Author Topic: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP  (Read 1749 times)


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This is sort of a series of questions all related to the same core unknown:
  • If a vehicle gets -1 MP from a motive hit, does that reduce jump MP?
  • If a vehicle is "immobilized" from motive hits and has it's MP reduced to 0, does that affect jump MP
  • If the engine is destroyed via internal crit (instead of external motive damage) are the VJJ's disabled? The Kanga hovercraft canonical unit has an ICE with VJJ's, so that seems to imply that VJJ's do not require a fusion engine and would not be directly affected by engine damage...?
  • If jump MP is NOT affected by motive hit reductions, if the vehicle is immobilized but CAN still jump, does it still receive the -4 "immobile" penalty from units firing at it?

Vehicle Jump Jet rules are on TO:AUE pg. 160-161
Kanga hovercraft is from TRO 3050 - Star League according to MegaMekLab

« Last Edit: 25 September 2022, 22:27:00 by Hammer »


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Re: (Research) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #1 on: 25 September 2022, 21:54:57 »
If a vehicle gets -1 MP from a motive hit, does that reduce jump MP?


If a vehicle is "immobilized" from motive hits and has it's MP reduced to 0, does that affect jump MP

It can still jump the full value of jump MP

If the engine is destroyed via internal crit (instead of external motive damage) are the VJJ's disabled? The Kanga hovercraft canonical unit has an ICE with VJJ's, so that seems to imply that VJJ's do not require a fusion engine and would not be directly affected by engine damage...?

Jumping requires a functioning engine. it need not be fusion.

If jump MP is NOT affected by motive hit reductions, if the vehicle is immobilized but CAN still jump, does it still receive the -4 "immobile" penalty from units firing at it?

There is an important distinction here: a vehicle reduced to 0/0 via motive hits is not considered immobile. Even without jumping, its TMM is +0. If a vehicle takes an engine hit via the vehicle critical hits table, it is considered immobile, receives the -4 TMM, and can no longer jump.

We are talking about adding additional text to future printings of TO:AUE but are still working on the exact wording.
« Last Edit: 26 September 2022, 15:40:04 by Sartris »

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Re: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #2 on: 26 September 2022, 15:19:49 »
Thank you for looking into this!


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Re: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #3 on: 26 September 2022, 16:58:53 »
Regarding that last point, the "12" result on the motive hits table says "vehicle is immobilized" so wouldn't that apply the -4 "immobile" to hit modifier separately from an engine destroyed crit?

As such, would the 12 "immobile" result apply it's -4 modifier if the VJJ's are still active?

TW p.193 for the vehicle motive hits table


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Re: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #4 on: 26 September 2022, 23:43:08 »
It depends.

If the cruising MP is reduced to zero via a -1 motive hit, it is not immobile (even thought it can no longer move). If a modified score of 12 is achieved on the Motive System Damage Table, the unit is immobile in the next phase after the damage occurs.

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Re: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #5 on: 27 September 2022, 09:24:13 »
And would the immobility caused by the 12+ on the motive table disable VJJ's, or would they still be usable as long as the engine hasn't also been crit?

And if they can still jump, would that still cause a -4 to hit bonus for being immobile for any units firing at the immobilized-but-jumping tank?


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Re: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #6 on: 27 September 2022, 09:30:47 »
As long as the engine is functioning, it can jump. If the vehicle jumps, it's not immobile. You would only apply the -4 if the immobilized vehicle doesn't jump.

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Re: (Answered) Vehicle Jump Jets - Do Motive Hits Affect Jump MP
« Reply #7 on: 27 September 2022, 18:20:25 »
Thank you for the clarification!

