Hey All,
So my friends and I have been play testing Destiny these last few weeks and we came to the conclusion that the Torso simply needs more armor/internal slots since the chance to hit the torso is so great. We play tested a few scenarios and decided that we would add the Center Torso + Half of the Left Torso + Half of the Right Torso armor and internals. By doing this, we experienced more spread in damage and while coring was still common, we had several mechs with blown off limbs and felt the essence of Battletech was preserved.
i.e. The Hunchback 4P has armor as follow: LT-20, CT-26, RT-20, LTR-4, CTR-5 & RTR-4. So we add the Center Torso armor together 31 = 26+5 and then we also add half of both LT & RT together = 10 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 24. 24 + 31 = 55
Finally we need to convert warfare armor to destiny by dividing 55 by 3 = 18 Destiny Pips.
Of course the stock mech diagram in destiny is limited by an amount of pips shown so I have to go into paint and modify it (See attached link below).
Let me know what you think.
Mech Design Link: