Author Topic: Physical media vs stream everything  (Read 2751 times)


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #30 on: 26 December 2024, 18:04:24 »
I simply have too little space to keep everything as a hard/physical copy. The floor would also likely not be able to handle the weight. So my primary storage medium is as digital copy/file, with physical extras for stuff I am a real fan of, and I do not bother with streaming.

That is what the basement is for...  I have my Military Collection, my Intelligence Services Collection, my Mack Bolan and Family Collection Up until mid 2015 or so..  My Gaming Stuff, and other weird collection of stuff.  Like a Box of JFK Assassination books

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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #31 on: 26 December 2024, 18:04:51 »
We’ve become a streaming household, but I still own a small case of DVDs of movies that I genuinely love, and I cannot imagine a scenario where I part with that case. I discovered that our DVD player died sometime in the last few months when I tried to watch the first of my usual lineup of Christmas movies, so that’s definitely not optimal, but it’s also a pretty easy fix.

I’m still torn overly books vs ebooks vs audiobooks, though. I love books. I love having shelves full of books. I love buying new books. I just really hate moving or rearranging those books. I’m also the slowest reader in all of human history, so audiobooks really are the best medium for me to consume a story of any significant length. Not having a physical copy of a book that I enjoy absolutely sucks, though.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #32 on: 26 December 2024, 18:06:56 »
Why do you need 3rd party apps for this? I'm used to everyone just opening up their bank's app and sending money directly to my bank account or vice versa. Is this a US infrastructure thing?

Zelle as an example is free & relatively easy to use. Many US bank accounts come with it built-in. There are also no bank transfer fees. So when one of my kids says they overdrew their account, & need $2 to cover, it is easy for me to open up Zelle, transfer it over, & I'm done. Just need the user's cell # associated with their bank account (thus no routing or account numbers needed).

In Ecuador, they do A LOT with bank transfers; Zelle is not available there AFAIK, so I've seen both sides. Recently the country was approved for Paypal, though...

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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #33 on: 26 December 2024, 18:12:30 »
That is what the basement is for... 

Not everyone has a basement!

I did tell my wife, when we finally get around to buying a house in the US, it MUST have a basement. I want to have a workshop back, at least.

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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #34 on: 26 December 2024, 21:29:08 »
most houses in us that have basement are more like dungeons than basements make sure to look it over very thorghly if you smell dirt/moisture dont bother. why? because whatever you store there will turn mouldy...
these days i have to store my stuff digitally because of space...but whenever i can i keep hard real media...i just dont trust amazon or similar ilk not to take my stuff away even after i paid for it.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #35 on: 04 January 2025, 16:13:45 »
most houses in us that have basement are more like dungeons than basements make sure to look it over very thorghly if you smell dirt/moisture dont bother. why? because whatever you store there will turn mouldy...
these days i have to store my stuff digitally because of space...but whenever i can i keep hard real media...i just dont trust amazon or similar ilk not to take my stuff away even after i paid for it.

I second this; 1st basement: AWESOME!  With a '70's shag-carpeting; second-basement in another house; dungeon; my toys got covered in mold.


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #36 on: 04 January 2025, 16:47:19 »
We're lucky. Few Australian houses have basements. Our house is on the side of a hill, and built on concrete stilts; one entire side is clear, so we had 2 rooms the size of a one-car garage, and dug another one into the hill. We have windows and a door on that side, so while there's a little potential dampness, there's plenty of ventilation.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
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* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #37 on: 04 January 2025, 16:53:05 »
We're lucky. Few Australian houses have basements. Our house is on the side of a hill, and built on concrete stilts; one entire side is clear, so we had 2 rooms the size of a one-car garage, and dug another one into the hill. We have windows and a door on that side, so while there's a little potential dampness, there's plenty of ventilation.
so....a bit like a hobbit hole? the semi burried part? :)
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #38 on: 04 January 2025, 17:08:28 »
While I call it my man cave, given my nature, it's probably more like a troll hole ;)
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #39 on: 04 January 2025, 18:30:27 »
While I call it my man cave, given my nature, it's probably more like a troll hole ;)
at least you have dry place  to store books and stuff
most folks in US try to make do and basements in us were orignaly made to store food or hide from tornados...depending where you live...both
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #40 on: 04 January 2025, 23:03:54 »
I still have a huge collection of DVDs that I want to keep forever. The problem is that my LG DVD player is on the fritz, and all the stores out here have stopped selling DVD players. The last one I saw was a Chinese brand, and I was loathe to buy it before it disappeared off the shelves.


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #41 on: 04 January 2025, 23:57:06 »
I still have a huge collection of DVDs that I want to keep forever. The problem is that my LG DVD player is on the fritz, and all the stores out here have stopped selling DVD players. The last one I saw was a Chinese brand, and I was loathe to buy it before it disappeared off the shelves.
ok hate to say it but buy external dvd/cd player for pc/laptop that has a usb two or three they seem to be more durable than store bought ones...
the issue also will come up matter how well you keep the disk they will "rot" so have back ups made in digital form and even then check on it ...avarage dvd/cd live span is about 20 years plus. digital is about 3 and you better switch it to another one to keep a data from those intact.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #42 on: 05 January 2025, 00:03:15 »
That's partially what prompted me to make this thread..  Its not just the lack of disks being sold in stores anymore, it was a story i saw about LG pulling their blu-ray players from stores..
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #43 on: 05 January 2025, 21:56:55 »
ok hate to say it but buy external dvd/cd player for pc/laptop that has a usb two or three they seem to be more durable than store bought ones...
the issue also will come up matter how well you keep the disk they will "rot" so have back ups made in digital form and even then check on it ...avarage dvd/cd live span is about 20 years plus. digital is about 3 and you better switch it to another one to keep a data from those intact.
How would that work? Will the TV even recognize a PC DVD player?


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #44 on: 05 January 2025, 22:27:25 »
Probably not directly, but you can hook a PC up to a TV fairly easy to use it as a bigger screen.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #45 on: 05 January 2025, 22:37:12 »
well tv might not work with it unless it has control buttons...but if your laptop or pc has a hdmi outlet or tv has usb it may work if you connect it to tv
i have a tv i hardly  used in 10 years maybe 7 or 8 days worth total out of 10 years size 55 " or 120cm has air antenna hdmi rgb cables and few other inputs on occasion i plug my laptop to it if i have company over so we can watch on big screen or play mame games.
but for external dvd/cd reader you need pc/laptop and connect it to tv.
ohhh no i dont watch tv had not watched in 40 years,,,i just cant. i have no patience for commercials...about 3 years ago my friend gave me a one of those roku tvs for my birthday used it total less than a day...all channels had commericals. if i feel like it i play one of the 2 ps3 i own but that had been only 2 times and to play burnout paradise and i lost interest after 2 hours.
tbh i dont know why i still keep them lol ohh i do have digital antenna on both same issue commercials
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #46 on: 05 January 2025, 22:44:26 »
I prefer both, if your gaming in person you should not be using a laptop or any device unless it's intended for the game your in.

Issue is physical media getting expensive, I'm not just talking about BattleTech products. 

I do tend levitate to digital media due to limitations I have for physical storage now.

I guess your mileage may vary depending how things are for you.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #47 on: 05 January 2025, 22:48:07 »
ok fun one 3 years ago also on my birthday i received one of those projectors can be used as a tv or pc/laptop projector...used it to watch movies on side of the building where i live with my neighbors and kids,,,we had cops join in on few occasions lol
last we did was old vhs tape i still had of rocky horror picture show i did not know vhs players were still around
funniest thing was seeing my late 60s neighbor who was rocky fan do the time warp and yes i joined ...after all when i lived in nyc i did dress as great immortal and only rocky and riff raff

tbh i know vhs tapes are dated but i used to have movies on vhs that never made to dvd or to digital format. btw to settle the old sw ep IV debate han shot first i still have digitised original vhs tape and when i played it 2 summers ago won 50 bucks and that is why i like un edited un upscaled un altered stuff
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #48 on: 12 January 2025, 11:31:55 »
      I  buy still buy Blue Ray dvd movies . I have not stream yet but maybe. I like to pick up a lot old films and such. Oh here something try finding this movie it call  The Last Valley. It was made in the late 60 it took place in 100 year war. I saw this film in Film class in High School . See if there streaming it I know it was not release VHS or DVD . I did see it in the big record type video my friend had the player for it and brought 40 to 50 films. That when video shop closing out those record films at the time in the late 80. I still like owning physical media.


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #49 on: 13 January 2025, 20:10:15 »
I know how to do collections, so no EFTs for me; I like writing checks, so I can trace the accounts. I like paying in cash; I have a problem when I tip someone, say $20 bucks, and use an EFT, and someone collects $2USD off of it, now, it's only $18 and if they EFT, they lose $2.00 as well until it comes to zero. If I just gave them $20 bucks, they got $20 bucks.

I'd never buy a license that can be revoked and removed from my device. I can find .PDFs, .MPs and AVIs of anything I want to watch; well, some of the older stuff is harder to find, but I can go to the local library, which, it better for me healthwise if I walk or bike there.

. . .  The Last Valley. . .

That looks like an interesting movie.


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #50 on: 13 January 2025, 21:59:19 »
if it's not physically in your possession it isn't yours.  That simple, any media worth owning I made sure I have a physical copy even if I have to make it myself.


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #51 on: 14 January 2025, 02:04:17 »
I prefer physical media, as it doesn't suddendly disappear due to licensing funniness. Or, like my partner complains about Disney's streaming service originally promising all the languages (which was important, as we're a bi/trilungual household) and now the language tracks are pretty much narrowed down to two :/
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #52 on: 14 January 2025, 14:38:01 »
Talking about basements...Watched an old episode of Hogan's Heros a couple nights back.  Thinking that if I could ever build a house of my own I would design my man cave to have a secret entrance...


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #53 on: 14 January 2025, 14:45:38 »
Fit to drive a tank in?! azn azn
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #54 on: 14 January 2025, 17:40:07 »
Fit to drive a tank in?! azn azn

That was the actual episode I watched!  It was one of the first season ones where they stole "the new Tiger tank" (which looked a lot like an M7 Priest).


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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #55 on: 15 January 2025, 01:02:50 »
Yea, well many of those films DID use US (or british) tanks reskinned to look like german ones.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #56 on: 15 January 2025, 01:11:36 »
Or Soviet tanks.  T-34s were used a lot thanks to being so ubiquitous.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #57 on: 15 January 2025, 13:56:26 »
I wonder, if they ever captured any japanese tanks, and used THEM in films?
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #58 on: 15 January 2025, 16:27:10 »
I'm sure some were captured.  All the Type 3 Chi-Nu medium tanks produced were captured since they were never deployed to combat.  But I don't think any Japanese tanks were retained for film usage.  The tanks that did get used in films were ones that were produced in large numbers and retained after the war.  Japan didn't produce large numbers of tanks and needed the scrap metal.
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Re: Physical media vs stream everything
« Reply #59 on: 15 January 2025, 23:32:34 »
yeah basically if it's an old hollywood war movie all the AFVs will be US production because there were so many left over at the end of the war we couldn't give them all away.  If the movie was made in Europe it's usually a mix of US made AFVs and T34s because that's what is around.  Most any German AFVs that didn't end up in museums or private collections got scooped up and sold to the Middle East cheap after the war.  Occasionally you'll be surprised watching an old British war movie where they actually used British AFVs, but mostly you just see them using US made AFVs because we made so many more of them and sent them a bunch.  So only movies that were especially patriotic made a point of using all British produced AFVs, it was cheaper to rent use of the scads of Shermans, Grants, and Stuarts they got from us.