Author Topic: MX-89 Scylla and MX-92 Charybdis  (Read 861 times)


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MX-89 Scylla and MX-92 Charybdis
« on: 07 October 2023, 13:12:29 »
sources: Scylla
and Charybdis

Code: [Select]
Scylla MX-89 Hover Light Fire Support Craft
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced      3145+
Standard        - 
Tech Rating: E/X-X-X-E

Weight: 30 tons
BV: 626
Cost: 1,410,000 C-bills

Movement: 10/15 (Hover)
Engine: 170 Fuel Cell

Internal: 15
Armor: 89 (Ferro-Fibrous)
        Internal  Armor   
Front          3     21   
Right          3     17   
Left           3     17   
Rear           3     14   
Turret         3     20   

Weapons        Loc  Heat 
Thunderbolt 5   TU    3   
SRM 6           TU    4   
TAG             TU    0   

Ammo                Loc  Shots 
SRM 6 Ammo           BD     15 
Thunderbolt 5 Ammo   BD     12 

Equipment                                    Loc 
Combat Vehicle Chassis Mod (Flotation Hull)   BD 

Code: [Select]
MX-92 Charybdis Hover Patrol Craft
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced      3145+
Standard        - 
Tech Rating: E/X-X-X-E

Weight: 30 tons
BV: 518
Cost: 1,488,000 C-bills

Movement: 8/12 (Hover)
Engine: 110 Fuel Cell

Internal: 15
Armor: 89 (Ferro-Fibrous)
        Internal  Armor   
Front          3     21   
Right          3     17   
Left           3     17   
Rear           3     14   
Turret         3     20   

Weapons                     Loc  Heat 
Vehicular Grenade Launcher   TU    1   
Vehicular Grenade Launcher   TU    1   
Light AC/5                   TU    1   

Ammo        Loc  Shots 
LAC/5 Ammo   BD     20 
LAC/5 Ammo   BD     20 

Equipment                                    Loc 
Combat Vehicle Chassis Mod (Flotation Hull)   BD 
Active Probe (Beagle)                         FR 
Cargo (1 ton)                                 BD 
Charybdis' quirks should be
Stabilized Weapon (LAC/5)

Charybdis has a small cargo hold to help with patrols stuff like maybe more fuel for the fuel cell engines or food or to hold prisoners/seized contraband.
She's only 78,000 cbill more than Scylla. Her BAP helps with targeting info (and uncovering hidden units better).
Clan Blood Spirit - So Bad Ass as to require Orbital Bombardments to wipe us is the only way to be sure!