Page 23
"Houses Liao and Marik planned a joint assault, the only such FWLM-CCAF military operation until the Second Star League campaign against Clan Smoke Jaguar."
"—Forgotten Histories, Charybdis Publications, 3055"
Issue: Operation Bulldog occurred after 3055.
Correction: Change publication date to 3065 or some other year after 3059/60. This "Forgotten Histories" source doesn't appear to be used elsewhere so should not require further changes.
Page 40 Insert
"—Item included with the personal documents of Charles Marik, Atreus Historical Abstracts, 2844"
Issue: 2844 proceeds both the Standing Order date (2851) and Charles Marik's death (2854).
Correction: Change date to 2854 if intended to be published posthumously, or 2929 if the no longer mandatory "Rule of 75" was still being followed by manner of custom if no longer under force of law.
Page 44
"At Bordon, the destruction of a new ‘Mech factory struck deep at the Marik psyche."
Issue: The factory was at Ling (House Steiner p. 75, House Marik p. 44, TRO 3025 P. 162). It appears the author simply transposed Ling for Bordon as Bordon was included on a list of follow-on attacks.
Correction: Replace Bordon with Ling. Possibly change next paragraph's "A year after the deep raid against Bordon" as well since Ling was primary target of the Deep Raid.