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BattleMechs / Re: an old idea retread (design challenge)
« Last post by RifleMech on Today at 02:48:18 »
Just thought I'd see what I could do with a Pixie Hawk LAM

Code: [Select]
Type: Phoenix Hawk LAM Blazer
Technology Base: Mixed (Experimental)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value:
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 5
LAM Conversion Equipment 5
Engine: 200 Fusion 8.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 6
AirMech Cruising MP: 18
AirMech Flanking MP: 27
Safe Thrust: 6
Max Thrust: 9
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: Small 2
Fuel: 80 0
Damage Threshold: 11
Armor Factor: 136 8.5
                        Internal Armor
                    Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso      16 23
Center Torso (rear) 6
R/L Torso 12 18
R/L Torso (rear) 6
R/L Arm 8 10
R/L Leg 12 15

Fixed Equipment       Location    Critical  Tonnage   
Avionics                    H/RT/LT        3        0
Landing Gear CT/RT/LT      3        0
Double Heat Sinks (C) 2RT/2LT      4        0
6 Prototype Improved 1RT/1LT/      6        3
                 Jump Jets 2RL/2LL

Weapons and Ammo         Location Critical Tonnage
Blazer Cannon RT 4        9
Targeting Computer (C) LT 3        3
Medium Laser RA 1        1
RISC Laser Pulse Module RA 1        1
Medium Laser LA     1      1
RISC Laser Pulse Module LA    1        1

Combat Computer, Easy to Pilot, Variable Range Targeting
BattleTech Miniatures / Comstar shenanigans lance
« Last post by Luciora on Today at 02:30:01 »
Awesome 11R
Black Knight Clanbuster
Archer 5CS
Wolverine 7M

Had these modded up and sitting on the paint bench for several years now.  Finally got them finished up.
The Firefly is in the Mercs box already.

And it wouldn't hurt to be in a cheaper Forcepack, but having doubles would only be for collectors and masochists.

Actually is it the Falcon that is missing still from WD book?

Falcon, Imp, and Hornet have yet to be released in plastic.

The WD book introduce the Annihilator, Falcon, Firefly, Flea, Hoplite, Hornet, Imp, Marauder II, Shogun, and Wolfhound.

The Maraduer II is in the Direct Fire Lance.  The Wolfhound is in the Striker Lance, Kell Hounds Lance, and in the Somerset Strikers pack.  The Annihilator is in the Dragoons Star.  The Firefly and Flea come in the Mercenaries box.  The Shogun and Hoplite in the new Assault Lance.

For Vehicles, there is the Badger (but no mushrooms), Bandit, Kestrel, Peregrine, Plainsman, and Zhukov.  All in metal, but none in plastic.
BattleTech Miniatures / Phoenix Hawk C, and more Widows
« Last post by Luciora on Today at 02:27:18 »
Pixie C, so I can say I have one.   It'll be neat to have a picture of it next to its bigger descendant when I paint one up.

Also the Black Widow Fire and Recon lances, circa 3025.
BattleTech Miniatures / St Ives Holiday Cheer Lance
« Last post by Luciora on Today at 02:24:04 »
Highlander 733C
Crusader 5S
Vindicator 1SIC
Wasp 1D

Unfortunately, as i was labeling the pictures, I realized far too late the Crusader was not meant for this lance, being a different era than the overall theme of the lance.  Guess I have to duplicate the color scheme on a second lance.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Tuesday Newsday transcript thread
« Last post by Weirdo on Today at 01:52:11 »
True, I just listed it since it was being discussed above.

Actually is it the Falcon that is missing still from WD book?

That and the Imp. And several vees, but I'm gonna make an assumption... :)
BattleMechs / Re: an old idea retread (design challenge)
« Last post by Primus203 on Today at 01:24:44 »
Expensive but the best I can design on the restrictions.

Flashman Calvary Mech- A 45 ton fast bruiser. 7/11MP with MASC allowing up to 14 for short bursts. 3 jump jets to clear obstacles and for tactical positioning. Excellent armor for its weight basically the max it can mount. Has an armament of an AC-20 with 3 tons of caseless ammo giving it decent endurance.

Now the cost to fit this is high. An XXL engine is used to barely make it all fit. This is only practical due to the double heatsinks and shell firing armament leaving plenty of spare hat capacity for the XXL's extra generation. On top of this Endo steel and XL gyro are used as well.
Code: [Select]
Calvary Mech Flashman

Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel Biped
Power Plant: 315 XXL
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 151.2 kph
Jump Jets: Standard
     Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Standard
     1 AC/20
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3180
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-E
Cost: 32,139,540 C-bills

Type: Calvary Mech
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 1,406

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure            Endo Steel            2.5
Engine                        315 XXL               7.5
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11(14)
Jumping MP: 3
Double Heat Sink              10 [20]                 0
XL Gyro                                               2
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  152                   9.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            14        21   
     Center Torso (rear)               6     
     R/L Torso               11        17   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  5     
     R/L Arm                 7         14   
     R/L Leg                 11        22   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo                   Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
Jump Jet                      RT        1        -       0.5   
Caseless AC/20 Ammo (30)      RT        3        -       3.0   
2 Jump Jet                    LT        2        -       1.0   
MASC                          LT        2        -       2.0   
AC/20                         RA        10       7       14.0 
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Mercenaries Campaign FAQ
« Last post by Kilter on Today at 01:18:22 »
Cheers, so normal issues of balancing uneven numbers. But setting the limit to 3 mechs so the default mech is more PHX-1 than WHM-6D for earlier eras should only have the normal concerns about 1v3/2v3 fights.

If you look at CO multipliers, using a .8x multiplier would likely work rolling the campaign back to 3025. That decreases everyone by 600 BV to 2400 and keeps the 32 BSP conversion limit and 2 mech limit.

Increasing mech limits to max 2 makes it more likely to have folks spamming light horde forces. In an objective based game that changes the dynamic.
Their heavy battalion is pretty well equipped as far as a frontline combat unit goes, I'm impressed with the capability.  I wonder what kind of artillery they bring to the battalion.

The Cascavels and Urutus seem like the quintessential Fringe vehicles.  Simple, effective, and rugged, and probably in every mercenary unit out there.
I've only read some non-fiction parts so far, but had a good laugh at "Voices of the Sphere: Back in My Day"  :laugh:
Nice parody of the fanbase arguing over which BattleTech era was best. How much of it was cribbed from these hallowed forums? Perhaps some questions are best left unanswered.

Glad you liked it.  No direct lifts, but I’ve been following the universe since 1987 (not quite OG, myself, but close) and have seen my share of flame wars from Usenet to social media.
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