Author Topic: Strategos Part III; "A Light in the Black" (a Great Captain Roberts!!! story)  (Read 16641 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700
continued from "Strategos part 2"
A Light In The Black

Strategos part three

Striding to War…

…doesn't go quickly.  The fastest way to move smaller assets, is by a chain of jumpships.  This can let you move a force from the far side of a realm to the front line, while warships are still charging a fraction of the total distance away.  The trade-off, is that said warships have the larger guns, the larger capacities, the extensive command and control systems.

It takes time to move fleets.  It takes time and resources to set up supply lines, lines of communication, and to advance a front.

Those interior lines must be protected and guarded, because any link in the chain, can be interrupted or cut.

The most telling thing about a deep space war, is that you need to know where the enemy is, to cut his lines, or strike his capital.

The Raven Alliance and their allies, are seeking out the homeworld of the Sons of Plunder, probing to find where the enemy is, and where he is not.

This too, takes time.

And this is all happening as both sides build up for the final showdown.

Small wars, even with large players, tend to be forgotten in the march of history.  In twenty years, few will remember the so-called 'Great Pirate War' outside of the Raven Alliance.  Other concerns will predominate, concerns closer to the centers of culture and civilization.

The year, is 3119.  The war, is in the Outworld Wastes.

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700
[Author's notes]

Big thanks to:

Monbvol, who's directly collaborated on most of the last story, and is sharing his "weapons of war" setting with me for this series.
Daryk, who chores away on editing for us and catches my B.S. along with Monbvol before most of you have to endure it.
2ndACR: who's contributed some invisible aspects and may add more, when he has time.

Readers like you, who for some reason put up with my crappy ideas.

This is going to be the final third of the 'Strategos' stories.  we have plans for what happens afterward, but I'm not givin' them up.


[/author's notes]
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Major
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  • Posts: 5880
Can't wait!


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 2017
  • Look Ma, no Faction!
I'm looking forward to it!
>>>>[You're only jealous because the voices don't talk to you]<<<<


  • Captain
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  • Posts: 3094
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

"We're sending a squad up."


  • Colonel
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  • Posts: 13323
  • I said don't look!
We're still doing a thing!


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 74
This will be a glorious time ahead of us!


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 765
"The year, is 3119.  The war, is in the Outworld Wastes."

I see someone knows about Babylon 5.


  • Colonel
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  • Posts: 13323
  • I said don't look!
I'm still trying to figure out a way to work in Londo's speech about the fairness of life or Kosh's about it being too late for the pebble to vote.


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37817
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Thanks for the shout out, and I think I'm caught up on editing now, even if I was slower than the posting this time...

And I'll be adding this thread's link to my index too!  :thumbsup:


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 612
If 2ndACR'’s story being the prestory. Then what has happened at the Davion Naval stronghold at Woka?
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700
If 2ndACR'’s story being the prestory. Then what has happened at the Davion Naval stronghold at Woka?

I don't know yet, because 2ndACR hasn't been available lately.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700

The truth of war…

…is that it is largely monotony.  The Fleet was spread out looking for the Sons of Plunder.  With so many of them having Comm Scanners and mobile HPGs it was the sensible choice.  Add in they had unaltered records of the Outworlds Alliance going back even before the Reunification War and they had some pretty good ideas about where to look.

So that was what 66 was doing.  Floating well away from any possible detection in the outer system of one of their candidate systems to gather more information.

So far there was nothing conclusive but they needed to be sure.  Thus the waiting.  The dull, boring, waiting.

She was tempted to run some simulations to pass the time but her full attention was needed here.

Then an emergence signature.  Finally a break from the monotony.

It was an unflagged jumpship.  So she studied it and cataloged it.  By itself it meant nothing but if it showed up again at one of their other target systems it would be worth investigating.


Convoy escort…

…while she was catching up with the Fleet was worse than her 90 days of scut work for what happened at the party at the Roberts farm.

But it had to be done and she did need to catch up with the Fleet.  So Samantha Booker Roberts was in a loose escort position.  She would be able to respond to most any attack unless it was overwhelming.

So far the Sons of Plunder had been smart enough to run away rather than engage the two times they tried to go after her convoy.  She wished she could pursue, but that would be quite foolish.  They were likely trying to bait her away from her charges.

The raids into nearby systems were likely similar attempts.  As painful as it was to let those raids go unanswered as the Snow Ravens and Outworlds were still stretched too thin to respond to them all, the convoy was too important and too vulnerable without her protection.

Their best bet was indeed to get forward and find more of the bases that the Sons of Plunder were operating out of.  Once those were dealt with it would be a matter of sweeping up.

Kicking Nests

"They refortified at Grankum…

…It's one base we know for sure," Fleet Captain David Foster explained.  The tiny man was even tinier-he had no legs below the knee despite his Clan origin and the medical advances he MIGHT have gotten access to.  "It was a tough nut when we sortied there last year, and it's tougher this year."

"So it might be one of their primary staging bases," Billie Hoel's remote said. 

"I think not," Dave stated.  "I think they're fortifying there, as a forward base to draw fire.  Tie us up in that system while their main fleet moves elsewhere-they've moved in additional Pocket Warship assets and Titans, but aside from a couple of Vincent 39's and an Essex that pop in and leave on a monthly basis?  They're not setting up for an offensive from that system, they're digging in."

"Because we hit them there before," Captain Roberts noted.  Amanda looked… healthier now that she was back with her ship.

"Bingo.  They're hoping to draw in another raid or strike. It's defense by naval one-oh-one, get your opponent to overcommit in the wrong place."

"I don't think you are correct."  Wilhelmina Siegel was technically the base commander at Port Orphan, and like Foster, she was a Snow Raven 'retiree' of the Aerospace phenotype, filling a critical leadership position in the Outworlds Reserve Fleet, formerly the Privateers.  "We have seen convoys dismantling the facilities there, what you are looking at, is a withdrawal under cover-they are pulling assets back and guarding the site until they've gotten them withdrawn."

"Stalin in nineteen forty two?" 'Stacey', the AI from TQF-204M5B asked.

"Likely.  We don't know… yet… where they're reassembling, but they're concentrating away from the… ah… 'front line'," Wilhelmina noted.  "Fleet Cap, we need to know where they're relocating their logistics."

"Fallry was a dry hole," Amanda Roberts noted.  "So it's not there. They've gotta be going deeper into the Periphery, somewhere not on our charts."

“Then you can have ours.  They are very thorough, including charts from back before the Reunification Wars,” Helena offered.

"We can compare them to the recovered database then," Foster said.  "If you haven't lost it, Amanda?"

Amanda tapped her head, "I still have it, and ALICE has copies in her memory.  We can make comparisons and get some best-guesses where they're going to be moving those yard facilities."

"Hmmm… maybe figure out where they've been before," Foster mused.


"They had to have moved at least once since going under, or they wouldn't have procedures to be doing it now… so… where were they in twenty seven sixty five? Twenty eight sixty five? Twenty NINE sixty five, or thirty forty seven."

"Seems pretty specific," Helena noted.

"Thirty forty seven, according to Federated Suns sources we got through the treaty, the Sons of Plunder were documented operating in Blommstein province.  Indirect documentation, the Feddies had a salvage effort that heard of them out there."

“And Kerensky’s efforts would have revealed where their bases were in twenty seven sixty five,” Helena said, reaching for her coffee.

"Heat went up on that front, so they moved house, but now the heat's on this end…" Amanda looked thoughtful.  "So they might move back into old digs?"

"Or left clues behind," Billie Hoel contributed.

"That's light scouting work, a duration cruise," Amanda said.  "Even with the size of your fleet, Lady Cameron, you're filling a critical defense role on this end…"

"How's the repair on Illusive going?" Helena asked.

Erin's loaned 'screen' lit.  "We've dried her in and restored most of the pressure envelope. The guns the Republic sent as aid fit most of the mounts, I can say our yard will have Illusive ready for action in sixty days, but that still leaves recovering the crew from other duties… and then, there's the other issues."

"Lynnwood," Amanda said.

"Lynnwood is one-the Sea Foxes were generous with their spares there in exchange for one of your gene-legacies, Captain Roberts, and their tech crews aren't bad, just…awkward to work with.  I have been told that SLS Tokyo will be recommissioning as a Snow Raven carrier in July, which means we're not going to get the quality of test-downs for officer-leader positions we need to staff Lynnwood or make up losses to Illusive-they're keeping them for the Tokyo and to fill out the Alliance Naval Star's ranks."

“I was hoping to keep them in reserve or as a communication chain but it looks like I might have to order forward Second Destroyer Division as well.  We need too much area covered and don’t have enough ships otherwise, especially with such shortfalls.”  Helena studied the maps.

"ahm…ah , uh…i might have a solution," ALICE spoke up.

"What kind of solution, Alice? And good on you for speaking up!" she smiled at the camera.

"Well…they left some spares, things we didn't install…cargo eleven, crates are from Nirasaki but the..ah, um, they didn't log… ahm… what they are?"

"Okay, what's your idea first, we'll check the crates after you tell me," Wilhelmina's tone was almost like a stern mother.

"Well… I think they're… processors. Or at least, memory modules, I mean, 'Nirasaki' didn't exactly have a wide range of options, but if we can find hulls…"

“Like say Illusive.  Send word to Truk, he has some useful data in that regard,” Helena said, letting a slight smile find its way to her face.

"That's still a six month trip, based on how long it took to bring the support people forward to Robert's Nest," Amanda noted.  "Fleet Captain, can you staff Illusive?  I can loan people from Evanescent for the interim, but if you're right, we need eyes forward into areas nobody considered the last two years, and that means ships to scout… which devolves to corvettes like ours."

“Note I said data, not supplies or technicians.  He’ll have something for us by HPG that will help get things going here.  Then I can order forces into position.”

Dave nodded, "Roberts, you're to stay in port until I tell you otherwise," he said sternly.  "I agree with you in principle, but we need to do this right, and that means?"

"Details," Amanda sighed.  "It means getting the details right."

"Bingo," he asserted.  "Alice, please contact Truk.  Billie?"

Siegel caught the tone before Hoel did.  "Aff?"

"Get tech crews to the bay and confirm what we've got down there, then get with our guests and our own techs, and work up what we can actually do with it... and how fast we can.  Roberts, get with Lady Cameron and her staff directly, give them the database you've been carrying around and comparisons with ALICE's data, we need the best maps."

"Ayeh, sirrah."

“Come on, if you thought Vicky was interesting then you’re about to meet some real wild cards.  And do be sure to rib them back.  Otherwise they’ll never fully respect you,” Helena smiled.


"Hitting Bannerhoft really, really…

…hard is not going to solve things, not unless we cut the rest of their empire off first," Khan Alberto Crowe explained.  "If striking the capital, or what you think and believe to be the capital, could solve a problem like this, the Tortuga Dominions would not still be plaguing the Federated Suns border, nor would the Lyrans have a bandit-caste polity occupying THEIR border."

"So… your strategy is containment, followed by destruction.  It sounds reasonable to me," Khan Ruel Chistu of Clan Jade Falcon nodded approvingly.  "So…our role?"

"Clear the anti-spinward axis, find their holdings between where we KNOW they are, and where the invasion corridors passed through and we know they are not.  It is deep periphery bandit-hunting, but their resources indicate you will want to use serious assets when you find them."

"Press them between two fronts and cut off their retreat… sound," Khan Kerensky nodded.  "Can you sustain your side with the piecemeal forces you have, quineg?"

"Aff, we can…I believe," Crowe stated.  "We will have to."

The Grand Council considered it, then voted.  The encirclement would be used, the Sons of Plunder isolated, and then, they would be destroyed and their victims freed.


"The scale…

…is pretty broad, Devlin, and the Senate is balking."  David Lear noted, "They don't like the loans."

Devlin Stone studied the gardens outside his residence in Geneva.  "I know." he said, "I think they'll like something like the Sons of Plunder getting big enough to be a recognized state even less."

He turned.  "SO, I'll talk to the Senate leaders in private, explain things to them."  his eyes were hard, "We can't let something like that continue to exist."

"Are you going to commit more forces then?"  Victor asked, "If you do, I know half a dozen commanders who'll volunteer to go right now."

Stone frowned, "get them ready." he said, "I'll talk to Mitch Avellar and the Khans, so our guys aren't bogged down in friendly fires, but yeah, we're going to bolster the Alliance…once I've gotten the Senate to recognize why it's the right thing to do."

"What if they decide to fight you on it, Devlin?" Lear asked in a concerned tone.

"Then, I get to deal with disappointment, don't I? We founded a Republic, not a dictatorship."  Stone stated, "Sometimes that means dealing with losing an argument we should, by all rights, win."

"The Lyrans still balking?" Lear asked.

Stone nodded. "They're insisting the client list has to be a fake, and Andrew's pleading poverty-claims they can't afford 'long range foreign adventures'."

"What about volunteers?" Lear asked.

"We were a little too efficient getting them to dismantle their mercs." Stone said ironically, "Victor?"

"Arluna's Duke is sending volunteers to link up with ours, I wanted to save it for a pleasant surprise.  I also got some commitments from my sister's side, but the whole won't make up a full RCT and the provincials are running last year's model for equipment."

"See if we can outfit them from reserve stocks." Stone suggested.  "Better gear if we can." He sighed heavily, "and now, I get to argue with the Senate over the troops we already have in theater…joy."

"You could just tell them to shut up and back it, Devlin." Victor noted.

"I am not going to become a goddam dictator, Victor!" Stone's tone was irritated, "You know it's the right thing to do, I know it too, but we founded a republic, not a…not an empire, not a Hegemony, not the Star League…a Republic and that means we follow our own rules or they're no use to anyone."

“Good men need no rules.  Pray you never find out why I have so many.  Something I heard once.  We need these rules and we need them to mean something so that one day we might be able to go without them.”  David Lear added.

Somewhere out there, past the light of Sol, a war was quietly raging.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Colonel
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  • Posts: 25163
  • Dang it!
    • Battletech Fanon Wiki
Great next entry!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37817
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Just missed doing a first pass on that last one before it was posted.  Done now!


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1218
  • One post down, a thousand to g... Oh we're here?
Helm, stand by to commence Jump...

I thought the timeline of this Pirate Gig was around the 3100s, not all the way post-Black Monday-That-Didn't-Happen?

please explain?
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


  • Ombudsman
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  • 504th "Gateway" Division
    • There are Monsters in my Sky!
“Good men need no rules.  Pray you never find out why I have so many.

Oh so true ... nothing more frightening than the true believer who knows what's right for you.

BTW, this Devlin is definitely an interesting take! Not that I minded the other versions, but great work for taking on new directions, CS!
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


  • Colonel
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  • Posts: 13323
  • I said don't look!
A slight re-working of this quote.


  • Ombudsman
  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 25730
  • 504th "Gateway" Division
    • There are Monsters in my Sky!
When you're inspired by the best, it's homage  :thumbsup:
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 613
Excellent start, gents. 8) Looking forwards to more from your direction. :thumbsup:


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 12078
    • The Temple Grounds - My Roleplaying and History website
so they're getting a force of volunteers from Arluna..  *looks at the map*

uh oh, things are about to get even more interesting if the Arluna group includes anyone from their neighbors.

Giovanni Blasini

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7254
  • And I think it's gonna be a long, long time...
God, I'm finding this take on the Republic and Stone endlessly fascinating.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37817
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Free Stars were everywhere...  8)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700

Cargo bays on an M9…

…station are laid out both along the axis, and surrounding it.

"Unimprinted. My god."  Billie Hoel knew what her remote was seeing.  These were Nirasaki 400-C units.  Fresh, blank machines waiting for personality overlays and core data.


Over a dozen of them.  Right from the factory.  "What?"  Siegel was a little nonplussed, "What do you mean?"

"They don't have any imprint, they're ready for formatting," Billie said.  "Factory fresh, Caspar cores, Captain Siegel.  They do not even have Dharaval's scan laid on them yet."

"So… stolen from the factory?" Siegel mused.

"Probably.  Keep looking, if they wanted to build an SDS they would have needed to put the scanning equipment somewhere for building their initial personality and skill matrices.  If they put the cores here, then here is where it was set up."

"ALICE, run inventory checks again, see if there are any areas with blank records, or with additional power running where it should not," Siegel ordered to the room, adding, "Please?"

There was a moment of silence, then, "I… can't find one, but there are areas not reporting."

"Really." Siegel looked at Billie Hoel.  "Terminal six, bring up a station damage control diagram, and highlight areas where your internal monitoring is not reporting."

"They hid it from the station's AI?" Hoel mused.

"Seems like something people would do, so aff, they would hide it from the AI," Siegel asserted.  "Add visual configuration from the external survey files dated last week."

The images overlaid.

"That… is nearly a quarter of the station as a whole, ALICE," Billie noted.

"There are docks down there.  Enclosed ones, we thought they were unfinished."

"They might be," Hoel stated.


The AI's remote nodded.


They had to use…

…manual forcing jacks to open the doors in the unlit sections.

"Oh my dear," Helena muttered.

The spacing was radial in the enclosed environment, and it was clearly NOT the third and fourth grav decks.

"Four of them.  Bonaventures like Evanescent," Billie Hoel explained.  "They wanted to build an SDS using the most common warship ever built, one that had been dumped on the surplus market or given away like booby-prizes to the territorial states."

Lighting came up as the breakers were closed.

Each of the ancient corvettes were marked with the symbology of the Outworlds Alliance.

"We're going to need more techs," Siegel mused aloud.  "We need a survey of condition and readiness on those hulls."

“They are by rights yours but I do have a few AIs in need of new hulls if you want experienced crews to go with them.”

"Have them brought up," Seigel suggested.  "We need them… I hope these do not require too much work to adapt."

"I had a nasty thought," Billie commented.  "LAMs, and Corvettes, and I think those bays were for fighters, though they could be small-craft on export models."

"Raiders," Siegel agreed.  "These were being prepped as raider forces, for the uprising."

"Automated raiders for a faction of the Outworlds that wanted to fight the Star League, but did not have full support of their population??"

Siegel nodded in her suit, "Aff… only they were knocked out before they could put their plan into action.  And now, we benefit."

“Lucy is going to pitch such a fit about keeping on calling my forces Destroyer Divisions,”  Helena chuckled.


"Well… we know…

…why they didn't have the AI's imprinted," Helena commented later.

They were standing in the room where the prep was supposed to be, and half the scanning gear was missing still.

"They weren't finished?" Larry Nichols asked.

"They weren't finished," Helena said.  "Truk's data on Caspar systems shows more equipment is needed to make the scanned copy-equipment for digitizing the image, resolving it… but…"


She held up a bit of glass fibre cable.  "But, I can pull my right eye, plug in and feed it direct, or Amanda can."

"They'll be, what, half-Desmonds?" Amanda asked, pushing at a stray piece of unfinished installation.

"More like a synergy," Helena told her.  "We won't know until we try it, but the theory from Truk's records suggests it'll be either a complete mess, or a blending of the programs since there's nothing to force a division."

"Get a blank, and plug me in," Amanda stated.  "That's how we find out, right?  And I'm not the one with a galaxy-spanning load of obligations… and Desmond agrees."

"Now wait a damn minute, Captain!!" Nichols wasn't pleased by this idea at all.  "What happens if something BAD happens?  We don't know if this is even safe!!"

"We find out.  I won't be hurt, I'm the Greatest Privateer You'll Ever See!" the girl smiled wildly. "Yo, ho-ho."

"At least check with Fleet Captain Foster first," Nichols insisted.  "Get the medical people and the tech crews to look this over!"

"We've got time," Helena observed.  "And Mister Nichols is right, the scans in the initial project relied on Admiral Dharaval being terminally ill, because it WAS that dangerous.  And remember what I said about having AIs that need new hulls, we’re not exactly desperate."

"We need the hulls now, we don't have crews…" Amanda listed off, "...and the surveys on the four in storage show someone already altered the CIC fittings and removed most of the manual controls, so we either see if the gear works first, or we don't send for cores we can't be sure will fit and interface properly."

“Truk already helped put one in a Bonnie, two cores are right here, there is far less risk in trying a technical solution like that than plugging in someone that cannot be backed up,” Helena countered.

"Lady Cameron," Dave Foster's voice came over the common channel.  "We're doing it your way.  Roberts, you may assist, but I'm not wasting the time I have in you on a dumb stunt.  Captain Siegel, go with Hoel, find the two best condition Bonnies in cold storage, and have your tech crews prep them for Lady Cameron's unhoused cores."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Giovanni Blasini

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7254
  • And I think it's gonna be a long, long time...
*looks at notes and drafts for “Emergence” and “Exile in Syberia” regarding WarShips, AI cores and Nirasaki*

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 613
Ahhh, so nice. Let's see how those unhoused AIs personalities will be. 8)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700
*looks at notes and drafts for “Emergence” and “Exile in Syberia” regarding WarShips, AI cores and Nirasaki*


uh, did we get it wrong Gio?
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Giovanni Blasini

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7254
  • And I think it's gonna be a long, long time...
uh, did we get it wrong Gio?

No not at all.  Works really well. Better than what I was doing, in fact.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10700
[a note: world development, "Free Stars" and Belter Factions]

About the time that Admiral McKenna decided to do something about the lack of civil discourse among the governments of the Terran Alliance...okay, well before that.  Think "Outer Reaches Rebellion" and the Terran Alliance deciding to pull back out of interstellar affairs.

Alright, earlier.

Nobody's really sure when it started, nobody really remembered, by the time TAS Dreadnought added "Orbital Bombardment" to the options for 'making the warring factions on earth stop shooting and start screaming again', The Belts had divided.  Some of the divisions came from ancestral roots, much like the arguing factions on the ground.

Some divided over more...esoteric ideas.  Ideas like Religion, or Philosophy, or even economics.

alright, more frequently economics.  Neither here nor there.

Point is, the belts, settled for decades, key to building the starships that were supposed to free Old Earth of her teeming millions yearning to be enslaved around a distant star instead of being enslaved on earth.

Free Stars first makes a footnote during First Exodus, with a raid on the Sinai Germanium Fields and the theft of six Jumpships intended for the Arab League member-states.  Several thousand former Israelis, being used as labor in the Germanium mines located on the Sinai Peninsula, didn't report for work.

Not that work would notice, not with so many of the administrative buildings, guard towers, and barracks either iron plated craters, or on fire.

A similar raid into Southeast Asia, and an unauthorized series of landings and takeoffs from near the Salt Lake in what used to be Utah the same night, resulted in some folks needing to recalculate population statistics-particularly to revise the listed and estimated numbers of atavistic religious fundamentalists, non-arab residents of what used to be Israel, and much of the populations of the Formosan work camps and the re-education camps of northern Indochina.

Basically people who were already on the bad lists with their local member states, or who'd been sold out to guarantee cheap Germanium from the Third world to feed First World concerns.

Padraig Kinnsey, an Asteroid miner from out near Eros, was identified.  He wound up dying in prison, without revealing the identities of his co-conspirators.

Thus, Free Stars came to the consciousness of Terran Security agencies, when their efforts created the first martyr to the faction.

About the time Admiral McKenna was forcibly reorganizing the Terran Government after the Outer Reaches Rebellion, Free Stars started making noise again.  This time running guns to various resistance groups in the Martian Terraforming crews, Venus settlers, Titan, and Ganymede.

Hundreds were hunted from one end of Sol to the other, and several early burrows were destroyed on the mere suspicion that they might harbor these terrorists.

The Pacification of the Outer System was a campaign that gets little attention, but helped make the Terran Hegemony Navy a first class military machine under McKenna and his successors.

A period of apparent dormancy followed, and business returned to normal, security bureaus (Hegemony Intelligence, Domestic Branch Sol) eventually decided they were extinct.

Then rumours filtered in, of raids on worlds in the Rim Worlds Republic-a new 'friend' of the Camerons and groomed to act as a counterbalance to the growing powers of the seceded nations of what would become the Inner Sphere.

These raiders took people.  People, who were chattel property of other people.  What got attention was the rumour of "Free Stars" coming, or going, or having been somewhere.

Under Ian Cameron, the organization was almost respectable, a friendlier, decidedly more politically correct political party in the Solar System, lobbyists for humanitarian causes and apparently loyal.

This lasted until it was more useful to the Hegemony to remind the outies who has the boot, and whose face it's going to land on.

By the reign of Johnathan Cameron, 'Free Stars' was considered to be at about the same level as 'greenpeace' was seen in the 1970s-soft headed idealists with a cause that may be morally worthy, but lacks practical sense.

The organization DID produce quite a few talented engineers and scientists, most of whom could be lured to working for the defense industry, many of whom were key to developing core technologies later used in the Reagan SDS.

The movement was quite popular among technocrats and groups concerned about the dangers of isolation, overpopulation and international conflict.


they also had issues with the conduct of the Reunification War, supporting protests after delivering word of what Amos Forlough and his armies were really doing in the Outworlds Alliance.

and what they might do elsewhere.

By Simon Cameron's day, the semi-legitimacy of the movement was once again on the decline, with allegations of everything from arms trafficking to kidnapping to unauthorized relocation of the chattel property of House Amaris (a Noted Cameron Ally).

A few allegations after the First Lord's death tried (but mostly failed) to pin it on Free Stars terrorists.

When Richard Cameron ascended the throne and reached his majority, his second act as First Lord was to list the entire faction as 'Class one Terrorists', this was at the behest of both Stephan Amaris, and several senior analysts at SLIC (who also happened to be Amaris supporters.)

Spacers with known ties were rounded up for questioning.  Many did not reappear, but most were released once it was determined that they had no actual involvement in criminal or other conspiracy.

Then, in the Christmas season of 2766, Stephan Amaris effected a regime change.  HIS first act, upon securing Earthside forces and control over the Solar System, was the eradication of all previous 'haunts' connected to the Free Stars movement, including the spectacular 'cracking of Eros', a sustained 78 hour bombardment of that moonlike asteroid that literally fractured it lengthwise.

Sustained purges using SDS vessels, patrol ships, and the Amaris Empire Navy bought quite a few months for Aleksandr Kerensky to organize.

'Free Stars' was determined, late in the Civil War, to be dead.

but what a lively corpse!  Imitators and imitations would arise periodically through the civil war years, into the succession wars, motivating BOTA (Comstar's Bureau of Terran Affairs) to maintain files on suspected organizers and members all the way up to the Comstar Schism post Tukayyid.

It also motivated WoB ROM to maintain open files, and authorize 'Sanction Actions' against suspected personnel, vessels, and stations both within, and outside of, the Solar system.

When Operation: Scour kicked off, 33 Blakist Warships were not in the path of Stone's avenging armies-they were eradicating all life in the Kowloon system...because that's where they found an active cell of the longest running Solar System Terrorists in history.


it turns out, you really can't kill an idea.  not even with Capital weapons.

Among the Stars we shall walk,
Among the Stars we shall be Free.

-Martins, Samuel H, "observations of a Wanted Man", 3119 CE (Unpublished)
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • *
  • Posts: 10700
No not at all.  Works really well. Better than what I was doing, in fact.

You DO realize, I based a LOT of it off your stuff, Gio.  maybe extrapolated some, but based it...and I thnk, so did Monbvol. (between you, and Liam's_Ghost, anyway).
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

