I adore the Jackalope. Appearance and capability-wise, it certainly lives up to its namesake and it’s just fun to play with.
The Wolpertinger variant has one of my absolute favorite construction techniques. It uses an XXL to save tonnage, then five IJJs and a Partial Wing to get back to a 7 jump speed. Doing it this way instead of an XL and regular jump jets nets you half a ton gross weight and three extra heat dissipation for what is
effectively a benefit of two extra tons of space. And it does it generating
less heat on the jump! 8 for the regular JJs, versus 5 for the IJJs (doubled by XXL, halved by IJJs, jump MP from the wing don't cost extra heat). Exquisite.
240 XL: 6 tons
8 JJs: 4 tons
240 XXL: 3 tons
5 IJJs: 5 tons
Partial Wing: 1.5 tons
Of course the actual Wolpertinger variant also ups the ground speed to make what I'm fairly sure is the unique movement profile 10/15/7 so the comparison can't be that direct but it's still a technique I'm
dying to see used again.