Author Topic: My first campaign...  (Read 1173 times)


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My first campaign...
« on: 25 July 2017, 16:07:43 »
I have just started my first ATOW campaign ever and we decided to make characters that went no longer than Pase 3 (Higher Education) in character creation. And it will focus on the Pacifica Training Acadamy/ The Citadel on the world of Chara/Pacifica (if people still remembers Battletech game). And the ear is 3023 as I never liked the Clan Invasion novels and the time after that.

The characters:

Bianca Tjoussovitina
20 years old, Raven black hair, green eyes and very sociable.

Bianca was born on Talitha in the Free World League but was admitted to Comstar at an early age. She was first trained as a Computer and Communications operator, but during a training mission her unit and the base they were stationed at at the time was attacked by pirates. Bianca was able to jump into a damaged mech in the base mech bay and managed to use it to defeat the pirates. The officers saw that she appeared to have a natural aptitude or fighting in a mech and re-designated her to train as a Mech Warrior. She has an alternate ID and appears to be a Mercenary-Brat according to all info the Lyran Alliance has about her and that her family served L.A. 2 generations ago.
It was here that she met her girlfriend, Tova, whom she loves really much.

Tova Löfgren
18,5 years old. Curly, platinu blonde hair, clear blue eyes and very attractive.

Tova was born in Sweden on Terra and her family has a long history in Comstar, although no one has ever risen to the upper echelons the family has a good reputation within its walls for loyalty and being trustworthy.
Tova herself is very shy and has a slight distrust towards non-Comstar people and tend to be alone, unless Bianca is near and maybe then she can be social. Unlike her girlfriend, Tova is not a mechwarrior. She is an Comstar News Combat Correspondent doing a 2-year long news-piece on the Lyran Alliance Defence Force and how good the training is and thus is part of the school training program. She is a wiz with computers and decrypting enemy codes and communications. Tova is deeply religious and follows the Words of Jeromy Blake very dutifully and sees Jeromy Blake as the Saviour for the Inner Sphere with the creation of Comstar.

Serena Mikadzuku
17 years old. lack hair, dyed metallic red and black eyes.

Serena comes from a small world in the Outworlds Alliance and her father was ember of a mercenary unit that served together with the Kell Hounds in the 3rd Succession War and his small company was instrumental in defending Pacifica against a Kurita military force and as a reward, he was allowed to send his daughter to the Training Academy.
She is very sociable and prefers to build small semi-intelligent robots and to improve all technology that she can get her hands on. She is also very interested in fashion and makes her own clothes as she comes from a rather poor family. What she does not know about famous mechwarriors throughout history is not worth knowing (Interest skill 4)

First session
All three players played a solo session about coming to Pacifica/Chara and exloring the capital (freehaven) with their Comstar mentor or in Serena's case her father. Then they get to the academy where they explore and meet various NPCs that will be around and near them in the adventures to come.

Second session
Training starts and they meet various Steiner brat/nobles, fun and also eachother. They have some free time at evenings where they try to sneak into the swimmingpool area to have fun. The next plan was more elaborate than the previous one...

Third session
A group of Steiner nobles is not happy about having a peaceloving, poor, hippie from Outworlds Alliance on their perfect school. So they blackmail a poor sod to sabotage Serena's equipment, and makes her look incompetent and manages to make her weapon backfire which sends her to the infirmary. After she gets out, Serena starts building small mobile cameras which she spies on her fellow recruits and manages through sleuthing and asking for help from the two Comstar acolytes to find out about the plot and reports it to the officers.

Fourth session
The players do training missions on the base and is paired up against a 2 trios of other cadets to do various objectives. It is combat objectives in an arena a'la hunger games where they shall find objectives, hold on to them  till mission time is over.

Fifth session
Autumn break at the acadamy!
Serena, Tova and Bianca decides to go to the capital and stay there for the three weeks and get some culture. While there they decide to go on a safari tour with a wilderness guide and while out the guide is drunk half the time and do some ad judgement calls due to his wife divorcing them, so now it is up to the three girls to get the safari guide home to ciilization after he injures himself by driving down a ravine with his jeep and destroying their only radio.

A long trip with animal encounters, plants and other natural hazards ensure. After gaining a respect for the planet, they get home and place the guide and Tova in hospital.

Sixth session
To be continued, ideas wecome
« Last Edit: 13 August 2017, 16:08:38 by Dunia »
My mother and father met in a Mechwarrior RPG game, I am a Battletech Born Brat :)


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Re: My first campaign...
« Reply #1 on: 26 July 2017, 17:12:54 »
I would be careful with ComStar MechWarriors in the 3025 era. Keep in mind that at that time, the ComGuard were one of the biggest secrets of ComStar. Of course, its your game, so you can tweak that as you want, but I think alot of the concerns/suggestions people have might revolve around that point, so figured it should be mentioned.

Of course, that also opens alot of avenues. "Uh, no. We're from Merc company #35939235139579012 and our parents struck it rich enough to send us here..." trying to maintain their cover (if they have one in your game) can really open up alot of possibilities, such as trying to throw off the trail of LIC Molehunters, or maybe stumbling across a Kurita spy in the College, and the group trying to make sure that they aren't caught up in any fallout if the Kurita agent messes they help him surreptitiously, making sure that whatever he does is quiet enough that it won't trigger any alarms that might catch the PCs up... "Oh man, he was in such a rush he forgot to edit the security logs properly, let me fix that..." Or maybe you turn him in, and have to figure out the best way to do that so that you aren't that obvious about it...

