Author Topic: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel  (Read 21445 times)


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #270 on: 18 January 2025, 16:52:46 »
It's almost time for the first wave to hit and so far, nothing from their emissaries. I'm guessing they're having some...difficulty with talks in the new Terran Hegemony.


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #271 on: 19 January 2025, 03:09:28 »
Great story.  The politics were a large shock but to see the Vipers doing Viper things was as surprising as water being wet.  The Wolves better find some factories to mass produce humility and do so quickly.  The Falcons looking for their next fight before the first one has even started is pretty much right on schedule.  And it seems that the IlKhan has started a new and true tradition with how he has performed.  The LoreMasters not making it to the rendezvous should shock nobody.  Their ship not escaping is a bit of a surprise however.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #272 on: 19 January 2025, 07:45:16 »
The Wolves better find some factories to mass produce humility and do so quickly.
The good news is that the OWA is the Inner Sphere's biggest exporter of humility.
The bad news is that Clan Wolf will prioritize converting them to make military material.

And it seems that the IlKhan has started a new and true tradition with how he has performed.
Not abusing his office to favor his own clan is such a grievous breach of tradition that everyone is still in shock. Does he even know what the ilKhan is?

Also the Wardens dissolving makes sense. What else could they do? Meet regularly to see if they have progress on a time machine to go back and stop the invasion? The invasion is happening, they can't stop it so they lost and for once they're making a healthy decision and moving on from that.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #273 on: 19 January 2025, 14:50:59 »
CCS Second Coming, Revival, Deep Periphery
23 May, 3034

Amanda had come to love space travel. Whether it be the extreme acceleration of a DropShip leaving a planet, or the equally thrilling jolt as a shuttle or fighter was launched into space, or the joy of floating in zero-g and slowly summersaulting with her eyes closed. Amanda had found the whole experience of space exhilarating in a way she never imagined she would. Where others found the journey from Strana Mechty to Niles, and then across the vast distances of the Exodus Road a trial, she had taken joy in every moment. Though there was much to do, and her duties to her Cluster and the ilKhan were may, she had far more time to herself on the journey, something she had never possessed before, and her joy of space was entwinned with that sense of personal freedom that she had not experienced before. What also made the journey more enjoyable was that the mascot of the Cluster, and self-appointed terror of all unit visits to the Raven’s Gift’s grav-decks, one Thomas the Night Stalker, had taken to space travel in the same way. The little terror took no small amount of delight in rocketing from ceiling to floor, to wall, to ceiling and back again in zero-g, and took an equal amount of pleasure in the trips to the grav-deck.

Today’s trip was aboard one of the rare two-seat training fighters that were part of the fleet. The Raven’s Gift had two on board, both Jengiz heavy fighters, and Amanda enjoyed the sensation of Star Captain Sagen driving the fighter hard after the exhilarating launch, before the coast phase and equally hard deceleration burn. The fighter left the small squadron of the ilKhan’s Naval Reserve and made for Beta Fleet and the WarShip CCS Second Coming, a McKenna-class battleship. The massive vessel stood out against the more than two hundred ships in Beta, even from the two dozen WarShips that formed the heart of the fleet. Painted in the fleet colours of Clan Cloud Cobra, the titanic ship was taking onboard several shuttles and fighters from different Clans.

Once docking and debarkation was complete, Amanda was escorted from the hangar bays, leaving Star Captain Sager behind, and taken into the heart of the vast ship. Amanda was slightly disappointed, as she always was, to have to use magnetic boots to move around, instead of flinging herself along corridors. She had been able to do that several times on the Raven’s Gift and was enthralled by the experience. In her opinion, magnetic boots should be done away with, and dam the risks.

Amanda was led by a Cobra Technician to a compartment that looked to be the twin of that on the McKenna’s Pride, which the ilKhan used for meetings of the Grand Council. Where that room was dominated by a single large table, the compartment aboard the Second Coming was arranged very differently. Though still well appointed, the room was not dominated by a single piece of furniture, instead a dozen comfortable single seat couches were arranged in a circle, with small, rectangular tables to the right of each and a gap in the centre of the circle facing the hatch.

Amanda looked around the room to find ten Khans seated and waiting for her and she came to attention and saluted. Khan di Martino, who was the only one not seated, was standing in the gap of the circle. He returned the salute and smiled, “Welcome Amanda, I trust your journey was pleasant?”

“Yes, Khan di Martino, I enjoy space travel, and Star Captain Sager does provide a most interesting ride.”

The Khan smiled again and indicated to the empty chair he stood next to, “Please, join us. I trust you have met the Khans here before?”

“All but the Ghost Bear and Hell’s Horses Khans.” She nodded to them as she spoke.

“Ah, then please, this is Khan Vasant Jorgensson, and this is Khan Johannes Fletcher.” The Cobra indicated to the two Khans, who were wisely seated well away from each other. There was a real art in arranging a meeting of Clan Khans to prevent feuds and petty rivalries from igniting physical conflict. Amanda bowed to both, who returned the gesture while remaining seated.

Amanda then sat and di Martino took his seat to the right of the Freeborn Wolverine Khan, Keyonna Hamann. In addition, arrayed around the circle, were the Khans of Clans Burrock, Fire Mandrill, Goliath Scorpion, Mongoose, Nova Cat, Sea Fox, and Steel Viper. Every Khan of the Loyalists in one place.

It was Khan Hamann who spoke first. “Welcome Amanda. Do you know why you were asked here today.”

“To meet with the Loyalist Khans, though the reason for the meeting was not made clear to me. Perhaps you could enlighten me?” It was the straightest answer she could give, without giving anything away, while also attempting to draw information from her hosts. The ovKhan had been training her incessantly in how to engage with those in power, and though she found the lessons convoluted and confusing most of the time, the old Mongoose said that she was a fast learner and a good practitioner, when she made the effort. Though Amanda understood the need to learn such skills, she found she did not enjoy the experience of the lessons or the application of them.

The Wolverine Khan made a wry expression and looked across the circle, “It appears your old ovKhan is teaching her the art speaking to Khans well, Hollis?”

The Mongoose Khan chuckled. “ovKhan Ryu is a master of those ways, it is good she has a teacher so skilled.”

“Indeed, but to answer the Star Colonel’s question; we are here and have invited you because of uncertainty. Those of us here now represent a majority in the Grand Council, however, there are questions regarding you and your future that are of both keen interest to those here, as well as vital to the future of the Clans and the Inner Sphere. Khan di Martino had said he has discussed the impact you have had on the Clans to date, and how some have reacted to you. Do you understand the full ramifications of that?”

Amanda thought carefully before answering. “I am endeavouring to Khan Hamann, however, new as I am to this arena, some of the nuance does at times escape me.”

“Trust me Star Captain, that feeling will never go away. I am constantly astounded at the working of great minds like that of the Cobra Khan here, but between us, we can provide you with some additional insight. You see, not only are you a surprise to us all, and a challenge to some of the underpinnings of our society, you also represent a change in the power dynamics of the Clans. Those of us gathered in this room represent most of the more liberal Clans, not all mind you, and some here are more conservative than others. Considering that, it is not surprising that we were the Clans to see the value in the Loyalist manifesto and were able to adapt most effectively to it. If that is all we had to do, the political currents that run beneath Clan society may have rearranged themselves in a generally orderly fashion without too much overt conflict. However, your arrival has upended that, but there is lid on the pressure cooker that is your arrival.”

“The invasion?” Amanda asked.

“Yes, and also no. On one hand you are correct, with the invasion about to commence, many are more focused on that fact then taking you or the ilKhan to task for your very existence. That the three most powerful Clans with cause to oppose you are here in the invasion fleet has meant that focused and consolidated opposition to you had yet to boil to the surface properly. However, there are also other matters, related to the invasion, but with deeper roots. With so many gone and the Homeworlds about to enter their first ever decline in living standards, no matter how short, many realise that a good war against a hated old foe will both galvanise and distract those who might take issue to their comforts drying up. There will be war in the Homeworlds, and that has further distracted those who might seek to bring you low. You see, at our heart, we are far more willing to climb over each other to reach the top of the pile than we are to die on matters of principle, no matter how deeply held it is. The Founder may have given us the tools to manage the base instincts we carry as members of humanity, but he could not rid us of that which makes us human.”

Several of the Khans in the room looked somewhat uncomfortable at the Wolverine Khan’s assessment of them as a whole, but there were none who spoke out against her, as all were as guilty as any other of putting power before principle in order to strengthen either their own or their Clan’s position.

“So, I have time, is that what you are trying to communicate? I see it quite differently. I have orders to fight on the worlds of Anjin Muerto, Pattison, Alpheratz, Cerberus and New Samarkand. I have ten months to prove my mettle and do so quickly, for if I do not, few Clans will welcome me again to fight with their forces, and I expect some in this room maybe less well disposed to me. I need to excel, so that I can be sponsored in a Trial of Blood Founding, otherwise I am a Warrior with little future.”

The Horse Khan, Johannes Fletcher spoke up, “You do not need to see these different time constraints as either mutually exclusive or entwinned with each other. Your striving for a Bloodname is well understood by those present, and it is a normal part of any career. The machinations of those here and in the Homeworlds will play out over years, within which you will endeavour to excel. What is the true time constraints to my mind are the length of the invasion and how long it will be before the Hegemony declares for or against us, and tied within that question is how you see yourself, and your own future. The Founder was not clear about your place in the ilClan. Are you to be one of many, or will you be placed above all as a new First Lord, the ilKhan answering to you, or will you fill both roles? These are deep and powerful questions for all of us to wrestle with, but most importantly, what are your views on such matters? What is your impression of the Hegemony, and your place in the future?”

This is dangerous territory. Thought Amanda before answering, And not a topic I have thought on deeply, as it is not my place.

“Khan Fletcher, I see hope for the Inner Sphere in the Hegemony. It threw off a false rule from Terra and drove the House Lords from worlds they stole and then plundered and burned. It did so via combat and has held what it has taken since. There is much to respect there. My blood line’s traditional place in the Hegemony and the Star League are clear to all, but they were earned, something I am yet to do. I am no Michael or Ian Cameron, and I make no claim on their name or positions, they must be earned through Trial and glory. My place in the future is what I make of it, it is not for me to wish, or for others to determine.”

“Laudable words Star Colonel, but others will help determine it, to think otherwise is utterly naïve.” The spectacularly ugly Khan of Clan Burrock, Daron Polczyk, sat forward in his chair with a hard look on his face. “The Camerons were nothing if not clever and foresighted, and they knew well how to manipulate the flows of power to their own advantage, not to others. To sit there and say none will affect your future but yourself is both naïve and foolish. You must understand how others, including those in this room, might wish to use you so that you can plan accordingly. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I think I do. Though your own words would suggest I plan against those in this room.”

“There is more than one Viper in this compartment Star Colonel. Had we the option, we would kill each other in a heartbeat for the rights to your codex and if any here could use you to land their Clan on Terra, then there is not one here who would not hesitate to do so.” The Khan of Clan Sea Fox looked at her intently as he spoke, and several Khans nodded in agreement with him.

“And that, Amanda, is why those who do not support you are so dangerous.” di Martino said. “They probably see your potential to derail their own plans, threaten their legitimacy, or both, more clearly than most. Only the invasion has prevented more than a single Khan calling you out, though more than a few have acted quietly against you. How many fights did you and your Demi-Lancers fight in Katyusha City? What were the Clans that kept “accidently” brawling with you and your Cluster? And there was more going on behind Star Captains Masino’s and Harper’s actions than there might appear. Think on it, what Clans brawled with you?”

Amanda scratched her head, while thinking, “Many actually, but I think most were simply testing the unit, seeing if we were worthy of our place. That said, we fought most often with the Coyotes, Smoke Jaguars, Widowmakers and Wolves, and to a lesser extent with the Ice Hellions. After the battle with the Keshik, we also had far more run in’s with the Snow Ravens.”

The Viper Khan held her hands out open before her, “There is your opposition, laid out clear and plain.”

“And I would like to know if the Star Colonel understands why?” Severen Leroux had been quiet to this point, though of all the Khans bar di Martino, she knew him best, as she met with him and the other Khans of her oversight group monthly.

“Think Amanda, and let us start with the easiest of them all. Why do the Coyotes hate you so much?”

“Because I am impure in their eyes.” She answered quickly and with certainty.

“Partly, yes, but do not forget the invasion, the Hegemony, and most importantly, you, are all devastating blows to a status quo that served and protected the Coyotes for a century and a half. Why else do they want to remain in the Homeworlds? Bastions? Ha! That is just another convenient cover for that Clan to build an empire in the Deep Periphery. They want to remain the big dog in the small yard. They have no ambition beyond that. They hate change – look at their visceral reaction to our Mystic Caste.”

“So they are the core to those who oppose me?”

“Possibly,” the old Khan said. “It will take some time for the new power dynamics to shake out, to see who aligns with whom. Our politics are no longer binary, they are more complex than they have ever been, and allies may be those of convenience for many, rather than long term partners.”

Amanda nodded, but inside she was concerned. If this many Khans are uncertain of the future, and openly so, perhaps I need to build my own base of power in the ilKhanate beyond my Cluster?

“Now then, what of the others?” Asked Khan Moreau, who had been quiet to this point. “Why do you think Clans as diverse as the Jaguars, Widowmakers, Wolves, Hellions and Ravens are aligned against you?”

Amanda considered again. “The Jaguars, Widowmakers and Hellions love neither the Hegemony, or the implication that they are not the chosen through their actions, but rather decisions of the ilKhan two centuries ago. This runs deeper into their own sense of superiority for the Jaguars, but for the Widowmakers I believe they see it as another insult from the Founder. The Ravens were embarrassed publicly, but they are transactional, so they are not necessarily a long-term threat. The Wolves on the other hand, blame me for the near dissolution of the second Winson House by the Grand Council, and the Kerensky’s are trying to protect their own eminence. Khan Ward has as much as told me to expect nothing of Clan Wolf.”

The Wolverine Khan smiled broadly. “Much better. You have promise, though you will need to understand the deeper implications of your insights. They are all powerful enemies, and just as dangerous are the equally powerful friends around you. All are threatening in one way or another, but those motivated by sincerely held belief or deep-seated grudge will be the first and most openly to strike.”

A sudden thought came into Amanda’s mind. “What if the Hegemony fights the Clans, or even rejects me if I gain my Bloodname?”

The room was still, quite suddenly. “That is a question that vexes all of us here and delayed our own Clan’s decision for so long.” Vasant Jorgensson looked troubled. “It would be a blow to the Loyalists if the Hegemony fights, but then, the people of the Hegemony may not be the same as those that lead them. Is Hamilton just another power-hungry lord, or does he wish for more for his people? We can also battle with the Hegemony and still have respect, as we do between Clans, so such an event might not be so dangerous to us. Respect and battle can go hand in hand. However, if they reject you, that could undermine either your legitimacy, their own, or both, here in the Clans and within the Hegemony. This is not an easy question for us to answer.”

“And this is why you must be careful, especially so over coming months once you are away from the ilKhan and fighting in the invasion.” The Goliath Scorpion spoke with some concern. “There are dangers beyond those of the Inner Sphere’s defenders. You go first to Beta Corridor to fight alongside the Falcons. You must fight with honour to retain their respect and support. The Spirits will follow the Falcon’s lead in this, and the Widowmakers, Jaguars and Hellions will behave if you do not put the Falcons offside. Do so however, and you could find your time there dangerous.” She paused, “You will face little danger in the Bear’s corridor, especially with the Ravens moving on, but the Wolf corridor will be difficult for you. The ilKhan plans to use you on Alpheratz, and the Wolves could easily place you in a dangerous situation, or leave you open to the Coyotes and there is little Khans Fletcher or myself could do to protect you. With Alta’s loss of the right to assault Cerberus to the Raven’s, you may have the opportunity to build bridges there, though I would expect the Ravens to take advantage of your presence in some way. That is the one constant of the Raven Clan. Finally, New Samarkand is where you can truly make a name for yourself. The Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery will not let the ancestral home of House Kurita fall easily. There I foresee you being truly tested. And if you have not done so by then, that is where you will have the best opportunity to stake your claim to the right to undertake a Trial of Blood Founding.”

“We will watch your career with great interest.” Said Khan Leroux. “I have little doubt that you will attain your goals, as we have foreseen that the light of the Star League can only be returned to humanity if it is lit by the same flame that first did so five hundred years ago.”

Amanda inclined her head politely to the Nova Cat Khan but said nothing. Severen’s pontification and belief in visions made her uncomfortable, and though she did not wish to give offence to the Nova Cat Khan, neither did she wish to appear to endorse his use of visions.

And that was the crux of the matter as Amand saw it. She was of the Clans but not. Each Clan had worth and danger, as did the Hegemony, and every one of those powers saw her as a pawn for use in their own games as they vied for primacy. Eventually those in the Hegemony, or even the wider Inner Sphere would too.

Perhaps I should hijack a ship and head for the Hegemony and live out my life in the Hegemony Armed Forces, that would be so much easier…no, then the elite of the Hegemony would vie over me. Maybe a Third Exodus somewhere where there were no humans, only Night Stalkers…that wry thought passed through her mind as matters turned to Grand Council politics, and she listened politely, learning what she could, but not interrupting.

In the end, Amanda made peace with what the room represented. The Khans here would support her, how far remained to be seen, but with four of the Clans here ultra-Loyalists and there being two more Crusader Clans that felt deeply connected to her, Amanda felt more relaxed than what she had during the discussions. Time was a factor, but to her own eyes, she had two and a half years to make an impression, and the first half of that was now mapped out. That would give her a Bloodname by twenty-four or twenty-five and put her in place to be a powerful force in whatever Clan became the ilClan. More importantly, if the people of Terra and the Hegemony supported her, the Office of the ilKhan was not beyond her grasp.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #274 on: 19 January 2025, 16:40:13 »
Amanda is in quite a pickle. With some of the Clans openly opposing her and a majority of them supporting her, she's also got the new Hegemony to worry about if they learn that she is a living relic of the Hegemony's past. The real problem though, will be if she succeeds in proving her worth. She obviously sees herself as a warrior first and foremost and anything else second. She doesn't have any political leanings towards either camp save for the restoration of the Star League, and she has proven to be quite a capable warrior. So many people, not just in the Clans or the Hegemony, but in the Successor States will see her as a threat or a potential ally.


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #275 on: 20 January 2025, 01:45:44 »
Amanda needs to make sure she takes enough forces to watch her back while she fights the assault.  Her biggest danger is the Clans of Kerensky for the next three years.
Have mercy on me, I refuse to go beyond 3075


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #276 on: 20 January 2025, 15:03:01 »
SLS McKenna’s Pride, Revival, Deep Periphery
6 June, 3034

Months after it was due to have arrived over Revival, the SLS Great Destiny, carrying the Loremasters of every Clan and led by Loremaster of the Clans, Tracy Issac of Clan Widowmaker, materialised at the Zenith Point. The ship did not have the coordinates for the pirate point where the Revival Node Station was placed but within minutes the zenith guard ship, currently the Aegis-class cruiser CBS Exsanguine, transmitted the coordinates to the new arrival and the Carrack disappeared again, blinking back into existence within the Inner System, some five thousand kilometres from the Nodal Station.

The return of the Loremasters to the Clans set quite the buzz through the fleet, and Amanda was in a meeting with the ilKhan’s General Staff when word of the Loremasters’ return arrived. The ilKhan’s General Staff had come together in ad hoc ways, but for the last eight months had become a permanent feature of the invasion. The group consisted of the ilKhan, Neal di Martino, Samil Dana’La, the Watch Commanders Benedicte Young and Kenya Raducan, the commanders of the ilKhan’s formations – Amanda herself, Clinton Ebon, Ariel Prasad, Amie Barnhart, Sora Shaw, and Elsasser Shaffer, and a most interesting and recent addition; Stacy Osis, the former ilKhan, who also wore the plain, olive-drab fatigues that the ilKhan wore.

Kimball N’Buta’s forces had expanded significantly and formed a Galaxy in practical terms. With four Clusters, forty thousand PGC personnel, and a naval Star, the ilKhan needed a commander to keep track of those units and manage them for him. He therefore asked the former ilKhan to serve in that role, and the Burrock had accepted. Osis had arrived at the meeting half an hour before, to meet the command group, before she would follow up with her own unit commanders in a separate meeting later. Amanda had been impressed with the Burrock’s demeanour and manner. She was smart, clear spoken and seemed to embrace what the ilKhan was trying to do in terms of the invasion and his own forces. That she had conducted herself with honour in vacating her role as ilKhan before the invasion, only added to the respect she was given by those in the room. However, the meeting had barely commenced when word arrived of the Loremasters’ return.

Though the meeting as it was planned was suspended, the ilKhan asked all its participants to remain. Time dragged by as word was passed that the Loremaster of the Clans was shuttling across to the McKenna’s Pride and Amanda lost herself in a readiness report for her Elemental Binary as she waited. The heavy infantry unit had been working with ever other Binary in the Cluster to ensure that it could provide infantry support to the Mech and armour units. She was immersed in the notes on the integration with the Epona Star while others chatted in the room quietly when Galaxy Commander Osis sat next to her.

“Star Colonel Amanda, I see you take your duties seriously.”

The woman’s arrival surprised Amanda. “Galaxy Commander, my apologies, I did not realise you had finished with Khan di Martino. I was reviewing a readiness report for my Elemental Binary, I must have lost track of matters in the room.”

“It is no issue, Amanda. If what the ilKhan has told me is true, you are as dedicated to your administrative duties as you are to your role as a Warrior. I merely wished to talk with you, and to gain your perspective on the Loremaster’s report on their journey. You have a unique perspective, and I think you will prove valuable as an alternate viewpoint for me.”

“I will be glad to be of service Galaxy Commander.”

Before either could say more, the hatch was opened by a member of the Ebon Keshik and Tracy Issac, Loremaster of the Clans, entered the compartment. Behind her came three other Loremasters; Diana Kardaan of Clan Cloud Cobra, Argyll Grant of Clan Fire Mandrill, and Daniella Robertson of Clan Wolverine. Tracy Issac, it seemed, was not her usual imperious self. Amanda, who had watched many recordings of Grand Council sessions from before her introduction to the Khans at the behest of ovKhan Ryu, was intrigued at the change in the Loremaster of the Clans demeanour.

The four entered and lined up before the table, and ilKhan N’Buta stood at the far end of the long table that dominated the compartment. “Welcome Loremasters, it is good to see you return. Loremaster Issac, we look forward to your report on your attempt to contact the Terran Hegemony.”

“ilKhan,” said Diana Kardaan, “Myself and Loremasters Grant and Robertson will provide the report to you. We have been forced by circumstance to place the Loremaster of the Clans under arrest, pending an investigation by the Grand Council, along with Loremaster Zachary Tamm of Clan Steel Viper.”

“On what charge Diana?” Asked Neal di Martino.

“My Khan,” she bowed to Neal, “The Loremaster of the Clans failed to execute her orders and refused to do so when urged by the Conclave, this drove Loremaster Tamm to exceed his own orders, and therefore, the Conclave voted to place both under arrest. The Ebon Keshik has maintained custody of the prisoners until now. During the journey from Terra, myself and Loremasters Grant and Robertson acted on behalf of the three political factions to maintain order within the Conclave. We are ready to submit a full accounting of our actions for review and judgement.”

The ilKhan’s face was devoid of emotion, but his eyes were burning with fire. “Sit, all of you.” The four Loremasters took seats at the end of the table. “What has happened.”

Loremaster Robertson spoke next, “The mission was accomplished as we had hoped ilKhan. The Great Destiny arrived at TISM-28387 on 17 January, and we utilised the SLDF HPG protocols to communicate with Terra. We were then directed to a newly settled world in the Hegemony named Destiny, where we were allowed to land and meet with a delegation of senior military and political officers from the Hegemony. This included the Commanding General of the HAF, the Hegemony President, their Intelligence Director and several others. We were also able to meet with and fight mock battles with some of their elite forces. After six months, we were granted leave to depart the Hegemony and did so on June 6.”

“My colleague is being brief, as always.” Said the Fire Mandrill Loremaster with a smile. “Emissaries were sent by the Hegemony to make contact almost immediately – we seem to have landed like a thunderbolt, but that was to be expected. Destiny, which had recently been settled by the Terran Hegemony, had vast uninhabited areas in which to land and hide us in, and it was an aptly named world. I must admit that many mistakes were made over the early days of February, as both sides sought to understand the other and test the waters. We made most headway with Commanding General Millray, General Moore, and the Gunsligers. Yes, the Hegemony has revived the ancient school, as well as recommencing the Martial Olympiads on Outreach.” There were gasps in the room at those revelations. “The envoys of the Hegemony learned to tread carefully, as utilizing casual violence as a tool for settling disputes and differences was not one they were used to employing, and I believe our customs truly confused them. They were quite aghast at matters we take for granted, as were we with some of theirs. There is a substantial cultural gulf between us now. However, it was the Gunsligers and the other formations that are part of the HAF’s Special Services Regiments that made matter easier for us. The simulated engagements between those troops and our Warriors did much to bridge the gap and ease the discussions between the Loremasters and the Terran ambassadors. Nevertheless, tensions within the Conclave led to more issues than were readily apparent to our hosts. Loremaster Issac refused to provide more than the most basic information, in contravention of her orders, and that drove Loremaster Tamm to hand over far more data than was planned. Both Issac and Tamm claim their actions were meeting the true intent of the voyage. However, after several months of talks, many exercises and growing frustration on both sides, we were allowed to depart Destiny with missives from the Director-General and an invitation to continue discussions. I am afraid we have no agreement or treaty, and that this Hegemony is both less and more than we had hoped. For this ilKhan, I and the other Loremasters feel out mission was neither a success of failure, merely the first step in a much longer process.”

There was quiet in the compartment as the news was digested.

“Loremaster Issac, you and I discussed your place and position before the departure of the Conclave, and it would appear that you did not reflect on your role as I asked. Though the Grand Council must oversee a formal investigation, if what is said here is true and you have knowingly breached the orders given to you by the Grand Council, then I must request the Grand Council dismiss you from your post and appoint a new Loremaster of the Clans in your place. Do you have anything to say at this time.” There was much sorrow in the ilKhan’s voice.

“I did what was necessary for the Crusade, and to protect the Clans from coming too close to a false Hegemony. What Loremaster Tamm has done is treason, I merely tried to protect our way of life.”

“So you say. However, I see no need for you to remain here, the other Loremasters can answer my questions. You are dismissed back to the custody of the Ebon Keshik until such time as the Grand Council calls for you. Shamil Dana’La will continue to execute your duties until such time as a replacement is elected. You are dismissed.” The ilKhan’s tone was ice, and Tracy Issac stood, and left the compartment without a word.

When the hatch closed behind her, the ilKhan spoke again, “I expect you have documentation, reports and recordings of your time with the Hegemony?” The three Loremasters nodded. “Good, but in the meantime, I want your impressions. What was the Hegemony like? What is your assessment of its leaders, and what do you view as the potential for any form of alliance?”

Dianna Kardaan spoke “Potential, that would be the word most appropriate. In diplomatic terms, what we had was little more than a meeting engagement. Neither side was authorised to make a permanent arrangement of any sort, and we had difficulty coming to terms with each other’s cultural norms. There was some respect, and their military skills and technology are more impressive than we expected. There is much left to do and from what I could surmise, the Hegemony was seeking to keep its options open, knowing that the leadership on both sides would need to be briefed before the next steps.”

Loremaster Robertson looked up as the Cobra paused, “As to what they are as a people. They are not the Hegemony of old, they do not want to be. The current Hegemony has embraced the original Hegemony Charter in a way that was not the case since Michael Cameron’s time, and there is significant respect for Director-General Hamilton. The Commanding General, Patrick Millray, is as irritable and combative as a Falcon, but he is no one’s fool, and his officers are loyal and respectful. Their Gunslingers and the other forces they had on Destiney were essentially their Keshik’s and may not represent the rest of the HAF, but General Moore was impressive and is a ristar in their ranks. I would have no compunction in taking her under the bond.”

“Indeed,” added Argyle Grant, “That one was impressive, even for a Freeborn.”

“I have a question, ilKhan.” Said Osis.

“Of course, Galaxy Commander.”

“Thank you, ilKhan. Why were you so delayed coming here if you left the Hegemony in June?”

Robertson responded “The Class-five battery overloaded six light years from Galedon V. It took weeks to repair, and then we made fewer jumps at a time to protect the system. If the Ravens are with the fleet we will need their assistance to fully overhaul the system.” The Cobra Loremaster looked at the ceiling. “We had several nervous moments when Combine patrols came through the system, but we moved from the jump point into the Inner System as we made repairs, so we avoided detection. Once those were complete, we resumed the journey here. I must admit though, jumping six times in rapid succession is not a process I would recommend, it is most disorienting.”

“The Ravens are with us, and I will ask Khan McKenna to see to repairs immediately. Your reports and other information are to be provided to Shamil as soon as possible, I must advise the Grand Council and see to a new Loremaster for the Grand Council.”

SLS Raven’s Gift, Revival, Deep Periphery
6 June, 3034

The gathering with her officers to meet and brief Galaxy Commander Osis had ended fifteen minutes before. That meeting had followed one on the McKenna’s Pride where Osis had met and talked with her new commanders on what she expected, and then she had joined Amanda to meet the Demi-Lancers, as she was familiar with most of the other formations from her time as ilKhan. The former Burrock and Smoke Jaguar was currently watching with a fascinated look on her face as Thomas bounced around Amanda’s personal quarters chasing a rubber ball, growling and yelping as he pounced and then kicked it away.

“What a fascinating creature. You tamed it while you were in your sibko?”

“Partly, the real work started once I graduated and brought him with me. It took some time, but he is comfortable with his new life, and there are some in the unit he has also taken to, though I think that is because they spoil him outrageously.” Amanda smiled, thinking on how her troops had adopted the little creature as he adopted them.

“And now he is the inspiration for your Cluster’s nickname and colour scheme, quiaff?”

“Aff, he is our inspiration. We try to be as stealthy, quick, deadly and unpredictable has he is. Though I must admit, that is a tall order.”

There was quite for a time as the two Warriors watched Thomas at his game, and then Stacy spoke, “You understand that the ilKhan appointed me to both look after his Keshiks and free him of the Administrative burdens, as well as provide you with a mentor who was still an active Warrior?”

Amanda looked up sharply. “I knew the reasons for unit administration, but not the latter.”

“Not everyone is happy that the Dark Mongoose advises you, and the ilKhan wants me to give you an education more focused on military matters now we are in the Inner Sphere. I will not banish the ovKhan from your presence, however, I will not accept interference from her either, is that clear, quiaff?”

“Aff, Galaxy Commander, I understand. I look forward to learning from you. Your own experiences in the Burrock’s internal war are at a magnitude greater than anything I have seen.”

“Good, and that is why I want you back planetside by tomorrow. I am assembling the Keshiks for training against a Wolverine Galaxy, augmented by the Horses and Scorpions. We need to train against forces that are closest to the Inner Sphere. As much as I detest them, the Wolverines have always been adaptable and cunning opponents, and the Scorpions First Cateran and the Horse Keshik are excellent practitioners of alternative tactics. We could do worse for an opposition force. I foresee that there will come a time when our four Clusters deploy together in battle, and I will not have the ilKhan’s Galaxy embarrass itself because it is not ready.”

“I will be as you say, Galaxy Commander.”

“Good. You are also to be sent on extended duty during the first year of the invasion, quiaff?”

“Aff. Five worlds in five waves, starting with the Falcons and ending with the Wolverines.”

“You work well with Star Commodore Noa Min-Jae, or so I have been told.” The ex-ilKhan turned her head from Thomas to look at Amanda, throwing her Burrock styles braid over her shoulder as she did so.

“I do, the Star Commodore is a good officer, and we have developed a solid working relationship.”

“That is as it should be. I am detaching the Raven’s Gift as your transport for the first five waves, there are plenty of other vessels in the reserve that can provide an escort for the ilKhan, and you will need naval support, especially at Cerberus and Midway, possibly Alpheratz as well. The ilKhan has spoken to me about you, and what he sees as necessary to obey the Founder’s orders. I will join you where I can, but even when I cannot, I expect fortnightly reporting, as I can advise you from a distance. I will not fail the ilKhan in this, and you will not fail me.” The intensity of Osis’s tone and look gave Amanda an appreciation of just how fierce the woman would be in combat. The fire of the Jaguar had not been extinguished in her at all, merely added to over the years.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #277 on: 20 January 2025, 17:14:25 »
Well, the Loremasters have returned, but now the question comes...what now? Once the invasion starts, the Hegemony will have to either pick a side or allow the Clans to approach.


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #278 on: 20 January 2025, 17:33:53 »
Great story.  I want to see what happens to Loremaster Tamm for trying to get the mission back on track.  Looks like Amanda has a true mentor now that is going to push her hard and ruthlessly to expand her talents and ways of thinking.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #279 on: 21 January 2025, 15:02:48 »
SLS McKenna’s Pride, Revival, Deep Periphery
7 June, 3034

The following day, before Amanda could depart to the surface, she was called to another meeting of the ilKhan’s General Staff, and postponed her descent to the planet, but sent Star Captain Sagen ahead. She would utilise a shuttle from the McKenna’s Pride to get to the surface, and Sagan needed to be on the ground preparing his forces for the coming training. Galaxy Commander Osis was moving fast, and the exercises were set to run for a week from the ninth, giving little time for preparation.

Amanda, as the junior Star Colonel, was seated well down the table, though she saw that as a good thing, as it allowed her to observe and take her own notes and view the working of the minds of the senior officers. Take every opportunity to learn, you will never know what knowledge may save you in the future. ovKhan Ryu had many sayings, but that one, above most had always resonated with Amanda.

“There are eight weeks remaining before the fleet breaks up and the invading Clans move to their jump off points for a 1 January assault.” The ilKhan began. “Galaxy Commander Osis is preparing to work the new Galaxy over the next six weeks before boarding commences. I will be joining the exercises in the third week, and Khan di Martino for the fourth and fifth weeks. This will be the only opportunity we have to train together before the invasion commences. Each of you will likely see service before elements of the Galaxy operate together again, and I plan to have you come together for Alpheratz. We will be joining the assault there and at Cerberus with at least one Cluster, and though there have been no calls for the Special Operations Cluster yet, I do not expect that state of affairs to last. The reformed Ebon and Strana Mechty Clusters will remain with the squadron, as will the Special Operations Cluster, and we will travel to Rest Stop to take a central position. The Carrack’s will support the latter if they are called upon. At the same time, the Demi-Lancers will depart with Alpha Fleet and rejoin us at Alpheratz in May. Questions?”

The table was silent, everyone knew their orders. “Very well then. I want your assessments of the coming assault. You have all had access to the information regarding the attacks and their support, and I wish to know where you think the invasion may falter, and where our reserves will need to be committed. Star Colonel Amanda, you have become our resident logistician, what are your thoughts?”

Amanda sat up straighter in her chair, “ilKhan, I believe the Vipers will falter early and then pressures on the flank Clans will be the next issue. I believe that the Widowmakers will need to reenforce the Vipers, with the Adders and Jaguars assisting the Wolverines and Falcons on the flanks. This would mean that the Nova Cats, Mongooses and Blood Spirits will then move up into the reserve positions, with the Fire Mandrills covering the Exodus Road.”

“You see half the Clans being fully committed to the Inner Sphere…interesting. On what timescale?”

“The Vipers by the Third/Fourth Wave, the flank Clans by the Fourth/Fifth.”

“That would mean eight or more months before we could rebuild the reserves.”

“It does ilKhan, and I expect that we may reach another three or four waves with the current reserve committed.”

“You do not see us progressing past Galtor III, as you have said before?”

“No ilKhan, I believe, with the current force structure, supply state and ability of the Homeworlds to produce war material, we will progress no further than that.”

“A dire prediction, Star Colonel.” Stacy Osis spoke up. “Do you so doubt the Clans?”

“Our Warriors? No Galaxy Commander, nor our will and spirit. I do not think we have the material. I hope I am proven wrong. I see the invasion moving through three, perhaps four phases. The first will be our initial assault, I expect this to appear to go well, but sustain higher losses than we envisioned. Then will come the commitment of our first reserves. There may then be a pause, before we can resupply and commit our second set of reserves. However, there may also be Inner Sphere localised or general counter-attacks, and that would cause further issues. My research points to this being a longer war than any realise, with Clan Mongooses predictions of a four-year war being at the low end of predictions that the SLDF software the Goliath Scorpions dug up for us indicate.”

“What simulations are those?” Asked Star Colonel Ariel Prasad, the new commander of the Strana Mechty Keshik.

“We utilised a program called CTS, or Command, Training and Simulation, and old SLDF software package that was used to train their General Staff and to run simulations. It took us some time to work out how to use it, and we managed to get it running on the Raven’s Gift when we were between Jerome and Victoria. Once we had, we could model thousands of invasions against different parameters. Applying what we know, CTS places the low-end time scale to reach Terra at three to four years. However, there are outliers to a century, rare though they might be, with a median of six years for the Clans to take Terra. The software does not see this as an Operation KLONDIKE type of campaign, it points more towards Operation LIBERATION, in terms of scale and timeframes.”

SLS McKenna’s Pride, Revival, Deep Periphery
29 June, 3034

“We advise the Grand Council that our own 9th Battle Cluster defeated the Triasch Keshik in battle a week ago. Losses to our Cluster amount to fifteen percent, while the Steel Vipers lost forty percent of their defending force before conceding the battle. Therefore, Clan Snow Raven has earned the right to assault the planet Cerberus in the Outworlds Alliance in Wave Three, ceding claims to any worlds it had rights to in Corridor Delta.” Khan Ayren McKenna returned to her seat at the long table. The Grand Council was again meeting in the compartment it used so often for its meetings onboard the McKenna’s Pride.

“A victory well-earned Khan McKenna. However, will your single Cluster be able to secure the system? We believe there to be six WarShips, a defending BattleMech Regiment and supporting Aerospace Regiment, based on the best information we have.” Khan di Martino asked his colleague in a neutral tone.

“We have the 9th Battle, the Leviathan-class CSR Frost Giant and aboard that vessel are another three Elemental Trinaries and ten fighter Trinaries. Cerberus and its shipyards will be part of the Raven holdings by the middle of 3035, and we will support the fleets of the invading Clans from there.”

“ilKhan, there are several Clans that have slipped such forces into their attacking forces. For example, Clan Ghost Bear has two such vessels, and those possessing Nightlord battleships have done the same. Naval forces should not be allowed to partake in planetary assaults, it goes against the intent of the bidding for the invasion.” The Steel Viper Khan, Alta Chisholm, spoke angrily, still sore that her Clan had lost the right to assault one of the major prizes in its invasion corridor.

“Clans can assign WarShips, and the assets attached to them, in any way they see fit. It has always been this way. Your own Clan has nearly five hundred fighters assigned to your fleet-based Raptor Wings, which your routinely attach to ground forces. Do you wish to deprive yourself of half your invasion force’s air support?” The ilKhan did not look up from his data slate as he spoke, but his voice was laced with the sound of fraying patience.

The Viper Khan looked aghast for a moment and then shook her head. “Neg, ilKhan, I do not.”

“So I imagined. If that topic is settled then, we have the matter of the Loremasters’ engagement with the Terran Hegemony to discuss. You were all sent the information compiled by the Conclave. However, before we address that matter, there are the joint issues of Tracy Issac and Zachary Tamm to deal with. As ilKhan, I no longer have faith or trust in the current Loremaster of the Clans, and as per Article Two Hundred and Thirteen of the Martial Code, do formally request that the Grand Council appoint a replacement. Tamm is the Viper’s problem. I expect they will do what is needed.” Alta Chisholm nodded at that.

The table was quiet, as the fall of the Widowmaker stripped more power from the remaining Crusaders, yet they lacked the numbers to face down the Loyalists and any of the unaligned Clans that may vote with them. “As is the ilKhan’s right, I have here a list of potential candidates for the Grand Council’s consideration. These three candidates essentially self-selected on the return voyage. Loremasters Kardaan of the Cloud Cobras, Grant of the Fire Mandrills, and Robertson of the Wolverines all acted with unquestionable honour and integrity and their actions and cooperation were fully in line with the orders issued for the mission. Loremaster Dana’La, if you would be so good as to take the vote.”

N’Buta knew exactly who he wanted to work with, and whose favour needed pleasing through the position’s allocation too. The Loyalists would expect one of their own, and though the Wolverine and Mandrill candidates had been representatives of the Wardens and Crusaders before, they also represented a bridge back to those factions. The Cobra would be rejected out of hand, di Martino had enough influence for any Clan to stomach already, and Kimball had no wish to be hemmed in by more Cobras. Either of the other two options would work for him. Robertson was smart, well-read and provided a link to the most powerful Loyalist Clan, one that he would be happy to work with. On the other hand, the more experienced Loremaster Grant had proven his abilities in working across the Mandrill factions before and after the civil war that finally united them.

Once the counting was done, the Wolverine Loremaster had won out, whether via those who wished for a strong Loyalist Clan to win, opposition to the Mandrills, or a desire to prevent the Cobras gaining more influence. At nine votes to seven, it was not a majority, or a large margin, but there were few in the room who wished to antagonise the Wolverines, and many who remembered the excellent service of ilKhans McEvedy and Aamodt, as well as Loremaster Fallstaff. The Wolverines had a habit of serving with distinction in those offices.

Once the voting was completed, Loremaster Robertson was called into the room, sworn into office and took Shamil Dana’La’s position at the foot of the table. The new Loremaster of the Clans might have been young, but she was nobody’s fool.

Kimball then asked her, “Loremaster Robertson, will you follow my example, renounce all former ties, and serve all the Clans while being of no Clan.”

“Yes ilKhan, I understand that the needs of the office and the Clans as a whole now sit above those of the Clan that raised me. I am no longer a Wolverine, simply a Warrior and Loremaster executing my duties for the benefit of all.”

“Thank you, Loremaster Robertson, I am honoured to serve with you. I cannot understate how important our impartiality is to both the Clans and the success of Operation REVIVAL. Which brings us to the results of the Conclave you now technically lead Loremaster Robertson. Do you feel that the information on the Cameron blood line changes matters at all?”

“Partially ilKhan, though in others, it does not. Those of the Hegenony had some interesting views regarding both House Cameron and Aleksandr Kerensky, some of which led to violence.”

“This was noted in the Conclave’s reports Loremaster, however, your own views on the matter would be appreciated.”

“Yes, ilKhan N’Buta.” The Loremaster paused while collecting her thoughts. “There are two primary viewpoints regarding House Cameron and Aleksander Kerensky in the Terran Hegemony, one based on hope, the other on betrayal. On one hand, both are venerated for half a millennium of progress and seen as honourable figures. The restoration of the Hegemony and the return of the SLDF was held as a hope for many through the Succession Wars. However, there were many who saw the Camerons as exploitative and the manufacturer of their own hubris, one that destroyed the lives of billions. This attitude carries over to the Great Father, with his actions seen as cowardly and abandoning the Inner Sphere to its fate.” There was much grumbling at that around the table, and several hard looks were levelled at the Loremaster for uttering such words. “There are, of course, graduations within these viewpoints and exceptions as well, but they represent the two main interpretations. The rise of the Hegemony on its own has led to the latter gaining more currency in the last ten years, as some see no need for a reborn House Cameron or a returning SLDF.”

“They are truly fallen if they view the greatest names of the Hegemony and Star League in such a way. WHAT RIGHT do those who tore down their betters have to cast such aspersions on the names of GIANTS!. This is why we must stay away from the Inner Sphere; it can only corrupt us.” The Khan of Clan Coyote, Terrance Kufal’s face was a mask of rage.

“I agree with the Coyote, only so far as to say, that we must double our efforts in this invasion and scour such thinking from the worlds of humanity’s cradle.” Though not as loud as the Coyote, the Smoke Jaguar Khan, Leo Showers, spoke just as vehemently, and there were several words of agreements from other Khans, while Loyalists hissed or shook their heads.

“And what if we had simply left, two hundred years ago?” Khan Hamann’s voice was a low growl. “You would not have let us, had we so wished. You would have hunted and hounded us. But if we did leave of our own accord, to found something better, would you accept us back now? Would you excuse our severing of the Unity. Did the Pentagon welcome Nicholas Kerensky back without war? Don’t be so foolish as to assume your own fanaticism is shared by those who see the SLDF as having abandoned them. Were they asked to join? All they saw was the last bulwark against all-out war depart, for good reasons yes, but reasons not even the fleet knew. How then do you expect them to accept us back with not a word said, after three centuries of war and deprivation, and events they feel our ancestors might have stopped? Do not be so quick as to listen to the words of the Coyote or Jaguar. We should not, we CANNOT return for honour, or glory, to punish or to create some ‘new order’. We must return to make recompense for our ancestors’ failures, whether we agree with that as an assessment or not. If we do otherwise, we will see one hundred years of war and Terra will be poison to us. Conqueror yes but do so to create a better life for those we take into our Clans, to do otherwise is to betray every ideal we say we uphold.”

By the time she had finished speaking, the Wolverine Khan was on her feet, and several of the Loyalist Khans were agreeing with her, though she was dismissed outright by more conservative Clans and the Crusaders. The noise level in the room rose until the ilKhan dropped a book on the table. The loud BANG brought everyone up short.

“That is better.” I did not ask for general discussion and the Loremaster has not conceded the floor. The Wolverine Khan returned to her seat. “Was there anything else Loremaster that you feel is pertinent to discussions?”

“No ilKhan. The discussion that has just occurred is a good representation of the Conclave’s…discussions, shall we say. Matters only became worse once contact with the Hegemony was made. I would suggest, if another embassy is sent, it comes from the Office of the ilKhan to ensure that the Hegemony sees the best of us.”

The new Loremaster of the Clans words hit home with some of the Khans, who managed to look slightly guilty, others though dismissed her comment outright.

“That is a point I wish to discuss. The Hegemony does not know that a Cameron lives. I expect such news to be as big a shock to them as it was to us. Though for the new Director-General, it does present more of a direct threat through the original Hegemony Charter. Once Hamilton dies there will be an election, and at that point the Hegemony can choose whoever it wants to rule. Which conversely is also a threat to the Clans. What if the Cameron heir is elected by the Hegemony as Director-General and Terra has not fallen? What would happen then? That is why we need a second embassy; to continue discussions, gauge the impact of the Camerons’ return, and plan for a future that could destabilise both the Hegemony and the Clans.”

“If we ended the Cameron this would not be a problem.” Kufal spoke again.

“I dare you to try Terrance. There are thirteen Clans here that would tear the Coyotes apart.” That comment came unexpectedly from Yvonne Hazen.

“Clan-wide wars aside,” the ilKhan tried to keep momentum, “I feel there is no other option but to send the Great Destiny back to Terra to continue discussions. However, the Loremaster’s points are wise. With the invasion commencing, the Clans require their Loremasters back, however, an embassy of some sort must be sent with someone wise and experienced enough in the ways of politics to lead the mission.”

“A former ilKhan perhaps?” Said Neal di Martino.

“How many still live?” Asked a surprised Khan Vasant Jorgensson.

“Osis serves as Galaxy Commander here, Aamodt is an ecKhan within her Clan and advises Khan Hamann, Bowes is serving as a solahma on Lum, and Ryu is with the Cameron clone.” di Martino looked to the ilKhan as he spoke.

“Ideally it would be one close to hand, so that would leave Bowes out. Ryu is too old, she is over ninety and I would prefer to keep a closer eye on her than could be done if she was in the Inner Sphere. That leaves Aamodt and Osis, and I am loathe to let Osis go so soon after she took command of the Galaxy. I have no issues with Aamodt, if he is willing to take the oath that Loremaster Robertson and I have, to serve all the Clans, though I understand that there may be those concerned with a second former Wolverine serving so.”

“ilKhan Aamodt was an honourable man who served with distinction, we may have our issues with the Wolverines, but I have no issue with Aamodt if he swears as you have ilKhan.” Khan Cyrilla Ward did not carry the political power she did just two years before, but as an unaligned Khan, her voice had a different form of power, and she seemed more than willing to use it.

“I agree, our own ilKhan nominated the Wolverine to great success, I would have no issues.” Khan McKenna added her own voice.

“I would miss his counsel, but I could accept his appointment on behalf of all the Clans.” Khan Hamann said.

“Are there any who would oppose appointing such a special ambassador? And if we do, what would be the limits on their power, and who would accompany them?”

“I would imagine we would need to give such a person the ability to negotiate on our behalf, while holding the final agreement to any negotiation within the remit of the Grand Council.” The Burrock Khan mused out loud.

“A ceremonial unit drawn from the Ebon and Strana Mechty Keshiks would also ensure all the Clans remained represented on the mission as well.” Selim Nagasawa added his own thought and then continued, “We should not limit the ambassador’s ability to negotiate at the outset, and we also have the advantage this time of access to the Inner Sphere HPG grid, which would enable the Ambassador to engage more regularly with us. That is if the Great Destiny is able to travel again?”

“It is. The battery has been serviced and repaired.” McKenna said.

“Are there any other candidates or thoughts on how such an embassy could progress?”

“I would suggest discussing such matters with the emKhan himself ilKhan, he may have ideas that could be of value to us all.” Khan Hamann said.

“Indeed. I would have you send him to the McKenna’s Pride at your earliest convenience to meet with myself, Loremaster Robertson and then the Grand Council. The fleet will break up in five weeks, and there is much that will need to be prepared in that time, as well as enabling the Ambassador to review the material from the first mission. At best speed, that would put the Great Destiny back in the Hegemony in mid to late January, depending on where in the Hegemony it makes contact from.”

“The Hegemony has asked that we make contact in future when we cross the border.” Loremaster Robertson said.

“Mid-January then, two weeks into Operation REVIVAL. That would give us as much time as we need to negotiate, while also placing pressure on the Hegemony, as the start of the invasion will be a shock to the Inner Sphere that may work in our advantage.”
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #280 on: 21 January 2025, 16:37:40 »
So, the Clans are going to negotiate with the new Hegemony first. Question then becomes, will Amanda and her unit go with the Embassy after she's had her taste of combat against the Inner Sphere forces?


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #281 on: 21 January 2025, 16:52:15 »
At this point, I have absolutely no idea. Still mapping out some of what may or may not happen in Book 3.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #282 on: 21 January 2025, 23:16:57 »
Great story.  Well it looks like the logistics reality is hitting everyone in the face hard. Maybe the Ravens could contract with the Ghost bears or the Guilds to mine the asteroid belts for the good of all the Clans and place themselves and the shipyard off limits from attack by their fellow Clans.  Making contact with the Hegemony and giving them an idea of what is to come will be their undoing.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #283 on: 22 January 2025, 15:11:21 »
North of McEvedy’s Landing, Revival, Deep Periphery
15 July, 3034

“Move east. Move east NOW!” Amanda yelled at her Galaxy Commander.

Amanda sat behind the battle, and as frustrating as that was, her Com-Eye equipped Mech meant that she had the ability to monitor more of the battle than any other officer, including Galaxy Commander Osis. After weeks of being badly handled by various Wolverine formations, ably assisted by the Horses, Scorpions and Mongooses when they were available, Amanda had finally seen an opportunity for the Keshiks to finally win a victory…if the Galaxy Commander could shift the First Provisional Cluster east at pace. The First and Second Provisional Clusters were the amalgams of the Ebon and Strana Mechty Keshiks, and both were strong formations, as were the other two Clusters in the Galaxy. The problem was that all four Clusters were new, and all four had had less time working with each other than they had coming together themselves, and that made the Galaxy and team of experts, and not the expert team it needed to be.

However, there was a gap opening between the 74th Mechanized Infantry and 9th BattleMech Clusters of the Wolverines’ Beta Super Cluster, which was supported today by the Mongoose Hunters Keshik. If the Galaxy Commander could ram the First Provisionals thought the gap, the Hunters Keshik and the 105th Mechanized Infantry were too far away to save the day. The Special Operations and Demi-Lancer Clusters would then crush the split Wolverine force between them, and they could then turn and dismember the other two Clusters at the Keshik’s leisure.

Over the next hour, matters went according to plan, and for the first time in weeks, the ilKhan’s Galaxy saw victory in an exercise. Two more hours and Amanda was back in the Galaxy’s field bivouac, which was not so much a camp, as a small city of DropShips and the associated encampments.

“I am not usually spoken to that way, Star Colonel Amanda.” Amanda came to attention, as did her Star Captains, as Stacy Osis’s voice came from behind her. “However, if it leads to victory and celebrations like this, I could become somewhat used to it.”

Amanda turned to see the Galaxy Commander smiling at her. “I apologise Galaxy Commander, I saw the opportunity and knew we had to take immediate advantage.”

“No apologies are required, Star Colonel.” Osis indicated for her to resume her seat at a camp table, and Amanda did so along with her officers, who were then joined by Galaxy Commander Osis. “I must admit, it is taking some time to become used to the unusual unit structures of your Demi-Lancers and the Special Operations Cluster, but you do have some convenient tools. It is also nice to turn the tables on the Wolverines with their own command technology. I have often cursed them for their advantages in that space and derided the technology, though I must now admit it does have its uses. That said, the Com-Eye also relegates you to an almost non-combat role as a commander when using it.”

“Not until today.” Amanda ruefully shook her head. “Every other time we have gone out they broke through and I was forced to fight in the last line. It is interesting how Clan Wolverine views the role of a commander in comparison to other Clans. It is almost as if in becoming a commander, you lose honour and are sent to an early solahma posting.” She laughed.

Sushella Rocha, the former Wolverine, spoke up. “We prefer to not lose the precious resource that experienced and successful commanders have. To a Wolverine, a great commander is one who sacrifices personal honour for that of the Clan. Selfless leadership and giving glory to your underlings while gaining victory for the Clan: That is the mark of a leader in our Clan, as much as that stands in contrast to how your own two Clans view a leader as at the forefront of battle.”

The Galaxy Commander nodded half-heartedly. “It is not something I can do. My blood screams for the clash of battle, but with Amanda here, I can trust that I will be sent to the critical point and that the battle will be well looked after. The best of both worlds I suppose. But that is what we are, quiaff? A balance of all the Clans in one.”

“Aff, that is true Galaxy Commander.” Said Amanda. “We are stronger admitting our differences and working together to maximise our strengths, rather than weaken ourselves by focusing on our differences.”

“Careful! It is said that the ilKhan will appear on the spot if you say such things!” Everyone laughed at that.

Over the next two and a half weeks, the training and exercises began to ramp down as each of the Clan Toumans reformed with their transports and began the loading procedures. As was always the case, the PGC’s were first to load and would be last to experience gravity and atmosphere again. Thousands of troops began to move back into orbit every day, rejoining the five battle fleets and the ilKhan’s squadron.

The flow of DropShips was incredible, as dozens of flights launched every day, and with limited infrastructure in the system there was a vastly greater chance of disaster. Strana Mechty space control was all but overwhelmed when the fleet originally assembled, and this time a new way of organising such movement was required.

Each fleet became responsible for its own movements, while the Nodal Station oversaw the coordination between the fleets over the world. Apart from two minor collisions, and one badly twisted docking collar on the CCS Second Coming that was hurriedly and roughly hammered back into shape, there were few issues. This was a pleasant surprise, as the time exercising on Revival had cost over two hundred lives and several lost heavy machines, with many of those being Aerospace Fighters wrecked in accidents.

This was a first for the Clans, and there were few outside of the ilKhan’s General Staff who saw it for what it really was: The Clans’ first experience with logistical friction on a grand operational scale. That such losses were suffered under benign conditions worried all those who had read the primers that the Goliath Scorpions had provided. There was little that could be done, but the writing was on the wall for those who could read it.

SLS McKenna’s Pride, Revival, Deep Periphery
5 August, 3034

“IlKhan, all fleets, the ilKhan’s Naval Reserve, and the McKenna’s Pride report ready to jump. Alpha Fleet for a return up the Victoria leg, all other Fleets for the first jump on the Rest Stop leg.”

“Open a channel to the Fleet.”

“Channel open ilKhan.”

Kimball N’Buta, eighteenth ilKhan of the Clans, stood within the holo-tank on the bridge in the dress uniform of the Star League Defence Force. Before him floated the icons of more than one thousand ships. This, to Kimball, was one of the three key moments of the invasion, though to his mind the least important of the three. The greatest was yet to come, the go order in several months’ time, and the departure from Strana Mechty was an historic moment as well. This time, the beginning of the breaking up of the Fleet, as the Clans assigned to Corridor Alpha returned to the Victoria Node, was a moment where he had to begin letting go of some of the control he had exercised as ilKhan for the last two years. The next few months would see that control eroded, as he stood back and watched as the Khans of the five Primary invading Toumans let loose their Warriors in an invasion predicted nearly two-centuries earlier.

Kimball looked up into the tank and spoke. “Warriors of the Clans. You have journeyed across the stars and worked here to hone yourselves for battle. You have trained and tested your skills in preparation of the greatest endeavour of arms in the history of the Clans. Now you are ready. Now we all stand ready. Twenty Clans, each fulfilling the dream of our Founders that was set for us like a guiding light in the night sky. Prepare now to bring the light of a glorious salvation to those who for so long were left in the darkness of powerful rulers who seek only their own gratification. The order is given: All Toumans are to proceed to their jump off points. Invasion Day is set for 1 January, 3035. All fleets are ordered to jump on their senior Khan’s Order.”

Moments later, in an attempt to upstage their rivals, the vessels of Beta Fleet began to disappear in a rapid series of firecracker like flashes. Of course, this led other Khans not wanting to be upstaged, and quickly thereafter Delta, Gamma and Epsilon fleets began doing the same. What had been an orderly departure from Strana Mechty was, over Revival, an uncoordinated rush of ego and showmanship. Kimball sighed. Words will be had once the fleet reassembles. Despite his thoughts, Kimball knew this was the clearest sign of what was to come. The Clans had cooperated to date because they were forced to by having no other options. Those constraints were being rapidly lifted. In contrast to the other Fleets, Alpha jumped away in a single two-hundred ship flash, which not only glowed like a small sun in the holo-tank but was also ominous in its own way. If four Clans could cooperate in one corridor, they could unbalance the invasion in ways that would not be beneficial. There needed to be an ilClan, but not at the cost of other Clans’ destruction.

Once the glow of Alpha’s departure had faded the SLS Great Destiny, sitting off the bow of the flagship, flashed its running lights in the ancient ‘fare well’ signal, then jumped out on the first of its six rapid jumps that would take it most of the way to Naikongzu in less than fifteen minutes. ecKhan Deangelo Aamodt, the former Wolverine ilKhan, was now racing towards Terra with the news that a Cameron lived. In a perverse way Kimball looked forward to causing a little chaos in the Hegemony, it had caused enough for him in the last two years.

Before he could mull on matters further, the McKenna’s Pride turned itself, and Kimball N’Buta, inside out.

Chapter 29
The breakup of the Clan fleet not only presaged the coming of the imminent coming of the Clans to the Inner Sphere, but also accelerated the dissolution of the semi-cooperative state the Clans had been in for the two years prior. Every Clan dealt with the new reality in its own way, and the invasion of each corridor was shaped by the jockeying for position that followed the Revival layover.
-   Deciphering the Zoo: Understanding Clan Society. General Madison Perez, Hegemony Press, 3035.

CWS Zughoffer Weir, Victoria, Deep Periphery
19 August, 3034

Like many Clans, the Wolverine flagship was a battleship, a McKenna-class vessel that was hundreds of years old. The huge ship was the pride of the fleet, despite the addition of many new Splendid and Drake-class vessels in recent decades. They might be younger and better designed, but they did not possess the Weir’s history and prestige, earned through the Periphery Upbringings, the campaign ageist the Rim Worlds, the Liberation of Terra, Exodus and the Pentagon Campaign, not to mention the two centuries of service with the Clan. The Weir might be old, but she remained one of the most powerful vessels in existence thanks to her extensive upgrades.

Khan Keyonna Hamann of Clan Wolverine had no such pedigree. Quite the opposite actually. Keyonna Hamann rose to the Khanship of Clan Wolverine in 3029, when Carylon Robertson stepped down at the same time as ilKhan Aamodt. The young Wolverine Khan was a prodigy, a ristar in every sense of the word and a red flag to every conservative Khan in the Grand Council. Originally, Keyonna was a Freeborn with no connection to existing Wolverine Blood Houses and became a Warrior in 3015 and the age of twenty. Rapidly rising through the ranks, Keyonna had achieved the rank of Star Coronet in 3022, commanding the Wolverine’s 133rd Mechanized Infantry in the Omicron Super Cluster. The tri-Clan attack on the Wolverine capital of Nirvana by Clans Widowmaker, Ice Hellion and Smoke Jaguar made the young Warrior’s name. Keyonna engaged and destroyed four times her own machine’s tonnage on three occasions, as well as saving the lives of the citizens of the small town of Novo Tyre when Jaguar troops rampaged through that district. Her significant individual victories were only accomplished through her supreme tactical abilities, which placed her opponents in terrible positions that she then ruthlessly exploited. Clan Wolverine wasted no time after the battle in passing a vote to see Keyonna nominated before the Grand Council for a Trial of Blood Founding. Within the Grand Council, the usual foes stood against her, with her opponents hailing from Clans Burrock, Smoke Jaguar and Widowmaker. Despite the odds stacked against any applicant, Warrior Keyonna succeeded in her Trial and became Keyonna Hamann, founder of the Hamann Blood House and first bearer of the Bloodname Hamann. Five years later, after continued sterling service and having led first the Tau Super Cluster in the 14th Guards Galaxy and then Zeta in the 331st Shock Galaxy in actions against the Jade Falcons, Wolves and Ice Hellions, Star Colonel Keyonna Hamann was elected saKhan by her Clan, as she was recognized as the most effective operational planner the Wolverines had. As saKhan and commander of the Wolverine Touman, saKhan Hamann put her prodigious talents to use and did not see defeat on the battlefield in her three years as saKhan under Khan Carylon Robertson. When the Khan stood down in 3029, the saKhan passed the Triad Trials and became the twenty-fifth Khan of Clan Wolverine. However, Keyonna Hamann was a anathema to many Khan in the other Clans. Though Wolverine and Sea Fox Khans in the past had caused friction in the Grand Council when raised from Blood Founded Houses, seen by some more conservative Clans as lesser houses, the fact that Keyonna was Freeborn with no prior link to Warrior genes appalled many. It was bad enough that the Wolverines has made her saKhan, but as Khan the insult was greater. Keyonna could not have cared less. She thoroughly enjoyed her inherent ability to set off those more concerned with tradition and social mores, and found not having to talk to the likes of Kali Rhyde or Leo Showers a blessing in disguise. That was a task left to her saKhan in revenge for his sense of humour.

She was a contrast to the three Khans who sat in the room with her; Estefana Landricia of Clan Blood Spirit, Hollis Henriquez of Clan Mongoose, and Kadence Patrick of Clan Star Adder.

Fifty-two-year-old Estefana Landricia had been a Khan within her Clan since 3008 and the Khan since assuming the role from her predecessor Jackqueline Osborne in 3019. Khan Landricia was also the direct blood descendant of former ilKhan Antoine Osborne, who was her genefather. Though not as strident a believer in openness and cooperation with other Clans as the former ilKhan, Khan Landricia was still a far more flexible thinker than most of her brethren. A patient and intelligent foe, Khan Landricia knew how to wait an opponent out until it was the right time to strike. However, as her age increased, Landricia had begun to show some signs of impatience, but Keyonna was glad to have such a reliable ally in her corridor. The Blood Spirits had the Wolverines back in 2823, and the Wolverines had repaid that honour in spades. The two Clans never questioned the other, and she was glad that they were here.

Her other ally was a problem, not because he was a Mongoose, but because of Clan Mongooses long association with Clan Burrock. Though the Blood Spirits reserved their true hated for the Burrocks, they also saved much for the Mongooses. Their current Khan, Khan Hollis Henriquez, had come to power only in 3031 and was the quintessential Mongoose; a careful planner and a lethal and aggressive dervish on the battlefield. Hollis was a listener and a consensus builder, able to shape the Grand Council to his Clan’s needs. That said, his Clan was vital to the Wolverine’s success. No one in the Clans understood logistics as well as Clan Mongoose and the abilities of their Technicians were legendary. The Wolverine Touman was equipped and supplied better than many other Clans heading into the invasion because they listened to both the ilKhan and the Mongooses.

The fourth member of their party was also the youngest. Khan Kadence Patrick had been, until his ascension to ilKhan, Kimball N’Buta’s mentee. However, she had been cut adrift, and her lack of experience had hampered the Adders over the last two years, despite being a quick learner. Holding the single Bloodname of the Patrick Bloodhouse not controlled by Clan Burrock, Khan Kadence Patrick was still a very young Khan. Despite that, Keyonna liked the woman, and if she could polish her rough edges, Keyonna was sure the young Khan would have a long and successful tenure at the head of Clan Star Adder.

The four Khans were ostensibly gathered in the stateroom that was the Wolverine Khan’s quarters to bid on targets for the first wave of the invasion, where the Secondary Clans had the right to strike at one world to act as their operational base. Keyonna’s quarters were not as spartan as many others might be, though compared to the pictures she had seen of what the rooms looked like when they served Admirals in the Star League Navy, her decoration was positively bland. Arrayed around a plain table that was dwarfed by the compartment it sat in, the four Khans were generally at ease with each other, though Keyonna made sure that Estefana and Hollis were sat well away from each other.

“Thank you for coming my friends. Many assume you will be here to bid on targets, but as I have stated before, I do not think that serves any of us well. Instead, I propose to provide each of you with a base of operations in the Jàrnfòlk systems, and then another within the first two waves of the invasion. This will ease any logistical burdens for you, provide a small industrial base to support your forces in the Inner Sphere, and then give you a base world to operate from in the Combine as well.”

“We appreciate you working with us in this way, it speaks well of your Clan.” Khan Patrick said.

“This is always the way of the Wolverine with its friends. You could do worse for a Clan to work beside.” Estefana said to the Adder.

“I appreciate your words Estefana, but we owe the Spirits much for your actions during our Supplication, that is not something we can forget.” The Spirit bowed her head slightly in response. “In light of that, we propose the following. We will dispatch Theta Super Cluster’s 254th BattleMech and 67th Mechanized Infantry to secure the flank worlds of Farstar and Knutstad. The 191st Shock Galaxy, under saKhan McEvedy, will work with your Clans to secure the worlds of the Jàrnfòlk. I propose that Clan Wolverine secure the industrial worlds of Alfirk and Trondheim, while the other three major worlds of Ålborg, Hamar and Hofn are made available to your three Clans to bid on. Clan Wolverine will also secure Narvik, Nordland and Stavanger. Is this a workable proposal for you?”

Kadence Patrick spoke first. “Indeed, each world has value, and you could seek to take all five yourself. Your offer to share such prizes is honourable, and it would be most base of us to challenge it. I agree to your proposal.”

“As do I.”

“And Clan Mongoose.”

“Bargained well and done. I leave the disposition of the three targets to you. From there, I plan to use Narvik as the terminus of a spur from the Victoria Node, then run a final chain from Narvik to Rezak’s Hole. That will provide and effective base of operations into the Inner Sphere with a node on the border of the Draconis Combine. Within the first two waves I am also willing to release the worlds of Hongor, Kokpekty and Multan for bidding as they lie close to Rezak’s Hole and enable me to have each of your Clusters operate with a different Shock Galaxy as a reserve. If we need to deploy you as a reserve beyond a third system, we would be willing to cede rights on those later worlds for your participation. Is this a suitable arrangement?”

The other three Khans looked to each other and then nodded. The offer was generous and set each up for further gains later in the invasion. “Good, I open the meeting for you to bid against each other for those worlds we have just discussed.”

For the next ten minutes, the three Clans bided, bargained and discussed matters of war, supply, honour and rank between themselves. Once they were finished, Clan Blood Spirit would take Trondheim, then strike Kokpekty and work with the 331st Shock Galaxy. Clan Mongoose would secure Alfirk and Hongor and be paired with the 191st Shock Galaxy. Finally, Clan Star Adder had the prize of Hamar, and would provide support to the 11th Shock Galaxy after the single Adder Cluster took the world of Multan.

All four Khans were happy with the results, Clan Wolverine for effectively integrating its three Secondary Clans into its forces, with Clan Star Adder basing significant forces in the rear areas as a deterrent to the Combine, and the three junior Clans were too after securing the most productive bases of any Secondary Clans in the initial waves.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #284 on: 22 January 2025, 15:41:40 »
3035 is going to be a big year for the Btech universe. Once the Clans begin their invasion, there will be hardly any stopping them.


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #285 on: 22 January 2025, 17:53:07 »
While the other invading clans are gobbling up failed colonies or fed suns periphery world's. The Wolverines and associated clans hit the Barn which each world is claimed by different Jarn_clans, so each world is largely self sufficient.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #286 on: 22 January 2025, 18:27:02 »
Book 5 will wrap up where EVERYONE in the Clans stand. So that should give you an idea of just how much chaos is coming.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #287 on: 22 January 2025, 18:56:42 »
Great story.  It looks like the Wolverines are going to outshine the Wolves by a large magnitude and there is no way they can stop it by guile or skill.  And it even looks like the Wolverines are more determined to simply win then to waste time seeking glory.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #288 on: 22 January 2025, 19:11:29 »
I expect Jarnfolk assassins to be causing a LOT of chaos going forward...


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #289 on: 23 January 2025, 10:35:42 »
I expect Jarnfolk assassins to be causing a LOT of chaos going forward...

Promotional opportunities will abound
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #290 on: 23 January 2025, 15:13:20 »
Nodal Station, Rest Stop, Deep Periphery
2 September, 3034

“Now is as good a time as any Daron.” Cloud Cobra Khan Neal di Martino said. “The main fleet is to move to Rover as soon as the drives are charged, and we need to pin the Vipers down. Kali has agreed to join us, and Daniel,” he indicated to his saKhan, “needs to be here as well. I will be with the ilKhan, and Daniel will work as your aide for our part of the operation.”

“I understand Neal,” said the Burrock Khan as they walked down the corridor under, mercifully, spin induced gravity. “Do you think they will take the bait?”

“They should…we seek the two worlds furthest from Terra, and any two of Taumaturgo, Bossangoa, and Alktral will suit our purposes. Then we can initiate our other plans, with all the lessons we learned from the Tanites.”

“That was quite the education.”

Neal only grimaced at the Burrock’s comment. Tanis, Alexandria and Stancha might be net producers for both Clans now, but they remained an investment that had only started to pay off on its original investment recently, after fifty years of struggle. Neal di Martino had no intension of repeating those mistakes in the Outworlds Alliance, and if Clan Steel Viper did, the two allied Clans would be there to pick up the pieces.

The three eventually saw Kali Rhyde waiting ahead, in her black and red uniform, as the upwardly curving corridor brought her into view. The Nodal Stations were huge, with their outer grav decks some three hundred meters in diameter. The giant stations were little more than a massive solar array, series of fusion reactors, batteries and power transfer relays. Around that were built facilities for transhipping Clusters. Cargo storage was handled on the ground, the stations were not designed for that and like at Revival, a small city called Resting Place had grown up at a suitable location.

“Why is your saKhan here?” Rhyde asked in a suspicious tone.

“Because she walked here with is.” Neal had little time for the Widowmaker’s suspicion and course nature; her Clan was very much secondary to his plans today. He got a glare for his answer and then Rhyde turned away and opened the hatch.

The two Cobras and the Burrock followed the Widowmaker Khan into the room beyond, where they found Alta Chisholm seated in a couch, talking with her three field commanders; saKhan Reed Yanev, Galaxy Commander Tiberius Zalman and Loremaster Zachary Tamm. Zalman was the most practical Viper Neal had ever met, while the Loremaster was a frothing believer of the worst kind and someone who would do anything for the ‘cause’. Neal had his own beliefs that he had adopted, but he was not a proselytizer, and the Steel Viper Loremaster’s actions had revealed far more to the Hegemony that the Grand Council had wished.

“What is he doing here!?” Rhyde snarled at Alta Chisholm while pointing at Tamm.

“He is to command elements of Alpha Galaxy and has a right to be here.”

Neal interspersed himself between the two, “The Grand Council ordered his punishment.”

“And we did.” Yanev said.

“What was his punishment?”

“That is an internal Viper matter.”

Rhyde began to snarl something, her disgust for the man she saw as responsible for the fall of Tracy Issac evident.

Neal interjected himself instead, speaking loudly. “Khan Chisholm, you have stated that you see no role for our three Clans in the Inner Sphere, yet the Grand Council has decreed that we must be given worlds in the first wave. To make your planning easier, Clans Burrock and Cloud Cobra will be happy to take any two of Taumaturgo, Bossangoa, and Alktral. They are furthest from Terra and minor holdings. Does this suit you?”

The Viper Khan thought for a moment. “Yes, bargained well and done, the Widowmaker can have whatever you do not take.”

“I did not agree to this!” Rhyde looked from Chisholm to di Martino and back.

“I do not care Kali. If you want something more, your Cluster will face an entire Viper Galaxy.”

Moments ticked by, then the Widowmaker said, “So be it, Viper. Remember well this day, for if we are activated to support you, we will demand a price just as painful from you.”

The Widowmaker then turned and strode from the room. Neal simply bowed to the Vipers and said, “Thank you for your expediency, Khan Chisholm.”

Neal hardly saw the Vipers own bow of the head as he too turned and left with his two companions.

“Save me from Vipers and Widowmakers!” He said shaking his fits in the air once the three were out or earshot.

“We got what we wanted.” Said Nigel.

“Indeed, we did. Today is where we planted the seed for the Burrock-Cobra Khanate. I will leave Daniell here with you to plan and execute operations. Between our two Clans we have one hundred and sixty Mechs, two hundred and ninety fighters, seven hundred and twenty-five elementals, one hundred and forty tanks, and two thousand, two hundred and fifty infantry. Our two WarShips hide much strength in their hulls. That gives us a full galaxy between us with four powerful Clusters and four PGC’s to back them up. That will be more than sufficient to undertake our little plan.”

“We will need more PGC’s before we are finished, and will need to bring forward a full Galaxy each if we are to be successful.” Daron said as he smiled broadly. “Think of what we can build together with what we will gain…a strong future for both our Clans, and a springboard from which to realise many other possibilities.”

“That is true, but one step at a time. We must secure our initial targets first and raise no suspicions as the Vipers move deeper into the Inner Sphere. Only then can we breathe life into that which has laid fallow for so many years. We may not be strong enough to lead the race to Terra, but we can show others how to rule effectively and bring the glory of the Star League back to those we rule over.”

CW Werewolf, Rover, Deep Periphery
16 September, 3034

Khan Sandra Moreau groaned inwardly when she walked into the combat information centre of the CW Werewolf, the flagship of both the Wolf invasion force and Epsilon Fleet. Standing before her above the central holo-tank were the Khans of Clan Wolf; Cyrilla Ward and Ulric Kerensky. Both were in full ceremonial regalia, as were Terrance and Maria Kufal, the diminutive Khans of Clan Coyote.

Oh dear me, it does appear to be one of those days. The Goliath Scorpion Khan was the architect of the rebirth of her Clan. She was also a remarkably proficient Timber Wolf pilot and noted tactical genius, and those were comments made about her that always made her smile. She was the best in a Clan known for tactical thinking and deadly accurate shooting. Moreau had led the Cateran Order before her ascent to the Khanship, and that had paved the way for her reforms and for the Caterans to become the most powerful of the three orders in the Scorpion Clan. She intended for her Clan to remain united and focused, while respecting its past and traditions and finally forging a path forward for itself that was independent of the past that had so hobbled it. That was all to be achieved while still looking to that past for inspiration and solidarity and was why she had little concern about the invasion. There are many more paths to power than the Wolves would admit.

As she came around a small cluster of Wolf officers, she saw the Horses had also only sent their Khan, Johannes Fletcher, a man she was growing to respect. He was in dress uniform, which contrasted with both the Wolf and Coyotes gaudiness and her own armoured black tunic with a dark grey shirt and pants. She was not even wearing the traditional head scarf. There has been enough useless posturing, it is time to get down to business.

“Khan Sandra Moreau,” growled Cyrilla Ward, “You are late and show us little honour in appearing in such plain attire on such a momentous occasion.”

“My dear Cyrilla, was it not your own Natasha Kerensky herself who said that ‘Slavish adherence to tradition shows that once has nothing better to think about?’”

In for a penny, in for a pound. It is well and truly time to get this over and done with. Since the Goliath Scorpions had snubbed the Wolves a year before and then moved to the Loyalist faction, relations between the two Clans had been in a downward spiral. That the Scorpions refused to tow the Wolf line any longer had been a shock to the Wolves, and their demands for obedience had been insulting at best, declarations of war at worst. The Scorpions had long done service to the Wolves for the saving of Sandra’s own Gene Founder, but there was only so much one Clan could give to another before the relationship became subservient. That time had long passed, and Moreau was no longer tolerating it. Relations had gone from warm to frosty very quickly, and when the three Clusters of the Wolf Theta Galaxy had crossed into Scorpion territory on Roche to ‘teach the Scorpions a lesson’, they were savagely rebuffed by Alpha Galaxy. That represented the first time in the two Clans’ history that the Goliath Scorpions had dealt a major defeat to Clan Wolf, and there was little the larger Clan could do as it sent twenty Clusters to the Inner Sphere. With much more territory to defend and barely more troops in the Homeworlds than the Goliath Scorpions, the Wolves could not afford a war and backed off. The humiliation was significant and severe, and what had been cool relations fell off a cliff. That did not bode well for the invasion, but the Scorpions were not here for Terra, but for the Cameron heir. The Clan had voted – that was their mission, everything else was now secondary in their return. That also meant that events like this had to appear as less than important to the Scorpion Clan, so that Moreau could get what she wanted due to Wolf arrogance and hubris.

Cyrilla Ward growled under her helm, and Ulric Kerensky placed a hand on her arm. That one is far smarter than his Khan.

Cyrilla spoke once she had calmed herself. “We are here to bid on th-…”

“I will stop you there Cyrilla.” Sandra said smiling. “There is no point in my bidding for anything, you will give my Clan nothing if you could. I will instead spare you the effort. I want nothing to do with the Wolf, and I have no interest in your empty posturing. Our place is not here in the Inner Sphere, we are too small to fight larger Clans for developed worlds. Instead, give us Blommestein, Puttalam, and Onverwacht. They are abandoned and will cost you nothing, you will not have to give us three more valuable worlds, and we can develop those others ourselves in our own time. We can then go our own ways and not bother each other unless we have to. Is this a suitable chastisement for a Clan you see as owing you, quiaff?”

There was quiet as the two Wolf Khans spoke quietly together. The Ulric spoke, “This is suitable Khan Moreau. Do you renounce claim on all other worlds in our corridor?”

“I do.”

“Bargained well and done then.”

Moreau bowed, turned and then marched out. She cared not for what else was discussed.

The Scorpion Khan said nothing to anyone on the return to the CGS Serket, where her saKhan Gaston Scott was waiting for her.

“Is it done?”

“It is. They rolled over like good little dogs for the treat I offered.”


“I do like to think I am.” She smiled roguishly at her saKhan.

“I will get Seeker and Espion expeditions ready for all three worlds and then prepare the Caterans for their role.”

“Good. And get the recall order to Snord and his ne'er-do-wells, they know better than anyone where those three Mechanized Infantry Divisions left their reserve materials. And then signal Khan Nagasawa that we will be happy to participate in his little venture.”

Granada, New Sierra, Deep Periphery
30 September, 3034

Granada remained a shell of what it had once been, and its residents remained in shock over recent events. The world was colonized in 2578 by settlers from Terra, the population grew to three billion, and the world was a thriving success by 2750. In an eerie parallel to the fall pf the Star League, the government collapsed, and a savage conflict broke out, eventually escalating into a full-scale thermonuclear war. Massed nuclear assaults using standard and salted weapons wreak havoc on urban areas, the atmosphere and most major biomes, with a nuclear winter only adding to the devastation.

The first Nova Cat scouts into the system were taken under attack from automated fusion powered satellites equipped with rudimentary laser systems and nuclear weapons. The Nova Cat vessels CNC Blood Oath, Path of Honor, and Remembrance, all Aegis-class cruisers, were brought in and made short work of the primitive defences. The squadron then conducted reconnaissance and determined that there were several settlements located underground in the major mountain chains.  After that, the 449th and 489th Nova Cat Assault Clusters were rushed up from Revival to end any chance of further resistance, and the survivors of three hundred years of privatization were rescued by the Clans. The few hundred thousand people were brought to the old planetary capital of Granada and resettled in anticipation of becoming part of Clan Nova Cat. Medical and other supplies along with the support from the Free Guilds was spartan by Clan standards, but a blessing for those who had lived a near permanent troglodyte existence. The easily produced anti-radiation medicines of the Clans and their ability to rapidly sanitise areas for living was like a dream come true. The saving of New Sierra became one of the early success stories of Operation REVIVAL, and the ilKhan was deeply pleased by the Nova Cat’s actions. The Nova Cats were equally pleased, as the world had potential; large parts had recovered and were now habitable, like Granada, and the nucleus of a population boded well for the future.

Khan Severen Leroux stood on the open and broken top of one of the largest towers still standing in the city, though that was on in one of the satellite built up areas, as central Granada had been utterly flattened by a single, massive detonation. With him were Khans Vasant Jorgensson and Selim Nagasawa, all three were in field uniforms and armed. One could never be too careful, at least until the population was fully integrated into the Clan way.

“Is there a better metaphor yet for that which was lost and the hope we can bring to the ruins of the Star League?”

Selim shook his head, “Not that I have seen my friend.”

“It is evocative, if nothing else, and underscores the importance of our return to the Inner Sphere. Hundreds of worlds have vistas like this one. Billions still suffer.” The Ghost Bear Khan placed his hands on the crumbling outer wall as he looked across the broken city. “I have also thought on both of your proposals. I am happy to cede Mica to you Severen, it may be a valuable system, but I wish to focus my forces forward.”

“And ours?” Asked Selim.

“Inman, in lieu of any other world? That too I can accept. With Ayren’s forces to take Cerberus, it does make the job of managing the corridor easier, though I do hope you would allow me to draw on your forces if I needed to Severen?”

“It would be our honour to hunt beside the Bear again.”

CJF Emerald Talon, SLDFEC-4898, Deep Periphery
14 October, 3034

Due to time constraints, large elements of the Falcon fleet and the supporting Clusters of Clans Fire Mandrill, Ice Hellion and Smoke Jaguar were cutting across to their jump off points without first moving to the Shady Palms node. The more she considered the positioning of the station, the less and less Yvonne Hazen found it well situated. A realignment of the last leg from New Sierra through New Okinawa towards Abbeville would make matters much easier on the Falcon Touman, and the Free Guilds were still finishing the last leg of the Exodus Road, so their assets were in place. In that moment, she decided to send an HPG message to the ilKhan requesting the realignment. Better to do it now before the fighting starts.

With that thought out of the way, Yvonne looked to the map before her that hung in the holo-tank of her ‘command centre’ aboard the CJF Emerald Talon. The Falcon WarShip led the advance fleet, which consisted of a dozen WarShips and twice as many JumpShips. After leaving the current uninhabited system, the Ice Hellions would break away to their first target, while the Mandrill and Jaguars had parted ways with her much earlier. Her strike fleet now sat thirty light years past New Okinawa, and a pair of Clusters were hiding inside the Mica Majority, waiting for the assault launch date. Another of her Clusters was heading for Pegasi, along with the Mandrill and Jaguar units, all three securing the rear areas of the first wave. That left her with fourteen Clusters for the remaining five worlds in Wave One, all within the Federated Suns. Rentz and Kentwood would present little difficulty, a Cluster to both worlds would be more than sufficient. Anjin Muerto and Okefenoke would be a different matter. WarShips were expected from the FSN, and there would be at least a Galaxy of AFFS regulars and mercenaries in the two systems and at least another dozen militia regiments.

A full Galaxy will be needed, with support…that will include the ilKhan’s Demi-Lancers.

That thought brought the Falcon Khan up short. Star Colonel Amanda confused the old Falcon in some ways. As a Hazen, it was her duty to die for a Cameron while allowing no harm to come to her. That lesson she had inherited from the Founder of her line. However, in order to see the Warrior excel, she had to put the Star Colonel in harm’s way. She was also a Crusader and had little time for the idea of a re-founded Terran Hegemony separate to the Clans, but if that same Hegemony could elevate Amanda, then it had value.

What was equally concerning was her weasel of a saKhan, Elias Critchell, was circling her. That she had gained the Falcons a front-line position was all that had kept her in power at her age. Critchell was conspiring with Leo Showers, and she had no doubt that the man would cause an accident for the ilKhan’s Star Colonel if it curried favour with Showers. She needed to place Elias in harm’s way herself and find a suitable replacement, like Kael Pershaw. However, if matters went poorly and she herself did not fight and Elias saw victory, she would be back in the same position.

This will take some careful planning. Elias needs to meet a glorious end, but I need to reap the political glory of a victory for myself. That will rid me of a rival and keep Showers in his place as well.

The Falcon Khan continued to stare at the map as plans rolled through her head.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #291 on: 23 January 2025, 15:56:09 »
The Clans are getting into position waiting for the New Year to begin.


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #292 on: 23 January 2025, 20:22:57 »
Unity? What unity? :D


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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #293 on: 24 January 2025, 01:21:53 »
Looks like the supporting Clans are getting best deal they can get and are going to make hay while the sun shines.   Great story
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #294 on: 24 January 2025, 15:15:57 »
Chapter 30
For Kimball N’Buta to have expected the Secondary Clans to simply sit, watch and wait was naive, and points to the volume of the responsibilities the ilKhan had taken on. Though the Clan Watch noted troop movements in many Clans, no alarm bells were rung; Clans moved troops all the time. However, the Watch continued to show its lack of skills in not seeing the many threats emerging, as non-invading Clans did all they could to ensure they would not be left behind once the invasion commenced.
-   Deciphering the Zoo: Understanding Clan Society. General Madison Perez, Hegemony Press, 3035.

CSF Nagasawa, New Sierra, Deep Periphery
11 November, 3034

Selim Nagasawa smiled inwardly as the faces of the Khans he had invited to this meeting appeared in the screen before him. This meeting was to be taken ‘behind closed doors’, with Khans and saKhans joining discreetly. Before him on the screen were the leaders of Clans Goliath Scorpion, Hell’s Horses, and Snow Raven. Three Clans that the Horses had or could work effectively with. Each with a need, much like his own Clan, and that need was underpinned by a common issue: the invading Clans. Should Clans like those assembled here do nothing, they would be left behind and become secondary powers, and none wished for that fate. All here also recognised Clan space for the small pond it truly was, and each wanted to reach further and for more, rather than fight over limited resources for diminishing returns. Each one also recognised the folly of being in the leading wave of the assaults into the Inner Sphere. That is what made the four Clans a power to be reckoned with. The Foxes were economically strong, the Ravens the preeminent naval power in the Clans, the Horses had the largest force remaining in the Homeworlds, and the Scorpions had raw ambition. There was also one advantage the four Clans had that the invaders did not: a desire to work together for the common good.

“Thank you for joining me my friends. It has been five years since my Clan first conceived of this plan, but its true fruition comes through your willingness to join us. Clan Sea Fox could have attempted this on our own, with a high degree of risk from our target and the other Clans. Through sharing both the burden and benefits, we fell that the likelihood of success is orders of magnitude higher.”

“It is our pleasure Selim; the invaders cannot be allowed to simply grow and leave the rest of us behind. We must all take action to secure the future of our Clans.” Khan Johannes Fletcher, the new Horse Khan, had been quick to see the benefits of the Sea Fox plan, and where his predecessor Malavai Fletcher had prevaricated on whether to join or not, Johannes had taken little convincing.

“Indeed, this venture speaks not only of foresight, but to your own Clan’s willingness to do right by others. Long did the Wolf promise and never deliver, the Fox has delivered without promise. You have our friendship and our trust.” Sandra Moreau spoke reverently, and Selim was glad she was here. The Scorpions were an untapped resource, and Nagasawa was interested to see what they could become, both as a Clan and as an ally.

“I appreciate your words my friends, but one issue stands above all others. We, our saKhans and Loremasters are here in the Inner Sphere, and we must appoint commanders to see our efforts through and determine how to coordinate our forces.”

“That may depend on the force that we are each dispatching.” Said the Raven.

“We may not need a joint command.” Said Johannes. “We will be striking at separate targets, and apart from the journey, will be operating separately. A joint route, like that to the Inner Sphere, might eventually be useful to us, but for now, it might be better to simply appoint the commanders and issue a strategic plan they are to adhere to. This way we enable our commanders to operate as needed, while ensuring that they cannot cross certain lines.”

“That could be workable. I could agree to such an arrangement.” Ayren McKenna looked like she would say more but shook her head and stayed silent.

“That being said, we can determine a plan between us here easily enough, and Selim has promised another update to our earlier discussions for review. What force would each of us be dispatching? I can free up ten Clusters and five WarShips.” Moreau said with a grimace. That was a large part of the Scorpion Touman. “I am planning on acquiring additional assets that will partly offset this commitment.”

“We can match the Scorpion’s ground forces, but we have only a single WarShip to send. It will be a Potemkin however, which should assist in the journey.” The Horse Khan spoke quietly.

“We can dispatch two naval Stars of older ships. Jamie, what of our ground forces?” Ayren asked her saKhan.

“No more than five Clusters. We can spare no more.”

Selim looked into the camera as he spoke. “We will be taking a different path. Our Clusters have always been overlarge, and we intend to pare them down to create ten new Clusters for this mission and assign two of our Splendid-class cruisers as well. There are many who would prey on our rich holdings if we simply sent whole Clusters from their known posts. This way, we protect our home systems, as well as sending an appropriate force.”

“A wise move Khan Nagasawa.” Said Ayren. “Have you a new proposal for the division of spoils? The last was not suitable.”

“I do.” He pressed a button and data leapt up on all their screens.

“That is far more agreeable.” Ayren said.

Aff, most appropriate.” Said the Horse Khan.

“Bargained well and done!” Said Moreau.

On the screens before them were the list of targets for each Clan, which read:

Clan Goliath Scorpion: Navarre, Cordoba, Galicia, Valencia, Leon, Aragon, Castile
Clan Hell's Horses: Hamburg, Danzig, Braunschweig, Antwerp, Dorpat, Bruges, Kalmar, Falsterebo
Clan Sea Fox: Visby, Anklan, Elbing, Kampen, Konigsberg, Novgorod, Wismar, Stettin
Clan Snow Raven: Gateway, Thorn, Lym, Koln, Greifswald, Stralsund, Goslar, Dotmund, Bergen

Kurim, Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
25 November, 3034

Kurim was not an attractive settlement, it was convenient. The town was little more than a mining town that worked hard and did little else. There was nothing to relieve the dull buildings, mining pits and masses of heavy machinery, the dust or the monotony that was life for the civilian Laborers and Technicians that made up the vast majority of its population. The advantage it did have is that Kurim sat just fifteen hundred meters from the border between the between the Fire Mandrill and Blood Spirit enclaves. Nowhere else in Clan space did the two Clans share a border or a system, which made arranging this quiet meeting between the two allies difficult, but not impossible.

Blood Spirit Warriors had taken over a floor on one of the town’s administration buildings, and then welcomed a standard wheeled ground car that showed it had once belonged to Kindraa Matilla-Carrol, though that faction was long since buried under the results of the Mandrill civil war and reunification.

Only a single Mandrill arrived, but Galaxy Commander Ester Bin was the recently promoted commander of the Mandrill’s Alpha Galaxy, and ovKhan of their Homeworlds while the Khans and Loremaster were in the Inner Sphere. Bin was tall, cream skinned with luminous, dark brown eyes, very thin lips and a rounded jaw, and fine, black hair, with multiple tattoos on her neck. She was meeting with her equal from Clan Blood Spirit, Galaxy Commander Zahid Johns. Johns was a short fair skinned man with piercing, brown eyes, smooth cheeks, tapered eyebrows and a long face. He had straight, brown hair layered with gold dye, had faint freckles, and numerous piercings.

“It is good to see you, Ester.” Zahid welcomed the Mandrill warmly into the plain office, that due to the charts and desks, looked to be used by engineers. “Our time has come at last.”

“It has Zahid, and it is high time the Burrocks and Mongooses learned their lesson. Their fall will be spectacular.”

“It will be indeed.” Zahid offered the Mandrill a glass of dark looking liquid. “And we should toast to our plans. First the fall of Clan Burrock, and then we deal with the Mongooses.”

Glasses clinked and both drank deeply.

Ester held her glass up to the light, “This is good.”

“We took it from the Coyotes a month ago. Such spoils always taste better.”

“The do indeed. Are your forces ready?”

“They are. We have fifteen Clusters from York and Arcadia ready to hit the Burrocks on Marshall, Priori, and Tathis.”

“And we have a reenforced Galaxy that will cross into Burrock territory on Dagda to pin their reserves there. Once you finish your other campaigns, we will be glad to see you on Dagda. Once we complete fighting there, all that will remain to them are minor holdings and York. They will be finished as a power.”

“Long live our alliance!” Said Zahid, lifting his glass again.

Aff! Long live Clans Fire Mandrill and Blood Spirit!”

Liberty City, Libertia, Exeter Cluster
25 November, 3034

“Khan Hollis has approved our assault plan. I was surprised he accepted it; the plan is nothing if not ambitious.” Galaxy Commander Juanma Yang looked to the three other Mongoose Galaxy Commanders who would help see the plan through. Danial Carranza, Laura Lazuk, and Erlingr Blevins had all worked hard alongside Young to bring the plan together, and it was designed to cripple a target that could be crushed swiftly.

Also in the room were the twelve Star Colonels who would lead the Clusters in the coming campaign, and it was to them he addressed his statement. His voice echoed in the large auditorium, which was mostly empty.

“Clan Ice Hellion is the weakest Clan, at least militarily, in the Homeworlds, but they still control extensive territory and industry. Our Watch analysts have identified that the Hellions are the ideal Clan to cut out of the pack and prey upon.” Young knew that if the campaign ahead was even moderately successful, it would result in the absorption of a large part of that Clan by the Mongooses.

“Two Mongoose Galaxies will first strike at two separate Hellion worlds in the Exeter Cluster. Alpha and Gamma Galaxies will hit Zara, and Zeta and Omicron will attack the lesser prize of Daniels. Should Zara prove difficult, forces from Daniels will reenforce. This will secure further territory for Clan Mongoose in the Exeter Cluster and remove Hellion influence in the region. This campaign could take up to a year, but we estimate that six months is more accurate.”

“New troops will move to both worlds to protect them, while the four Galaxies then mount a direct assault on Hellion holdings in the Kerensky Cluster. There they will strike first a Forster and its Mech facility, before attacking the Hellion capital itself. Forster should fall quickly, and at that point, the Hellion Touman should have been reduced by a dozen Clusters. We can then choose to either follow through with the strike on Hector or take what we want more broadly from the Hellions across the Kerensky Cluster. However, due to what occurred when we spread ourselves across multiple targets in the 2860’s, I believe we should mount a direct assault on Hector, where the correlation of forces would still be in our favour.”

“We must remember that this campaign will take time, and effort and outside factors will influence it. We must be diligent in applying the plan but not ride the plan into the ground. Even if the worst happens, Magellan will be ready by the end of 3037, and at that point, we will be unstoppable. One in the Clan, one of the Plan.”

“One in the Clan, one of the Plan!” The other Mongooses in the room said.

San Mateo, Tamaron, Kerensky Cluster
25 November, 3034

Borrowing from Clan Wolverine was not something the Coyotes often did, but Theudofrid Kerensky was not going to pass up the rank of gaKhan, which made him the senior Coyote officer in the Homeworlds. It also ensured that it would be him, and not the Khans, who lead the initiation of the Reconquista. Once his Clan had held territory on over twenty worlds but now held only a fraction of that. The time had come to alter that reality and begin to rebuild the Coyote empire in Clan space.

gaKhan Kerensky had a formidable force at his disposal, fourteen Clusters in all, and he had two key missions. The first was simple, to destroy the Nova Cats attempt to build a new caste, the mystics, on Daniels. That would be the icing on the cake. The main mission was to break Clan Fire Mandrill and take advantage of any other chaos that might break out. Thirteen Clusters were tagged for assaulting the Mandrill enclaves on Atreus, Daniels and Marshall. These were not the richest of targets, but they would be a start and taking them and mauling the Mandrill forces on those worlds would put that Clan in its place.

After that, they sky really was the limit, and Kerensky had his eyes firmly on a Khanship, something that would be more likely with the Khans doing little in the Inner Sphere while he reaped glory across the Homeworlds.

The Kerensky House needed the victories too. Ulric was doing little in Clan Wolf, and the rest of the combined House was fretting, making little in the way of progress in actual concrete actions that would limit the appeal or reach of the travesty that was the Amanda clone.

Head of the combined Bloodhouse and Khan of a rebuilt Clan Coyote would be a just and fitting reward for his efforts, and once the Mandrills were hammered back into obscurity, there were several other non-invading Clans that had done the Coyotes harm, the Cobras and Hellions foremost among those. Either would be a suitable second target, and another step on the way to dominating Clan space.

CB Absolute Truth, New Sierra, Deep Periphery
9 December, 3034

Danielle Raiz thoroughly enjoyed working the Daron Polczyk, as the Burrock was eminently practical, and far less proper than her own Khan. She liked Khan di Martino, but the man was Machiavellian, even by Cobra standards. Raiz was a war leader more than a politician, and the task before her was eminently suited to her skills. The two Khans were sitting alone on the observation deck of the Burrock WarShip. The view of the station and the depths of space were spectacular, but the two Khans had other matters on their mind.

“We have the worlds we need?” She said.

“Yes, the Widowmakers gave us the best of the options. They will be well out of the way on Taumaturgo, while we move from Bossangoa and Alktral. I am still stunned so few see this opportunity.” Polczyk shook his head.

“There is much opportunity in the worlds the invaders have looked past, making no claim on them at all. Nearly every one of those worlds is in a starting position superior to anything that was opened up in the Kerensky Cluster.”

“Yes, and we will have them as our own very quickly.”

“Only in we combine our forces.” Riaz said.

“I agree. Do you have any thoughts on that?”

“I do. With our two Clusters and what we carry on the two WarShips, I suggest we create four Burrock-Cobra Irregular Clusters, giving us a full Galaxy and two powerful battleships to support them. Each would have two Mech Trinaries, a Supernova Trinary and two fighter Trinaries. They would be very effective formations, and after we hit Ceiba, Feijo, Linden and Quines we may find that we can split them into smaller formations, to take more territory quickly.” Danielle read the numbers of the slate she had before her.

“That I can work with. I think we will split them, but your caution for the first attacks is well warranted. We need to make a statement.”

“And such a statement it will be. At least twenty worlds, especially if we both trade our two later worlds for systems the Vipers bled for, and there are more opportunities in the Wolf corridor. We could control forty worlds between us if all goes our way.”

“That will require significant PGC’s to come forward from the Homeworlds, and at least another Galaxy each.”

“True, we can begin moving forces as soon as the invasion begins. We may not control the same number of valuable systems as the other invaders, but that much territory will make us a force to be reckoned with.”

“It will, and the Burrock-Cobra Khanate will dominate the route back to Clan space. Many will seek our favour.”

Chapter 31
That the Clans managed, after three years of debate and effort, to reach the edge of the Inner Sphere and launch the invasion must be recognised as the extraordinary feat that it is. Though there were many issues remaining and significant gaps in much of the planning, that ilKhan N’Buta managed to keep so many Clans pointed in the one general direction for so long is a testament to his skills and foresight.
-   Deciphering the Zoo: Understanding Clan Society. General Madison Perez, Hegemony Press, 3035.

SLS Raven’s Gift, Gamlestolen, Deep Periphery
31 December, 3035

Amanda stood quietly next to Star Commodore Noa Min-Jae, a Warrior who she had come to respect and admire. The former Burrock naval officer was now intimately familiar with her ship and had drilled her crew incessantly since taking command before they left Strana Mechty. The Gift was now a well-honed machine, and it stood ready to make its first jump into the Inner Sphere. The WarShip sat ready as part of the fleet of vessels, mostly Jade Falcon, that were about to strike the major blow of that Clan’s first wave of the assault on Anjin Muerto. The vessel hung at the system’s nadir point, awaiting the go order as the timer counted down. In anticipation of the realignment of the Shady Palms section of the Exodus Road, the Falcons had been dropping HPG buoys as they moved through and past the Mica Majority on their way to the Federated Suns. This ensured that the fleet could remain in contact with the rest of the Clans and now be ready to hear the ilKhan’s go order in real time.

Arrayed about the SLS Raven’s Gift were the CJF Emerald Talon and Janice Hazen, and several JumpShips carrying the Turkina Keshik, 1st Falcon Guards, and the garrison and support forces of the Falcon’s Vau Galaxy. The assault was expecting WarShips in orbit, but there was no indication of how many, though they were anticipated to be some of the Sun’s numerous Davion-class destroyers. No match for a Clan battleship on their own, the FSN destroyers if well handled could be a threat to the Raven’s Gift. On the ground, the Clans expected to face House Davion’s 1st Federated Suns Light Cavalry Regimental Combat Team, as well as eight regiments of militia forces. Seventeen regiments of defenders all told, against three Clusters of Clan forces. Amanda trembled a little with anticipation. This would be a hard early fight with numerous opportunities for glory, and she was eager to face the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.

The spinning ilKhan’s golden dagger star in the holo tank flashed momentarily, and then the figure of ilKhan Kimball N’Buta, resplendent in the dress uniform of a General Officer of the Star League Defence Force, materialised before her.

The ilKhan waited a moment and then began his address. “Trothkin! You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven for centuries in the darkness of the Deep Periphery. The eyes of the Founders and all those who carried your genes are upon you. Today is the culmination of a task that began as General Kerensky’s fleet jumped from New Samarkand two hundred and fifty years ago. Each of you carry with you part of the legacy of the Star League, and you will bear it on to Terra freeing the oppressed peoples of the Inner Sphere of the tyrannical yoke of the depraved Lords of the Great Houses. It was Kurita who refused to aid Kerensky, and Davion who conspired to place himself on the Star Throne and forget not that the Alliance worked with the Usurper against the Star League. Today is the day of retribution for those and countless other crimes at the hands of those who rightfully bear the banner of the League of old.”

Amanda’s heart raced at the words of the ilKhan, and her mind was swept up in visions of marching to Terra and standing in Unity City and the Court of the Star League.

“Go forth now, fight with honour, fight for glory and point your eyes towards Terra and the future that all of humankind begs for.”

“Fight for your legacy, your Bloodhouse, your Clan and the Star League.”

“We bring salvation through the power of our forces and our right to Terra!”

“As ilKhan. I order all assault forces to initiate Operation REVIVAL!”

Amanda’s thoughts were soaring as the jump alarm sounded and then the Raven’s Gift jumped the twenty-nine light years to Anjin Muerto, the jump timed perfectly with the end of the ilKhan’s speech for exactly midnight, Terran Standard Time.

There was the usual chatter on the bridge as the small fleet materialised at a pirate point close to the planet, as Technicians called out contacts and the ship came to battle stations.

“This is Khan Yvonne Hazen, and I address the defenders of Anjin Muerto. We are Jade Falcon, great among the Clans. We are warriors who fight with the strength of the falcon's claw and ascend to the heavens on the wings of the same. We remember with the clarity of falcon sight the words of Kerensky. Through the smoke of time he speaks to us, his chosen, and urges us onward with the promise of Eden. We will retake what is ours by right: that shining jewel Terra. Not the vastness of space, nor the obstinate howls of those who threw down the Star Lague will stay us from our righteous goal. We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way. Who defends this world and with what forces will you protect it?”

The Falcon Khan’s words rang out across the bridge and for a moment there was silence, then the speaker came to life. “This is Rear-Admiral Margery Semenyuk of the Federated Suns Navy. Stand your vessels down or prepared to be fired upon.”

“Star Commodore, the transmission is emanating from the two destroyers coming around the planet at us, range of three hundred and twenty-seven thousand kilometres.”

“I see them.” Said the Star Commodore. “Star Colonel, I would suggest preparing to launch your Cluster, we may need to engage those ships.”

“Of course, Star Commodore, glory to your ship and you.”

“And you Star Colonel.”

It did not take Amanda long to reach her Mech in the Overlord-class DropShip Shandra Noruff. By the time she plugged back in, Khan Hazen was growling at the Admiral who had spoken before and someone from the planet to declare what forces they would defend the world with. The answer received was less than honourable; “Come and find out for yourself. We don’t barter with pirates,” before the Falcon Khan cut off the transmission.

“This is Falcon One, all DropShips detach and form up for an opposed drop, the defenders of this world are not honouring batchall. Janice Hazen and Raven’s Gift are to engage the enemy destroyers, and Emerald Talon is to escort the ground forces. Drop zones for each Cluster will be transmitted in fifteen.”

Amanda felt the DropShip shudder as it broke away from the Raven’s Gift and then was shoved back in her seat as it poured on maximum power. The assault on the Inner Sphere had commenced.

From Hofn in Jàrnfòlk territory to Rentz in the Federated Suns, fifty-five Clusters and fifty WarShips appeared in forty-eight systems immediately after 12am Terran Standard Time on 1 January, 3035, emerging from the Deep Periphery with no warning. In some systems, like Anjin Muerto and Zumbo, there were significant defences, but in most there was little to oppose the return of Kerensky’s children beyond planetary militia.

The invasion of the Inner Sphere had begun, and the first wave of Operation REVIVAL was poised to deliver a brutal shock to nations that had been looking inwards to Terra or at each other as the major threats. None realised that the most dangerous threat of all was emerging from the depths of history.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #295 on: 24 January 2025, 15:21:14 »
That brings us to the end of Book 1: The Children's Tale.

Book 2: The Gunslinger's Tale will start tomorrow and tell the story of the Terran Hegemony, moving from 3026 to the eve of the Clan invasion, before the two are tied back together in Book 3: The Warriors' Tale.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #296 on: 24 January 2025, 16:23:11 »
Bravo!  :smilie_happy_clapping:

You've kept a punishing schedule on this - how long before Book 2 commences?
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #297 on: 24 January 2025, 16:25:13 »
Thanks mate.

Book 2 starts tomorrow, I have about 27k of it ready to go already.
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #298 on: 24 January 2025, 16:41:21 »
It always amuses me the way the Clans thought anybody had any interest in their rhetoric or had an inkling of what a batchall was...
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Re: Kerensky's Lost Hope - A Kapteyn Universe Novel
« Reply #299 on: 24 January 2025, 16:45:23 »
Yeah, that's some cultural disconnect right there.

Also had a load of fun adapting the Falcon batchall from the Jade Falcon intro scene in MechWarrior 2.

The moment was screaming for it.
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