastructure, every military installation. 

Delete from each planet as needed until no organized resistance is possible any longer.

