Since I don't know of a unit with 4 C3 Masters on it it seemed appropriate to equip that much expensive hardware on a Superheavy Tripod.
But what to give it to fill out those 9 Slave slots?
The obvious answer: MORE TRIPODS!
With their power combined Orca and its lesser versions have 11 Gauss Rifles, 12 ERPPCs, an Arrow IV (with Nukes preferably), and 200 Extended Long Range Missile Tubes
Every turn...
Behold the horror
Orca OC-1X
Mass: 200 tons
Chassis: Standard Superheavy Biped
Power Plant: 400 XL
Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph
Armor: Standard
1 Gauss Rifle
1 Arrow IV
4 C3 Computer (Master)
Battle Value: 3338
Cost: 95,131,000 C-bills
Type: Orca
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 200
Battle Value: 3,338
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 40
Engine 400 XL 26.5
Walking MP: 2
Running MP: 3
Jumping MP: 0
Double Heat Sink 21 [42] 11
Superheavy Gyro 8
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 600 37.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 4 12
Center Torso 60 90
Center Torso (rear) 30
R/L Torso 42 63
R/L Torso (rear) 21
R/L Arm 33 66
R/L Leg 42 84
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Double Heat Sink LL 3 - 1.0
C3 Computer CT 5 0 5.0
2 Double Heat Sink CT 6 - 2.0
C3 Computer RT 5 0 5.0
CASE II RT 1 - 1.0
Double Heat Sink RT 3 - 1.0
Arrow IV Ammo (15) RT 3 - 3.0
ER PPC RT 3 15 7.0
Gauss Rifle LA 7 1 15.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (24) LA 3 - 3.0
2 C3 Computer LT 10 0 10.0
CASE II LT 1 - 1.0
ER PPC LT 3 15 7.0
Double Heat Sink RL 3 - 1.0
Angel ECM Suite HD 2 - 2.0
Arrow IV RA 15 10 15.0
Features the following design quirks: Distracting, Hard to Pilot, Obsolete, Poor Performance, Prototype
Baby Orca BOC-3T
Mass: 90 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel Tripod
Power Plant: 270 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
1 Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle
2 Extended LRM 10
Cost: 10,294,960 C-bills
Type: Baby Orca
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 90
Battle Value: 2,155
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Endo Steel 5
Engine 270 Fusion 14.5
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Double Heat Sink 10 [20] 0
Gyro 3
Tripod Cockpit 4
Armor Factor 317 20
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 29 44
Center Torso (rear) 14
R/L Torso 19 29
R/L Torso (rear) 9
R/L Arm 15 30
R/C/L Leg 19 38
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Extended LRM 10 RT 8 6 16.0
ER PPC RT 3 15 7.0
CASE LT 1 - 0.5
Extended LRM 10 Ammo (18) LT 2 - 2.0
Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle Ammo (16) LT 2 - 2.0
Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle LT 7 1 15.0
C3 Computer (Slave) HD 1 - 1.0
Non-C3 BV = 22,733
C3 BV = 34,100