Author Topic: Gremlin Light Tank  (Read 704 times)


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Gremlin Light Tank
« on: 25 October 2023, 21:32:46 »
This one's essentially a fusion-engined Goblin at 25 tons.  Armor is almost identical (only missing 1 point due to being at maximum armor capacity), same speed and similar armor, and it has that 1-ton infantry bay.  Other than cost & weight, the only real difference between the two is that the Gremlin has a front-mounted flamer instead of the MG, mainly because there was 1 ton left over when using the MG+Ammo configuration.  Alternatively, you could put a MG + ammo to emulate the Goblin better and have 2 tons of infantry space, or scrap the anti-infantry armament for a full 3 tons of infantry space.

Code: [Select]
Gremlin Light Tank (Standard)
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 100 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Flamer
     1 Large Laser
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 2750
Tech Rating/Availability: E/C-E-D-D
Cost: 498,333 C-bills
Type: Gremlin Light Tank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Tonnage: 25
Battle Value: 526
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 2.5
Engine 100 Fusion 4.5
     Cruising MP: 4
     Flanking MP: 6
Heat Sinks: 11 1
Control Equipment: 1.5
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 0.5
Armor Factor: 127 8
Structure Armor
Front 3 32
R/L Side 3/3 25/25
Rear 3 20
Turret 3 25
and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
Flamer Front 1 1
Large Laser Turret 2 5
Infantry Body 1 1


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Gremlin Light Tank
« Reply #1 on: 26 October 2023, 03:17:17 »
I stand corrected, nicely done! :)


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Re: Gremlin Light Tank
« Reply #2 on: 26 October 2023, 05:21:35 »
25 tons, 4/6, max armor, large laser + 3 tons of infantry bay. Very nice!!! I like it. Certianly militias that have the economic and tech means (those fusion reactors do not come cheap!) have access to some really nice equipment.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Gremlin Light Tank
« Reply #3 on: 26 October 2023, 17:06:24 »
3 tons?  I only see one... but now that you mention it, I bet 3 tons could be crammed into a 30-ton version... off to SAW! :)


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: Gremlin Light Tank
« Reply #4 on: 26 October 2023, 17:14:57 »
Well, I was mostly right... you can fit FOUR tons of infantry! ;D

Or, you know... three tons and a Paramedic plus an RL-5 in every other facing to mitigate crits (as DevianID pointed out to me)... ;)
Code: [Select]
Two-Thirds Goblin

Mass: 30 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Motive Type: Tracked
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: D/X-E-D-D
Production Year: 3025
Dry Cost: 627,250 C-Bills
Total Cost: 627,750 C-Bills
Battle Value: 574

Construction Options: Fractional Accounting

Power Plant:  120 Fusion Engine
Cruise Speed: 43.2 km/h
Flanking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Armor:  Standard Armor
    1  Large Laser
    1  Machine Gun
    1  Infantry Compartment (4.0 tons)
    Primary Factory:
Communications System:
Targeting and Tracking System:

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      15 points                3.000
Engine:             Fusion Engine                120                       6.000
    Cruise MP:  4
    Flank MP:   6
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.000
Control Equipment:                                                         1.500
Lift Equipment:                                                            0.000
Turret:                                                                    0.500
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 144                  9.000

                                               Front     31       
                                          Left/Right   30/30       
                                              Turret     30       
                                                Rear     23       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat     Spaces     Mass 
Machine Gun                                  FR        0         1         0.500
Large Laser                                  T         8         1         5.000
Infantry Compartment (4.0 tons)              BD        0         1         4.000
@MG (1/2) (100)                              BD        -         0         0.500

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 6
4t         1       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: TUR(1/1/0)


  • Major
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  • Periphery fanboy
Re: Gremlin Light Tank
« Reply #5 on: 27 October 2023, 01:16:18 »
Daryk, if you remove the flamer and MG in Retry's version, you can cram 3 tons of infantry in the tank. :)


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: Gremlin Light Tank
« Reply #6 on: 27 October 2023, 03:16:36 »
Ah, I see... Flamer and HS (he replaced the MG with them).