Author Topic: Garuda  (Read 1742 times)

AngryButler with a KNIFE!

  • Warrant Officer
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« on: 16 January 2023, 02:39:57 »
A protomech designed to hunt down concealed infantry with its light probe, and with plentifully supplied twin AP Gauss, decimate them. For heavier armored opposition, be that BAs or even 'Mechs, it comes with an ERML set over one shoulder. Four jump jets arrayed similarly to stub-wings, if not quite a true partial wing, should allow it to work its way through, around, and above, urban build-up or other terrain.

Code: [Select]
Garuda Protomek
Mass: 15 tons
Power Plant: 120 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets:
     Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Standard
     2 AP Gauss Rifle
     1 ER Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-D
Cost: 1,520,731.25 C-bills

Type: Garuda
Technology Base: Clan (Advanced)
Tonnage: 15
Battle Value: 567

Equipment                                         Mass (kg)
Internal Structure                                1,500
Engine                        120                 4,000
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP4                                     600
Heat Sinks:                   5                   1,250
Cockpit:                                            750
Armor Factor:                 67                  3,350

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    4         9     
     Torso                   15        30   
     R/L Arm                4/4       6/6   
     Legs                    8         16   
     Main Gun                -         -     

and Ammo                               Location        Mass
Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle Ammo (42)      BD           1050
ER Medium Laser                           T            1000
Light Active Probe                        T             500
AP Gauss Rifle                            LA            500
AP Gauss Rifle                            RA            500

I love my Wiesel XII. Yes, yes I do.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Garuda
« Reply #1 on: 26 January 2023, 08:32:54 »
Why not 5 JJs? It should only cost you 6 APGR rounds, I think?

AngryButler with a KNIFE!

  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 495
Re: Garuda
« Reply #2 on: 19 February 2023, 07:50:42 »
Why not 5 JJs? It should only cost you 6 APGR rounds, I think?
I tend to view 20 rounds for the APGauss as the bare minimum, per each APGauss carried. Mainly as I try to avoid building Protos without enough speed to get into that range bracket against most enemies. Or in short, once I'm in range, the trigger stays held down turn after turn. I've also never quite been convinced that 5 jump is really needed. 3,4, and 6, oh yes, I love those jump numbers. But for some reason I never seem to need exactly five with the exception of a six-range jumper that occasionally wants to jump 'short', but otherwise is always maxing its jumps.
I love my Wiesel XII. Yes, yes I do.