Author Topic: (Answered) IO - Strategic Battleforce Engagement control  (Read 2352 times)


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(Answered) IO - Strategic Battleforce Engagement control
« on: 22 January 2021, 12:39:56 »
I have a question regarding how do you resolve engagement control during a turn, and when is an engagement determined exactly.

For example, Side A wins initiative. Side B moves first, and moves Formation B into the same hex that contains Formation A. B has movement remaining, so it decides to move through the hex, to force an engagement roll with formation A, and succeds. They are engaded now.

Does this mean that formation A does not get a chance to move this turn, even if they won initiative? Or can they try to move out of the hex, if they win an engagement roll?

When the turn ends, in the End Phase, there will be an "ending engagement" roll. Let´s say side A wins this time, and ends the engament. If they want to move out of the hex during next turn, do they have to win another engagement roll?

Many thanks!
« Last Edit: 11 April 2021, 17:01:41 by Xotl »


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Re: IO - Engagement control in Strategic Battleforce
« Reply #1 on: 22 January 2021, 12:52:23 »
I have a question regarding how do you resolve engagement control during a turn, and when is an engagement determined exactly.

For example, Side A wins initiative. Side B moves first, and moves Formation B into the same hex that contains Formation A. B has movement remaining, so it decides to move through the hex, to force an engagement roll with formation A, and succeds. They are engaded now.

Does this mean that formation A does not get a chance to move this turn, even if they won initiative? Or can they try to move out of the hex, if they win an engagement roll?
Formation A does not get to move. As soon as an engagement roll results in the two formations being engaged "both formations are engaged, their movement ends immediately and they do not act again until the Combat Phase".

When the turn ends, in the End Phase, there will be an "ending engagement" roll. Let´s say side A wins this time, and ends the engament. If they want to move out of the hex during next turn, do they have to win another engagement roll?

Many thanks!
If the ending engagement results in ending the engagement, both formations may leave the hex without making another engagement roll, but pay +1 MP to exit the hex (per p42, Ending Engagements). 
Leaving a hex does not trigger an engagement roll.
An active engagement prevents movement.
If a unit has no active engagements (end phase results in ending all engagements or had no engagements to begin with), leaving its hex does not trigger an engagement.  If the unit has any active engagements, engagements prevent movement and therefore it can't leave its hex.
Leaving its hex and entering a hex with another enemy formation would lead to a possible engagement in the new hex.
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