MWDA was a reboot that never should have happened.
There's nothing wrong with a reboot if done right....and it easn't exactly a reboot.
Next time there is a time jump, however, I think it needs to be a good bit longer than 60 or 70 years. 6 or 7 hundred, allowing time for major changes, people to die off, technology and setting to change and so on would be better.
One of the big reasons for such a reset would be to remove a big barrier to entry so new players can join up without feeling overwhelmed by the games history.
Of course, in a game like CBT, the downside would be that the existing playerbase would want the existing timeline to move forward and eventually you'd have the dreaded "kill off the factions" moment.
Maybe the cold virus could mutate and wipe out a huge portion of humanity. We could call it the Snow Plague and have the nations go back to building hovertanks.
MWDA as a game in its own right....worked.
It was relatively fast and simple, it had nice minis, it looked good, played well and essentially saved the franchise. It had flaws...but it worked.
But....the existing BT crowd was not its target audience. And it showed. There were new factions, poorly explained. The game emphasised combined arms....not the King of the Battlefield.
Which is good because more varied units makes the game more interesting. But some didn't like it. But if I were to be honest....the King of the Battlefield probably should be the tank. Even in 3150.
There were a lot of niggling minor points that irritated many BT fans. Some more than others. There wasn't any one smoking gun as to why many BT players didn't like MWDA...
But it can be boiled down was simply a different game with different factions and different gameplay.