The starhawk has the same armor and speed of a vulture, so most vulture pods will work too, as well as the twolf configs that dont run out of space for the 15th heat sink the twolf gets in the engine that the starhawk would pod mount.
As an aside, the dual Ultra10/SRM6/electronics is a low BV config that the loki would massively benefit from, so im sad the starhawk gets it and not the Loki. As for the grotesque, its just a gargoyle with endosteel, visually looks like a gargoyle. The Starhawk at least used the vulture/twolf legs, loki chest, and summoner cannon arms, while the sidewinder used the twolf chest, vulture torso pods, and summoner arms. I cant see whats different on the grotesque besides 1 arm not having the underslung SRMs.